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能量守恒,在学术界中,对该词的定义是“各种能量形式互相转换是有方向和条件限制的,能量互相转换时其量值不变,表明能量是不能被创造或消灭的”。简单地说就是一种能量不会凭空消失,而是通过某种形式转化成另外一种能量,如一个物体从高空落下,重力势能转化为动能等。或许有人会感觉有点懵,这跟金融和科技有关系吗?这明明就是一个物理学里面的一个科学解释而已。但是大部分人可能也并不知道牛顿是金本位币制(Gold standard)的创始人吧!虽然不能100%地经济学里面的事情可以通过物理学的定义来解说,但绝对可以用类似的定义来分析。

Energy remains constant xff0c; in academia xff0c; the term is defined as xff0c, where there are directional and conditional limits to the conversion of various forms of energy. xff0c, where the amount of energy is constant xff0c; which indicates that energy cannot be created or eliminated.” Simply put, it is an energy that will not disappear in vain xff0c; it is transformed into another energy xff0c; for example, an object falling from a high altitude xff0c; gravity power to kinetic energy, etc.




& #xff0c in the stock market; #xff0c; #xff0c; #jrjrjjjjjk; #43; #jrjrjjjjjjjk; #jrjrjk; #jrjöffk; #kjöfk; #kmjjjjjjök; #kjöfjöfjök; #kjöfjök; #kjöfjöfjök; #kjöfjök; #kjökjöfjöfjök; #jökjökjökjöfjök; #kjöfjöfjökjökjöfjök; #kjöfjökjökjöfjökjökjökjökjökjökjökjkjkjkjkjjjkwkjjjjjjjjwjjjjjm; ffhjmjwjwjwjwh; #kwhjwwht; #khtwwwwwht; #kwwwwwwwwwktttttttttttttttttttttt; fft; ffttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt; ffttttttttttttttttttttttttt ftttttttttttttttttttt fttttttttttttt fttttttttttt ft ft ftttttttttttttttttt ftttttttttttt ftttt fttttttt ft ft ftt


The quality of financial assets and energy maintenance at wind control levels


Financial assets are of excellent quality & #xff0c; wind controls are very few & #xff0c; management relative power & #xff1b; financial quality & #xff0c; and wind controls are very problematic & #xff0c; management is expensive. Financial platforms are stable xff0c; like a world microcosm xff0c; energy converts between asset quality and wind control levels xff0c; nothing is less for you or you are less for me. But once xff0c; this stability is destroyed xff0c; and it is upgraded to a higher dimension of energy maintenance #xff0c; this is demonstrated by assets and wind control two superior platforms growing steadily xff0c; platforms with poor asset quality, wind control and weak control are exposed to thunderstorms, regulatory reviews, slow business development, etc.


development and testingxff0c; constant law of software and transport


In the software industry & #xff0c; we often see development teams and test teams & #xff0c; software departments and transport departments often argue inconspicuously #xff0c; quality issues push each other & #xff0c; blame each other. This phenomenon can also explain , with energy constantity; xff0c under the same quality standards of delivery; developers invest more xff0c; test crews reduce xff1b; develop quality variations xff0c; test xff0c; test xff0c; develop a lot of work to find problems xff0c; develop and test good teams after finding problems xff0c; eventually develop xff0c in corporate competition; their products also have a stronger life force xff1b; double teams xff0c; and they gradually withdraw from competition xff0c; their software products do not have a strong life force xff0c; and they are likely to overtake higher energy.


xff0c is the same problem with software as with its dimensions; under the same client service standards xff0c; the better the software xff0c; the easier it is going to be xff1b; when there are a lot of problems in software production xff0c; xff0c xff0c


Software development code to keep the law


xff0c in the software architecture design; we often have principles xff0c; e.g., “Blank front end, thick center, strong core” xff0c; medium-level emphasis on software reuse xff0c; non-repeal wheels. But xff0c for a specific software function; this architecture design is a code transfer. The developed and long-run project xff0c; the number of codes that will need to be written/maintained is fixed xff08; precisely the minimum number of codes that will be fixed xff0c; the later end will need to be replaced xff1a; xff0; xx0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.ff.x.x.x.x.


bitcoin and energy keep the law


In physics, xff0c; “energy” is defined as the measure of the ability of the physical system to do its work. This means that money is the amount of energy xff0c; it is the amount of energy xff0c; it can be considered “economic energy.” Economists refer to economic energy as “price” xff0c; it is measured as “euro” or “United States dollar”. But xff0c; these are abstract xff0c; their quantity will change with time xff0c; their amount will change with time xff0c; they are the unit of energy xff0c; they are in the physical reality xff0c; they are the source of energy x; they are the source of energy xx; they are the source of energy; they are the source of energy; they are the source of energy; they are the source of energy; they are the source of energy; they are the source of energy; they are the source of energy; they are the source of energy.


The answer comes from economics & #xff0c; it means price & #xff08; economic energy & #xff09; it is a reflection of supply and demand. When the overall supply of commodities increases & #xff0c; each unit reduces its economic energy. So & #xff0c; energy stored in a new $100 dollar banknote & #xff0c; xff08, which is transformed from a pre-existing dollar; it loses a fraction of its energy xff09; xff0c; and the entire dollar energy is a zero-sum game.


The same applies to certificate of entitlement xff08; POSxff09; currency xff0c; and proof of workload xff08; Powxff09; currency bitcoin.

那些将能量存储在美元当中的人, 会因为经济寄生者而被吸取经济能量,而将能量存储在比特币当中的人则不会。比特币矿工们已经找到了一种方式,可将电能转化为经济能量。

Those who store energy in dollars & #xff0c; those who are drawn from economic energy & #xff0c as economic parasites ; and those who store energy in bitcoin. Bitcoin miners have found a way & #xff0c; they can convert electricity into economic energy.


From a logical point of view, xff0c; once people realize that they can store pure economic energy xff0c; rather than face the shortcomings of the economic parasite xff0c; they will convert the dollar to bitcoin. This will result in the conversion of energy from the dollar to bitcoin. After xff0c; as the total economic energy of Bitcoin approaches the dollar xff0c; as the economic energy of the dollar falls from the point of view of physics xff0c; as a chemical reaction xff0c; as a result of the rapid conversion of energy xff0c; as close to the complete conversion xff08; as the word xff0c; because some people will refuse to give up trust in the dollar xff09; as a result, xffc; as a result of the growth in the universe #09; as a result of the discovery of offx; as a result, #0xfffff; as a result of the increase in the currency.


The power of artificial intelligence holds


"How many people are artificially smart xff01;" is the A.I. Age xff0c; there is a general understanding of the inputs required for intelligence. Artificial intelligence is either machine learning, depth learning, or nlp, knowledge mapping xff0c; there is a large number of model training xff0c; training is derived from a large number of sample data xff0c; or language xff0c; these are data assets that have been retained for years as a result of a business operation xff0c; this training is done first for sample data xff0c; these are a large number of manual inputs xff0c; so a formula for energy maintenance xff1a; #43; algorithms #43; algorithms #43; algorithmic #61; artificial intelligence. Search engine services like google #xff0c; interface is simple xff0c; a search input frame xff0c; this search is driven by a series of artificial intelligence #x0c; this is also a command codeless code & code #0c.

“高利润守恒定律”是由《创新者的窘境》和《创新者的解答》这两本畅销书的作者克莱顿·克里斯坦森在 2004 年左右提出来的。这个定律是这样说的:当价值链上某个环节的高利润由于产品的模块化和商品化而消失时,赚取高利润的机会往往会出现在相邻环节的专有产品上。定律比较绕口,可以简单理解为:当原本可以赚取高利润的某类产品,因为技术进步和市场竞争等因素导致价格下降,原有的高利润消失时,有可能会促成对该产品的大规模使用,从而催生出新的产品和应用,而企业可以通过这些新的产品和应用,赚取高额利润。

The “high profit maintenance law” was introduced around 2004 by Clayton Christensen, author of two best-selling books, The Innovator's Innovator's Condition and The Innovator's Answers. The law was put forward by xff1a; xff0c when high profits from a link in the value chain disappear as a result of modularization and commodification of products; xff0c when high profits are lost; xff0c where opportunities for high profits are often found in the niche of the adjacent product. The law is more proximate xff0c; can be understood simply as xff1a; xff0c when high profits could otherwise be earned; xff0c when prices fall because of technological advances and competition; xff0c when old high profits disappears; may lead to large-scale use of the product xff0c; thus generate new products and applications xff0c; and enterprises can generate high profits through these new products and applications xff0c.


Here are some examples of "high profits keep the law of constantity."


The first example of

IBM。IBM 靠把计算机卖给企业、机构和学校赚了大钱;但进入到上世纪八十年代,它遇到了一个强劲对手,就是苹果。苹果做出了第一台供个人使用的计算机,迅速占领了新市场。IBM 为了应对苹果的挑战,采取了一个非常大胆的策略,就是开放自己的硬件架构,允许第三方制造商使用这个架构生产各自品牌的个人计算机。同时,IBM 把操作系统的开发分包给了微软。这之后,微软崛起,靠卖Windows操作系统和Office办公软件赚了大钱;而计算机硬件由于市场已经进入了充分竞争阶段,所以利润下降到几乎为零。国内的计算机厂商,像联想,最初是靠着国家保护和政府采购,才维持了高定价、高利润,但随着中国入关,计算机市场一打开就迅速被国外厂商占领。联想明明可以从国外的市场学到东西,但却眼睁睁错过了转型的机会。

We all know that xff0c; xff0c prior to the rise of Microsoft; the computer industry made the first computer for personal use xff0c; quickly seized the new market. IBM took a very bold strategy to deal with the Apple challenge xff0c; opened its hardware structure xff0c; allowed third-party manufacturers to produce their branded personal computers xff0c; it met apples. Apple made the first computer for personal use xff0c; quickly seized the new market.


The second example of

微软靠卖专有软件赚了大钱。但它随后也遇到了挑战,就是开源软件。开源软件的前身是自由软件,自由软件的自由,在英文中也有”免费”的意思。所以,绝大多数自由软件也都是免费的。后来,在蒂姆·奥莱利的推动下,自由软件运动演化成了开源软件运动。开源软件运动最有价值的成果就是 Linux 操作系统的诞生。当然,还有很多其他的开源软件产品也非常有名,比如最早的网页浏览器是开源的,后来市场占有率非常高的数据库 MySQL 也是开源的,还有很多编程语言都是开源的。开源软件运动让微软非常恼火。包括比尔·盖茨在内的微软高管都曾不遗余力地攻击过开源运动,指责开源软件运动会毁掉一个非常有价值的产业。

Microsoft earns a lot of money by selling proprietary software. It also faces challenges xff0c; that is open-source software. Open-source software is preceded by free software xff0c; free software xff0c; free-of-charge meaning in English. So xff0c; most free software is also free. xff0c; then xff0c; then Tim Orelli’s very high-presumption database MySQL is also an open-source software movement. The most valuable result of open-source software campaigns is the birth of Linux operating systems.

但开源软件运动也犯了一个错误,就是没能认识到”高利润守恒定律”。当时很多开源软件运动的核心人物都在努力与微软争夺软件市场。蒂姆·奥莱利在《未来地图》这本书中就引用当时一家非常有名的开源软件公司 RedHat 的创始人说过的一句话,他说,”我的目标就是要让操作系统市场萎缩”。但是,RedHat 的主要收入就是来自于操作系统市场。这不是自相矛盾吗?

But the open-source software movement also made a mistake xff0c; it failed to recognize the "high-profit rule" that many of the core players in the open-source software movement at the time were trying to compete with Microsoft for the software market. Tim O'Leary cited in the book Map of the Future a very well-known founder of open-source software at the time xff0c; he said xff0c; "I'm aiming to shrunk the operating system market." But xff0c; RedHat's main income is from the operating system market. Isn't that a contradiction?

如果开源软件运动的核心人物能够了解”高利润守恒定律”的话,那他们就不会把商业战场选择在软件这个领域,而是应该去在软件基础之上拓展新的领域。后来 Google 的崛起就再一次地验证了”高利润守恒定律”。

If the core of the open-source software movement is able to understand the law of high profit, #xff0c; then they will not choose a commercial battlefield in the field of software & #xff0c; rather, they should go to the software base to expand the new field. The rise of Google proved again the law of high profit.

事实上,今天几乎绝大多数网络服务器的操作系统都是基于 Linux 的。Linux 没有从 Google、从亚马逊、从 Facebook、从腾讯等这些互联网巨头身上收过一分钱,但它却为巨大的互联网应用市场奠定了基础,而这个市场的利润,远远超过了旧的专有软件市场。

In fact xff0c; today almost the vast majority of network servers operate based on Linux. Linux has not received a penny from Google, from Amazons, from Facebook, from tethers, etc.; but it has laid the foundation for a huge Internet application market xff0c; the profits of this market xff0c; and far more than the old proprietary software market.

类似的例子还有很多。比如,高利润从数据库向企业应用的转移,这里面的主角是 Oracle;再比如,高利润从服务器托管向大数据服务的转移,这里面的主角是亚马逊、是阿里巴巴。等等,等等。

There are many similar examples. For example, xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff1b; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xyf0c; Amazon; Alibaba; et cetera; xff0c; et cetera.


Where's the next high profit transfer going?


There is certainly more than one answer. High profit transfers are possible in every area, every market & #xff0c. Remember & #xff0c; & #xff0c; the possibility of high profit transfers occurs when a product with a high profit becomes evenly priced. If you compare software & #xff0c; we can see that a very similar process is under way & #xff0c; that is, re-priced hardware. When open-source hardware moves rise xff0c; xff0c when the price of smart equipment, such as mobile phones, falls to a very low level; and it is probably a new high-profit link.


Clayton Christensen, after proposing the “high profit law” xff0c; in 2009, the module interface law xff0c; this law has had far-reaching implications in the area of financial science and technology for nearly a decade. Many financial and technological companies have not even heard of the law xff0c; but consciously followed the direction of the law.


The general meaning of this law can be illustrated in the following graphs.


The front and backstages of early financial services are integrated xff0c; the backstage of financial services institutions is self-formed and operated xff0c; includes the company's own information technology sector xff0c; risk management sector, etc. Financial services institutions use their own teams to develop software systems xff0c; collect and store their own data xff0c; the front and backstage are integrated. Under this structure xff0c; self-contained portals between major financial institutions xff0c; and access to third-party systems is denied.


At the same time xff0c; the terminal interface between financial institutions and users can be replaced xff0c; the interface between financial service providers and consumers is fully open. The use of banking services as a case xff0c; bank-to-bank options are always available. If the bank that opened the account is not satisfied xff0c; the customer can close its account at the bank xff0c; the account opening at another bank xff0c; and the replacement of the customer-to-bank interface is completed.


But as the importance of the data is reflected in xff0c; the structure of the financial system is subject to a disruptive change. This means that the system structure of future financial services will be very different from that of the past. Because banks have a lot of data on their clients xff0c; they are therefore able to provide customized financial services to their clients xff0c; and they will increase their customer viscosity to banks.


But because the interface adheres to the law of xff0c; the interface closes xff0c in one segment of the value chain; it must be opened in another. This is because xff0c; the efficiency of the financial system necessarily requires the modularization of the industrial chain. So xff0c; the interface closed to the end client xff0c; it inevitably leads to the opening of the front-end interface with the back end. That is, xff0c; financial services institutions will be more willing to outsource the back end as a whole xff0c; to improve efficiency xff0c; and to better serve their terminal customers.


The module interface is meant to be xff0c; xff0c when the interface between the financial services provider and the front consumer customer is closed; the interface with the backstage will be opened xff0c; so the interface across the ecological chain is still constant.

Fintech 100 名单上可以看出这类公司成功的案例。FIS 是一家市值360亿美元的金融科技公司,FISERV是一家市值340亿美元的公司,FIS 和
FISERV 名列 Fintech 100 榜首。他们这些公司的业务特点是这些公司自己本身对数据并没有所有权。他们不拥有数据,但他们有能力为客户的数据提供后台数据管理的服务,包括帮助客户采集数据、储存数据、分析数据,为数据的安全和隐私提供服务,使客户的数据能够转化成价值。Fiserv和FIS的基础设施是现代化银行尤其是小型银行系统的主要外包商。随着社区银行数量的减少,基础设施提供商的收入和利润却大幅增长。他们被称为“核心供应商”,为小型金融机构提供可以与大型机构比美的新技术,包括开放数据平台和按需服务等最新型的金融工具。

The evolution of the financial sector over the last decade xff0c; whether intentional strategies or unintended intuition xff0c; is basically based on this logic. Examples of such companies’ success can be seen in the list of
Fintech 100. The FIS is a 36 billion-dollar financial technology company xff0c; FISERV is a $34 billion company xff0c; FIS and
FISERV are ranked first on the Fintech 100 list. Their business characteristics are that these companies have no ownership of the data themselves. They do not have data xff0c; they have the capacity to provide back-office data management services for their clients xff0c; they include helping customers to collect data, store data, analyse data xff0c; they provide security and privacy of data xff.


The value model in this category is a large type of data business model xff0c; it includes all financial data infrastructure service companies. This business model is currently in the early stages of development in the United States xff0c; so xff0c; its potential for future development and space is still enormous. The mega-United States financial institutions xff08; Morgan and Goldman Sachs xff09; it remains an internal self-development model xff0c; it waits for large financial firms to accept backstage outsourcing of financial services xff0c; and the data-centred transformation of the financial sector has reached a mature stage.




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    OKEx回应用户质疑:合约交易非期货 平台无机器人
       热点点 自选股份 数据中心 数据中心 研究和资料中心 资金流动 模拟交易 客户客户 具体来说,OKEx回答用户的问题:合同交易不是期货,平台不是机器人。 金融同步化,3月22日。    昨天下午,OKEx公司就维护先前用户线下的权利问题对同步财务公司作出了回应,指出OKEx公司提供的合同交易不是期货交易,在旗下的业务中没有正式的机器人。 同时,OKEX称,它不会以非法为由对任何投资损失索赔作出答复。 答复全文如下: 同步你的财务! 近日来,...
  • 0.00006694个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

    0.00006694比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00006694比特币等于4.53424784美元/32.5436 16人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000066944.53424784【比特币密码】32.82795436 16比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:490408.64 CNY(1比特币=490408.64人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00006694USDT=0.0004846456 CNY)汇率更新时...