
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:58 评论:0



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In January 2024, General Secretary Xi Jinping launched a workshop on high-quality financial development for leading provincial and ministerial officials to develop a sound, autonomous, secure and efficient financial infrastructure. In recent years, in the midst of a wave of digitalization and rapid growth of central banks’ digital currencies, major domestic and foreign financial infrastructures have been actively trying to use block-chain technology to provide digital securities services and promote the digitalization of financial markets.


Need for the application of the financial infrastructure exploration block chain


Exploring the application of block chains can accelerate the digital transformation of financial infrastructure, meet market diversification needs, compete for international voice and better maintain financial security.


(i) Exploring digital transformation pathways. Block chain applications are widely recognized as a viable way to promote the development of digital assets. Financial infrastructure explores the digital bond chain operations and the co-building of market institutions as a new path to the digital transformation of financial markets.


(ii) Providing diversified market services. The financial infrastructure provides a public platform for block-chain digital bonds, compared to commercial agencies attempting to build their own block chain systems, which allows for professional advantages, meeting market diversification needs and saving market operating costs.


(iii) Increased efficiency of cross-border bond operations. In addition to trade-zone bonds, there are self-issued and multi-level hosting issues in offshore bond operations. The financial infrastructure provides a public block-chain digital bond service platform that reduces the risk of self-issuance by market agencies, shortens the cross-border settlement cycle for offshore investors and enhances operational efficiency.


At present, the main international financial infrastructure is actively exploring the technical application of block-chain technologies and attempting to carry out securities-trading settlements on block-chains. China’s financial infrastructure can only have equal rights to international dialogue and engage in potential international cooperation by exploring practices and having the corresponding support capabilities.


(v) Better maintenance of financial security. The application of block-chain technology enhances the penetration of market information, strengthens penetrating regulation and maintains financial security. Financial infrastructure explores block-chain digital bonds that can provide a technological reserve for digital currency applications in bond markets and enhances the autonomous control of cross-border settlement systems.


Practice for the application of the chain of financial infrastructure exploration blocks in our country


China’s financial infrastructure, represented by the Central Clearing Company, began to explore block chain technology in 2018 and is committed to providing more secure, efficient and diversified services to the market. The block chain technology has been applied to business areas such as credit asset flow, corporate bond clearance and digital bond issuance.


In 2020, the Silverton credit asset block chain platform met business development requirements for asset penetrating registers, using the technical characteristics of block chain technical information traceability, information documentation, multi-point synergies. It further enhanced bank-to-bank trust through the establishment of a credit asset block chain platform that expanded the sharing of effective information. The enterprise bond block chain platform was based on the inexorable, transparent, secure and reliable characteristics of block chain technology, enabled documentation of links, information traceability, enhanced market credibility, and created an open, digital, and intelligent corporate bond service platform for regulators and market institutions.


In 2021, the Central Clearing Company explored the use of block chains to support bond issuance operations, form business programmes and prototype systems for block chain digital bond issuance, take advantage of the technical advantages of block chain encryption algorithms, privacy protection, identification, smart contracts, etc., to enhance transparency and efficiency in bond issuance operations and help strengthen penetrating controls.


At the beginning of 2022, 16 ministries issued a joint communication to include the Central Settlement Company as a pilot for innovative application of the country’s block chain. In November of the same year, the Central Settlement Company launched the first autonomous digital bond distribution platform in the country’s block chain. The platform adopted a coalition chain, implemented centralized management and co-manage with market institutions; technically autonomously developed, supported the integration of the entire node, light nodes and nodes into the economy, supported interoperable operations such as the interlinkage of the chain, the interlinkage of the same chain and the heterogeneous chain; functionally supported the full process of bond issuance. By the end of 2023, the Central Clearing Company had successfully supported the issuance of bonds of $8,454 million in size, issued bonds including financial bonds, corporate bonds and trade-zone bonds, and the system had filled gaps in domestic financial infrastructure to support offshore bond issuance operations and played an important role in promoting the integration of the digital economy; and two representative institutions had implemented cross-chaining applications with regulatory capabilities.


(ii) Hong Kong, China. The Hong Kong region is also actively exploring block chain digital bond operations. In 2021, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the Bank for International Settlements cooperated in exploring block chain innovations and conducting simulation tests for monetized green bonds. In 2022, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority explored the use of block chain technology to settle bond and cash in exchange bonds (DVPs).


In 2023, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority supported the Hong Kong Hong Kong Government in the sale of the currency-based green bonds, the first government-issued green-currency bonds in the world. Following the issuance of the currency-based bonds, it explored the use of block chains to support transactions and interest payments in secondary markets. In August of the same year, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority issued a report on the monetization of the Hong Kong Bond Market, recommending that the issue of currency-based bonds be made widely available and promoted for wider application.


Practice in other countries in exploring blocks of financial infrastructure


(i) United States. In 2020, the US Securities Deposit and Liquidation Corporation applied block chain technology to validate a monetized stock operation, using a private chain at the bottom of the block chain platform, which was developed jointly by a number of market agencies and technology companies and was used mainly to verify the feasibility of block chain support for stock issuance, liquidation, settlement, etc. The monetized stock platform, in parallel with the traditional stock clearing platform, uses a parallel booking model designed to provide diversification options for users. Trade orders were initiated by market participants through client nodes, and after processing on the monetized stock platform, the information was transferred to the traditional business system for settlement.


(ii) Europe. 1. European Clearing Bank. In 2021, the lead joint market agency of the European Bank for Settlement simulated the use of central bank digital currency to settle French national debt on a block chain. The bottom platform is a private chain, with tests ranging from bond issuance, transaction settlement, buy-back and interest payments. DVP settlement instructions are implemented through the exchange of currency passes with securities.


In line with the German Digital Securities Act, which supports the digitization of bonds, the Bank has launched a block-chain digital bond platform to cover the full value chain of bonds, including issuance, hosting, settlement and asset services. The platform consists of four modules: a digital bond issuance module; a central registration hosting module based on the private chain; a private chain-based “decentralized” service module, which has not yet been launched; and an information channel module. In December 2022, the German Bank for Reconstruction and Credit released the first single digital bond since the promulgation of the German Digital Securities Act.


The Swiss Exchange, in conjunction with the Swiss Central Bank and the Bank for International Settlements, explores the use of different types of central bank money settlement digital securities on a block-chain platform. The Swiss Exchange uses both digital and traditional currency for settlement tests. When digital currency is used, the securities buyer converts the traditional currency into a digital currency, and when the settlement is completed, the digital currency is transferred directly to the traditional currency accounts of the digital securities seller.


(iii) Singapore. In 2016, the Singapore Gold Authority explored block chains for inter-bank market payments and settlement of securities, exploring government bonds and Singapore dollar DVP settlements on block chains. Government bonds are digital securities, which are settled separately from digital currencies. Digital securities and digital currencies are settled separately. In 2022, the Singapore Gold Authority established a liquid asset pool in Ether, incorporating digitized Singapore government bonds, Japanese government bonds, Japanese yen and New dollar, conducting real-time conversions of the Japanese yen and the Singapore dollar and simulations of the government bond trading settlement.

  (四)跨国合作。1. 欧日央行的合作。2016年,欧洲央行和日本央行探索区块链技术在证券结算业务中的模拟验证,并提出两种结算模式。一是同一账本结算,证券和资金记录在同一账本,交易双方直接使用加密签名进行交易处理,通过共识机制对交易指令进行验证和确认,并将交易结果写入账本。二是不同账本结算,证券和资金记录在不同账本,交易双方通过数字签名和哈希时间锁定合约实现两个账本的信息交互。哈希时间锁定合约用于保证未在预定时间内完成必要流程的情况下,将证券和资金退还给原始持有人。比较而言,同一账本模式下的业务风险相对较小。

1. In 2016, the ECB and the Central Bank of Japan explored the simulation of block-chain technology in securities settlement operations and proposed two settlement models. First, the same account book, the securities and funds were recorded in the same account book, the transaction was processed directly with an encrypted signature by both parties to the transaction, the transaction instructions were validated and confirmed through a consensus mechanism, and the results of the transaction were recorded. Second, different account books were settled, securities and funds were recorded in different books, and the parties exchanged information on the two books through digital signatures and the Hashi time lock-in contract.

  2. 瑞法央行的合作。2021年,瑞士央行、法国央行、国际清算银行联合市场机构一起开展数字货币结算数字证券的模拟测试,旨在使用数字瑞士法郎和数字欧元结算区块链上的股票或债券等金融工具。模拟测试的内容包括:批发型央行数字货币的发行和赎回;在传统业务平台上发行和赎回证券,并在瑞士交易所下属的数字交易所平台映射上链;在数字交易所平台上实现数字证券的DVP结算;在数字交易所平台上实现不同数字货币之间的对等支付(PVP)结算。

2. Cooperation between the Swiss Central Bank. In 2021, the Swiss Central Bank, the French Central Bank, and the Joint Market Agency of the Bank for International Settlements jointly conducted a simulation test of digital monetary settlement digital securities, with the aim of using financial instruments such as shares or bonds in the digital Swiss franc and digital euro block chain. The simulation test consisted of: wholesale distribution and foreclosure of the central bank's digital currency; issuance and redemption of securities on traditional business platforms and mapping of the digital exchange platform belonging to the Swiss Exchange; DVP settlement of digital securities on the digital exchange platform; and matching payments between different digital currencies on the digital exchange platform (PVP).


International Comparison and Apocalypse


(i) Comparative conclusions. By comparison, our financial infrastructure practices are ahead of international counterparts in terms of business, technology, management, standards and so forth.


At the operational level, we have achieved production applications and value chains. The construction of our block-chain digital bond system does not change business rules, making new technology applications and regulatory business rules compatible; participating subjects and supporting vouchers are more abundant, including State-owned commercial banks, stock-based banks, urban commercial banks and enterprises. Supported bonds cover corporate bonds, general financial bonds, special financial bonds and self-trade zone bonds.


At the technical level, we have adopted a coalition-chain design, self-built platforms, and controlled technology. The construction of our block-chain digital bond system supports multiple modes of access and reduces the cost of participation by market institutions; the interactivity of operational data is enhanced through cross-link interfaces; the security of the system is enhanced by the deployment of multiple full-volume bookings outside the financial infrastructure; and by autonomous research and development of data privacy protection functions, centralized management consensus mechanisms and separate rights controls.


On the management side, the system operates in a centrally managed, collegial manner. The alliance chain does not alter the statutory centrality of the financial infrastructure and members’ access to management, but it is efficient to achieve consensus-building in business processes through smart contracts. Market institutions, while adhering to the governance of the alliance, are innovative in their operations, providing useful feedback and cooperative oversight.


In terms of standards, two standards have been issued in the field of digital bond specialization, with a basis for participation in international rule-making. In the standard content, for the first time, digital bonds are defined, coalition governance norms for centralized management are proposed, technical and performance requirements for system-building are clarified, data standards for the interaction of different systems are clarified, etc. Business development is promoted through standard-building.


(ii) Relevant inspirations. First, both traditional and digital currencies can support digital securities settlement operations. When traditional currency settlements are used, block-chain systems and traditional payment systems interface directly or indirectly to achieve value swaps and indirectly to transmit financial information only; when digital currency settlements are used, block-chain systems and digital monetary systems interface directly to achieve value swaps.


In the course of business operations, central management helps to ensure business integrity, regulation, and efficient operation, which is an important prerequisite for effective co-management. It also makes a reasonable trade-off between the privacy protection requirements of participants and the transparent sharing of information, which is an intensive and efficient model.


Third, block-chain digital securities services should be provided by the financial infrastructure. Internationally, individual market-based agencies have created a block-chain digital securities service platform, which cannot provide registration hosting services because it is not qualified to do so.


The fourth is that financial infrastructure offers significant advantages in providing related services. In contrast to commercial institutions in general, financial infrastructure has public attributes and greater economies of scale; centralized and uniform registration hosting services for markets avoid fragmentation; highly experienced and specialized securities services; non-profit participation in market-building as an independent third party; higher credibility; and advantages in risk monitoring and dispute resolution.


The international financial infrastructure is actively exploring the application of block chain technology to the issuance and settlement of securities. Several countries have demonstrated that block chains support the viability of securities operations and that they can be effectively interfaced and integrated with traditional systems. In addition, innovative business functions can be explored in block chain systems to provide a useful complement to traditional systems.


Thinking about the application of financial infrastructure to deepen the block chain


At present, our financial infrastructure has achieved milestones in the area of block-chain digital bonds, but the block-chain system is relatively independent, and the business landscape is yet to be enriched. In the future, the business landscape can be further expanded to promote interconnectivity and deeper exploration applications.


(i) Facilitating the interface between block-chain systems and payment systems. Digital bond systems built from block-chain to bottom technology can be interconnected through systems such as cross-chains, interoperable under-chains, and compatible with traditional currency payment instruments and digital currency payment instruments. From existing practice, block-chain digital bonds can be settled either in digital currency or in traditional currency. Compared with the more efficient use of digital currency settlements. Next, consideration could be given to expanding the application of digital renminbi to digital bonds, and exploring the use of digital currency to settle digital bonds under the regulatory framework.


(ii) Interoperating of block-chain systems and traditional business systems. The initial development of block-chain digital bonds requires that account information from market agencies be imported into block-chain systems from traditional systems to support digital bond operations, and that bond-registry information from block-chain systems be imported into traditional business systems to ensure the integrity of business data and support business statistics and regulation. For some time to come, the operations and monitoring of bond markets will continue to be dominated by traditional business systems, with the sector-chain digital bond system as an important complement.


(iii) Use of block chain systems as a pilot vehicle for innovative operations. The high-quality development of bond markets requires the exploration of innovative operations. In order to maintain the security and stability of traditional business systems, innovative, exploratory and uncertain operations can be tested first on the block chain digital bond system. The block chain system is a natural, high-quality test field. On the one hand, full bookings can be deployed at multiple nodes under a distributed accounting model, which makes it easy to recover data when the system is unstable. On the other hand, the block chain system and the market institutions are jointly established and naturally form a coalition for joint exploration of innovative operations.


(iv) The block chain system is used as an important backup for traditional business systems. The block chain system provides additional options for ensuring business continuity. In extreme cases, the block chain digital bond system can be used as a back-up system to safeguard business continuity when the traditional bond business system is unstable or temporarily inoperable.


(v) Explore an integrated accounting system for “passports + accounts”. Traditional bonds use a customer-based account system to match the bond elements with the holder. Block chain digital bonds use a pass system, which is used as the base unit, and the records are encrypted and not subject to tampering. Accounts systems are more efficient in terms of querying, and they have a greater advantage in terms of transparency of information, anti-podification. Block chain digital bonds could consider combining two modes of record keeping, using a pass system for recording within the block chain system and setting up an account system within the user query function.


(vi) Promotion of market harmonization and regulatory development through standard-system-building. Block-chain digital bonds are at a pilot stage, both at home and abroad, and there is a lack of regulatory standards for related professional terminology, business logic, technology platforms, etc. Financial infrastructure, as a system-provider and centralized regulatory body, should be summed up in practice to promote the establishment of a system of standards, promote the development of uniform market norms, and lay the foundation for participation in the international rule system.


(vii) Use the block chain system as a catcher for national financial security. The exploration of block chain digital bonds, using digital currency settlements for cross-border settlement scenarios, has the potential to provide a new model of cross-border settlement that would facilitate the removal of existing cross-border renminbi settlements from other information transmission channels, and explore the establishment of secure and easy access to the currency for cross-border application to better safeguard the country’s financial security.


Use the block chain to promote international financial infrastructure connectivity


The Secretary-General of Xi proposed, at the opening of a workshop on high-quality financial development for leading officials at the departmental level, the strengthening of financial market connectivity within and outside the country, the enhancement of cross-border access to finance facilitation, active participation in international financial regulatory reforms, and the maintenance of financial security floors in open conditions. Interconnectivity between domestic and foreign financial infrastructure is an important technical support for financial market connectivity. The development of an autonomous, manageable system for clearing cross-border securities transactions will help to integrate financial development and financial security.


In order to guard against financial sanctions in the area of cross-border payments, our Central Bank, in conjunction with the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates, the Central Bank of Thailand and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, has launched a multilateral central bank digital currency bridge project using block-chain technology to build a new, autonomous and controlled cross-border payment infrastructure and successfully complete real currency swaps on the chain.


The MCB Digital Currency Bridge project has achieved autonomy at the “money” level, but at the “bull” level, there is a need to build an autonomous international central securities deposit system (ICSD). Currently, ICSD is dominated by individual country-level financial infrastructure, with greater sovereign will, which is more uncontrollable for other participating countries, to the detriment of interconnectivity between international financial infrastructure.




Distributed ICSD is a coordinated mechanism for synchronized recording of accounts by national registry custodians. Without amending national laws, a block chain technology is used to guarantee consistency in the books of national registries, achieve cross-border transaction settlement of securities, and increase the openness of capital markets. This is achieved by providing access to international connectivity platforms by national registry custodians in a consensus node and interlinking internal registry hosting systems and international connectivity platforms. In the context of cross-border securities transaction settlements, the registry custodians of the country where the operations are initiated initiate requests to the International Connectivity Platform in the form of standard communications, and the International Connectivity Platform completes the processing of instructions and synchronizes the updating of all consensus node books, while feeding the response to the launch system and initiating internal data processing for the system (see figure).


In the context of the high rate of digital currency development and the successful practice of the central bank digital currency bridge, consideration could also be given to docking international connectivity platforms with digital currency cross-border payment systems, achieving cross-border financial safety and security in terms of “bulls” and “moneys”, and jointly promoting financial openness and maintaining financial security.


(author Tang Bin is a Ph.D. student at the China Institute of Finance, Southwest University of Finance and Finance; and Chen Sen is an expert at the Central Clearing Company's Debt Research and Development Centre)


  ①穆长春.顺应技术演进和经济发展趋势 积极推进以我为主的法定数字货币[J].旗帜,2020(11).








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