ETH价格突破1000美元 ETH的牛市在路上

资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:63 评论:0
˂img src=""  讯 : 元旦给予了市场一个好的庆祝,BTC涨到3.4万美元,ETH涨到1000...



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  讯 : 元旦给予了市场一个好的庆祝,BTC涨到3.4万美元,ETH涨到1000美元,一股浓浓的牛市味道。

News: New Year's Day gave the market a good celebration, BTC went up to $34,000, ETH went up to $1,000, a strong cow market smell.


A previous article said, "What do you think of the eight signs of ETH entering the cattle market?" At that time, the price was $539 and now the ETH is going to hit $1,000.


The BTC is already at an all-time high, while the ETH is at an all-time high of US$ 1422 short of US$ 400, and it is estimated that the breakthrough is ahead.

  未来ETH会达到多高呢?不少人预测 ETH 的市值将超过 BTC,你怎么看?

How high will it be in the future? A lot of people predict that the market value of ETH will be higher than BTC. What do you think?

  一、ETH 的DeFi

I. DeFi of ETH

  ETH 还是那个 ETH,还是那么拥堵,但 DeFi 锁仓量一直在往上涨,现在是270亿美金。

It's still that ETH, it's still so crowded, but DeFi's lockdown's been up, now it's $27 billion.

  DeFi 中的锁仓资金,在2020年增长了27倍。那么 2021 年会再增长多少呢?很值得期待的事。

DeFi’s lock-down money grew 27 times in 2020. So how much more will it grow in 2021? It's a good thing to look forward to.

  DeFi,还得看ETH生态。别看 ETH 越来越拥堵,GAS 也越来越高,但 ETH 生态上的 DeFi 生命力更强,原创能力更强。就连仿盘,生命力都是其他公链无法比拟的事情。

DeFi, look at the ETH ecology. Don't look at the ETH as it gets crowded and the GAS as it gets higher, but the ETH as it goes, the ETH as it goes, the DeFi is stronger and the original is stronger. Even a copyboard, life is something that no other public chain can match.

  当然,其他公链 的 DeFi 也有许多赚钱机会,因为市场需要炒作。

Of course, the other public chain DeFi also has many opportunities to make money, because the market needs to make fun of it.

  二、ETH 的GAS费,虽贵但用

II. ETH GAS fees, though expensive, for use

  ETH 上的 GAS 费本来就不便宜,如今 ETH 价格上涨,GAS 费更是水涨船高,一笔 DeFi 操作,就是上百人民币,都够去吃一顿海底捞了。

It's not cheap on ETH, it's high on ETH, it's high on ships, it's a deFi operation, it's hundreds of yuan, it's enough to eat a bite of the sea floor.

  ETH 上操作成本如此高,东西这么死贵死贵,为啥那么多便宜的公链不去玩,非得玩ETH上的DeFi呢?

It's so expensive to operate on it. It's so expensive. Why don't you go play with the cheap public chain and play with the ETH DeFi?


This is like the price of large and deep houses and traffic congestion in the north; the second and third-line city is much more comfortable than it is, but a large number of people go north and deep because there are many opportunities there.


What do you think about this in The Eight Signs that ETH has entered the cattle market?


1) ETH chain user base: Daytime address flipped, block space needs reached new heights, network fees were raised; Shenzhen population is growing, land needs are high, land prices are high)


2) ETH-carried assets: carrying a stable currency asset of $16 billion, absorbing 150,000 BTCs; Shenzhen is a young city with an average age of 32 years)

  3)ETH上最大应用DeFi:DeFi 用户2020年增长10倍、锁仓资金达到270亿美元、其中DEX赛到直接叫板CEX。(深圳互联网科技发达,连美国都时不时打压一下深圳南山区的科技公司)

3) The largest application on ETH is DeFi: DeFi users grew 10 times in 2020 and locked warehouse funds reached US$ 27 billion, with DEX running directly to the board. (Shenzhen

  三、算法稳定币,DeFi 里的热点

iii. Arithmetic stability of currency, hot spots in DeFi

  ETH上的DeFi 最近最火的属算法稳定币了,从 AMPL 到 ESD 在到 Basis,还伴随着一系列的仿盘,市场很躁动,资金很活跃。

DeFi on ETH has recently stabilized the currency with the hottest algorithm, from AMPL to ESD, to Basis, with a series of imitation plates, a very irritable market and a very active capital.

  不少人问我,算法稳定币到底是啥。现阶段的算法稳定币,就是一个资金盘,一个资金游戏。只有等算法稳定币的市值增长到一个量级,才会发生质的转变,这就好比 BTC,BTC长的越大,共识就越强。

A lot of people ask me what an algorithm stabilizes the currency. At this stage, the algorithm stabilizes the currency, it's a money tray, it's a money game. A qualitative shift takes place only if the value of the algorithm stabilizes the currency to a volume level, which is bigger than the BTC, BTC, and the greater the consensus.


The algorithm stabilizes the currency, which is a big track, and which is already a game of large institutions on the stable currency, and now stabilizes the currency and gives the local institutions the opportunity to surprise them.


It is certainly not easy for algorithms to stabilize a bottom-up change. Naturally, the story of human backlash and bloody sacrifice is also a powerful and violent process.


Participation algorithms stabilize the currency with caution, opportunity and sickle.


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