备受激励^-^。在发布我已推出英文博客消息的当晚,就有超过 100 位读者订阅了我的英文博客,横跨美国的 7 个州和全球 14 个国家。

Incentives. On the night I launched my English blog message, more than 100 readers subscribed to my English blog, spanning 7 states across the United States and 14 countries around the globe.


Readers in the United States are concentrated in California, New York and Washington.


The top rankings were the United States, China (including Hong Kong, China), Singapore and Japan.

谢谢大家。遵守和大家的约定,我昨晚已经发出了第一篇英文博客。需要 Gmail 订阅的朋友特别注意:Substack 的订阅邮件有可能被放到 Spam 里?

Thank you. Keep your promise, I sent my first English blog last night. Friends who need Gmail subscriptions pay particular attention: Substack's subscriptions are likely to be placed in Spam?


Since my English blog content is different from Silicon in the face of the English market, I would like to welcome a global reader from backstage who has not already subscribed to my English blog. The address is:


我做媒体,我关注创投圈,所以当 Insider 爆料“A16z 的科技网站 Future 已经死在了水里”时,我觉得有责任来多说几句——这涉及了投资机构最关注的一个问题:VC,究竟要不要做媒体?

I'm in the media, and I'm in the middle of it, so when Insider says, "A16z's technology website Future is dead in the water," I feel it's my duty to say a few more words -- which is one of the most important concerns of investment agencies: VC, do you want to be in the media?

Insider 指出:“可耻的失败,凸显了从无到有建立一个新媒体品牌的挑战”;以及,引用了部分记者的冷笑:“Future 的文章里,甚至都没有最合理的质疑。”

According to Insider: “The shameful failure highlights the challenge of creating a new media brand from scratch”; and, quotes the cynicism of some journalists: “The Fukure article does not even have the most reasonable doubt.”

然而 Insider 首先就搞错了一个基本事实:A16z 从来就没有想过要做一个媒体。

However, Insider made a basic mistake in the first place: A16z never wanted to be a media.

很显然,造成 Future 死亡的真正原因是创投圈残酷的生命周期。

Obviously, the real cause of Future's death is the vicious life cycle of the impending circle.

A16z 关闭 Future,就像现在任何一个美国 VC 在其投资组合公司耳边吹的冷风一样:

A16z closes Future, as any American VC now plays in the ears of its portfolio:


When there is money in the market, it is right to do anything that seeks to expand. But when there are liquidity constraints in the market, even these tensions, the company cuts and business lines shrink — suddenly, leaders realize that they need to re-evaluate the “value for money” of something they put into it.


“Future 的文章里,甚至都没有最合理的质疑。”?

"Future's article doesn't even have the most reasonable doubt?"

Insider 引用的这句话,凸显了传统记者与创投圈冲突不断的根本原因——在美国,这两个群体都号称要改变世界,但这两者改变世界的方式是非常不一样的。

The quote quoted by Insider highlights the underlying causes of the ongoing conflict between traditional journalists and creative circles — in the United States, both groups claim to change the world, but the ways in which they change the world are very different.


Among them, the core values of creative circles have always been “dreaming”.

这就是为什么红杉资本合伙人、亿万富翁 Doug Leone 在爆出 FTX丑闻时会这样向外界道歉道:

That's why the Redwood Capital Partner, Doug Leone, apologized to the outside world when the FTX scandal broke out:

“短期内,红杉资本可能会因此改变投资原则,接下来的 3-6 个月里,我们会少做梦。”但随后,他马上又补充道:

“In the short term, Redwood capital may change the principles of investment, and in the next three to six months we will have fewer dreams.” He then added:


“But like having a child, you will forget the pain of having a child in three months' time. We want to do what we dream of. We don't want to lose the true faith that we want to be with you and with you — and if we lose it, I think we're going to fail.”

Doug Leone 的话是真实的。

Doug Leone's words are true.


At the heart of venture capital has been a focus on how technology can change humanity. That determines that the whole venture model is essentially financing “failure” until it is “successful”.


In the eyes of the public, this may be an ignorance or naiveness, but the best investors and founders are the purest “optimists”.


Unfortunately, that is why, almost every few years, there are large-scale frauds in creative circles. Even many early project investors have personal experiences of fraud.

从文化上讲,VC 的文化,更加倾向于基于创始人或是某个大市场来做投资,而不是基于深入的尽职调查——这也和传统记者的经历或者说最高荣誉,截然相反。

Culturally, VC culture tends to be based on investment by its founders or by a major market, rather than on in-depth due diligence — which is also the opposite of traditional journalistic experience or the highest honour.


In short, it's a very small group. It's also a very small reading class.

A16z?当然不会?Low?到天天在Future里说自己的投资组合公司有多好。事实上,Future 是一个聚合了很多前沿人士观点与见解的地方思考。Future 似乎想要建立起一个吸引前沿观点碰撞的科技乐观主义乐园——想一想,创业者都喜欢看科幻小说——就像当年凯文.凯利给《连线》写的发刊词一样:“成为一个反向的时间飞船。”但显然,随着科技股在二级市场上的连连溃败,击破了这种集体做梦的氛围。

A16z? No? Low? Every day in Future says how good it is to be a portfolio company. In fact, Future is a place to think, bringing together the views and opinions of many of the frontlines. Future seems to want to build a climate of technological optimism that attracts frontier views -- and, think about it, entrepreneurs like to read science fiction -- like Kevin Kelly wrote to Wire that year: “Being a reverse timeship.” Obviously, as the technology unit collapses in second-tier markets, it breaks this collective dream atmosphere.

下面这两张图,清晰地表明了?Future 的读者阅读曲线变化,与整个纳斯达克指数的波动曲线,惊人地吻合。

The following two graphs clearly illustrate the changes in the reader reading curves of Future, which are strikingly consistent with the fluctuation curve of the NASDAQ index as a whole.

Future 创建于科技乐观主义的最顶峰——2021 年 6 月。之后,访问量在今年秋天逐渐减弱,直到 10 月 Future 停更。

Founded at the peak of techno-optimism in June 2021. After this fall, the number of visits declined until the end of October.


Although at the beginning of this year I have been writing down a downward trend in total global venture capital, it is important to note that the third quarter of this year was the time point for a major repatriation of the entire venture capital.

根据 CBInsights 数据:今年第三季度,全球风险投资总额锐减至 745 亿美元,为九个季度以来的最低水平,季度降幅为 34%,是十年以来的最大降幅。

According to CBInsights, in the third quarter of this year, total global venture investment fell sharply to $74.5 billion, the lowest level since the ninth quarter, with a 34 per cent drop, the largest decline in a decade.


Once, being a unicorn was the goal of many years of start-ups, but now is the era of cockroaches – companies have to survive at all costs. Now, the survival of many young companies is being questioned, and the entire entrepreneurial ecosystem is facing a reverse wind.


另一方面,Future 当然也不是媒体。

On the other hand, Future is certainly not the media either.


In response, Ben Thompson, an independent tech columnist from the United States, described this in an excellent way:

“Future 称:‘我们的视角,是对技术和未来的理性的乐观’。而我作为《纽约时报》的一个长期订阅用户,我认为:《纽约时报》的视角,是对技术及其影响的理性的怀疑。

“Future says, ‘Our perspective is optimism about technology and future rationality’. And as a permanent subscriber to The New York Times, I think the New York Times perspective is a reasonable doubt about technology and its impact.


Of these, it is worth noting that the two perspectives are so different that they are, in fact, fully consistent with their respective business models.

A16z 的商业模式,当然是风险投资业务。

The A16z business model, of course, is a venture capital business.


In an interview with Bloomberg, Wenmahs made it clear that:

‘风险投资中最重要的三件事是:看到交易、挑选交易,以及赢得交易。如果我的职能,能够帮我们看到交易,那么我就为推进 <Future> 做出了贡献。’

"The three most important things in venture capital are: seeing a deal, selecting a deal, and winning a deal. If my function is to help us see a deal, then I'm making a contribution to advancing & lt; Future>."


I have written some of the above because understanding the business model has been one of the most reliable ways of understanding the behaviour of the organization.”

显然,要理解 A16z 为何关闭 Future,需要先了解一个基本问题:A16z 从哪里来,又要到哪里去?

Obviously, to understand why A16z shuts down Future, one basic question needs to be understood: where does A16z come from and where does it go?

作为美国 VC 圈的后期之秀,A16z 创建于 2009 年,当时两位合伙人想迅速出名,因为在投资圈,交易流就是一切。马克.安德森经常说:“如果你在一家二流机构工作,你永远没有机会接触到一流公司。”

A16z was created in 2009 as a late-stage show in the U.S. V.C., when the two partners wanted to be famous quickly, because in the investment circle, the flow of transactions was everything. Mark Anderson used to say, "If you work in a second-class institution, you never have access to a first-class company."

但此时,A16z 没有知名度,甚至都没有投资案例。换句话说,影响力策略,只是 A16z 投资策略的其中一个手段。

But at this point, A16z has no visibility, not even an investment case. In other words, the impact strategy is just one of the instruments of the A16z investment strategy.


This means is a much more intense market in a rare cattle market/treat project, and it is becoming a more ambitious ambition, but as the bull market dries, the value for money to do it needs to be re-evaluated.

正如 Insider 引用消息人士的说法——“A16z 清晰地意识到:鉴于目前机构的知名度,已经不值得花时间和精力来建立一个新的独立品牌。”

As Insider quotes the source — “A16z is clearly aware that given the visibility of the current institution, it is no longer worth the time and effort to build a new independent brand.”

于是其迅速回到了成本更加低的“播客”上——A16z 的底线其实一直是:增加自己机构的影响力,并保持这种能够让创业者最低成本直接触达自己的渠道能力。

It quickly returned to the lower cost of “blowers” — the bottom line of A16z has been, in fact, to increase the influence of its own institutions and to maintain this ability to give entrepreneurs the lowest cost of direct access to their own channels.

如果这就是媒体,那么 A16z 从来就没有放弃过做媒体。

If this is the media, then A16z has never given up on media.


Note: I usually write about American science and technology on the knowledge planet, and I care about professional readers of American creative circles. Please move to my knowledge planet.



Original ideas tend to appear unexpectedly in various parts of the world at the same time.

8月23日,美国顶级风投之一A16z领投了Ready Player Me的B轮5600万美元。跟投的还有一大堆大名鼎鼎的名字:元宇宙公司Roblox的联合创始人大卫.巴斯祖基、游戏视频直播公司Twitch的联合创始人贾斯汀.坎、视频游戏开发商和发行商King Games的两位联合创始人等等。
Ready Player Me主要致力于帮助消费级用户制作虚拟形象,并允许用户跨平台使用。

On August 23, A16z, one of America's top pitchers, voted 56 million dollars in Round B of Ready Player Me. There were also a number of famous names: David Baszzuki, co-founder of Roblox, the co-founder of Twitch, Justin Cannes, co-founder of videocasting, video game developer and distributor King Games, and so on.
Ready Player Me was mainly dedicated to helping consumer-level users to create virtual images and allow users to use them across platforms.


At the same time, on the other side, Shenzhen, China, the founder of the painting company and CEO Weibo, has been very busy.


On August 10, when the consumer-grade digitalists were published, they announced their march into the military universe, and on August 30, immediately followed by the official launch of the new product, the “conforming metaspace space”. During an internal survey period of about a month, the sum of almost 10 million yuan had been transferred between the digital man and the metaspace.

需要注意的是:来画现在的新业务与Ready Player Me一样,都涉及到了元宇宙里的一个新概念——“虚拟化身系统即服务(Avatar-Systems-As-A-Service)”,这一概念由A16z提出。

It should be noted that the new business, like Ready Player Me, involves a new concept in the meta-cosm: “Avatar-Systems-As-A-Service”, proposed by A16z.


What is a “virtual incarnation system, services”? What is an “assembly metaspace” for drawings? And, animated by animated drawings, three successive rounds of RMB billion-grade financing in 2021, but in the eyes of the general public, drawings have always been a tool company with an animation, video, presentation, design, whiteboard 5 products under its most modern flag. What did Weibo do, suddenly turning a company with five tool products into an application site with only one metacosystem product?





On August 4th, shivering hit its own 3D virtual figure, "Scoffs." Before that, all three Internet companies, BAT, had launched their own 3D virtual image. The problem with all these virtual images is that we, as consumers, are confined to the applications of large companies.

这其实也就是为什么Ready Player Me的创始人兼CEO提姆.托克在宣布获得A16z融资时这样说:

This is why the founder of Ready Player Me and CEO Tim Tock, when he announced that he would receive A16z finance, said:


"Our larger vision is to connect the meta-cosmos through virtual heads. In the future, there may be a meta-cosm that is controlled by large companies, which make all the rules, but certainly there will also be a more open vision, created by millions of developers, in which people can travel, no one can control the whole thing, just like the Internet, we're trying to push the world to that meta-cosm."


As so many companies are building a certain part of the meta-cosmos, integration and control may be at the heart of the future meta-cosm. And it also reveals how fragmented the current meta-cosmos is.


Imagine: the nail shop near which you live. Who will cover the high costs of virtual incarnation for the woman who owns the nail shop and the employees? Where will the virtual head come from when we enter the nail shop?

换句话说,像来画和Ready Player Me这样,通过提供虚拟头像来连接各个元宇宙的ASAS公司,其最关键特征是:跨平台使用。

In other words, the most critical feature of ASAS, which connects the meta-coastal universe by providing virtual heads, such as painting and Ready Player Me, is that of cross-platform use.


More fundamentally, this type of company is actually building an interoperable identity agreement between the meta-cosmos, the universal identity of the meta-cosmos.


但来画与Ready Player Me的创意和所提供的产品,又不完全相同。

But the drawings are not exactly the same as the ideas and products offered by Ready Player Me.

了解Ready Player Me的人都知道:

Everyone who knows about Ready Player Me knows that:

它背后的母公司Wolf3D曾与腾讯、Verizon、HTC等公司合作,为他们的用户构建定制化身系统。这使Wolf3D汇总了一个有2万多个面部扫描的专有数据库,并构建了一个基于深度学习的平台。Wolf3D的野心是要成为元宇宙不同平台的统一头像,以增强用户的身份认同感。2020年,Wolf3D孵化出Ready Player Me,试图进入消费级虚拟头像市场。根据Ready Player Me自己透露的数据:截至今天,其已经有合作机构3000多家,横跨Web2和Web3环境。

Wolf3D, the parent company behind it, has worked with the companies Tee, Verizon, HTC, etc. to build customized personalization systems for their users. This has allowed Wolf3D to consolidate a unique database of more than 20,000 facial scans and to build a platform based on deep learning. Wolf3D’s ambition is to be a unified image of different platforms in the meta-cosm to enhance user identity. In 2020, Wolf3D hatched a Ready Player Me, trying to enter the consumer-level virtual head market. According to Ready Player Me itself: To date, it has more than 3,000 partners across the Web2 and Web3 environments.

而来画与Ready Player Me的两个最大不同之处是:

And the two most important differences with Ready Player Me are:

第一,Ready Player Me的元宇宙身份,只支持那种脱离于现实世界的元宇宙空间平台,比如虚拟游戏。

First, the meta-cosmographic identity of Ready Player Me supports only the kind of meta-cosmos platform that moves away from the real world, such as virtual games.


To paint it, we want to connect the metaspace of companies and institutions in all walks of life in the real world.

第二,Ready Player Me只围绕人提供虚拟化身,但自己并不提供空间和场景。

Secondly, Ready Player Me provides virtual incarnation only around people, but does not provide its own space and scenery.


Animated drawings, because there is a “screen” in the product logic, involve both people and space and scenes in the metaspace space.


Specifically, the “assembly metaspace” presented allows each entrepreneur to purchase 3D space on the drawing platform, consisting of four assembleable tool elements: one, virtual incarnation; two, display video; three, space scene; and four, digital objects.


Business owners can quickly complete the 3D image of their own business scene by dragging, pulling or pulling the 3D model that already exists on the platform.


According to Weibo, the product is based first on a tool-based perspective, so the entire space can be adapted itself. For example, virtual clothes can be changed; scenes/logo in space can be replaced by different 3D models; videos can also be imported and then clicked on a video with 3D effect.


In other words, the metaspace is even UGC: users can create 3D-related template material on the platform for remuneration, and entrepreneurs can purchase the template material.


At this point, the idea is similar to Roblox, the US dollar cosmopolitan company, both of which are part of the “Creator Economy.” But the difference is that Roblox has built a closed game platform where users need to play, to encourage customers to go out — to embed their metacospace in every channel of the company’s brand, to interact with their customers and fans.


This is also a strategy to draw hope for self-circulation:


C-end users are driven by B-side clients, while, on the one hand, these C-side users may be transformed into B-end clients for the drawing; on the other hand, they may also be third-party creators for the drawing platform, and the 3D modeling scenes they create can be sold on the painting.



What surprises me is why digital man and metrospace have been drawn so fast.


According to the data provided to me by the drawings, since 30 June, the total number of downloads over the Internet has been close to 50 million, and hundreds of thousands of users have paid for the painting, which has become the country's most mature consumer-level digital production platform.


Weibo points out that this is mainly because, first, the painting that was created in 2015 itself has a large customer accumulation. Second, it has to do with product logic.


To paint the original payee's virtual person is to integrate the virtual image into their animated video. At this point, the digital person acts as an acillary animator to make the original animated “treaties” more concrete, vivid and diverse.


According to Weibo, the industries that now rank 1-4 among the clients are biomedical, financial, government, and media. This is a slight difference from the past. The largest clients in the past were education, and, as a result of the epidemic and the economic situation, party construction and government clients on the drawing platform have risen rapidly in the last two years and have jumped to third in the industry.


The new product to be drawn, “Putting-in metaspace”, will provide 12 meta-cosmos applications to clients in these industries, namely: the Won-Cosmos Fair, the Won-Cosmos Building Hall, the Won-Cosmos launch, the Meso-Cosmos Conference, the Bank of Won-Cosmos, the Won-Cosmos Classroom, the Meso-Cosmos Live, the Won-Cosmos Hall, the Yuan-Cosmos Show, the Meso-Cosmos Museum, the Meso-Cosmos Shop, etc.



Weibo told me that, during an internal measurement period of about a month or so, the sum of almost 10 million yuan had been deposited between the digital man and the Won cosmos.


"It's like we're putting five products together with one logic, and the benefits are obvious." Weibo says, "CAC users' acquisition costs have been reduced from 12 dollars to almost three dollars today. What's more important is the feeling of "yes"?



This sense of “right” also includes, of course, the increased imagination of the business model as a result of its promotion to the meta-cosm.


The original business model, supplemented by subscription-based and customized creative services, is now suddenly accompanied by “advertisement” elements — because the clothes on the virtual person are being watched.


Perhaps the commercial model of advertising is not surprising, after all, Zepeto, the largest 3D virtual person in Korea, has long worked with the brand of a big company on virtual clothes. But the next case, however, is very imaginative.


According to what Weibo told me, the original business was connected to a new energy car that couldn't make it.


One of the country's leading new energy car companies, suddenly looking for a consumer-grade digital system to buy it, wants to put API on the big screen of the car-car system. So, once each owner gets in the car, he can make his own virtual image and put it in the car-car system, and he can do everything he wants to do with the virtual assistant — airing the weather, checking the ticket, and so on.


What is even more interesting is that the new energy vehicle is making money for it — because another home cleaning brand company has been trying to advertise in a new energy car, but the vehicle system does not allow advertising (which may lead to a distraction from the driver), and now has a virtual assistant who can plant it on a virtual person's clothes, and the problem is solved.


“I have a feeling that there may be more business models to follow, because the client himself will keep asking what he wants, and it's been drawing the same amount as allowing his borders to expand.” Weibo told me.


However, the commercial model of advertising was established in close connection with the need to address the problem of “quick production of digital people”, otherwise enterprises would not be able to sell clothing in bulk.


And that's one of the central reasons why you dare to challenge the meta-cosmos. According to Weibo, there are three advantages in the marching universe:


The first is to draw nearly 17 million materials on the platform. Weibo bought them in bulk from students at the Academy of Fine Arts when he started his business in 2015, with a figure worth a few cents of money to paint for a cumulative period of three to four years.


The second is AI technology, which includes AI's identification of creators, as well as the drawing of earlier AI voice, AI drawings, AI drawings, AI subtitles, etc.


At the technical level, virtual digitalists are divided into two types, one being a real-life driver and the other being a computational driver, such as the recently hot twig, which also belongs to the drawing.


The two factions cannot be described as good or bad, each with its own characteristics, but, in relative terms, the computing-driven parties are more likely to be popular, more in line with the nature of Internet standardization, and to be able to produce virtuals quickly. But the disadvantage is that the investment in research and development must be substantial.


In addition, according to Weibo, painting may be the first design tool in the world to support Unity on a browser, which allows users to create and share their works very “lightly and quickly”.



It's worth mentioning that there's also an English product called Doratoon abroad. But many people don't know it, and it's a Chinese company behind it.



According to Weibo, since its launch last year, the number of users has now reached 1.5 million, mainly from the United States, Europe, and South-East Asia, and the United States. This also determines Doratoon’s price is not cheap: personal users are $5 a month and business editions are $49 a month.


When I asked Weibo how he thought about the future of Doratoon, he and I spoke about his vision and his views on Web3.


There's some big background here:

Ready Player Me的下一步,将是创建一个可供购买、出售和交易的数字资产商店,专注于通过允许第三方开发者出售游戏内资产和NFT可穿戴设备及虚拟服装,让Ready Player Me平台成为区块链上“开发者的收入来源”,这样艺术家、品牌和开发人员都能在其中销售虚拟形象的定制选项。

The next step for Ready Player Me will be to create a digital asset store that can be purchased, sold and traded, focusing on making the Ready Player Me platform “a source of developer's income” on the block chain by allowing third-party developers to sell game-based assets and NFT devices and virtual clothing, so that artists, brands and developers can sell customized options for virtual images.


It is also reported in the Wall Street Journal that Zepeto, the largest 3D virtual person in Korea, may have been the world’s largest virtual fashion market last year: Zepeto users can design and sell virtual clothing in exchange for money in the real world.


“The advantage of overseas markets is that there is a C-end-paying user-specific feature and that overseas markets can trade in digital collections.” Weibo says, “As Genies, this product has been very successful in creating and trading digital collections of virtual images. But now, even overseas, more digital collections of NFTs are static and less dynamic, and the software used to paint them can actually produce more stereo, dynamic NFT works.”


Weibo also spoke about the relationship between the creator's economy and Web3 in his eyes.


“In fact, I think that Web3 has not found a very sound application, nor is it about making the creator’s economy work. Now the world’s better creators’ economic platform is probably ROBLOX and Japanese Momentum, including in the film First Player or Uncontrollable Player, and it's all about allowing everyone to make their own world, but the problem is that there are very few creators’ platforms today.”


"And one of the most important elements is the creative economy. Let's get the platform right, provide tools, models, modular content, minimize the threshold and cost of creation, so that everyone can use our tools to make animations, videos, spaces, and digital people. Otherwise, you don't even have tools, you don't even have enough materials, you can't even build models, how can you talk about how everyone can write about Web3?" Weibo said.


Some of them, at the right time, were in the right place. But not long ago, they discovered that it had been a false prosperity.


On Thursday, 20 January, an explosive news spread through the United States scientific community: Paloton, a star fitness company, had been suspended by CNBC for the production of high-end bicycles and was planning to suspend further production of low-end bicycles and low-end jockeys.


I said it was an explosive message because:

Peloton经常被与Zoom相提并论,两者都是著名的“疫情股/Stay at home股票”:在疫情初期,两者的业绩和股价都一飞冲天。

Peloton is often compared to Zoom, both of which are famous “epidemiological/stay at home”: in the early days of the epidemic, both performance and share prices were soaring.


Among them, the share price of Pelodon rose more than eightfold in nine months: from $19.72 at the beginning of the epidemic in early 2020 to $162.72 at the end of 2020.

以下两张图,我取自于由Coefficient Capital制作的PPT《2021年被改变的消费者趋势》,从中可以看到Peloton的光辉岁月。如下:

The following two graphs, which I take from the PPT " Changing Consumer Trends 2021 ", produced by Coefficient Capital, show the bright years of Peloton:


The first tells us that Equinox is a luxury gym chain in North America, with members paying $168 to $230 a month for sustainable use. But since March 2020, the city’s share has been rapidly encroached upon by Peloton, with a significant number of Equinox members shifting their spending to Peloton.


The second chart shows that the two major indicators of Peloton — subscriptions and monthly subscriptions — have all made dramatic strides during the epidemic.


Peloton, listed in September 2019, is one of the best branding innovation companies in the United States in recent years by destabilizing traditional face-to-face centralized fitness by allowing people to work at home.


A lot of people who used Peloton loved its products. Many even thought that Peloton was a new apple, because it found the intersection between hardware, software, and services that made magic happen. But the glorious days of Peloton must be gone.


On the day of the shutdown, CEO John. Welfare in Peloton claimed that the rumour was “false”, but also admitted that the company was currently considering “all options”, including major layoffs and restrictions on production. Moreover, Peloton had hired McKenzie to help cut costs.



It is important to note that the fall of Peloton did not happen suddenly.


Let's take a look at Peloton's product line.


I love gymnastics, so I did a search of the Chinese network a few months ago and wanted to see how permeating Chinese home gymnasium is.


Of these, it turns to a speech on why the Peloton model cannot be replicated in China. More than 7,000 words, from what is considered to the nature of business, have been demonstrated to how much it is and how much rice it is. But from my most intuitive sense as a user, apart from the difference in fitness habits between the two countries, the speech actually missed one of the most simple reasons why the Peloton model could not be replicated in China.


That is, the size of the American family is far greater than that of China.


The size of the United States is similar to that of China, but it has a population of more than 300 million. In fact, American housing is one of the largest, if not the largest, in the world.


In 2019, the Atlantic Monthly wrote a special article, " Why is the house so big in America? ", stating:

美国家庭单户住宅(Single Family)的中位面积,约在1600-1650平方英尺之间。也就是:在149平方米-153平方米之间。就更不用说,Peloton主打的是中高端用户了。

The median size of a single-house home in the United States is between 1600 and 1650 square feet, that is, between 149 and 153 square metres. Not to mention, Pelodon's main hit is on mid- and high-end users.


So the most important product/corporate income of Peloton is for you to buy it home with expensive, yet sophisticated, web-based bicycles or jockeys.


In addition, it offers a gymnasium course App, which allows anyone to subscribe. However, non-Peloton hardware members have a subscription fee of $12.99 per month, while Peloton hardware members have a subscription fee of $39 per month.


Why do the hardware members of Peloton have to pay more subscriptions here instead?




1 In terms of subscriptions to the App gymnasium courses, why on the contrary would Peloton's hardware members have to pay more subscriptions than non-hardware members?
2, how did Peloton consider its serviceable and searchable market (SAM)?
3, based on Peloton's stock offers and financial reports: since it was listed, its income and digital subscriptions have increased by three figures and created a more sticky business model (the rate of loss of App's digital subscriptions is quite low). What is going on in Peloton? Why is it a mess and even radical investors asking CEOs and co-founders to resign and explore the possibility of selling Peloton?
4, which service types are suitable for home consumption?


Note: For a variety of reasons, what I wrote on the microsatellite is different from what I wrote on the knowledge planet, interested in professional readers of American creative circles, please move to my knowledge planet.



The fall in the NASDAQ index this year was again frustrated last night, thus pushing it up to more than -10 per cent (for more details, see ).


On weekends, an article was recommended from Erad Gil, the largest independent venture capitalist in the United States.


This article was written in October 2021, and I recommended it because: It's time to think about the big cycle, and it will help us look at what's about to happen this year or the next. Here's my short translation. Have a good weekend.

MegaCycles in Tech & Crypto

过去每 8-10 年,科技行业就会经历一个繁荣与萧条的周期。

Every 8-10 years, the science and technology industry has experienced a boom-bust cycle.


This means that a new technology or platform will emerge, and then investment and speculation will flourish. There will be some strong, high-growth survivors, while most of the remaining new start-ups will collapse or merge.


This has taken place in semiconductors in the 1960s and 1970s, in microcomputers in the 1980s and on the Internet in the 1990s.


Every successive wave is bigger than before — both in terms of the market value created and in terms of the amount of money inflow.


But something strange happened in the 2000s and now.


The boom-bust cycle of venture capital has stopped. Science and technology has in fact been replaced by a 20-year boom.


Although this lack of cyclicality undoubtedly has multiple drivers. For example, one aspect or cause of prosperity can be explained by several things, including the persistent need for capital to find home with high returns/high growth due to low interest rates or interest-free environments resulting from quantitative easing, and therefore, over time, the lack of returns elsewhere has led to an influx of more funds into science and technology.


But another potential explanation is that the wave of technology overlaps with each other.


In other words, we are now seeing multiple overlapping waves of technology, rather than a single cycle of 8 to 10 years for any single new technology. These waves take place above each other, increasing the scale of the overall outcome and smoothing any downward cycle.


From 2005 to the present, for example, we have a wave of overlapping cloud computing, socialization, mobility, SaaS, vertical SaaS, financial technology, artificial intelligence, and crypto-currency. All of this has its own 10-year cycle in the past. One can say that we are now going through a megacycle (multicycle) that may last a few more years than the previous single cycle (at least?????). Part of this change depends on the availability of capital and quantitative easing, but many, just software, consumes several industries at the same time. The epidemic is also a driving force for technology in the consumer-level areas (e.g. Instacard, etc.) and in the corporate-level areas (e.g. Zoom, etc.).


One of the main features of the “large cycle” is the lack of recession.


Unlike the sharp decline in science and technology, which has led to a large number of layoffs and company deaths, good days have been rolling as waves and waves of new technologies have been transferred. This has both good and bad side effects, and I will discuss them in future articles.


The time lag between these cycles has been collapsing, and the size of each cycle has increased. As each wave accelerates, it may also accelerate the follow-up wave. For example, 10 times the number of people online, the growth of online time, and the growth of online consumption, have accelerated the wave of each other and basic technology.


Interestingly, the encrypted currency itself used to have a more steep cycle, about four years a cycle.


The first cycle of encrypt currency is actually the Bitcoin White Paper + the initial mining. The second cycle is the emergence of an Etherm, an ICO, a new deal, and a token. Many cryptographers I know say that in 2021 we should have a downward cycle.


But that didn't happen.


A potential explanation for the lack of downside trends is that the US government’s current large-scale printing of currency and spending is now delivering cash to people. This creates monetary stimulus that will inflate multiple assets, and may also allow investors to seek encrypted currency as an inflation/dollar-lower hedge.


Another interpretation can be built around the “large cycle” of encrypted currencies.


As is the case with multiple overlapping waves in the scientific and technological world, encrypted currencies are now seeing a number of overlapping waves in DeFi (Uniswap, Aave, Maker, etc.), NFT, DAO, and many interesting first-tier agreements (Solana, Near, Celo, Minna, etc.) that began several years ago. There is also an increasing effort to be built between encrypted currencies and traditional coin tracks, as well as wider adoption trends. Given the diversity of encrypt currency efforts, the sudden decline and demise of one segment of the market (e.g., if NFTs are in shock for some reason) could be wiped out by new or rising trends in another part (DeFi or BTC).


In other words, over time, certain segments of the market may reduce their relevance in the short term, as the footprint of encrypted money and its usage have expanded.


Some argue that encrypted currencies may have become large enough to contain some of the great volatility of the past in terms of use and market value. The loss of 50 per cent of the $2.4 trillion market value is $1.2 trillion, but you still have more than $1 trillion in market value, and there may be a lot of buyers waiting for it because of its size and multiple uses.


Even when the encrypt currency fell by 50% in 2021, it would still have a market value of more than $1 trillion, and apparently it would not disappear forever. This would encourage more participants to continue to enter the market, so there would be more buyers and users, and there could be a stronger rebound.


Similarly, in the absence of a sharp decline, good people may continue to enter the market.


In the 2000–2001 Internet bubble, we had massive layoffs in technology, and many people who left technology did not come back. In 2017, the flow of talent into encryption money slowed down with the down-cycle of encryption.


I think it would be very interesting to see whether in the coming year (i.e. 2022) the encrypt currency will return to cyclical behaviour and soon fall even more dramatically; or whether we are now in a large cycle of encrypt currency (i.e. that the encrypt currency will not collapse).


And the biggest obstacle to us seeing all this is the large-scale printing of money and spending by the US government. Given the supply chain and energy problems under way, as well as rising prices in various industries, more people seem to be worried that there will be opportunities for transition or long-term inflation or “stagnation.”


Bitcoin’s birth, in part, was a response to the financial crisis and US monetary policy. So one could say that the early origin of encrypted money was to confront some of the “determinate circumstances” in which we found ourselves.


特别备注:在埃拉德.吉尔写完这篇文章的一个月后,纳斯达克指数到达了16000美元的高点,以及比特币到达了67000美元的高点。之后截至今天,纳指和比特币就一直在走下坡路。Let’s wait and see how it goes.

Special note: A month after Erad Gil finished this article, the NASDAQ index reached a high point of $16,000, and Bitcoin reached a high point of $67,000. After that, as of today, Nadine and Bitcoin have been going downhill. Let #8217;s wait and see how it goes.


Last weekend, it seemed that everyone in the scientific and technological community in the United States was reading a blog by Mossi Malinspec.


Mossi Malinspec is a co-founder of Signal, one of the world's most well-known end-to-end encryption instant messaging services.


He is also a well-known cryptographer, a pioneer in cybersecurity, and a brilliant intellectual in science and technology.


This article by Malinspike is a serious complaint about the way web3 works and touches on one of the most important contradictions in the area of Web3: Is Web3 really decentralized?


Despite the fact that the blog was published last Friday, it has been provoking much debate on weekends and this week.


This article is worth reading. Here's a short translation of my article on Malinspec.


"My first impression of Web3."


Although I think I am a cryptographer, I am not particularly attracted to encryption.

我不认为我真的说过“离开我的领域”这句话,但我更有可能去点击Pepperidge Farm Remembers上的Meme图,以了解“加密”这个词过去指的其实是“密码学”,而现在更多指的是NFT空投。(PS:这里有美国meme文化的梗)?

I don't think I really said, "Get out of my field," but I'm more likely to click on the Meme map on Pepperidge Farm Rembers to understand that the word "encryption" used to refer to " cryptography," and more to NFT airdrops.


I would also like to say that I am not personally as excited as our generation to transfer all aspects of life to the instrumentized economy?


Even technically, I haven't been a believer yet. So, given all the recent concerns about what is now called Web3, I have decided to explore more thoroughly what is happening in this field and see what I may have missed.


One, how do I see Web1 and Web2?


Web3 is a somewhat vague term that makes it difficult to critically assess what the ambitions of Web3 should be, but the overall argument seems to be:


Web1 is decentralised; Web2 focuses everything on the platform; and Web3 is going to decentralize everything again. Web3 should give us the richness of Web2, but it's decentralized.


So why on earth would a "centralized platform" happen? It's good to know why. I think the explanation is really simple, as follows:

# 1,人们不想运行自己的服务器,而且永远也不会运行自己的服务器。

#1 People do not want to run their own servers and will never run their own servers.


The premise of Web1 is that everyone on the Internet is both the publisher and consumer of content, as well as of infrastructure.

当时,互联网上的每个人(PS:其实指极客),都有自己网站的网络服务器,都有自己电邮的邮件服务器,都有自己状态信息的finger server,都有用于生成自己字符的chargen server。但这不是人们想要的。我认为这一点再怎么强调都不为过:人们并不想运行自己的服务器。

At the time, everyone on the Internet (PS: in fact extremers) had a web server for their own website, an email server for their own emails, a feeder server for their own state, and a chargen server for their own character. But that was not what people wanted. I don't think that's enough: people don't want to run their own servers.


Not even nerds; not even organizations that work full-time to build software. If there is one thing I want you to know about the world: people don't want to run their own servers. So the companies that provide these services are successful, and the companies that replace new functions based on the possibilities of these networks are more successful.

# 2,一个协议,要比一个平台的发展慢很多。

# Two, an agreement, is much slower to develop than a platform.


More than 30 years later, our e-mail remains unencrypted; at the same time, WhatsApp never encrypts to full end-to-end encryption in a year. People are still trying to reliably and standardized video sharing through IRC; and Slack allows you to create custom emoticons based on your face.


It's not about money. The problem is that if something is really decentralized, it becomes very difficult to change and often gets stuck in time.


And that's a problem for technology, because the rest of the ecosystem is growing very fast, and you can't keep up with it, and you fail. Here, the whole industry focuses on defining and improving methodologies like Agile, trying to figure out how to organize large users so that they can use their own decentralized services as quickly as possible, because this is so critical.


This is a problem when technology itself favours stagnation rather than movement. The secret to success is to adopt the 1990s agreements, centralize them, and quickly overlap.


But Web3 is going to be different, so let's see. To get a quick look at Web3 and get a better idea of what's going to happen in the future, I decided to build a few Dapps and create a NFT.


Two, make some distributed applications.

我做了一个名叫Autonomous Art的dApp,让任何人可以通过对NFT做出视觉贡献,来铸造一个代币。

I made a dapp called Autonomous Art so that anyone could make a token by making visual contributions to NFT.


The cost of visual contributions increases over time, and the money paid by the contributor is allocated to all former artists. At the time of writing, more than $38,000 has been spent on creating this collective art work.

此外我还做了一个名为First Derivative的DApp,允许你创建、发现及交换追踪基础NFT的NFT衍生品,类似于追踪基础资产的金融衍生品。

In addition, I made a Dapp called First Derivative, which allows you to create, detect and exchange NFT derivatives that track base NFTs, similar to financial derivatives that track underlying assets.


Both make me feel how Web3 works.


To be clear: if the “distribution” refers to the logic/authority of the state of status and updating: it is on the block chain rather than in the “centralized” database, the applications themselves do not have any particular “distribution” and they are actually just ordinary response websites.


One thing I've always felt strange about the encryption world is the lack of attention to the client/server interface.


When people talk about block chains, they talk about distributed trust, unled consensus and the mechanisms for all of these, but they often hide the reality that clients are ultimately unable to participate in these mechanisms.


All network maps are servers, trust models are between servers, and everything is related to servers. Block chains are designed to be peer networks, but they are not designed to make the user's mobile devices or browsers one of these.


With the shift to mobile devices, we now live firmly in a world of clients – the former, who are simply unable to act as the latter – issues that seem more important to me than ever before. At the same time, Taiwan actually calls the servers “clients”, so there is no even a word to describe the actual untrusted client/server interface that must exist somewhere, and no one admits that if it succeeds, billions (!) of servers will eventually come.

例如,无论它是在移动端还是在网络上运行,像是Autonomous Art或者是First Derivative这样的dApp,都需要以某种方式与区块链互动,以便修改或呈现状态(集体制作的艺术作品、它的编辑历史、NFT衍生品等)。但这在客户端,是不可能做到的,因为区块链不可能存在于你的移动设备上(或现实中的桌面浏览器上)。因此,唯一的选择是,通过在某个服务器上远程运行的节点与区块链互动。

For example, whether it operates on a mobile end or on a network, such as Autonomous Art or First Derivative, dApp, needs to interact with the block chain in some way in order to modify or present it (collective artistic work, its editorial history, NFT derivatives, etc.). This is not possible on the client side, because the block chain cannot exist on your mobile device (or on a real desktop browser). The only option is therefore to interact with the block chain through a node that runs remotely on a server.


A server! But, as we said earlier, people don't want to run their own servers. Now, there are companies that have come up that have access to API at the Taipan node, which they sell as a service, as well as analysis, the enhanced API that they have built on Tai node API by default, and access to historical transactions. That sounds familiar. There are basically two companies on this. Almost all dapps use them to interact with the block chain: Infura or Alchemy.


In fact, even if you connect a wallet like MetaMask to dapp, dapp interacts with the block chain through your wallet, MetaMask is just calling Infoura!

这些客户端API,没有使用任何东西来验证区块链状态或响应的真实性。结果甚至没有签名。像Autonomous Art这样的应用程序说:”嘿,这个智能合约上的这个视图函数的输出是什么?”Alchemy或者Infura回应了一个JSON Blob,说“这是输出”,然后,应用程序渲染了它。

These clients API do not use anything to verify the trueness of the block chain status or response. The result is not even signed. An application like Autonomous Art says: #821; hey, what is the output of this view function on this smart contract? #8221; Alchemy or Infoura responded to a JSON Blob, saying, "This is the output," and then the application rewrites it.


This surprises me. So much work, energy and time have been devoted to creating an untrusted distributed consensus mechanism, but almost all of the clients who want to visit it simply trust the output of these two companies without any further validation.




You need to go to my knowledge planet to read the full text.


Note: For a variety of reasons, what I wrote on the microsatellite is different from what I wrote on the knowledge planet, interested in professional readers of American creative circles, please move to my knowledge planet.



I recently bought a book, Le Ying Hong's " Smart Traffic ", which was the result of an inter-annual lecture that Rho Jin-woo turned into a live cloud this year, in which he referred to one of the details of Li Ying Hong's book: 5G Clouds.


It means that, in the short term, if 100 per cent of the technical autopilots are not achieved, then a manual double-insurance can be achieved, i.e. when an auto-drive vehicle is in a complicated condition on the road, it is taken over manually at the first time.


In other words, late in the night, a vehicle running on the streets of Chengdu may actually be under the supervision of an old driver living at the foot of a mountain.


I was a little confused: is this really safe? So I bought a book, and I was ready to take a look.


With regard to smart traffic, there's actually a lot of systemic thinking in the middle and south. For example, in the United States, writers and serial entrepreneurs who focus on subversive technologies, Ruth Bridges.


Three years ago, I wrote an article about Bridges’ latest ideas. At the time, I wrote it for more than 20 days, because first I read the English book, then I had to do a lot of math. But because I didn’t know the digital-paying reading infrastructure in the United States, I sold it to the national portal. Now I have my own planet of knowledge, and any first-hand information I see will focus on my planet of knowledge.


Finally: My article was written at the beginning of 2019, and the following is the text of the article.


Unfortunately, to date, the two books by Ruth Bridges, published in May 2015 and June 2018, respectively, have not been introduced into China.



With regard to the large-scale application of autopilot, one recognized point in time is 2027.


By 2027, large-scale diffusion of autopilots would have created huge economic benefits. If this new technology is not deployed “intendedly,” it would have caused unprecedented disaster throughout the world.


Let's take the United States market, for example, and look at three. The first is the current state of traffic at the peak in the United States.


Those who have experienced traffic jams in California know that this sense of voluminousness is no worse than the early and late peaks in Beijing and Shanghai. The US spent $165 billion to renovate highways and $65 billion to renovate large-scale transport, but the congestion problem remains unresolved.


The second picture, it's very interesting.


It tells us that if we compare the left to the right, then there is no congestion in the United States. The real problem with is that too many cars are in one person. means is a simple vehicle allocation issue, not a road resource issue. for further explanation, let's look at the third map, as follows:


This is the United States “commuting mode” map for 2016. As shown in the figure: in 2016, Americans drove alone, accounting for 76.3 per cent of total commuting and even 9/10 per cent of total driving.


In other words, of the 10 drivers, 9 were driving alone.


And it's only 9%.

合伙开车是美国的一个发明。为减少交通拥堵和空气污染,美国自1969年始,在高速上设置了一条合伙开车道Carpool Lane,专门供车里坐了两个人或以上的车辆通行。它的好处在车流高峰期时非常明显,如下图:

In order to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, the United States has, since 1969, set up a joint driveway, Carpol Lane, dedicated to two or more cars. Its benefits are evident at the peak of the traffic, as follows:


But the effectiveness of the joint drive is questionable. The pain caused by congestion does not seem to stimulate its use.


In fact, there is only one thing that really affects its use — the price of oil.


American oil imports depend on imports, and oil prices have been controlled by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and the Soviet Union since the 1973 oil embargo.


The use of the United States motorway, which peaked in 1970 at 20.4 per cent, fell to 9.7 per cent in 2011, largely due to the sharp fall in oil prices in the 1980s.


The ineffectiveness of the joint driveway is also an illustration of the persistence of our “one-man-one-car” habit. So, what happens in the age of unmanned driving?


First of all, the people who were unable to move would join the movement wave, including the elderly, the disabled, and so on. Second, more people would want to live a little further away from the city. And again, because the cost of an empty car is extremely low, some people might often let “empty cars” drive home to pick up their own things, or leave them to drive home for the rest of the family.


In other words, the three main factors that cause traffic congestion in a city — vehicles, distances and empty traffic rates — will increase.


In short: Unmanned can't solve congestion. In fact, without good planning, this new technology will be a powerful counter-defeating force, which will completely destroy our traffic.


So, what do we do?



This is a question that Ruth Bridges raised in his new book, Our Auto-Driving Future: Heaven or Hell?


In May 2015, he published his first book on autopilot, The Unmanned Revolution, which perfectly predicts many of the details of the rapid growth of the autopilot industry that we see today. But at the end of 2018, he suddenly raised a whole new and sharp question.


He pointed out that the United States now has an average car with 1.06 people. According to this figure, by 2027 (even without taking into account the increase in the number of unmanned vehicles), the United States would need 114.4 million cars to carry 121.3 million people.


“But the 99 million vehicles that are currently in peak traffic in the United States are already jamming the road system. By 2027, how does the American road system carry the 114.4 million cars?” Bridges asks.


Unless a solution is found. But it must not be the most destructive and expensive road expansion.



Interestingly, as we have already said, the “crowding” of the United States is not actually a matter of road resources, but rather of vehicle allocation.


From this point of view, the traditional “man-in-man” bus system can actually address urban congestion.


But the U.S. bus system is nearing death.


In 2016, as a commuter mode, bus traffic accounted for only 5.1 per cent of the total commuter mode in the United States, while, according to the Wall Street Journal, in the second quarter of 2017, the number of bus passengers across the United States fell by 13 per cent compared to the same period 10 years ago.


This is partly due to cuts in bus services in financially difficult cities following the 2009 United States economic crisis, but other factors are also exacerbating this trend.


For example: the rise of car-crowding software such as Uber and Lyft.


According to a study by the University of California-Davis Institute of Transport Studies in October 2018, the use of the public transport system in Chicago has decreased by 6 per cent since car-caring software provided a more convenient “point-to-point” service.


In some more “closed” environments, such shocks are even more evident, for example, airports.


According to The Economist, many airports in North America were hit by vehicle-caring software services such as Uber and Lyft.


These airports are under threat of a decrease in revenue from the original garage (2/5 of non-aerial revenue) and a reduction in car rental privileges (1/5 of non-aerial revenue).

《经济学人》引用了咨询公司LEK Consulting的数据称:

The Economist quoted data from the consulting firm, Lek Consulting:


“The proportion of United States commercial travel using such taxis rose sharply from 8 per cent to 62 per cent between 2014 and 2017, while the proportion of taxis dropped from 37 per cent to 8 per cent. The number of cars rented also dropped from 55 per cent to 30 per cent.”


This trend has fundamentally affected the airport's financial revenues.


The airport earns less money than taxis because of the Uber and Lyft delivery services.


“To make matters worse, what about the airport when the era of unmanned vehicles has come to an end?” The Economist says: “Nobody can even drive themselves after people get out of the car, which means that parking facilities at the airport are not paid for.”


This would pose a direct threat to the airport.


But, in fact, Ruth Bridges predicted such a result in 2015.


In his book The Unmanned Revolution, published in 2015, he mentioned that the best business strategy for unmanned vehicles is to “rent” like Uber, which will ensure that no one can be used by the largest number of people in the shortest possible time, and that operators can reduce their costs to unimaginable proportions as long as the number of people they use is sufficient. This is the worst part of the economic model for mobile rental services.


Now, come with me and take a look at Lyft on my phone:


At present, the cost of using Uber or Lyft is about $2 per mile, which has led to some changes in economic patterns.


So, when the drivers in the Uber or Lyft car (manual fees) are gone, this pattern of services with a very low-cost competitive advantage will soon take over the vast majority of the travel market.


At this point, however, our “one-man-one-car” driving habits have not changed. And, as a result of the widespread use of unmanned vehicles, three major factors of urban congestion are likely to increase: vehicles, distances, and empty traffic.


In other words, re-inventing public transport has never been more urgent.



So, what are the characteristics of a public transport system that can re-engineer us?


We can call this super-unmanned bus, for the time being, eSAVs (e for Electric; S for Shared; A for Autonomous; V for Vehicles).


In its vision of Bridges, it must have the following characteristics:


First, it must be able to “call and move on” like a taxiing App.


In this regard, there is no better explanation than a note from the former director-general of Yun Koo Capital in an interview with Silicon. In 2017, Qiu Yi used the term “shared bicycle” as an example, saying why this “no one car” must have happened, he said:


“China has seen fewer bikers in the last few years, but why have the bikers come back when they share the bikes? Because a big problem before is that people used them when they wanted to use them, running away when they wanted to, which was impossible to do in the past by buying their own bikes. The “shared bike” model has completely changed the pattern, creating a “demand-on-demand” model, the core of which is not really “shared” but “br-on-demand”.


The same goes for the automobile industry.


I want a car when I want it to appear. When I go up, whether I drive it or I drive it, it's not the key. The point is that when I get to the destination, I get out of the car and I don't have to stop the car, or I'm going back. That means that whenever a car shows up, I'm going to go. And if I do that, there must be an unmanned driver, because if there's an artificial driver, there's no cost from the `economic' and `operational' angle, it must be driven over, then it can drive out on its own to the destination, find a parking spot and a charge. That's the significance of being unmanned, the logic of the investment, why we're dropping a vehicle.


According to Bridges: wherever you are, these eSAVs will arrive in three minutes.


Secondly, there must be three versions in order to eliminate the current waste of seating in buses and the high non-peak-time occupancy rate.


Bridges argues that these new tools should be divided into 2-, 4- and 10-person versions. We can assume that they are called eSAV-2s, eSAV-4s and eSAV-10s.


Thirdly, in order to eliminate the sense of insecurity in the passenger's heart, everyone must be registered.


Yeah, like using an operating system, you need to register when you're first in a car. You need to provide an effective photo ID for the eSAVs scan.


Each time after that, the car will be identified before you enter, and if you change your appearance, you can activate the backup voice signature.


If you are a probationer or on bail, you must always be in a car. If you are a wanted criminal, you will automatically be taken to the police station by eSAVs, and the nearest police will be notified in advance.


It even has such details. Americans, for example, do not like to know where they live in order to avoid being robbed with a gun. How, then, is it possible to protect the privacy of a person's address?


The solution for Bridges is as follows:


Assuming you're the first person to get in the car, you can lift up a smart screen and lock it; when a second person gets in one or two blocks before getting in, your smart window will automatically get dark; and before you get out, the smart window of another passenger will be the same.


This smart window also allows you to sleep in privacy.


Fourth, interaction and navigation.


Interestingly, in previous years, the advertising screen behind the front seat in a Chinese taxi would become an interface between passengers and eSAVs.


And because it's actually into the concepts of "material networking" and "intellectual city," all cars on the road will automatically share traffic information across the city and determine which roads are very crowded or have traffic accidents. You are on your way, and you will always be the best route.


However, the most impressive point is the fifth point.

根据布里奇斯的设想:eSAVs也会有类似“合伙开车道”的专用群道(Platoon Lane)。在这些道路里,eSAVs将能够像“鱼群”一样,整齐划一地快速移动。车队在无线电号的连接下,可以同时加速、转向和制动,就像一个“同步鱼群”,所有的车,会在1/1000分之一秒内,重复领头车的动作。

According to Bridges, eSAVs also have special lanes (Platoon Lane) similar to the "partner-driving lanes." In these roads, eSAVs will be able to move fast and neatly like the "fishes." Under radio links, the motorcade can accelerate, turn and brake simultaneously, like a "synchronous fish" and all cars will repeat the lead car movement within 1/1000 seconds.


Bridges said that such “caravans” were seven times more capable of carrying passengers back and forth within the same time frame than the current bus system.


It's not delusional.


In April 2016, in Europe, the truck fleets of Volvo and Daimler joined up in Rotterdam after several hundred miles in close proximity. This “fish-like” fleet has great potential for increasing the number of vehicles that can be accommodated in the lanes per hour during peak periods and significantly reducing congestion, and is currently being studied by industry.



But here's the thing. I'm gonna throw cold water.


Because in February 2019, a public transport innovation project in the United States died. This start-up company, Chariot.

2015年,它刚冒出来时,我曾经在硅发布上写过它《Uber 已经过时? 看 Chariot 怎么颠覆公交系统》。Chariot之所以吸引我,是因为它允许我们每个人都可以自己定制公交路线。

In 2015, when it came out, I wrote on Silicon: > > > > ; see how Chariotott was allowed us to dictate to dictate < < > >.


Then it lets people vote; then it selects from the database the most popular route for further voting. When the vote reaches a certain level, for example, 100%, Chariot opens the route and rents a dedicated vehicle to operate the bus service.


In 2016, Chariot was bought by Ford for $65 million.


It is important to note that Chariot's fare is much cheaper than the Uber-type cabling software, which targets people with fixed access routes, but with low incomes.


But even so, Ford was determined to give up. In February 2019, Ford suddenly announced that Chariot would be completely shut down because there were too few people willing to share a car.


The death of Chariot also illustrates that it is very difficult to get people to abandon the habit of “occupying a car alone.” This raises the question of how much incentive is needed to get people out of the driving habit of “taking a car alone”?



The answer for Bridges is free.


In other words, at the peak of the traffic, when someone is willing to co-operate with others, they can enjoy the cool functions of eSAVs without paying any fees.


To further stimulate travel, he has also designed a set of incentives called “Rorrow + Stick”.


What needs to be explained is that, when unmanned vehicles become widely available, most of them will be electric vehicles, which is the consensus in industry. In a decade, the cost of components such as batteries, electric machines, sensors, and electronic equipment for electric unmanned vehicles will be significantly reduced.


On the basis of a series of miscalculations, Bridges produced the following data:


By 2027:

  • 2人型的eSAV-2s,运营成本将为18美分/每英里;
  • 4人型的eSAV-4s,运营成本将为24美分/每英里。


And the carrot + stick incentive is designed as follows. Let's start with the stick strategy, which means that in peak times,

  • 如果“一个人独自使用”eSAV,需要支付:1.4美分/每英里。
  • 如果要“上高速”,则需要支付:5美分/每英里。


In other words, if a person uses eSAV alone and on a high highway during peak periods, he will pay:


1.4 cents/miles + 5 cents/miles + (18 cents or 24 cents)/miles.


That's the big-ass strategy. That's to reduce the chances of people taking a single car and getting on a high-speed trip.


And if, at the peak, the person chooses to co-locate with others (usually one or two persons), he can not only sit free of charge, but also enter the faster “troop-only” driveway. Remember, as stated earlier, the number of incoming and outgoing passenger traffic that can be achieved during the same period of time is seven times greater than in the current bus system.


This is the Red Rob strategy.


Bridges believes that, inspired by this formula, our idea of sharing eSAVs will be greatly enhanced.


However, all innovations are essentially an economic issue.


Who will bear the huge cost if each and every one of us can travel in these super-manufactured vehicles free of charge during peak periods?



The answer is: no one has to come out. But the government has to work with the private sector. And Bridges believes that getting involved in the public transport market would be a very critical competitive strategy for private enterprises without vehicles.


Here's a series of math questions that made my mind so big that you're ready for the storm.


First, according to the American Bus Association report:


In 2013, the US invested $31.3 billion to support 25.9 billion miles of public transport. But consumers paid for their own tickets, only 21%.


In this calculation, an average of one bus passenger per mile in 2013, the government’s subsidy to this passenger is 95 cents. And Bridges says that if the government pays this subsidy to a private company, the cost will be solved perfectly, and neither side will need to add more.


The calculations are as follows:


As mentioned earlier:

  • eSAV-2s,运营成本是18美分/每英里
  • eSAV-4s,运营成本是24美分/每英里


However, because of these eSAVs, it is not practically possible to fill them all, so the following data can probably be estimated:

  • 每个乘客,平均乘坐eSAV-2s的成本是:9美分/每英里(18美分/2);
  • 每个乘客,平均乘坐eSAV-4s的成本是:8美分/每英里(24美分/3,因为不可能坐满,所以不是除以4);


And, by this, the average cost per mile per passenger, eSAV-10s, should be even lower. That is, it can be assumed that the operating cost per passenger, eSAVs, is 9 cents per mile.


As was said earlier, if you enter a lot of lanes dedicated to eSAVs, the traffic that the eSAVs motorcade can carry at the same time is seven times that of the current bus system. It can now be calculated:


95 cents - (9 cents*7) = 32 cents


In other words, if the Government transportation services pay 95 cents per mile per subsidy per person to private companies with no vehicles, even if 63 cents are spent on transporting the seven-fold current eSAVs free of charge, and 32 cents remain to provide other services.



According to the data above, now, let's see how powerful the eSAVs will be.


First of all, how many people in the United States will be able to take a car free of charge?


In 2013, there were 105.4 million people using vehicles in the United States, while 3.673 million used the bus system in the centre of the city. It is assumed that if government subsidies allow services to be provided to seven times the current bus flow:


3.63 million* = 26 million.


And how many eSAVs do these 26 million people need to serve?


Assuming that all services are provided by eSAVs-4s, according to Bridges: each eSAVs-4 carries an average of 2.8 passengers. At the same peak, at the same time, eSAVs are able to reach three trips, or six times the current bus system.


Calculated as follows:

2600万乘客/(6倍的车行程 * 每趟车里有2.8个乘客)=155万辆eSAVs。

26 million passengers/(six times the journey * 2.8 passengers per vehicle) = 1.55 million eSAVs.


Is that a big number?


Bridges noted that in 2017, the United States sold about 17.2 million vehicles and light trucks in terms of manufacturing capacity, and he predicted that in another 10 years, in 2027, the United States would meet the challenge of manufacturing 1.55 million eSAVs.


So, how many blocks can these 1.55 million eSAVs be “removed”?


As we have just said, 26 million people can use eSAVs free of charge during peak hours, while 3,673,000 people are public transport workers, that is to say, some 22.3 million new bus passengers.


On the other hand, according to the figure of 1.06 people per car: 22.3 million newcomers would have created 21 million cars on the road without eSAVs. But after using eSAVs, 1.55 million eSAVs would have destroyed 21 million cars.


In other words, this would have generated 21 million vehicles, none.


However, this is not a reduction in the total number of vehicles, because eSAVs themselves also generate the number of vehicles. Therefore, the correct calculation should be as follows:


Taking into account that eSAVs can travel three times an hour during peak hours, that means that at peak hours, they produce 9.3 million single-car trips (6 *1.15 million vehicles = 9.3 million single-car trips)


This also means that there are 9.3 million eSAVs running on the road within an hour. So, after using eSAVs, the correct number of vehicles running on the road should be:

2100万辆 – 930 万辆=1170 万辆?

21 million & #8211; 9.3 million = 11.7 million?


The original 1054 million drivers, in terms of an average of 10.6 persons per vehicle, would have been 9.4 million vehicles on the road.


At the peak of the period, 1.55 million eSAVs were used to transport 26 million commuters free of charge and to reduce the total number of vehicles on the road by 12 per cent (11.7 million vehicles and 96.4 million vehicles = 12 per cent).


And all this, it doesn't cost a penny.


At the peak, only 26 million Americans who would otherwise have received a 9 cent/mile bus subsidy would be required to use the super-unmanned bus eSAVs free of charge.



Now, here comes the most valuable part of the book.


According to the 2027 model designed by Bridges, by 2027 the United States will have the following proportion of vehicles running on the road during peak traffic times:




In the 2027 model, the proportion of traditional private gasoline cars, electric unmanned vehicles, and free eSAVs running on the road is
2, which is surprising, although the proportion of electric unmanned vehicles is not high, the total traffic is quite high. In the 2027 model, the share of traditional private gasoline cars, electric unmanned vehicles and free eSAVs will be different. The return on investment is: how many trillion dollars of wealth are created each year?


Note: For a variety of reasons, what I wrote on the microsatellite is different from what I wrote on the knowledge planet, interested in professional readers of American creative circles, please move to my knowledge planet.




Last April, the global RPA pole, UiPath, was on the market. In the eight months following the successful landing of UiPath at New York, China’s innovative leader in the field of RPA – Yungian Technology – moved the office to the Xuxien Huenko Centre in Shanghai.


“It is true that China's market demand is growing too fast, and the number of our employees has grown dramatically, and our former offices are no longer available.” On December 15, 2021, on the occasion of the change of technology, the CEO Liu Chun of the cloud has just told me.

10个月前,云扩科技完成了由Flaming Capital领投的B+轮融资。此前,云扩科技已经获得红杉资本、金沙江创投、眀势资本、深创投等超过4500万美金的投资。而此次B+融资,云扩将主要把资金用于“RPA+AI+LCAP”超自动化平台的商业化推进上。

Ten months ago, cloud-based technology completed the B+ round of financing led by Flaming Capital. Until then, cloud-based technology had received more than $45 million in investment in redwood capital, capital investment in the Qingsha River, capital investment, and deep investment.


Launched in 2017, its founding team is rooted in Microsoft and its founder and CEO Liu Chun has just graduated from Shanghai Transport University and has been responsible for automated data management products in the Microsoft Cloud computing sector. The team has led the launch of an automated Xplat management tool, which has been used by hundreds of thousands of Azure clients around the world.


What needs to be noted is that in China, the RPA is actually a hot track for years. Last April, with UiPath on the market, the RPA attracted public attention again.


However, cloud extension technology is of concern, because in the competition patterns of the RPA market released by Gartner in 2020, Gartner listed the most representative producers in the global market, where cloud expansion entered the international horizon for the first time as a local manufacturer. At this time, it was only three years before cloud expansion technology was established. This is remarkable, because this gap can be seen in comparison with the concerns of local ERP producers and Gartner.


Second, unlike the larger clients of America’s RPA giant, UiPath, cloud technology has actually gone through another business strategy, namely, the “product-driven growth” strategy that has sprung up in Silicon Valley in the last few years.


This strategy can cover not only large but also small and medium-sized customers.


So why does cloud extension technology choose to push ahead with its “RPA+AI+LCAP” super-automated platform at the “now” point? Behind this choice, what changes in the market for the GPA reflect?



We make software robots, so people don't have to be robots.

这20个字,是整个RPA产业的精髓。所谓RPA即是指:机器人流程自动化(Robotic Process Automation),指的是:企业内部可以通过部署RPA软件机器人,来完成一系列重复性的、基于规则的单调任务,从而让人类员工可以专注于更有价值、更富创造性的活动。

These 20 words are the essence of the RPA industry as a whole. The RPA is called Robotic Process Automation, which means that an enterprise can perform a series of repetitive, rule-based single-key tasks by deploying RPA software robots, thus allowing human workers to focus on more valuable and creative activities.


For example, the authentication of documents, the entry of paper documents, the entry and reconciliation of financial invoices, etc., are similar to the one-size-fits-all duplication of work, assuming that the enterprise hires all of its employees, not only at high cost but also at a rate of error, and that staff are not able to obtain job satisfaction.


If we look at the globe, the EPA market has only emerged in real terms in about 2012. And the evolution of the EPA market, like any other major technological trend, is a gradual process, but it also includes a phased breakthrough.


According to Liu Chungang, changes, mainly on the “demand side” and the “supply side”, together contributed to the explosion of the current RPA.


First, on the demand side: the aftermath of the financial crisis that engulfed the world in 2008, coupled with the maturity of traditional technologies like ERP, businesses need to find new drivers of cost reduction. And the massive global outbreak of 2020 has further exacerbated this demand.


Second, businesses, especially traditional ones, are aware of the need to find ways to avoid interference (kidnapping) by technology companies, and EPAs are seen as a simpler and more cost-effective way of digitizing. A wide range of traditional industries, such as banks, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, and global logistics, have all begun to deploy the RPA tools.


The demographic structure is, of course, also a major cause.


“The rise in labour costs in China's front-line cities, which exceed 15 per cent per year, is all the more so globally.” Liu Chun just pointed out that the rise in global human costs, as well as the decline in the available labour force, has led companies in all walks of life to focus on improving the efficiency of their own individuals, thereby beginning to focus on the technology of the GPA.


In terms of employee job satisfaction, indeed, as the millennium generation enters the workplace, what they want is more creative and attractive.


Secondly, the changes at the supply end.

“在企业服务领域,实际上很难有什么10年前大家从没听说过,但10年后突然冒出来的革命性技术,大部分都是软件技术和算法的更新迭代。而RPA背后的人工智能算法,以及UI automation界面的自动化技术也如此。”刘春刚指出。

“In the area of business services, it's really hard to hear anything about it 10 years ago, but the revolutionary technology that suddenly came out of it 10 years later is mostly an updating of software technology and algorithms. And so is the artificial intelligence algorithm behind the EPA, as well as the automated technology of the UI interface.” Liu Chun just pointed out.


“These years, the RPA manufacturers, represented by cloud expansion, have sealed these traditional software technologies and artificial intelligence technologies into good products and have achieved cost savings for enterprises while addressing their problems.” Liu Chun just said.


According to Gartner, in 2020, the average prices of the GPA were projected to fall by 10-15 per cent, while in 2021 and 2022 it was projected to decline by another 5-10 per cent per year.


All these trends have enabled firms to increase their return on investment (ROI) several times when adopting the RPA. This has further deepened the sinking of the RPA technology.


For example, one of the major clients of cloud extension technology is the National Drug Group. According to Liu Xing, Deputy Director General of Operations and Information Management, NDC Chemical Reagents Ltd.: “The cloud expansion RPA saves more than 50% of the average cost of NDC operations in each related process.”


According to Gartner, by 2022, 90 per cent of the world's major companies will have adopted some form of EPA product.


According to Gartner, global income from the software will reach nearly $2 billion in 2021, an increase of 19.5% over 2020. Meanwhile, by 2024, the market will continue to grow at double-digit rates, despite the economic pressures of the epidemic.


需要注意的是:云扩科技也是第一家将 RPA+AI+LCAP 打造成为一体化智能自动化平台的厂商。

It is important to note that cloud-based technology is also the first manufacturer to build an integrated intellectual automation platform for RPA+AI+LCAP.


The term “RPA+AI+LCAP” refers to the integration of RPA technologies with artificial intelligence technologies with low-code development applications. So why does cloud-based technology choose to push for such a super-automated platform at the “now” point in time?


“Because the customers of the Chinese market have reached this stage.” Liu Chun just told me.


In the past, a large number of clients used the RPA to solve some of the repetitive scenarios, such as posting invoices into the SAP system, which did not touch the real business scene at the heart of the enterprise. “Now, after a first wave of RPA attempts, we have seen a large number of customers willing to apply the RPA technology to the real core business scene.” Liu Chun just said.


In other words, in the past, what the traditional GPA could do was to connect the process, i.e. automate the process, and more to address some of the “snipes” within the enterprise.


But now the cloud-wide super-automated platform not only solves these problems, but also allows clients to use cloud-based products for effective robotic co-management, such as the robot’s state of execution, which can be monitored through cloud-aggregated control. In addition, employees can use the full-scale low-code application platform, ViCode, to develop their own application interfaces for robot operations.


To give one example, Clouds has a Beijing client who uses the RPA technology to monitor the situation, and all robots run directly at the top of the cloud.


And because monitoring requires monitoring of very multimedia, it requires multiple robots to obtain relevant information from different sources every day, and then to document, analyse, and display it. That is, there are multiple robots working together every day.


At the same time, these robots are not used by one person, but by the entire sector, which involves inter-departmental “synergy” within the company, as well as full information authority management, etc., which is very complex.


But these are the real core business of the enterprise, and the clouded super-automated platform can address these issues.


According to the China Low-Code Platform Development Report released by Forrester, a global renowned analyst last November, cloud-enlargement technology has become a few of the leading EPA manufacturers in Forrester, as a result of the cloud-enhanced RPA+LCAP solution and the high level of client recognition.


In this report, Forrest stated that:


“The cloud expansion ViCode, combined with the powerful cloud origin and RPA+AI technology, can help staff to move away from complex code programming and to easily complete the business functionality mix and overlap by dragging visual components to meet changing client needs quickly.”


And that's what's at the heart of cloud technology.


"We emphasize low codes in the hope that we can lower the cost and learning threshold of the RPA robots. Because the concept of cloud-wide products is simple, intelligent and accessible to all." Liu Chun just pointed out: "It is the biggest product feature of the future of the super-automated platform created by cloud-wide RPA+ low code, and it is our greatest advantage to make it easy for every client to use."


This, in turn, is consistent with the two classic paths of the digital transformation of enterprises.


One is top-down, integrated construction, which means that the company, through its CEO, board of directors, runs the ERP at the top of the pyramid in tribal areas of the enterprise, and the whole construction is huge. The other is continuous improvement and optimization.


“The latter is the opportunity for the `RPA+AI+LCAP' super-automated platform, because super-automated means the integration of functions and data on an island to enhance business processes without changing the existing IT infrastructure of the enterprise.” Liu Chun just said.




Interestingly, the overseas exploration of cloud-based technology has also attracted my attention.


According to Liu Chungang, in 2019, cloud technology established its first overseas branch in Japan, and this was the first company in the country that actually established a subsidiary abroad among all the RPA manufacturers.


Let us first look at the difference between the overseas market on the RPA track and the Chinese market.


“First, in developed countries such as the United States, Europe and Japan, where labour is generally expensive, people are reluctant to do repetitive things, even in certain areas, where there is a small labour force (e.g. Japan), and this leads to a much higher willingness on the part of overseas firms to pay for automated services than on the Chinese market.

第二,海外公司的信息化建设要更早。这就决定了:海外公司的内部流程会更规范,也就更适应RPA 流程自动化技术,因此海外企业的RPA需求空间也会很大。”刘春刚指出。

Second, overseas firms build information earlier. This determines that the internal processes of overseas companies will be more regulated and more adapted to the ERP process automation technology, so that overseas firms will have a lot of space to demand.” Liu Chung just pointed out.


These are the attractions of overseas markets for China’s RPA producers. Even in the case of poor prices, which may not be much different from the ability of C-side consumers to pay, in the case of overseas C-side consumers, the price difference in the case of business-level services is too large.


“So it means that the overseas market is much better than the Chinese market, and once any Chinese business-level service company finds its way out of the sea, it will be of great help to the entire Chinese business-level service provider, which is why we started exploring in 2019.” Liu Chun just told me.


However, business-level service providers also face significant challenges in going to the sea.


Because, for example, consumer-grade products are an absolute subject, mainly procured at end C, business-level software travels and business decision-making is relatively complex.


“It is difficult to say in practice whether it is easier or harder for ToB to go to sea, but the core causes of business procurement are certainly different from those of C-end consumers, which requires Chinese enterprises to actively explore.” Liu Chun just said.


In addition, Chinese enterprises have a challenge to overcome.


“Because in the last 10-20 years, the purchase of business-level services has been counterproductive, as companies like Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, etc. are exporting high-tech products abroad to China. But now, it is a big challenge if they are to translate their thinking gradually: Chinese firms can do, and even make, better high-tech products to use than they do abroad.” Liu Chun just told me.


However, as with China's consumer-level companies, there are opportunities for China's business-level services to reach the sea.


“Because China's R & D costs are much lower in terms of advantages than overseas, this advantage will drive China's business-level services abroad, as the pool of Chinese software technology talent, including the vast pool of AI talent, is one of China's capabilities to export abroad in the future.” Liu Chungang pointed out.


Note: For a variety of reasons, what I wrote on the microsatellite is different from what I wrote on the knowledge planet, interested in professional readers of American creative circles, please move to my knowledge planet.



In August last year, I saw data on “the dramatic decline in the number of Chinese Licornes”, but I was concerned that this was the result of untimely data collection by global data agencies.


Until I see the next two messages, I think I should write to you about the macro as a whole.


Please note that the following three things or data are relevant.

  • 红杉资本被预测:将和红杉中国彻底分道扬镳;
  • 去年也就是2021年,投向中国市场的美元基金,从美国LP那里募集到的资本额度,整体下降了65%。
  • 中国独角兽公司的数量急剧下降。


This also means that United States investors are leaving the Chinese market.


It also means that some dollar funds in the Chinese market may face additional challenges this year, especially if they are to raise larger pools of funds, they may be asked repeatedly about regulatory risks by LPs abroad.


The following is a detailed analysis of the above data points.


先来看第一件事。根据美国付费阅读媒体The Information的预测:

Let's start with the first thing. According to the US pay-for-view media forecast The Information:


Redwood capital is likely to end its 16-year-old partnership with Redwood China this year.


Friends of the investment community know that, for reasons of Shen Nam Peng, Shen Nam Peng actually helped Redwood China gain extraordinary autonomy, which can operate as an independent legal entity under the brand of Redwood and make its own investment choices.


The US LPs in Redwood benefit from participating in the Redwood Global Fund, which, together with the Shen Nam Peng team, invests in some companies in the Chinese market, or directly participates in the Redwood China fund.


Let us briefly review the history of Redwood China:


In 2005, Redwood established a Chinese outpost in Beijing, led by Shen Nam Peng. Over the next 20 years, PitchBook's data show that Shen Nam Peng raised more than $10 billion for dozens of funds in Redwood China, which manages about $40 billion in assets.

而红杉中国与红杉资本的关系,也在中国科技繁荣期内蓬勃发展。沈南鹏投了一系列的明星公司,包括拼多多、美团等,这使沈南鹏连续3年位居福布斯“The Forbes Midas list”的榜单榜首,并提升了红杉资本的整体回报。

The relationship between Redwood China and Redwood capital has also flourished during China’s technological boom. Shen Nam Peng has invested in a number of star companies, including Yodo and the United States Group, which for three consecutive years has placed Shen Nam Peng at the top of the “The Forbes Midas list” list and has raised the overall return on redwood capital.


These successes also promise Shen Nam Peng to become a potential successor to Doug Leon, a global management partner in Redwood capital.


In other words, Shen Nam Peng would have been able to take over from Doug Leon to become a global management partner in Redwood.



The main summary of the remaining elements of this paper is as follows:


One, why are we predicting that the Redwood Capital Association and the Redwood China are completely divided?
2, the dollar fund that invests in China’s technology start-up companies has significantly reduced the total amount of money raised last year. At the same time, the number of newly created dollar funds has also decreased significantly.


Note: For a variety of reasons, what I wrote on the microsatellite is different from what I wrote on the knowledge planet, interested in professional readers of American creative circles, please move to my knowledge planet.



A few friends responded to the previous article (for details, see : a person managing 620 million US$).


The first question is: “I guess the source of funding for these independent venture capitalists is Wall Street”; the second is: “All do it on their own, how do DDs do it, and will the failure rate be higher?”


As follows:


1 These sources of funding are not Wall Street, but are from traditional VC LPs. So, this is a change within the venture capital industry itself, and the central reason is that the LP wants better returns on investment.


Instead, LP is attracted by the performance record of independent venture capitalists (a series of companies that have been invested by these independent venture investors in the name of individual investors for more than a decade or so).


At the same time, the LP points out that the founders prefer to take money from a wide range of individuals.


2 To be corrected first, investment is not focused on failure rates, but rather on multiple returns from successful investment cases.

同时,个人VC这个人群实际上很小,不是所有人都有能力作为一个“Solo Capitalist”从LP那里拿到钱的。风险投资之所以能够成为一种商业模式,其顶层首先是:认知差。我在文章中列举的Elad Gil,他首先是一位思想家。

At the same time, the individual VC is actually very small, and not everyone has the ability to get money from the LP as a solo Capitalist. The top of the venture is: poor awareness. Elad Gil, which I have listed in my post, is first and foremost a thinker.


But one thing is right: as a result of the impact of hedge funds on the Silicon Valley-style investment model on the west coast, the convergence of the first and second-tier markets in the United States is sinking further.


This is reflected in the fact that starting this year, some entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, in search of early risk investments, stopped looking for VC on Sandhill Road and, in turn, went to the East Coast for help from Wall Street financial institutions.

这些金融机构包括:像高盛、摩根士丹利、摩根大通这样的大投资银行,也包括像William Blair这样的一些规模较小的投资银行。

These include large investment banks such as Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Morgan Chase, as well as smaller investment banks such as William Blair.


This is strange because, in the past, the average start-up company had to seek the help of an investment bank only in two cases: when the company was to be listed; and when the company was to sell itself, when the investment bank was to look for a buyer.


The core causes behind this change are:



The remaining elements of this paper, which need to be read on my knowledge planet, include the following:


1 Why is this change taking place?


2 The general mode of dealing with such transactions.


Three, on drivers: why would an entrepreneur do that? Why would an investment bank do that?
