BlockGame区块链游戏大会成功召开 共建去中心化游戏生态

资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:100 评论:0



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On August 4th, the Block Chain Games Conference, built by BlockGame, a global block chain game platform, was successfully held. This multi-sector exchange for gamemakers and block chain project players aims to connect the games and block chain industries, achieve multi-win cooperation through industry synergies, and share the dividends of block chain development.


built decentralised game ecology



At the meeting, the founder of BlockGame, Mr. Kogumi, shared the key to “BlockGame — a community-building decentralized game ecology, leading to a multi-winner”; the co-founder of BlockGame, Mr. Emily, demonstrated strategic planning for the “BlockGame Open Partnership Future”; the BlockGame Advocacy Officer's Mine analyzed “The Relationship of Trust is a lie detector in marketing” from a professional marketing perspective; the Director General of Currency Reporting, Mr. Liu Peng, analysed “The Area of Block Chains, The Importance and Need of the Media” from a media perspective; and the BlackGame Platform blast game, “The Trinity of Pirates”, represented by his practical case of conduct, conducted an excellent “BlockGame chain game running and sharing”.


In order to better integrate the resources and strengths of the various parties and achieve a win-win partnership, BlockGame also signed separate contracts with the IMX Exchange, the Philippine BCB, Singapore NB, Dragonball, hairball and block chain projects to inject new energy into the block chain and game.

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manufacturers, projects, exchanges, players, platforms all win


The Congress host, BlockGame, is the only global block-chain application platform that achieves a direct link between the gun and the OKEX exchange, with more than 1 million self-owned users, and has been on the line for hundreds of block-chained game products to import millions of traffic for the exchange.


The BlockGame platform, based on block chain technology, builds a decentralised open game ecology across borders, across platforms, across products, free of national, game type, currency restrictions, provides a barrier-free access to block chains and the game industry, provides global access to a variety of game products, provides a stage for a wide range of game developers and players to customize, collaborate to benefit from and share the dividends of block chain development; and provides a rich Token application for sector chain entrepreneurs and provides universal access to and development of the grid of tens of millions of levels of user energy in the game industry, perfect integration of block chains with the game industry, and wins with players, block chain players, digital money exchanges, game players and platforms.

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game user access, block chain application landing, game mining, exchange


For game distributors, the BlockGame platform provides them with an excellent second use of the classic game, drawing back old players with the new patterns offered by block-chain games; while using the platform to interface with block-chain projects to increase access to multiple users, bringing new benefits and exposure to the game. Most importantly, access to the BlockGame platform has resulted in a significant increase in sticky users, with game retention rates, payment rates and daily currents doubling on average by more than twice the average before access.


For block chain project parties, access to the BlockGame platform enables customized application scenarios to be achieved, while at the same time bringing in a highly viscous active user community, increasing project brand visibility, increasing project token holding address and circulation efficiency, and achieving rapid accumulation of original users at the time of project landing and accelerating the development phase.

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For players, block-chain games can be a real revolution, mining in a game mode, entering into virtual currency, gaining token benefits, voting on products by holding token, gaining decision-making power, making virtual asset rights in games, moving digital assets across platforms and products, and participating in free Token candy awards. Token games are no longer the head of a game that makes money while playing games, but rather the real welfare of players.

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For the exchange, the game industry of 420 million users (2017 data) is a potentially large market, using the BlockGame platform and block-link games to support token consumption, allowing the exchange to quickly enter the game market, bringing tens of millions of levels of user growth, demand for transactions and a rapid expansion of the volume of the exchange.


The mere dedication of either side will lead to a constant tilt and loss of balanced ecology, which can only be achieved if all members are in a win-win position. The BlockGame block-chain game is over, the future of the block-chain game is just beginning, and the BlockGame platform welcomes all game developers and block-chain projects to work together to shape the magical future of the block-chain plus the game.




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