
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:56 评论:0
  区块链机密货币交易锁遭入侵,安全存在隐患。使用泰雷兹Protect server HSM加密机,多方位保护您的数据,并通过集中化管理,安全的存储密钥。Block chain secret currency trading locks...



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  区块链机密货币交易锁遭入侵,安全存在隐患。使用泰雷兹Protect server HSM加密机,多方位保护您的数据,并通过集中化管理,安全的存储密钥。

Block chain secret currency trading locks are breached, and there are security concerns.


Quoted part:


Seventy million dollars lost! Hackers have invaded Hong Kong's block chain of encrypted currency exchange.


In September 2023, the hot wallet of CoinEx, the Chinese block chain encrypted currency exchange in Hong Kong, was hit by hackers, resulting in a total loss of about $70 million for various asset types. It is now initially determined that the cause of the incident was the disclosure of the hot wallet’s private key, and the CoinEx exchange is offering a “fault reward” in exchange for the return of funds.


First, thousands of dollars worth of ETH were stolen. Then more than $20 million worth of ETH, $10 million worth of TRON and $60 million worth of MON (BSC) and Bitcoin (BTC) in other asset types were stolen. The encrypted exchange held a total of about $115 million in these hot wallets, and the rest of the money was transferred to the cold wallets for safekeeping. CoinEx stated that funds stolen from the encrypted exchange came from CoinEx as a reserve wallet, that platform users were not affected, and that any user who suffered a loss as a result of the data leak would receive “100% compensation”.


This attack involves encrypted assets.


CoinEx issued a statement indicating that an investigation into the data leak was under way. As a result of the reconstruction of the wallet system, including 211 block chains and 737 currencies, the services of the encrypted exchange (including deposits and withdrawals) were temporarily suspended. As the reconstruction process proceeded, the services were gradually being re-incorporated. CoinEx was also in contact with other encrypted exchanges to request the freezing of stolen assets. CoinEx had never been hit by hackers before, and even recently used its data leaks as the subject of self-advocated blog articles.


The founder of CoinEx made a sound in social media about the event.


As a next step, the public security organs will continue to implement the legal and regulatory requirements of the Cybersecurity Act, the Data Security Act and the Regulations on the Security Protection of Critical Information Infrastructures. They will strengthen their network and data security oversight inspections and security protection, combat violations of cyber security, data security and violations of citizens'personal information, in accordance with the law.


The quote above, “Losing $70 million! The hacker's invasion of Hong Kong's block chain of encrypted currency exchange” is original.


The following analytic solutions component:


Block Chain


The block chain stores valuable information, and the contractual agreement between users to record transactions (encrypted currency balances) records proof of ownership of assets.


Challenges in the block chain:


Trust in book reconciliation is crucial in a distributed environment.


All transactions in the ledger must be digitally signed.


Use passwords and other digital signatures to prove identity, authenticity and enforce read/write access


Security protection of private keys


Anse provides a credible key infrastructure - HSM encryption machine

  泰雷兹的ProtectServer Network Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) 是一款为保护密码算法密钥被非法获取而设计安全的网络型物理服务器。它的主要功能是提供为加密、签名和认证服务保护,从而保证应用系统的安全。

The ProtecServer Network Hardware Security Modeles (HSMs) of Thrace is a network-based physical server designed to protect password keys from illegal acquisition. Its main function is to provide protection for encryption, signature and authentication services, thereby ensuring the safety of the application system.


Digital security protects users, machines, equipment, data, infrastructure, applications. It can be credible, complete, accessible, and confidential. Encryption alone is not enough, and the key is the foundation of digital trust.


Reason for HSM encryption:


Secure key in physical tampering hardware


Private key not available


Implementation of decryption in the security environment


Coincidentally provided hardware for the production of entropy keys

  通过FIPS 140-2和CC等独立认证

Independent certification through FIPS 140-2 and CC

  HSM也是一直不断发展以满足新的技术需求。信任根是密码系统的基础,数字安全取决于加密和解密数据并执行签名和验证签名等功能的加密密钥。在硬件安全模块 (HSM) 等安全环境中确保这些密钥和加密功能的完整性至关重要。信任根保护数据、用户和应用程序的安全,并有助于在整个生态系统中建立信任。

HSM is also constantly evolving to meet new technological needs. Trust is the foundation of cryptographic systems, and digital security depends on encryption and declassification data and encryption keys that perform such functions as signing and authentication of signatures. Ensuring the integrity of these keys and encryption functions in security environments such as the hardware security module (HSM) is essential. Trust protects the security of data, users and applications and helps build trust throughout the ecosystem.


Provision of storage, protection and management capacity for encryption keys to provide security for sensitive data and critical applications

  ProtectServer HSMs拥有以下的特性和功能为敏感数据和关键应用提供安全保障。

ProtecServer HSMs has the following features and functions to provide security for sensitive data and critical applications.


1. High security

  ProtectServer Network HSM 内有高可靠执行安全加密处理的加密模块。

ProtecServer Network HSM contains encryption modules that are highly reliable for secure encryption.


The equipment is characterized by high-security heavy steel casings, which provide the highest physical and logical protection for the storage and processing of highly sensitive information (e.g. encryption keys, pins and other data). Security storage and handling means that encryption keys will never be exposed in an explicit form beyond the hardware security model (HSM), providing a level of security that the client cannot provide by a software programme, and providing certification by a third-party certification body to meet the safety needs of industry organizations.


2. Flexible design

  ProtectServer HSMs 提供了让应用程序开发人员创建自己的固件并在HSM的安全范围内执行它的内存空间,从而提供了独特的灵活性。此模块被称为Functionality Modules(FM),它提供了开发和部署定制固件的全部工具。提供了实现全功能的软件仿真器完善了灵活的开发工具,使得开发人员能够在桌面计算器上测试和调试自定义固件。模拟器还可以作为测试应用程序的工具,而不需要ProtectServer HSM。准备就绪后,开发人员只需安装HSM将通信重定向到硬件,不需要对软件进行任何更改。

ProtecServer HSMs provides unique flexibility by allowing application developers to create their own solids and implement their memory space within HSM's safe range. This module, known as Fundability Modules (FM), provides all the tools for developing and deploying customized solids. A fully functional software emulator has refined flexible development tools to enable developers to test and debugger self-defined solids on desktop calculators. Simulators can also be used as tools for testing applications instead of ProtecSer HSM. When prepared, developers simply need to install HSM to redirect communications to hardware and do not need any changes to the software.


3. Management-friendly


A graphical user interface (GUI) is easy to understand and operate, simplifying interaction between users and HSM devices, and facilitating the management and key management of HSM devices. Emergency management tasks, such as key modification, addition and removal, can be performed remotely and safely, thereby reducing management costs and response times.


4. High performance and expansion

  ProtectServer Network HSM能供快速执行密钥运算。专门的加密电子设备——包括一个专用的数据密码微处理器、内存和一个真正的随机数生成器(RNG)——从主机系统中卸载加密处理,释放它来响应更多的请求。

ProtecServer Network HSM can perform key operations quickly. Special encryption electronic devices – including a dedicated data password microprocessor, memory and a real random number generator (RNG) – remove encryption from the mainframe system and release it to respond to more requests.

  ProtectServer Network HSM可广泛的用于对称和非对称密钥处理,以满足各种安全应用程序处理需求,其速度可达每秒1500个RSA -1024签名操作。所包括的双网络接口可允许HSM集成在相同或不同的子网上,并在不同的网络之间共享,以保护多个业务域或在单个网络中提供冗余。此外,高水平的可扩展性,可靠性、冗余和增加的吞吐量很容易实现,因为可以协同工作的HSMs的数量没有限制,或者可以管理的密钥的数量没有限制。

ProtecServer Network HSM can be used extensively for symmetrical and asymmetric key processing to meet the processing needs of various security applications at a speed of up to 1,500 RSA-1024 signatures per second. The two network interfaces included allow HSM to be integrated on the same or different sub-networks and shared across different networks to protect multiple domains or provide redundancy in individual networks. Moreover, high levels of scalability, reliability, redundancy and increased vomiting can easily be achieved because there is no limit to the number of HSMs that can work together, or there is no limit to the number of keys that can be managed.


5. Accessibility

  智能卡为安全备份、恢复和传输加密密钥提供了最高的安全性和管理便利性。升级可以在工作区域完成,避免到安全机房操作的过程。ProtectServer HSMs还支持通过兼容的PIN Pad输入关键组件。

Smart cards provide the highest level of security and management convenience for secure backup, recovery and transmission of encryption keys. Upgrades can be done in the working area, avoiding the process of operating in a secure machine room.


6. Multi-factor identification


ProtecServerHSM supports multiple identifications. This authentication program adds another layer of security by requiring memory sign PIN and randomly generated six-digit numbers from 110OTP.


7. High availability

  除了ProtectServer 3 HSM提供的特性和功能外,Protect Server 3+HSM还使用双可插拔交流电源来帮助高可用性数据中心防止停电,并通过提供将设备连接到两个独立电源的能力,以防止其中一个电源可能发生的故障来实现业务连续性。这提供了必要的灵活性,以执行维护或更换一个有故障的电源或电源供应,以保证您的设备将继续运行。

In addition to the features and functions provided by ProtecServer 3 HSM, ProtecServer 3+HSM also uses a double plug-in exchange power source to help high-availability data centres prevent power outages and to provide business continuity by providing the capability to connect equipment to two stand-alone power sources in order to prevent a possible failure of one of them. This provides the flexibility necessary to perform maintenance or replacement of a malfunctioning power source or supply to ensure that your equipment will continue to function.


The Anse programme can provide a chain of protected areas in the following areas:


Provide strong identification and identification for access to block chains


The PKI system provides a digital identity, i.e. a certificate, for the equipment


STA provides a fully automated high-security identification service for humans


Protection of core block chain technology

  在FIPS 140-2 3级硬件中安全地生成、使用和存储加密密钥,包括 RSA、ECC椭圆曲线(secp256k1、Ed25519 等)

Securely generated, used and stored encryption keys, including RSA, ECC elliptical curves (secp256k1, Ed25519 et al.) in FIPS 140-23 hardware


Sign an intelligent contract to prove its origin.

  使用 BIP32 的分层确定性钱包支持

Supported with a stratification wallet using BIP32


Protection of data stored inside and outside the block chain to provide confidentiality of transactions


Protect communication throughout the block chain network


Generate and securely store encryption keys for TLS and SSL network connections


There are also functional modules (FM) available for programming to safely implement custom encryption or add custom block chain algorithms




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