Cryptoland-ICO登陆页面 区块链 数字货币 加密货币 比特币 网站模板 WordPress主题

资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:59 评论:0
为了介绍您的加密货币产品,Cryptoland是您到目前为止一直在寻找的Cryptocurrency,Bitcoin和Altcoin ICO主题,它提供了强大而独特的设计。借助WPBakery页面生成器,您可以执...



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为了介绍您的加密货币产品,Cryptoland是您到目前为止一直在寻找的Cryptocurrency,Bitcoin和Altcoin ICO主题,它提供了强大而独特的设计。借助WPBakery页面生成器,您可以执行任何无需“零代码知识”的事情,而WPBakery页面生成器还具有我们专用团队提供的许多功能。您可以借助主题中包含的Visual Composer移动选项轻松地修改任何类型的移动可见性。

To introduce your encrypted currency product, Cryptoland is a theme you have been looking for so far, Cryptocurency, Bitcoin and Altcoin ICO, which provides a powerful and unique design. With the WWPBakery page generator, you can perform anything that does not require " zero-code knowledge ", while the WWPBakery page generator has many functions that our dedicated team offers.

如果您决定选择这个令人难以置信的设计主题,那么选择Cryptoland来获得比特币附带的一项新创新将使您前进一步。毫无疑问,您可以很容易地按预期提供有关ICO概念的确切需求。绝对不会有任何类型的3rd Party插件可以使该主题运行此主题,该插件还包括无限的页面和干净的博客系统。

If you decide to choose this incredible design theme, then choosing Crystalland to get a new innovation attached to Bitcoin will take you a step further. There is no doubt that you can easily provide the exact need for the ICO concept as expected. There is absolutely no 3rd Party plugin of any kind that would allow the subject to run the theme, and the plugin also includes unlimited pages and a clean blog system.

加密硬币与比特币一起进入了我们的生活,并且由于采用了区块链技术,我们可以承担重要的任务来使我们的未来更加安全。对于比特币和加密货币项目,您将需要有吸引力的设计和强大的后台管理。Cryptoland是一个WordPress比特币ICO主题,可以满足您对ICO和Crypto Coins的所有需求。由于该主题中包含的选项,您可以为Blog页面和首页使用预制的模板。您可以使用简码创建无限数量的页面,简码具有许多单击创建功能。

Encrypted coins enter our lives with bitcoin, and with block chain technology we can take on important tasks to make our future safer. For bitcoin and encrypted currency items, you will need attractive design and strong backstage management. Cryptoland is a WordPressbitco ICO theme that meets all your needs for ICO and Crypto Coins. Because of the options contained in this theme, you can use prefabricated templates for the Blog page and the front page. You can create an unlimited number of pages with a simple code with many click creation functions.

该主题的所有部分都是使用WPBakery Page Builder(以前是视觉作曲家)构建的,因此您无需代码知识即可轻松编辑主题部分。尝试进行简单修复时,您无需在Google或其他浏览器上进行搜索,因为我们确实为我们的客户提供了完全免费的客户支持服务。您通常无需支付额外费用即可完成项目。

All parts of the theme are constructed using WPBakery Page Builder (formerly a visual composer) , so can easily edit the theme section without the need for code knowledge. When trying simple fixes, you do not have to search Google or other browsers because we do provide a completely free customer support service to our clients.


Please ask your questions at any time. We are ready to answer any questions you may have on our subject.



通过使用WPBAKERY Visual Composer短代码元素,此主题使您能够非常轻松地构建无限且唯一的页面。所有组件(例如徽标,菜单,边栏等)都是专门为主题构建的,您可以轻松控制这些组件在“主题选项”中完全隐藏或删除它们,而无需任何其他代码。您可以快速编辑Oneclick导入随附的预制页面。由于这些部分中包含功能选项,您可以隐藏/删除任何不需要的元素。如果需要任何帮助,您将获得我们专门的支持团队的7/24支持,该支持团队为5星级别(。

All components (e.g. logos, menus, bars, etc.) are built specifically for the theme, so you can easily control that they are completely hidden or removed from the "theme options" without any other code. you can quickly edit the prefabricated pages attached to Oneclick. contains functional options and you can hide/delegate any unwanted elements. If you need any help, the support team will receive 7/24 support from our dedicated support team (M6L90aVtZvcmcmVzdC5uXvdNrci9iällan" (noft_nknknkndndndlvtldndltld>).



When you create a website, the attraction of the design may not be all, because one of the most important problems when we buy the product is , no matter how well it looks, if you do not have a good customer support service, you may have to give up the product. If there are unresolved errors (not so far) and use our templates to enhance the functionality of your website, we will refund it in full, or we will provide any WordPress topics you want free of charge from Themeforest configuration.


我们会添加您要求的主题的所有可能选项,并且如果发现错误,也会立即更新主题。更新主题所需要做的就是单击一个按钮,然后自动将更新安装在您的服务器上。该主题支持WP 3.0+和所有更高版本。我们会定期跟踪WordPress更新,并相应地更新需要更新的重要代码。

We will add all possible options to the subject you requested, and if errors are found, we will update the theme immediately. What is to update the theme is to click a button and automatically install the update on your server. The theme supports WP 3.0+ and all higher versions. We will follow WordPress updates regularly and update key codes that need to be updated accordingly.


随着WordPress团队的最新重大更新,在大多数网站中使用WPBAKERY Visual Composer可能会遇到一些麻烦。我们已经检查了所有主题,并解决了当前版本WordPress附带的那些问题。此外,如果您对WP 5.0有问题,我们专门的支持团队将很乐意为您提供帮助。

With the latest major update of the WordPress team, there may be some problems with the use of WPBAKER Visual Composer on most websites. We have examined all the topics and solved the problems attached to the current version of WordPress. Furthermore, if you have problems with WP 5.0, our dedicated support team will be happy to help you.



Our team (the 10th class elite author) has sold more than 11,000 products to more than 7,500 clients, and has succeeded in gaining nearly all of their appreciation, especially five stars in the last three years. One of the most important issues we have learned in the 12 years of our business experience in the industry is to maintain a higher level of client satisfaction, and everything, including small customization, is free of charge. We look forward to meeting with your experienced developers and support teams who have worked in WordPress for many years in our extended family.


您可以将此主题用于比特币,Altcoins,ICO,Etherium – Wave令牌和加密货币部门。借助高级主题选项,您可以控制所有颜色和字体,并构建所需的字体和配色方案。我们添加了数百种功能,因此您几乎不需要在我们所有的主题中使用任何其他插件,而且,您可以在多页网站上构建一页页面样式。

You can use this theme in Bitcoin, Altcoins, ICO, Etherium - Video, and encrypted currency departments. With advanced theme options, you can control all colours and fonts and build the required fonts and colour options. We have added hundreds of functions, so you hardly need to use any other plugins on all our topics, and you can build a page style on multiple pages.



You can create an open-ended network control system with more than 40 simple code sizes on all pages, post and custom post types.


借助由Redux或Option Tree创建的控制面板,您可以控制所有内容,例如预加载器,gototop徽标,菜单,颜色,主题的常规布局,页脚,页面结构和内页上的侧边栏等。您还可以编辑在所有内部页面(例如404,搜索和存档页面)的标题和结构上具有可用控件的任何页面结构。

With control panels created by Redux or OpenTree, you can control all content, e.g. preloaders, gototop logos, menus, colours, general layout of themes, footers, sidebars on page structures and inside pages. You can also edit any page structure on the title and structure of all internal pages (e.g. 404, search and archive pages).



With a metabox plugin integrated into the theme, you can use specific definitions on each page, such as adding a unique menu and background picture, and this theme also enables you to apply any CSS code to the site's header footer areas, such as special colours, spaces, heights, etc.



You can use slides with high-profile animation anywhere on your website, or hundreds of ready-to-use presentations with this plugin. If you get the attention of a visitor, you take the first step!


多亏了您的Envato API,您不必关注变更日志或任何更新,因为当我们发布主题更新时,您将在网站的控制面板上看到通知,并单击一下即可更新主题。是的,就像更新插件一样简单。

Thanks to your Envato API, you do not have to focus on the change log or any update, because when we publish the subject update, you will see the notice on the control panel of the site and click to update the subject. Yes, as simple as the update plugin.


您可以通过“主题选项”面板无限使用Google Webfonts列表,也可以通过“主题选项”面板无限使用Google Webfonts列表,并通过定义诸如body – H1之类的元素的字体和功能来更改设计的所有印刷详细信息-H6 –第

You can use the Google Webfonts list indefinitely through the Theme Options panel, or the Google Webfonts list indefinitely through the Theme Options panel, and change all printed details of the design by defining the fonts and functions of elements such as body – H1



With the benefit of short code for the theme and powerful design options added to the Theme Options panel, you can change all content from colour to space, without encoding information and without encoding knowledge. Furthermore, if you want to change the composite elements without encoding knowledge, our client support will help you free of charge.



When you need an e-commerce system based on WordPress infrastructure on your website, you can use WooCommerce for preparation in a few minutes.



The Envato team has reviewed all topics in detail and has obtained high scores in all performance tests (e.g. Validador, Pingdom, PageSpeed) and has provided you with an important advantage in SEO. When you want to produce some versions, you can easily apply the changes made without losing them between well-organized documents and codes.



You can use the left side, the right side bar and the full corner options in pages and article layouts, and make the only version on each page and article. Use the functionality we add to create " single page " and " multiple page " page styles, a theme that allows you to easily create any page you want.


该主题带有一个集成到Envato API中的插件,其中包括免费的终身更新。如果您要更新付费插件,则可以从我们的服务器下载并安装最新版本的付费插件,例如WPBakery Visual Composer或Revolution Slider。

The subject has an integrated plugin in Envato API, which includes a free lifetime update. If you want to update the fee plugin, you can download and install the latest version of the fee plugin from our server, such as WWPBakery Visual Composer or Review Slider.


您可以在任何需要的可自定义输入中使用任何重要的字体图标系列,例如Font Awesome。下载儿童主题或图标插件并将其集成到您的网站后,您可以将它们放置在您的网站中。

You can use any important font icon series, such as Font Awesome, in any self-defined input that you need.



As a standard, we can encode all text lines into text that can be converted to different languages. When the subject is completed, we place a.POT file in the subject's language folder, which stores all of the text string in a convertible format in different languages. When you want to translate the site from English to other languages, you can easily translate each line into the required language using applications like POEDIT. Our documents provide the instructions needed to adapt the subject to different languages.


我们计算与Page Speed和SEO有关的所有信息,这些信息表示您的网站访问者,搜索引擎和服务器资源的消耗情况。为了使您的网站速度和搜索引擎优化率保持在最高位置,我们会仔细处理每个细节。得益于与重要插件(例如Yoast的WordPress SEO)无缝配合的主题,您可以节省大量时间和服务器资源。当您将我们准备充分的文档应用于WordPress系统时,您将通过超过85%的页面速度来最大化您的网站转换率。

We calculate all information related to PageSpeed and SEO, which indicates the consumption of your website visitors, search engines, and server resources. In order to keep your website speed and search engine optimization in the highest possible position, we will carefully process each detail. You can save a lot of time and server resources by benefiting from topics that are seamlessly associated with important plugins (e.g. WordPress SEO in Yoast). When you apply our full-fledged documents to WordPress, you will maximize your website conversion rates by more than 85% of the page speed.

    • WPBakery Visual Composer页面构建器
    • 革命滑块
    • 联络表格7
    • WPML支持
    • 支持Metabox
    • Total Cache文件,用于快速主题缓存和速度选项
    • Google Web字体
    • 准备好博客
    • .POT适用于所有语言–多国语言
    • 7/24快速支持
    • Oneclick演示数据安装程序(Oneclick Migrate)和XML
    • Oneclick主题更新
    • 支持一页和多页主题布局
    • 通过metabox为每页自定义菜单
    • 支持视差背景图像和视频
    • 不同的页眉和页脚布局
    • 无限侧边栏
    • 无限背景
    • 颜色无限
    • 井资料
    • 6个ICO登陆页面
    • 6个动画页面
    • 6个可自定义的PSD文件



    • 01 ICO创意登陆
    • 02 ICO柜台登陆
    • 03 ICO轻着陆
    • 04 ICO黑登陆
    • 05 ICO白色登陆
    • 06 ICO彩色着陆
  • 技术设计
  • 完全分层的PSD
  • 完全可定制
  • 全面响应
  • 免费更新
  • 搜索引擎优化
  • 快速的表现
  • 文献资料
  • 1400+字体图标
  • Google字体
  • 谷歌地图
  • HTML5和CSS3
  • 基于Bootstrap
  • 基于jQuery
  • 元素
  • 视差效果
  • 动画库
  • 轮播
  • 图表
  • 同位素
  • 灯箱图库
  • 社会图标
  • 面包屑
  • 客户徽标
  • 感言
  • 团队成员
  • 标签
  • 纽扣
  • 进度条
  • 分页
  • 手风琴
  • 警报
  • 专柜
  • 画廊
  • 媒体嵌入
  • 视频
  • 清单
  • 标题
  • 文字样式
  • 代码块
  • 地址
  • 块引用



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