Recent days xff0c; when we interacted with friends in some currency circles xff0c; they found that their perception of the nature of USDT was different from that of our criminal justice practice. To avoid the legal risks associated with this tendency xff0c; this paper will help readers to understand the expansiveness of the criminal law and monetary nature of the disruption of the financial management order xff0c; and to analyse the criminal possibilities involved in USDT exchange operations.
In the opinion of some of the currency circles’ friends, our laws protect only the French value of the renminbi & #xff0c; the French currency of other countries has no French currency significance. On the basis of this understanding & #xff0c; the virtual currency that anchors the foreign currency does not naturally have the potential to endanger our financial management order. Unfortunately, xff0c; this is not the case under our laws.
In accordance with the provisions of article 7 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court of Certain Questions Concerning the Specific Application of the Law in Cases of Counterfeiting Currency, etc., xff1a; “The currency referred to in this Interpretation shall mean the currency of the People's Republic of China, which is capable of circulation or convertible on the domestic market, and the foreign currency.” The face of the currency shall be calculated in the currency of the People's Republic of China xff0c; other currencies shall be converted into the currency of the People's Republic of China by the foreign exchange rate published by the State's foreign exchange administration at the time of the case.”
This can be seen in xff0c; xff0c for the evaluation of monetary offences in our country; xff0c for the determination of the French currency to cover xff0c for foreign currency; this also creates a legal risk of anchoring the foreign currency to the stability of the currency.
USDT is called “Tedaco” & #xff0c; it is a digital currency issued by Tether & #xff0c; Tether promised USDT and the United States dollar 1xff1a; 1 convert & #xff0c; i.e., Tether issues USDT & #xff0c each; its corporate account number is deposited in US$ 1 as security & #xff0c; it has stable exchange characteristics.
But it is also because of this stability xff0c; xff0c, according to sister-in-law’s team; and the characteristics associated with the dollar one-to-one dollar have given the USDT a certain degree of French-currency nature and financial attributes. And for the specific circulation of the USDT xff0c; that the USDT has been used by various virtual currency exchanges abroad as settlement currency xff0c; and that it is an objective expression of the replacement of French currency as a denominated standard.
In our country xff0c; individual exchange of foreign exchange with a limit of US$ 50,000 per year xff0c; however, individuals can circumvent foreign exchange control xff0c on foreign exchange exchange exchange; there is a risk of violating the financial management order.
In aggregate, xff0c; USDT is issued by unofficial subjects xff0c; it is French xff0c; and there is a virtual currency with the potential for alternative French currency circulation.
Based on the above statement xff0c; the xff0c team believes xff0c; and the fact that the exchange of USDT in the country may constitute an offence of illegal operation under Article 225 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China.
The third and fourth provisions of this article xff1a; “Breach of national regulations xff0c; one of the following illegal operations xff0c; Disruption of market order xff0c; Serious xff0c; Sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to detention xff0c; Fine not more than five times the proceeds of the offence xff1b; Particularly serious xff0c; Sentenced to imprisonment for a term not less than five years xff0c; Fine not more than five times the proceeds of the offence or Confiscation of property xff1a; xff08; IIIxff09; Illegal operation of securities, futures, insurance operations xff0c; xff1b; xff08; IVxff09; other illegal operations seriously disrupting market order.”
As noted above xff0c; USDT is French xff0c; exchange operations are often linked to fund clearing xff0c; the possibility of their replacement for circulation in French xff0c is also easily covered by the above-mentioned spin-off provisions; xff0c is considered by sister-in-law's team to be xff0c; and the performance of USDT exchange operations is easily compatible with the illegal conduct enumerated in the offence of illegal operations.
In addition, xff0c; xff0c for “violation of the State” in the context of the criminalization of the offence of illegal business; previously, the xff0c team considered the “State Regulation” of 2017, which was more likely to be applied by the investigating authorities, to be the text. However, according to the provisions of the Circular of the Supreme People's Court on the question of the accurate interpretation and application of the “State Regulation” in the Penal Code, xff0c; xff0c for violation of local regulations and sectoral regulations xff0c; xfff0c; therefore xff0c; we consider it to be the key to the offence of the USDT exchange operation.
However, xff0c; Article 22 of the revised version of the People's Bank of China Act, which was published on 23 October 2020, broke this criminal line xff1a; “No unit or individual may make, issue or sell coupons and digital tokens xff0c in lieu of the renminbi in the market.” The facts promulgated by the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of China in conjunction with the Law on the People's Bank of China xff0c; it has reached the level of effectiveness of the “State” standard in the Penal Code xff0c; the USDT exchange operation is a contributory act for the sale of currency xff0c; it has the possibility of replacing the circulation of French currency xff0c; it is no longer a question of “violation of State regulations” in the context of the criminalization of illegal operations by operators.
And finally...
The criminal risk of USDT exchange operations is becoming more evident xff0c; the path of illegal operations is becoming more narrow. In cases where there is essentially less controversy about crime, xff0c; how practitioners can protect themselves from being the most important thing. xff0c is suggested by the sister team. xff0c; be cautious xff0c; seek help from professionals in a timely manner xff0c; and protect financiers from being held hostage.
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