
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:63 评论:0
马斯克宣布特斯拉暂停使用比特币支付 比特币价格崩了 Musk announced Tesla's suspension of Bitcoin to pay bitcoin prices 特...



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马斯克宣布特斯拉暂停使用比特币支付 比特币价格崩了

 dry-roll bitcoin? ></p><p style=埃隆马斯克


And the number two digital money player after Bitcoin -- Etherwood -- now has a posture called Brother Chen.


According to the analysts in the collectivité, many of the early strengths and prices of the Etherms are rising upwards and, despite the backsliding, the overall number of the leaders has prevailed.


The previous day, the encrypt currency had risen by $4,300 a day in the Pacific, and it had continued to grow. In addition, the recent movement of the ETHE of the ETHE of the TTTF was impressive, from $20.38 a year low on April 20 to $41.07 a year high on May 10, with the ETHE trust increasing by more than 100 per cent.

业内人士认为,以太坊的这种强势,与比特币近期弱势直接相关。而知名交易员和分析师Crypto Cobain认为,长期来看,比特币的空头就是以太坊。如果以太坊持续上涨超过比特币的市值,那么这可能会损害领先的加密资产的成功,因为长期的比特币资产持有者会将其持有的资产换为以太坊。

Crypto Cobain, a well-known trader and analyst, argues that in the long run, Bitcoin’s empty head is Etha. If it continues to rise above Bitcoin’s market value, this could undermine the success of the leading encrypted asset, because long-term Bitcoin asset holders will trade their holdings for Taicha.


 dry-roll bitcoin?</p><p>数据来源:灰度网站,截至2021年5月12日</p><p>Source: Greyscale website, as at 12 May 2021</p><p>尽管ETHE是以信托基金的存在,它是在美国二级市场上首个追踪以太坊价格的产品,而且是可交易的。截止5月12日,ETHE的规模已高达124.06亿美元。</p><p>Although ETHE exists as a trust fund, it is the first product in the US secondary market to track the prices of Etheria and is tradable. As of 12 May, ETHE had reached $12.406 billion in size.</p><blockquote style=



According to ETHE public data, we can find that each unit represents the actual share of ETHE, and thus the rate of the ETHE premium on ETHE can be calculated by this share.


 dry-roll bitcoin?</p><p>数据来源:灰度网站,截至2021年5月12日</p><p>Source: Greyscale website, as at 12 May 2021</p><p>如图所示,截止目前,每股的ETHE=0.01025584个以太坊,如果按5月11日ETHE的40美元来算的话,ETHE代表的一个以太坊的交易价格为=40x(10.01025584),即约为3900.22美元。</p><p>As shown in the figure, at present, ETHE = 0.01025584 per unit, if calculated at $40 as at 11 May, one of the ETHE representatives = 40 x (0.01025584), or approximately $3900.22.</p><p>而截止5月12日17:50,以太坊在各大交易所的真实价格约为4300美元,所以ETHE的溢价率为(3900.22-4300)4300x100%=-9.3%,也就是说目前ETHE是折价的,且折价率接近10%,购买ETHE后相当于接近9折就能买到以太坊。</p><p>As of 12 May, at 17:50, at a real price of approximately US$ 4,300 for each of the major exchanges, ETHE had a premium of 100 per cent (3900.22-4300) 4300 x - 9.3 per cent, i.e. it is now discounted with a discount rate of nearly 10 per cent, which is equivalent to nearly 9 discounts for the purchase of Ether.</p><blockquote style=


 dry-roll bitcoin?</p> <p>对于以太坊的近期的涨势,摩根大通分析师Joshua Young 认为,相较于比特币,以太坊的估值对杠杆需求的依赖程度可能更低,这是一种技术上的推动力。</p><p>In response to the recent rise in the Etherm, the Morgan Chase analyst, Joshua Young, argued that the reliance on leverage demand in Taitco's valuation could be lower than in Bitcoin, which was a technical driving force.</p><p>摩根大通另一位分析师Nick Panagirtzoglou发布了最新报告,承认“以太坊最近的崛起尤其令人瞩目”,报告在讨论以太坊的章节提到,尽管比特币价格最近仍在6万美元以下徘徊,但是近几周在以太坊和其他小型加密货币的带领下,整个加密货币市场大幅扩张。</p><p>Another MP Morgan Chase analyst, Nick Panagertzoglou, released his latest report, acknowledging that “the recent rise of Etheria is particularly impressive” and mentioned in the section of the report under discussion that, although Bitcoin prices have recently remained below $60,000, the entire market for encrypted money has expanded dramatically in recent weeks under the leadership of Taicha and other small encrypted currencies.</p><p>谈到以太坊上涨背后的逻辑时,Nick Panagirtzoglou认为主要来自多个方面的因素:</p><p>Speaking of the logic behind the Etherm rise, Nick Panagirtzoglou argues that it comes mainly from a number of factors:</p><p>1、上周欧洲投资银行(EIB)使用以太坊区块链发行了1亿欧元的两年期零息数字票据,这是其首次发行数字债券。</p><p>The European Investment Bank (EIB) issued Euro100 million in two-year zero-interest digital instruments last week, the first of its kind.</p><p>2、加拿大Purpose Investments在4月20日推出了首只以太坊ETF(ETHH),同月又有三只以太坊ETF接连推出。</p><p>2 In Canada, Purpose Investments launched its first ETF (ETH) on 20 April, followed by three more in the same month.</p><p>3、由于今年夏天即将引入的EIP 1559协议,以太坊供应有结构性下降。</p><p>3. As a result of the EIP 1559 agreement, which will be introduced this summer, there has been a structural decline in the supply of Etheria.</p><p>4、投资者对ESG的巨大关注已经将注意力从能源密集型的比特币区块链转移到以太坊区块链,预计以太坊2.0将在2022年底变得更节能。</p><p>4. The massive investor interest in ESG has shifted attention from an energy-intensive Bitcoin block chain to an Etheria block chain, which is expected to become more energy-efficient by the end of 2022.</p><p>5、最后报告提到,美债收益率走高和货币政策最终正常化,都正在合力给作为数字黄金的比特币施加下行压力。而以太坊是从其应用中获得价值,从DeFi到游戏,从NFTs到稳定币,所以不像比特币那样更容易受到更高实际收益率的影响。</p><p>5. The final report states that the high rate of return on US debt and the eventual normalization of monetary policy are all joining forces to exert downward pressure on bitcoin as digital gold. By earning value from its applications, ranging from DeFi to games, from NFTs to stable currencies, it is less likely than Bitcoin to be affected by higher real rates of return.</p><p><strong>从机构大买以太坊到分析师的言论,都侧面透露出对以太坊的看好。那么大家是否也看好以太坊信托基金ETHE未来走势呢?欢迎在下方留言讨论。</strong></p><p>From the agency's buyout to the analyst's remarks, the view of Ether has been shared. Do you also see the future of Ether Trust ETHE? You are welcome to leave a message for discussion.</p> <p><font style=风险及免责提示:以上内容仅代表作者的个人立场和观点,不代表华盛的任何立场,华盛亦无法证实上述内容的真实性、准确性和原创性。投资者在做出任何投资决定前,应结合自身情况,考虑投资产品的风险。必要时,请咨询专业投资顾问的意见。华盛不提供任何投资建议,对此亦不做任何承诺和保证。

em> risk and exoneration: these represent only the author's personal position and views, and do not represent any position on behalf of Huaming, nor can they confirm their authenticity, accuracy and originality. Investors should consider the risks of investment products in their own context before making any investment decisions. If necessary, consult with a professional investment consultant.


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