
资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:61 评论:0
华夏时报(记者 赵奕 胡金华 上海报道Reporter of the Summer Times (月20日午...



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华夏时报(记者 赵奕 胡金华 上海报道

Reporter of the Summer Times (


On the afternoon of 20 July, BTC fell short and broke the 30,000-dollar gate, now reporting $29,623.68, with a 6.13 per cent fall in the day. Data show that $426 million, equivalent to approximately 2.76 billion yuan, has been reported in the last 24 hours.

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The Washington Times journalist learned that, on 19 July, crypto-currency asset management reached the largest single day in history, unlocking about 16,000 BTCs. Throughout July, a total of about 41,000 BTCs will be unlocked, estimated at nearly $1.4 billion.


“The fall in bitcoin is normal, not so much connected to the break-up of the GBTC, and the recent decline in the United States stock market as a whole, as well as in the currency market, is due to a combination of multiple factors, and today it is just another manifestation of the recent downturn in the currency market.” Yanxi Kana, the founder of R.R.R.A., said to the Washington Times journalist


Wang Jun, a member of the ODS block chain policy expert committee, told journalists in this newspaper that, after a period of madness, global financial regulators have begun to adopt a strong regulatory attitude towards encrypted currencies such as BTC, including policies such as the ban on encrypted currency mining by my Government and other countries, and that for BTC there has not yet been much more profitable to reverse the current downward situation.


Grainscale Unlocked in July


Wang Xing said that, in the past, when the greyscale was unlocked, there was also a buyout at the same time as the liquidity was released. This time, when the greyscale was unlocked, it happened when the BTC fell, adding to the feelings of market flight and worsening the downward movement.

据了解,灰度旗下的Grayscale Bitcoin Trust(GBTC),是美国最大的可以通过证券交易所购买比特币的投资工具。投资GBTC的出资方式有两种,分别是现金出资和实物出资(比特币),锁定期为6个月,此外,灰度会收取2%的管理费,管理费直接从持仓的比特币数量中扣除。

Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC), under the Greyscale flag, is known to be the largest investment instrument in the United States that can buy bitcoin through a stock exchange. There are two ways to finance investment in GBTC: cash and in-kind contributions (bitcoin), which are regularly locked for six months. In addition, Greyscale collects 2% of the overhead charge, which is deducted directly from the amount of bitcoins in storage.


Previously, GBTC had a high premium arbitrage, with a record 40.2% premium on GBTC on 21 December 2020, and this was one of the reasons for the concern that GBTC had been receiving, according to Morgan Chase, that the Greyscale Bitcoin Trust had reached a record $2 billion in December 2020. But since March of this year, following the Greyscale closure of the GBTC Trust, the GBTC premium began to shift, reaching a maximum negative premium of 21.23% in mid-May.




The GBTC massive unlocking in July triggered a lively debate in the industry. Journalists learned that some analysts, including Morgan Chase strategists, believed that eligible investors would sell at least some of their GBTC assets after the July unlocking period, further reducing the current downward trend in the BTC market.

摩根大通认为,比特币市场在出现长期看涨信号之前,当灰度比特币信托基金中的BTC解锁之后,价格有可能进一步下跌并触及25000美元区间水平。摩根大通首席策略师Nikolas Panigirtzoglou在报告中表示,“我们仍然不会放弃对比特币和加密市场更普遍的负面展望。尽管有所改善,但我们的信号总体上仍然看跌。”

According to Morgan Chase, prices could fall further and reach $25,000 between the BTCs in the Greyscale Bitcoin Trust until there were long-term signs of upswing in the Bitcoin market. Morgan Chase's chief strategist, Nikolas Panigirtzoglou, said in his report, “We will not abandon the more widespread negative outlook for the Bitcoin and encryption markets. Despite improvements, our signals are still generally down.”


Gua Yanxi, for its part, said to journalists that the recent decline in the crypto-digital money market had no direct bearing on the GBTC unlocking. “It depends on how the holders of these shares judge the current market, for which they are less likely to operate in the short term and more likely to hold them in the long term.” Gua Yanxi, for example, said.

灰度首席执行官Michael Sonnenshein在接受外媒采访时表示,投资者购买GBTC股票,会考虑中长期的前景。因此,他们可能不想在解锁后立即抛售所持资产。

In an interview with the foreign media, Greyscale CEO Michael Sonnensheein stated that investors would take into account medium- and long-term prospects for buying GBTC stocks. Therefore, they might not want to sell the assets immediately after unlocking them.


National regulation strengthened and various media platforms suspended


“As the importance of the technology of the domestic block chain becomes more evident, the regularization and formalization of the firms concerned is the inevitable option for the sector chain industry to move towards normality and rapid development.” Wang Haif, Senior Researcher at the Okoun Chain Institute, expressed to journalists.


Since May of this year, the virtual money-related industry has become more regulated and the media platforms have been overhauled. On July 19, the Block Chain and Digital Assets Information Platform, the Ostrich Block Chain, announced that the registration of new users of the website and App would be suspended as of July 19, 2021, and the personal account postings would be suspended.

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The ostrich block chain indicates that the ostrich block chain will remove the platform's default numbers and contents, conduct in-depth self-checking, enhance website content release clearances and account number management in a comprehensive manner, and continue to publish the content and technical information generated by the ostrich block chain team.


According to SkyEnd, the company of Ostrich Block Chains North of Shanghai Technology Ltd. was established in March 2015 and its statutory representative, Chen Keung, has received investment from investors such as Sino-Sink Star and Seven Sea Capital.


On July 15, an encrypted currency content community, the Currency World, announced that it would actively cooperate with the regulatory sector’s industry restructuring requirements, as soon as the world’s App and website ceased to operate in China, in compliance with the provisions of the Central Bank’s regulatory department’s document on virtual currency.

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According to SkyEnd, in August 2017, the world-associated company Beijing Dollar World Network Science and Technology Ltd. was established with a statutory representative, Tan Morning Fai, registered capital of RMB 1.25 million, and has received several rounds of financing, with previous investors including submissive capital, capital start-up, real-eligibility funds, etc.


In addition, in June of this year, Huge V Weibo, the coins of Chico, the superbitcoin and the block chain of William, were banned, and the relevant page shows that the account number is now inaccessible because of complaints of violations of the laws and regulations and the provisions of the Convention on the Community of Weibo.


Encrypt money markets are a bubble market, which is more speculative. And because of the lack of transparency in the regulation of transactions in the encrypt money markets, they may have created vested interests, to the detriment of the large number of small and medium-sized investors participating in the markets.


Zhang Snowfeng argues that the risk of systemic financial risk is high because of the leverage and risk of encrypted money. The media in question, in turn, are virtual money-trading platforms, which, regardless of whether the market goes up or down, be it favourable news or good news, attracts new “speculators” whenever the news comes out, and the media is part of the entire industry chain, and the media ceases to operate, helping to combat transactions in virtual money markets.

责任编辑:徐芸茜 主编:公培佳


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