
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:136 评论:0
前言:想要写出一篇引人入胜的文章?我们特意为您整理了会计行业中区块链的应用范文,希望能给你带来灵感和参考,敬请阅读。 摘要:2019年以来,区块链在各领域应用落地的步伐不断加快,正在商贸金融、供应链、社会公共服务、税务、物流、医疗、能源...



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Abstract: Since 2019, in various areas


Keywords: block chains; technology; accounting; change


Summary of block chain 1


1.1 The nature and characteristics of the block chain


The block chain was first proposed in 2008 by HCB, and the block chain is a decentralized distributed database (accounts) technology, consisting mainly of three types of public, federal, and private chains. The block chain technology is the use of a block chain data structure to validate and store data, the use of distributed node consensus algorithms to generate and update data, the use of cryptography to secure data transmission and access, the use of an intelligent contract consisting of automated script codes for programming and operation data, an entirely new distributed infrastructure and computational paradigm. The block chain has features such as decentralization, transparency, non-reciprocal alteration, and traceability.




As shown in figure 1, the simplified version of the basic technical architecture of the block chain consists mainly of data layers, network layers, consensus layers, incentive layers, and application layers. The data layer is the bottom of block chain technology, and the Hashi algorithm and non-symmetric encryption are the computer cryptographic algorithms that guarantee the security of block chain confidence; the network layer is a P2P network technology that allows for automatic broadcasting of transactional information through data dissemination mechanisms; the consensus-based mechanism for accounting for network nodes is the core technology of the block nodes; the incentive layer is the corresponding incentive for the node that is first resolved through consensus mechanism algorithms and stimulates competition among the nodes for bookkeeping; the application of the main line-line block chain technology has been applied to financial services, supply chain management, smart manufacturing, cultural entertainment, medical health, etc., and the accounting industry is continuously exploring the local application of block chain technology.


Principles of operation of the 1.3 block chain


As shown in figure 2, A seeks to make payments to B-net, and A first needs to initiate a request for a transaction to pay funds to B-net, which, with the help of nodes, is broadcast to the P2P network, using known algorithms, the nodes in the network verify the legitimacy and user status of the transaction, and once the transaction is completed, the new block is added to the block chain and the funds are eventually received by B.


Impact of the 2 block chain on the accounting profession


2.1 Increased efficiency of financial accounting


The block chain is a decentralised distribution system and a new type of bookkeeping tool that effectively reduces transaction costs and improves transaction efficiency. Smart contracts include for each node a procedure that is commonly accepted by the participants. Once the conditions for implementation have been met, there is an automatic transaction on the Internet by the respective participants. In the enterprise’s financial accounting process, it is demonstrated that the block chain translates user trust in third-party institutions into absolute user confidence in the code. The block chain can be automatically executed in accordance with established procedures, i.e., by minimizing trust in the block chain, by using the full automatic implementation of the workflow to replace individual judgement, by integrating financial information into record-keeping, transmission and review at all node points in the node of the block chain, by reducing human error, through full disclosure, transparency, tamper-proofing and traceability, by simplifying the accounting processing process, reducing the complex and cumbersome manual audit intermediaries, saving human costs and improving the efficiency of financial accounting.


2.2 Secure and complete financial data is guaranteed


In traditional economic transactions, there are problems of information asymmetry, errors in manual entry and errors in manual reconciliation processes among enterprises, which have a certain negative impact on the work of accountants. First, a decentralized system of block chains can make it more costly to be attacked because it lacks sensitive focal points and makes it more resistant to attack; secondly, the inflexible nature of block chains allows each participating node in the block chain system to retain a complete copy of the block chain data, accounting information will be backed up at each node, any change in accounting information will be reflected in all copies, and any change in accounting information will require the consent of all members; and finally, because of the transparent nature of the block chain, data sharing will make it possible for all participants to see that, rather, the regulatory body will be able to monitor transaction data throughout the system more easily.


2.3 Improved quality of accounting information


On the one hand, all accounting information entered on the block chain is subject to review and verification by participating nodes, and only after all nodes have confirmed that the business has occurred will new transaction data be generated and, once validated, permanently valid, accounting information is recorded not only for accountants, but also for multiple participation and mutual monitoring of constraints; on the other hand, the time stamp mechanism enables transactions to be synchronized with the electronic recording of transactions in the course of a transaction, synchronizes the updating of information and eliminates the problem of post-recording. Thus, the block chain technology is applied to the accounting industry, ensuring the authenticity, timeliness, accuracy and reliability of accounting measurements and records, reducing the risk of accounting fraud and, to some extent, effectively addressing the problem of accounting information falsification and improving the quality of accounting information.


2.4 Changes in the way information is disclosed


Under the current accounting standards, the traditional mode of disclosure of accounting information in our country is the regular public disclosure of the financial statements of enterprises, with users of financial information primarily accessing more fragmented information online, while under the block chain model, users of financial information have real-time access to random information in the block chain, eliminating to some extent the risks posed by information asymmetry and facilitating useful economic decision-making by users of accounting information.


2.5 Innovative financial sharing models


In my country, the financial-sharing model has been largely adopted by corporate groups, and enterprises represented by Motorola, Nokia, McDonald, etc. have established shared service centres. But, as the financial-sharing model has been used extensively in enterprises, there have been problems with the overall structure of the financial centre, the risk of data concentration, and the complexity of the approval process, which have limited the further development of the financial-sharing centre.


3 Recommendations to facilitate the application of block chains + accounting


3.1 Strengthened pool of accounting professionals


The application of block-link technology in the accounting profession exposes those engaged in simple, repetitive accounting to the risk of being eliminated by smart robots. Block-chain technology is a complex, multidisciplinary and intersecting technology that determines their need for multidisciplinary, cross-cutting and complex talent. On the one hand, domestic higher education institutions should strengthen the theoretical research and human resource development of block-chains and provide courses related to block-chains in order to accelerate the transformation of talent; on the other hand, accountants should focus on continuously upgrading Internet use, building capacity for information collection, analysis and decision-making, and making data more sensitive and innovative composites.


3.2 Legal regime relevant to the development of sound block chain technology


Accounting activities are a range of management activities based on the relevant legislation, but, since the block chain is a new technology, the current imperfection of the law and regulations relating to the block chain will have unpredictable consequences for any lack of legal discipline. In applying the block chain technology, enterprises are unable to solve problems by their own means and are unable to effectively seek relevant legal assistance.


3.3 Enhanced block chain security testing


High priority should be given to the development of original block chain technologies and to the construction of new block chain architectures with fully autonomous intellectual property rights; the enhancement of block chain security tests to facilitate block chain systems to meet safety standards; the improvement of existing block chain structures and the development of new block chain architectures; and the strengthening of regulatory and policy guidance for block chain industry compliance.


3.4 Accelerating the self-controllability of block chains


At the national level, enterprises should be given financial, human and technical support in the development of new infrastructure such as 5G networks and data centres in the use of block chains, and support policies should be put in place to focus support for the development of autonomous and controlled block chain technologies and product teams; academia and industry should develop a high level of consensus on the development of autonomous and controlled block chains, actively advocate with the Government and strengthen research on autonomous and innovative block chain theoretical techniques and applications to support the development of autonomous and controlled block chain technologies and products; the evaluation and certification of autonomous and controlled block chain products must be strengthened to ensure the security of key sector block chain platforms; and high priority should be given to the development of ecological systems in the sector chain industry to ensure the right of the industry to speak, to accelerate the integration of block chain technologies with the accounting industry and to set an example for other enterprises in their peers.


3.5 Deepening the development of block chain technologies


The effective implementation of the block chain is premised on strong technical support, a single technology that does not solve the problem, and the creation of a closed loop through technology such as big data, material networking, artificial intelligence, etc. The spatial requirements for data storage by block chain technology, as well as requirements for the speed of operation of the entire block network, require further enhancement of the block chain core technical closure, lower technical costs, and enable businesses to ensure that large accounting data are properly maintained when using block chain technology for accounting purposes.


3.6 Building on successful experiences in the area of block chain applications


According to relevant data, in the first half of the year 2019 there were 408 globally disclosed block chain applications, of which 184, or about 45 per cent, were disclosed by China. The 184 applications covered more than 40 areas of application, including finance, government, medical, etc., and were gradually extended to non-financial areas by the financial sector. For example, the “block chain plus customs control” model, based on block-chain technology, linked data on orders from cross-border power suppliers, manifest data, cargo manifest data, customs clearance operations, identification results, etc., provided a reliable base data for customs regulation, allowed participants in all cross-border operations to interact on the chain, and documented all cross-cutting elements, interacted certification on the chain, combined material networking and artificial intelligence technology, improved efficiency and time-saving for customs and business with specific applications in the accounting sector.




In short, block chains are rapidly increasing in the accounting industry, taking advantage of the distributed book advantage of the block chain, which is centralized, unalterable, and transparent in its distributional character. At present, the application of block chain technologies in the accounting industry is at an early stage, and there is much room for improvement and improvement in the core of block chains. We believe, however, that, with the maturity and development of block chain technologies, the application of block chains will cover all aspects of the economy and society, and that the future will be broadly settled in the real economy and will be an important support for digital China’s construction.




[1] Chapter Liu Shing, Linline Big Data Block Chain Technology in Applied Research in the Accounting Industry [J]. Friends of Accountancy, 2018, (18): 157-160.


[2] Hee Hye. “The Block Chain + Accountancy” in the past, present and future [J]. Friends of the Accountant, 2019, (18): 155-159.


[3] To Yoon Jia-Yung, “The Block Chain + Accounting” applied study - analysis based on the Deloitte Rubix platform [J]. Friends of accountants, 2020, (09): 149-154.


[4] Lin Fanxiang. Application of block chain technology in accounting [J]. Financial studies, 2020, (02): 125-126.

作者:秦艳芬 单位:天津渤海职业技术学院

Qin Yin Feng Unit: Tianjin Pohai Vocational Technical College




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