
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:59 评论:0
定義 Define ? 下列定義適用於以下所列拘束台端與本公司之運輸契約約款。The following definitions apply to the contract of transfer between t...



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The following definitions apply to the contract of transfer between the bound station and the company listed below.

「本公司」、「我們」、「我們的」與TNT 係指FedEx Express International B.V.、它的集團公司(以下簡 稱為“TNT”)與TNT受雇人員、代理人與獨立承包商;

This company, we, ours and TNT are FedEx Express International B.V., its consortium (hereinafter referred to as TNT) and TNT employees, agents and independent contractors.


「台端」及「台端的」 係指裝載貨物之寄送人、發貨人或收貨人;

“Team” and “Team” are the senders, senders or recipients of loads.


「運輸」 係指包括由本公司提供與運送相關之全部營運與服務;

"Transport" means all operations and services provided by our company and related to transportation.


「其他服務」 係指本公司提供的所有非運送運輸貨物的服 務,其中包括但不限於:倉儲、分發、裝配、合併、包裝、安裝、增值 和運輸管理服務;

"Other services" are services for all non-shipped shipments provided by our company, including but not limited to: warehousing, distribution, assembly, amalgamation, packaging, installation, value addition and transport management services.


「裝載貨物」 係指本公司已承諾從一個地址運輸到另一個地址之任何性質 物品或文件(無論係大宗,或一件或以上之包裹),且無論 其是否屬於本公司之發貨單;

"Containable goods" means any goods or documents of a nature that the company has promised to transport from one address to another (whether large, or a package or more), whether or not they belong to the company's consignment list.


「禁運品目」 係指裝載貨物運送所經國家之任何法律、法規禁止運輸之任 何貨物或材料;

"The object of the ban" is the shipment of goods or materials that are prohibited by any law or law of the country through which the goods are transported.


「違禁品」係指這些條款中第 4 條(違禁品)中所規範運輸貨物與類型。

The term "infringements" refers to the types of goods and goods that are transported under the provisions of Article 4 (infringements) of these articles.




1. 台端之訂約對象

1. Stand-alone subscriptions


台端係與接受台端裝載貨物而為運輸之TNT公司或TNT子公司或關係企業簽訂運輸契約 。台端茲同意,本公司得依本公司決定之任何約款,轉包本運輸之一部或全部 。

The platform is a contract with the company TNT, a subsidiary of TNT, or a related company that receives goods for transport on board. Taiwan agrees that the company will have to transfer one or all of its shipments in accordance with any contract that it decides.




2. 台端接受本公司之約款

2. Taiwan's acceptance of the company's contract


? 台端將裝載貨物交付予本公司時,無論台端是否在發貨單首頁簽名,即表示台端本身與/或代表對裝載貨物擁有利益之任何其他人接受本公司發貨單貨運輸契約所列之約款。本公司利用來或轉包來收取、運送或遞送台端裝載貨物之任何人以及本公司受雇人員、董事與代理人均得涵蓋在本公司約款範圍內,且該等人亦得依據本公司約款為法律上之請求。該等約款僅得由本公司之授權職員以書面修改之。如台端給予本公司之口頭或書面裝載貨物指示與本公司約款相衝突者,本公司不受該等指示之拘束。

When the station delivers the load to its own company, regardless of whether or not it signs on the front page of the order, it means that the station itself and/or any other person who has an interest in the load accept the contract contained in the contract for the shipment of the bill of lading from its own company. The company uses or resells to collect, deliver, or deliver to itself any person carrying the load, as well as employees, directors, and agents of the company, who are covered by the contract and who are legally required to do so. The contract is subject only to a book modification by the authorized officer of the company.




3. 本契約範圍

3. Scope of the present Compact


3.1. 不管貨物的運輸是否形成台端與本公司之間的另一種契約格式,這些條款都適用台端與本公司所協議關於貨物付運之契約。

3.1. Whether or not the shipment of the goods forms another form of contract between the station and the company, these provisions apply to the agreement between the station and the company regarding the shipment of the goods.


3.2 台端茲以與本公司簽訂任何類型之契約同意:

3.2 Taiwan has agreed to enter into any kind of contract with our company:





If the shipment of the load takes place on land, this contract is the contract for the shipment of the cargo on land;


If the loading of the cargo occurs in the air, this contract is the cargo air transport contract.


If the shipping of goods is actually carried by sea, this contract is the shipping contract for goods;


If it has nothing to do with transportation services, the contract is to fulfil the contract for other services.



4. 違禁品

4. Infringements


4.1 TNT 禁止將下列貨物運送至任何目的地,且台端同意不運送此類相同貨物,除非 TNT 明確表示同意(根據目的地可能適用於其他限制):

4.1 TNT prohibits the shipment of the following goods to any destination and the station agrees not to ship the same goods unless TNT expressly consents (as the destination may be suitable for other restrictions):

a. 火器、兵器、彈藥及其零件;

a. Firearms, weapons, ammunition and parts thereof;

b. 經過改裝或功能上專門用於製造火器的 3D 列印機器;?

b. A 3D printing machine that has been modified or functionally designed for the manufacture of firearms;

c. 炸藥(第 1.4 級炸藥可接受往來於部分地點;經申請可取得進一步資訊)、煙火與其他可燃或易燃性的貨物;

c. Explosives (grade 1.4 explosives are acceptable in part; further information is requested), fireworks and other flammable or flammable goods;

d. 用於組裝炸彈、手榴彈或其他爆炸裝置的貨物。這包含但不限於惰性產品,例如複製品、玩具、訓練輔助用品與藝術作品;

d. Goods used in the assembly of bombs, grenades or other explosive devices. This includes, but is not limited to, inert products such as replicas, toys, training aids and works of art;

e. 來自任何需要出口管制授權之國家/地區的軍事用品;

e. Military supplies from any country/region requiring export control authorization;

f. 人類屍體、人體器官或身體部位、人類或動物胚胎、經火葬或出土的人類遺體;

f. Human remains, human organs or parts of the body, human or animal embryos, cremated or excreted;

g. 活體動物,包含昆蟲與寵物;

g. Live animals, containing insects and pets;

h. 動物屍骸、動物屍體或展示用動物;

h. Animal corpses, animal bodies or display animals;

i. 植物與植物原料,包含鮮花(鮮花可接受往來於特定市場,包含荷蘭至美國,以及整個拉丁美洲;經申請可取得進一步資訊);

i. Plants and plant raw materials, including flowers (the flowers can be accepted in a given market and include the Netherlands to the United States and Latin America as a whole; further information can be obtained upon application);

j. 易於腐敗食物,以及需要冷藏或其他環境控制的食物或飲料;?

j. perishable foods and foods or drinks that require refrigerating or other environmental control;

k. 色情和/或猥褻內容;?

k. Porn and/or lewd content?

l. 金錢,包含但不限於現金與現金等價物(例如可流通證券、背書股票、債券與取款書)、收藏用硬幣與郵票;?

l. Money, including, but not limited to, prices such as cash and cash (e.g. negotiable instruments, endorsements, bonds and withdrawals), coins and stamps for collection;

m. 有害廢棄物,包含但不限於使用過的皮下注射針頭和/或注射器或其他醫療、有機與工業廢棄物);

m. Harmful waste, including but not limited to used subdermal injection needles and/or syringes or other medical, mechanical and industrial waste;

n. 濕性冰塊(冷凍水);?

n. Wet ice (cold water);

o. 偽造品,包含但不限於商標完全相同或與註冊商標難以區別,且未經核准或註冊商標擁有者監督的貨物(俗稱「贗品」或「仿製品」);?

o. Counterfeiting goods, including, but not limited to, goods that are identical to or difficult to register, and that are not subject to the supervision of an authorized or registered owner (commonly known as " forgery " or " imitation");

p. 大麻,包含娛樂用與醫療用大麻,以及從其衍生的大麻二酚(CBD)、包含濃度超過乾重 0.3 百分比四氫大麻酚(THC)的任何產品以及合成大麻;

p. Cannabis, which includes cannabis for recreational and medical purposes, as well as derived cannabis diphenol (CBD), any product containing more than 0.3 per cent of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and synthetic cannabis;

q. 新鮮或未精鍊的大麻植物或其組成部分(包含但不限於大麻莖、大麻葉、大麻花與大麻種子);?

q. Fresh or unprecipitated cannabis plants or their components (including but not limited to pottery, cannabis leaf, cannabis flowers and cannabis seeds);

r. 菸草與菸草產品,包含但不限於卷菸、雪茄、散裝菸草、無煙菸草、水菸袋或水菸筒;以及

r. Tobacco and tobacco products, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, scattered tobacco, smoke-free tobacco, waterbags or water cartridges; and


s.? Electronic smoke and accessories, and other products similar to those used in smoke or gasification non-combustion liquids and solvents, whether or not they contain nicotine components.


4.2 TNT禁止將下列貨物運送至任何目的地,且台端同意不運送此類相同貨物(根據目的地可能適用於其他限制):

4.2 TNT prohibits the shipment of the following goods to any destination and the station has agreed not to carry the same cargo (as the destination may be suitable for other restrictions):

a. 貨物或商品、運輸、進口或出口遭到任何法律、法規或規範所禁止;

a. Goods or goods, shipments, imports or exports are prohibited by any law, law or regulation;

b. 貨物需要 TNT 取得任何特殊授權或許可才能進行運輸、進口或出口;

b. Goods require any special authorization or authorization from TNT to transport, import or export;

c. 需要法規核准與通關之未報關且應繳稅的貨物或商品;?

c. Goods or commodities for which legal authorization is required and which are unreceived and taxable;

d. 貨物的海關申報價值超過特定目的地所允許的價值;?

d. The value of the customs declaration of the cargo exceeds the value allowed by the particular destination;

e. 危險貨物,除了這些條款中「危險貨物/安全」一節中所允許的貨物;以及

(e) Dangerous goods other than those permitted in the section “Hazard cargo/safety” of these articles; and

f. 包裹潮溼、洩漏或散發任何種類的氣味。

f. Packages of tidal waves, leaks or odors of any kind.


4.3 TNT 不承擔所有違禁品的責任,即使已被接受(包含基於錯誤或經由通知而接受)。TNT 保留基於這些限制或安全性目的而拒絕運送的權利。TNT 應有權收取遭拒運送的行政費用,以及將貨物返還給台端的成本(適用時)。經申請可取得進一步資訊。

4.3 TNT is not liable for all violations, even if they have been accepted (including on the basis of error or notification). TNT reserves the right to refuse to transport for these restricted or safe purposes.





5 dangerous cargo/safe


5.1 除了下列第5.2、5.3款表明的情形外,本公司不承運任何危險品或本公司認為是危險品的貨物,也不提供與此有關的其他服務,包括但不限於國際民航組織(ICAO)技術指示、國際航空運輸協會(IATA)危險貨物規定、國際海事危險貨物(IMDG)法規、國際陸上運輸危險貨物歐盟協定(ADR)及或有關危險貨物運送之任何其他國家或國際法規所列之危險貨物。

5.1 Except as indicated in paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 below, the company does not carry any dangerous goods or goods which it considers to be dangerous, nor does it provide any other services related thereto, including, but not limited to, the Technical Instructions of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the Dangerous Goods Regulations of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Act, the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (ADR) Agreement between the European Union for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods on Land and any other State or international law relating to the transport of dangerous goods.


5.2 如台端在台端裝載貨物被接受之前,本公司業以書面授與台端經核可客戶之身分者,本公司得依自由裁量在某些國家接受危險貨物運輸。本公司將於台端之危險貨物符合相關規定(詳第5.1)及本公司必要條件時,接受台端之危險貨物。本公司必要條件以及經核可客戶身分申請程序之詳細內容請向最近地點之本公司辦公室索取,本公司將於接受台端裝載貨物時,開立危險貨物額外收費之發票予台端。

5.2 The company will accept dangerous goods from the station when it meets the relevant regulations (para. 5.1) and the requirements of the company. The company’s necessary conditions and details of the approved client identification application process are requested from the office of the company’s nearest location, where the company will open a ticket for extra charges for dangerous goods at the time it receives the load.


5.3 就某些危險品的運輸可免除上述獲准客户的要求。詳细規定可從本公司最近的TNT辦事處獲取。

The details may be obtained from the company’s nearest TNT office.


5.4 台端必須以填完本公司發貨單或以交付裝載貨物予本公司之方式,確保並據此保證台端之裝載貨物並未含有違禁品,即 ICAO 附錄 17 或其他規範航空安全之國家或國際規定所列之禁運物品。台端必須於發貨單上完整敘明裝載貨物之內容,且台端並不因提供此資訊而免除台端之責任。

5.4 The station must ensure, by filling out its own manifests or delivering loads to the company, that the loadings at the station under this warranty do not contain prohibited items, i.e., prohibited items listed in the ICAO appendix or in other national or international regulations on aviation security. The station must complete the description of the contents of the load on the manifest, and the station is not relieved of its responsibilities by providing this information.


5.5 由本公司運送之裝載貨物可能會受包括利用X光設備在內所為之安全檢查,台端茲同意,台端裝載貨物在運送途中可能會被打開,且可能會檢查台端之裝載貨物內容。

5.5 The loadings carried by our company may be subject to security checks, including the use of an X-ray device, and Taiwan agrees that the loadings on the station may be opened during the shipment and that the contents of the loadings on the stage may be checked.


5.6 台端茲聲明,台端係在安全地點由台端雇用之可信賴員工準備運送之裝載貨物,且就本公司接 受運送裝載貨物之前,台端於準備、儲存與運送裝載貨物期間已安全防範避免受到未經授權之干擾。

5.6 Taiaz stated that the station was equipped to carry cargo at a safe location by a trusted crew hired by the station and that it was safe to avoid unauthorized interference during the preparation, storage and transport of loads before the company received the load.


5.7 本公司不接受含有禁運品目之裝載貨物。

5.7 The Company does not accept loads containing prohibited items.


5.8 出於海關和/或保安原因,運輸貨物目的國政府部門或過境國政府部門可能會要求本公司就台端的運輸貨物提供包括台端個人資訊在内的訊息。

5.8 For customs and/or security reasons, the government department of the country to which the goods are to be transported or the government department of the transit country may require the company to provide information, including personal information, on shipments to and from the station.



6 出口管制

Export controls


6.1 TNT 並不運輸包含違反出口管制法律的貨物。台端應負責並保證遵循所有適用的法律、規則與規範,包含但不限於美國出口管制條例、國際武器貿易條例、美國境外資產管制條例,以及任何國家/地區中與貨物運輸相關的適用出口法律與政府規範。台端同意並保證其將遵循所有適用的美國政府制裁,包含禁止貨物、服務或技術出口或轉口至美國政府逕行認定或根據其他國家/地區制裁所列出的國家或地區。此外,TNT 並不運輸,且台端同意不將交易本身遭到經濟制裁條款與禁運法律所限制或禁止的商品交付運送。如需 TNT 不提供服務之國家與區域的最新清單,請前往 tnt.com。

6.1 TNT does not transport goods that violate export control laws. The station is responsible for and ensures compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including but not limited to United States export control regulations, international arms trade regulations, United States assets outside the country, and appropriate export laws and government regulations in any country/area that relate to the shipment of goods. The station agrees and guarantees that it will follow all appropriate United States government sanctions, including an updated list of countries and territories where goods, services or technologies are prohibited from exporting or transiting to the U.S. government to identify or subject to sanctions in other countries/regions.

此外,TNT 並不運輸美國商務部或美國財政部、境外資產管制辦公室、美國商務部、工業與安全局、美國國務院、國防貿易管制理事會、美國制裁委員會;歐盟理事會;以及任何其他相關權責機構所擬定拒絕交易對象清單上的貨物,且若台端或任何當事人的運送涉及上述貨物,則台端保證其不會將任何貨物交付給 TNT。

In addition, TNT does not transport goods from the United States Department of Commerce or the United States Department of Finance, the Office of Offshore Assets Control, the United States Department of Commerce, the Department of Industry and Security, the United States Department of State, the National Council of Trade Prevention and Control, the United States Sanctions Committee; the Council of the European Union; and any other authority-related authority-responsible goods on the list of counter-dealers, and if the above-mentioned goods are shipped to the station or to any of the persons involved, it is assured that it will not deliver any goods to TNT.


The platform also agreed and promised that it would not attempt to deliver to any person the general ownership interest, as determined by the relevant listing authority, subject to the provisions of the economic sanctions, to an entity owned by any person.


6.2台端應識別任何需要任何出口管制授權、許可,或受其他預先出口規範管制的貨物,且提供 TNT 相關資訊與所有必要文件以符合適用的法律與規範。

6.2 Stations should identify any goods that require any export control authorization, permit, or other prior export controls, and provide TNT-related information and all necessary documents to comply with the applicable laws and regulations.



In addition, the station is responsible for ensuring that the purpose for which goods are to be shipped and the users do not violate any specific control policy restricting particular export, trans-shipment types of goods and do not divert specific items subject to the export control regulations of the United States.


6.4 TNT 對於台端並未遵循任何出口法律、規則或規範,或 TNT 為遵循適用法律與規範所採取行動而導致台端或任何他人的任何損失或支出並不承擔任何責任,包含但不限於罰金與罰鍰。台端並應同意賠償 TNT 對於台端並未遵循任何出口法律、規則或規範,或 TNT 為遵循適用法律與規範所採取行動而導致的任何損失或支出,包含但不限於罰金與罰鍰。

6.4 TNT does not assume any responsibility for any loss or expense caused to the station or to any other person as a result of actions taken to comply with the applicable laws and regulations, but includes, but is not limited to, fines and fines. The station should also agree that TNT is not subject to any export laws, rules or regulations, or any loss or expense caused by actions taken by TNT to comply with the applicable laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, fines and penalties.




7. 檢查權

7. Inspection authority



#Taiwan agrees that our company, or any government mechanism within it, including customs, can open the station and load the cargo at any time.




8. 計算運送時間以及安排裝載貨物之路線

8. Calculate shipping times and arrange for loading routes



Weekends, national and bank holidays, and customs delays, delays due to compliance with local mandatory security requirements or other events beyond the company’s control, do not include the family transport time provided in the company’s promotional manual.




9. 海關通關

9. Customs clearance


9.1 跨國境的貨物可能需要經過海關通關程序。台端負責確保運送的貨物符合所有海關法規要求,並提供通關所需的所有文件與資訊,以及表示並保證所提供與貨物與運送通關相關的所有陳述與資訊皆持續為真實、正確且完整,包含適用的統一分類代碼。需要除託運單以外相關文件(例如商業發票)的貨物可能需要額外的運送時間。

9.1 Goods across the country may need to go through customs procedures. The platform is responsible for ensuring that shipments meet all customs rules and regulations and for providing all documentation and information necessary for customs clearance, as well as for expressing and assuring that all statements and information provided and related to goods and shipments remain true, correct and complete, containing a single, appropriate class code.


9.2 我們保留權利針對任何罰鍰、罰金、損害或其他成本或支出逕行向您收取費用,包含但不限於儲存費用、由任何合法政府權責機關強制執行所生的費用,或您並未遵循此處所規範義務所生的費用。

9.2 We reserve the right to charge you a fee for any fine, fine, damage or other cost or expense, including, but not limited to, the cost of saving, the cost of enforcing it by any legitimate government authority, or the cost of failing to comply with the requirements of this facility.


9.3 台端負責自費以確保國際運送的貨物根據適用的法律可被接受並進入目的地國家/地區,並遵循所有授權或許可的要求(適用時)。?

9.3 The platform is responsible for self-financing to ensure that internationally transported goods are accepted and entered into the country/area of destination under appropriate laws, and that all authorization or authorization requirements (when appropriate) are followed.


9.4 台端可能也會被要求提供其他資訊以在交付給收貨人之前,取得目的地國家/地區中其他主管機關的通關。包含目的地國家/地區內多個政府機構(例如負責食品安全、公共健康保護、藥事、醫療產品、動植物、電訊與其他電子設備標準以及類似機構的國家機關)所規範貨品或產品的貨物,可能需要額外的通關時間。我們可能會向台端收取運送往返於未獲進入許可之國家/地區的所有費用。

9.4 The station may also be required to obtain additional information to obtain clearances from other competent agencies in the destination country/area before being delivered to the recipient. This includes goods or products specified by several government agencies in the destination country/area (e.g., food safety, public health protection, medicine, medical products, kinetic plants, standards for telecommunications and other electrical devices, and national agencies of similar institutions), which may require additional clearance time.


9.5 當海關或其他機構基於錯誤或遺漏文件而保有貨物時,TNT 得嘗試通知收貨人。若當地法律要求由收貨人提交正確的資訊或文件,而收貨人並未在合理的時間內照辦,則 TNT 得認定,該運送基於適用的法律得視為無法運送。若收貨人並未提供必要的資訊或文件,且當地法律允許台端提供此類相同資訊時,TNT 得嘗試通知台端。若台端也無法在合理的時間內提供資訊或文件,則TNT 得認定,該運送基於適用的法律得視為無法運送。無論 TNT 是否嘗試通知收貨人或台端,TNT 對於基於錯誤或遺漏文件而無法完成的運送並不承擔任何責任。

9.5 When customs or other institutions retain goods on the basis of errors or omissions, TNT will try to notify the recipient of the goods. If the local law requires that the correct information or documents be submitted by the recipient and the recipient does not do so within a reasonable time, TNT will accept that the applicable law does not permit delivery. If the recipient does not provide the necessary information or documents and the local law allows the station to provide the same information, TNT will try to notify the counter. If the station is unable to provide the correct information or documents within a reasonable time, TNT will accept that the applicable law does not permit delivery.

9.6 當地法律允許的情況下,TNT 將提供國際運貨物的海關通關。TNT 將提交運送資訊給海關以及其他通關主管機構。TNT 在適用時,得向台端針對國際貨物通關程序,以及由台端、收貨人或第三人所申請的服務收取附加通關費用,或者要求償還針對相關申請由主管機構轉移給 TNT 的成本。

9.6 Where local law permits, TNT will provide customs clearance for international cargo. TNT will submit information to customs and other customs authorities.

9.7 TNT 僅在為了通關或輸入貨物時將作為台端或收貨人(適用時)的代理人。適用且適當時,台端應授權 TNT,或由 TNT 指派的報關行,以便進行和申請海關申報程序以及代表或以台端或收貨人的名義(由台端或收貨人承擔風險)作為直接代表的所有相關行為。適用時,台端應遵循此條款以確保收貨人授權 TNT。

9.7 TNT will act only as an agent (when appropriate) for the purpose of customs clearance or importation of goods. Suitable and appropriate, it shall be authorized to conduct and apply for a customs claim procedure and all related acts on behalf of, or on behalf of, a direct representative (at risk to, the station or the recipient).

9.8 在某些情況下,根據 TNT 的選擇,TNT 得接受指示而使用 TNT 以外的指派報關行(或由 TNT 選擇的報關行),或由台端所指派的報關行。在任何情況下,若報關行無法決定或將不執行報關程序,或完整的報關行資訊並未提供給 TNT(包含名稱、地址、電話號碼與郵遞區號),則 TNT(或由 TNT 選擇的報關行)保留為貨物報關的權利。

9.8 In some cases, according to TNT's choice, TNT may be instructed to use a designated customs authority (or one chosen by TNT) other than TNT, or one designated by the channel. In any case, if the customs authority cannot decide or will not execute the customs procedure, or if the complete customs information does not provide TNT with a name, address, telephone number and postage number, TNT (or a customs office chosen by TNT) retains the right to report the goods.




10. 稅務

10. Taxes


10.1 為了完成特定貨品的海關通關程序,TNT 得代表付款方墊付海關所徵收的稅款並收取此作業的附加費用。針對所有貨物,TNT 得逕自聯絡付款方並要求完成償付安排作為條件以完成通關與運送,並要求先行支付稅款再將貨物放行給收貨人。請聯絡 TNT 客戶服務以取得進一步的詳細資料。

10.1 In order to complete the customs clearance process for specific goods, TNT may pay the customs fees collected by the payer on behalf of the payer and charge an extra fee for the work. For all goods, TNT may contact the payer and require payment arrangements to be completed as a condition for completing the customs clearance and shipment, and require the payment of taxes before releasing the goods to the consignee.


10.2 若針對貨物徵收的稅款精確性與正當性發生爭議,TNT 或其指派的報關行得審查隨附於貨物的運送文件。若 TNT 判斷稅款徵收並無疑義,則台端便同意支付稅款或台端將擔保收貨人所應支付的款項(適用時)。

10.2 In the event of a dispute as to the accuracy and propriety of the tax collected on the goods, TNT or its designated customs will be required to review the shipping documents attached to the goods.


10.3 若 TNT 代表付款方墊付稅款或其他費用,則付款方將被徵收附加通關服務費用(適用統一費率或墊付總金額的百分比)。此附加通關服務費用將根據目的地國家/地區而有所差異。如需關於附加通關服務費用的詳細資訊,請參閱 tnt.com 上的「其他服務與附加費用」頁面。

10.3 If TNT pays taxes or other charges on behalf of the payer, the payer will be asked to add to the customs service charges (as a percentage of the flat rate or of the total amount paid). This additional service charges will vary according to the country/area of destination. If you need more details about the additional service charges, please refer to the tnt.com page for " Other services and surcharges ".


10.4 若台端並未在航空貨運提單上指派付款方,則在情況允許時稅款將自動向收貨人收取。

10.4 If a payee is not assigned on the air bill of lading, the tax will be collected automatically from the recipient when circumstances permit.


10.5 無論是否有不同的付款指示,若並未收到付款,則台端對於稅款,以及與我們所墊付稅款相關之所有費用與附加費用的支付應負最終責任。若被要求償付確認的收貨人或第三人經要求時拒絕支付稅款,則我們得聯絡台端以收取費用。若台端拒絕對 TNT 做出令人滿意的償付安排,則貨物得返還給台端(在此情況下,台端將負責支付原始以及返還費用)、或放置在政府倉庫或海關保稅倉庫,或視為無法運送。若針對貨物的運輸費用記入信用卡,則 TNT 保留一併針對該貨物的相關未收取稅款使用該信用卡帳戶來結帳的權利。

10.5 If there are no different payment instructions, and if there is no payment, the terminal is ultimately responsible for the payment of taxes, and all fees and surcharges associated with the payment of taxes we have made. If the recipient or third person who is required to make a claim refuses to pay taxes when requested to do so, we have to contact the counter to collect the charges. If the station refuses to make satisfactory payment arrangements for TNT, the goods will be returned to the station (in which case, the station will pay the original and reimbursement costs, or will be placed in the government warehouse or customs warehouse, or it will be deemed impossible to transport them. If the shipment costs are recorded in a credit card, TNT reserves the right to use the credit card account to settle the goods without tax charges.


10.6? ? ?針對特定地點的可用選擇,若 TNT 針對墊付的稅款金額無法取得令人滿意的償付安排確認,則運送可能會延遲。針對台端或基於台端違反第 9 和 10 條中所規範義務而使TNT對於台端或涉及的其他人而產生的任何成本、損害或支出,包含訴訟費用與律師費用,台端應確保 TNT 免受損害、免於承擔並予以賠償。

10.6? For options available for specific locations, shipment may be delayed if TNT is unable to secure satisfactory payment arrangements for the amount of taxes to be paid. Any costs, damages or expenses incurred by TNT on the platform or on the basis of breaches of the obligations set out in rules 9 and 10 may be incurred by TNT against the station or other persons involved, including charges and legal fees, and the station should ensure that TNT is protected from damage, insurance and compensation.


10.7 進行稅款的支付時,應以 TNT 所決定的方式為之:現金、支票(個人或企業,前提是提供有效的識別證明)、信用卡、匯票、旅行支票、記帳或遞延帳戶。TNT 不接受運送時的稅款支付。

10.7 The payment of taxes shall be made in the manner determined by TNT: cash, cheques (personal or business, provided that valid identification is provided), credit cards, money orders, travellers’ cheques, bookkeeping or extension accounts.


10.8 TNT 對於海關中被拋棄的貨物不承擔任何責任,且此類貨物得視為無法運送。

10.8 TNT assumes no responsibility for the abandoned goods at the customs level and the goods are deemed unshipable.





11. 資料保護?

Data protection?


11.1 「控制方」、「個人資料」與「處理」等詞彙的意義應根據《一般資料保護規範》(EU) 2016/679(簡稱「GDPR」)的規定,以及任何適用的(當地)資料保護法律與規範(統稱為「資料保護法律」)。

11.1 The meaning of the terms “controlling party”, “personal data” and “handling” should be in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (EU) 2016/679 (the “GDPR”) and any appropriate (local) data protection laws and regulations (collectively the “data protection laws”).


11.2 TNT 與台端確認其就根據這些條款處理任何當事人或當事人之間個人資料的自身權利皆屬於控制者。

11.2 TNT and TNT confirm that their own right to process personal data of any person or person under these provisions belongs to the controlling party.


11.3 針對根據這些條款處理任何個人資料時,台端的行為應符合資料保護法律,包含根據 GDPR 第 6 條取得合法理由,以及根據 GDPR 第 12 至 14 條將資訊提供給個人,包含 tnt.com 上「TNT 隱私權注意事項」中包含的資訊。

11.3 With regard to the handling of any personal data under these provisions, the actions of the station should be consistent with the data protection law and include legal grounds for obtaining information under Article 6 of the GDPR, and the provision of information to individuals under Articles 12 to 14 of the GDPR, including information contained in the tnt.com " TNT Privacy Attention ".


11.4 台端應保障 TNT 免於承擔 TNT 就台端並未遵循此第 11 條所承受及產生的所有成本、索賠、損害以及支出。

11.4 TNT should be exempted from all costs, claims, damages and expenses incurred by TNT at the site that did not comply with this Article 11.


11.5 任何從台端至 TNT 的個人資料移轉(反之亦然),從歐洲經濟區(簡稱「EEA」)或瑞士至 EEA 或瑞士以外的國家/地區時,皆受到標準契約條款控制方對控制方(簡稱「SCC-CC」)的約束,如 GDPR 第 46(2)(c) 條所述,該條款位於:https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/international-dimension-data-protection/standard-contractual-clauses-scc_en。基於此目的,SCC-CC 已完全納入這些條款中以便參照。一旦接受這些條款,當事人即(a)視為已簽署 SCC-CC(b)同意 SCC-CC 的完整內容(c)應遵循其中所列條件。根據 SCC-CC,TNT 身為控制方而作為資料匯出方,同時代表其關係企業,而台端身為控制方而作為資料匯入方(或適用時反之亦然)。前述內容並不損害 TNT 根據資料保護法律逕行決定使用其他適用移轉機制的權利。個人資料轉移可能包含個別的寄送人與收貨人的聯絡詳細資料,例如姓名與地址,以及為有效率地提供 TNT 服務所必須的項目,例如包裹的運送以及啟用追蹤與追溯功能,如這些條款中所詳述,且依照 SCC-CC 的附件 B 所規定。

11.5 Any transfer (and vice versa) of personal data from the end of the station to TNT, from the European Economic Zone (known briefly as "EA") or from Switzerland to a country/region other than EEA or Switzerland, is subject to a treaty-based regulation of the controlling party (known briefly as "SCC-CC"). For this purpose, SCC-CC has been fully incorporated into these provisions for ease of reference.


11.6 若歐盟法院、當地監管機關或類似的政府機構認定這些條款和/或SCC-CC 不應或不再是協助處理 EEA 以外個人資料轉移的合法方法,則當事人應本於善意協調替代方法以透過合法方式協助處理此類移轉。

11.6 If the European Union courts, local regulators or similar government institutions recognize that these provisions and/or SCC-CC should not or are no longer a legitimate method of assisting in the transfer of personal data other than EEA, the person concerned should be supposed to negotiate alternatives in good faith to assist in the processing of such transfers through legal means.




12. 台端義務

12. Stand-alone obligations




Taiwan assures and assures our company that:


12.1 運輸貨物的内容(包括但不限於重量和物品數量)已在貨運單據中作出了適當描述並且已在標籤上正確地標明,標籤已被台端牢固地固定在運輸貨物外表面的顯著位置並能為本公司清楚地看到;

12.1 The contents of the consignment (including, but not limited to, the weight and quantity of the item) have been properly described in the manifest and have been correctly marked on the label, which has been firmly fixed on the surface of the consignment and is clearly visible to the company;


12.2 收貨人的詳细聯繫方式已經被完整、準確及清晰地填寫在本公司的貨運單據和地址標簽上,且該地址標籤被台端牢固地固定在運輸貨物外表面的顯著位置並能被本公司清楚地看到;

12.2 The details of the contact details of the recipient have been fully, accurately and clearly filled out on the company's manifests and address labels, and the address labels have been firmly fixed at the end of the station in a prominent position on the surface of the consignment and are clearly visible to the company;


12.3 運輸貨物的内容已由台端安全和仔细的準備和包裝以保護其免受包括貨物分類和/或操作程序在内的運輸或本公司其他服務提供的正常的風險;

12.3 The contents of the consignment have been safely and carefully prepared and packaged at the end of the station to protect it from the normal risks of transport, including cargo classification and/or operating procedures, or other services provided by the company;


12.4 台端已經申報了正確的運輸貨物重量,而且台端將提供任何將該運輸貨物裝上本公司的運輸車輛或從本公司的運輸車輛上卸下而所需的特殊設備;

12.4 The station has reported the correct weight of the cargo and will provide any special equipment required to load the cargo into or off of the company's transport vehicle;


12.5 對任何達到或超過30公斤的物件,台端已經在其外表面的顯著位置牢固地固定了一個重貨標籤,該標籤能為本公司清楚地看到;

12.5 For any item that reaches or exceeds 30 kg, the station has firmly fixed a heavy label on its external surface, which is clearly visible to the company;


12.6 運輸貨物的内容不屬於為IATA、ICAO、IMDG或ADR限制的物件並且不是禁運貨物,並 且台端與收貨人均非任何適用的法律法規禁止本公司或台端與之合法交易的人或组織;

12.6 The contents of the consignment are not restricted by IATA, ICAO, IMDG or ADR and are not prohibited from transporting the cargo, and the legal rules of the station and the recipient are not appropriate to prohibit the company or the person or group of persons with whom it is legally traded;


12.7 當台端要求本公司向收貨人或第三人收取費用但收貨人或第三人没有向本公司支付時,台端應在本公司將發票送给台端的7日内及時清償全部發票金額及有關的行政費 用;

12.7 When a company is required to collect a fee from a recipient or a third person but the recipient or third person has not paid the company, it shall pay the entire amount of the invoice and the related administrative fee within seven days of the company sending the ticket to the counter;


12.8 已遵循所有適用法律與法規;

12.8 Has complied with all applicable laws and regulations;


12.9 台端業於由本公司跨國運送之裝載貨物中放置與裝載貨物相關之相業發票(該發票應正確提及「託運至」某一地址以及相關之加值稅編號、商品之正確清楚記載、作為調和制度(以下簡稱“HS”)代碼前六碼之關貿總協定;

12.9 The counter-office is concerned with the placement of trade orders related to the loading of goods in the loads shipped by the company across the country (which should correctly refer to an address "to" and the associated value added tax number, the correct and clear recording of goods, and as a general agreement on trade at the first six yards of the code code for the reconciliation system (hereinafter referred to as "HS");


12.10 台端已採取了一切合理的預防措施來遵守所有與保護個人訊息(包括可行的個人訊息的加密)有關的公約、指示和法律,以確保在運輸貨物遺失或運輸錯誤情形下此類個人訊息的安全;

12.10 The station has taken all reasonable precautions to comply with all public contracts, instructions and laws relating to the protection of personal messages, including the encryption of viable personal messages, in order to ensure the security of such personal messages in the event of loss or error of shipment;


12.11 任何運輸貨物的價值不超過25,000歐元。

12.11 The value of any consignment is not more than Euro25,000.



If it violates these guarantees or indicates that it incurs expenses, damage, costs or expenses, including legal fees, on its own behalf or on behalf of others, it agrees to compensate the company and to protect it from any harm, even if the company is unwittingly accepting the goods against you.




13. 本公司責任範圍

13. Scope of responsibility of the company



13.1 受到下列第14條規範下,茲限制本公司對台端裝載貨物或其任何部分之任何損失、損害或遲延所負之責任如下:

13.1 Subject to the provisions of article 14 below, the liability of the company for any loss, damage or delay on board the goods or any part thereof shall be limited to the following:


13.1.1 如台端之裝載貨物全部或部分以航空運輸,且最終目的地或有一站係位於出發地以外之國家者,則適用華沙公約(1929年),或海牙協定(1995年)與/或蒙特婁第4號協定(1975年)修正之華沙公約,或蒙特利爾公約(Montreal Convention 1999)對其進行的修改。這些國際條約約束並限制本公司對台端裝載貨物所負之責任為每公斤19SDR(特別提款權)。

13.1.1 Where the loading cargo at the end of the station is carried wholly or partly by air and the final destination or station is a country other than the place of departure, the Warsaw Pact (1929), or the Hague Accord (1995) and/or the Montreal Protocol No. 4 (1975) as amended, or the Montreal Convention 1999, amends it. These international treaties bind and limit the company’s liability for the loading of goods on the desktop to 19 SDRs per kilogram (special drawing rights).


13.1.2 如本公司在陸上運輸台端之裝載貨物從一個國家到另一個國家,而其中有一國是國際陸上貨物運輸契約公約(CMR)之簽約國,則本公司對台端之裝載貨物損失或損害所負之責任應受CMR 拘束,因此本公司責任限於每公斤8.33特別提款權。如台端可證明台端因遲延所受之損失,本公司之責任限於將台端為請本公司運輸該遲延之裝載貨物或其一部而支付予本公司之費用退還台端。

13.1.2 Where the company is bound by CMR for the loss of or damage to its loadings on land, the liability of the company is limited to 8.33 special drawings per kilogram. If the station can prove that it suffered a loss due to delay, the responsibility of the company is limited to refunding the costs paid to the company for the shipment of delayed loads or one of them.


13.1.3 如本公司在陸上運輸台端之裝載貨物從一個國家到另一個國家,而其中一個非CMR成員國境内進行,或在二個非CMR成員國領土間進行,本公司對運輸貨物的遺失或損害將視同受CMR管轄,因此責任限於每公斤8.33特别提款權。如果貨物運輸延誤,而且台端能向本公司證明受到損失,則本公司的責任限於返還台端就該被延誤部分的運輸貨物向本公司所支付的運輸費。

13.1.3 If the company carries cargo on land from one country to another, and one of the non-CMR members is in the territory of two non-CMR members, its liability is limited to 8.33 special drawings per kilogram. If the shipment is delayed and the station can prove the loss to the company, the company’s responsibility is limited to the cost of shipping the portion of the cargo that should have been delayed to the company by returning to the station.


13.1.4 如果第13.1.1至第13.1.3條款均不適用,且本公司因故必須賠償台端,包括但不限於,本公司違約、疏忽、蓄意行為或失職,那麼本公司對台端貨物遺失、運送錯誤或未送達所應負的賠償金額為「貨物當時的市價」與「修理貨物所需成本」熟低者,但在任何情況下,賠償上限為每千克17歐元,每批貨物的最高賠償金額限為10000歐元。如發生貨物延誤的情況,而台端可提供蒙受損失的證明,本公司的賠償責任只限於向台端退回台端就該貨物或其受影響部份所支付的運費。

13.1.4 If the provisions of sections 13.1.1 to 13.1.3 are not appropriate and the company is obliged to pay compensation to the platform, including, but not limited to, its breach of contract, negligence, wilful conduct or failure to perform its duties, then the amount of compensation due to the company for the loss, error or failure to deliver of the goods at the end of the table is the sum “the market price of the goods at the time” and “the cost of repairing the goods”, but in any event the maximum amount of compensation is 17 Euros per kilogram and the maximum amount of compensation for each shipment is 10,000 Euro.



Responsibility for other services


13.2 在不違反後面第14條下,本公司如因其他服務而必須賠償台端,原因包括但不限於,本公司違約、疏失、蓄意行為或失職,那麼本公司對台端的賠償限為每事件或導因相同之一連串事件 10,000 歐元;如為貨件遺失或損壞,則賠償金額為「貨件市價」與「修理貨件所需成本」熟低者,但在任何情況下,賠償上限為每千克3.40歐元,且每事件或每批有關事件的最高賠償金額限為10,000歐元。

13.2 In the absence of breach of the latter section 14, the company is required to pay compensation for other services, including, but not limited to, its breach of contract, negligence, wilful conduct or failure to perform its duties, for which its compensation is limited to Euro10,000 for each event or for one of the same events, and Euro10,000 for the loss or damage of the goods, for which the amount is “market value of the goods” and “cost of repairing the goods”, but in any case the maximum compensation is Euro3.40 per kilogram and the maximum compensation for each event or batch of related events is Euro10,000.


13.3 貴方運輸貨物的交付

13.3 Delivery of your consignment

13.31 我們將遵循我們的標準交付流程,其中可能包括在未獲得簽名的情況下放下貨物。如果您需要貨物簽收服務,請提供 13.4 中規定的適用的特殊交付說明。當我方由於任何原因而不能完成對運輸貨物的交付時,我方會在收貨人地址處留一份通知,說明我方已經試圖交付貨物並告知運輸貨物所在處。如果我方第二次試圖交付仍然未能完成或收貨人拒絕接受交付,我方將與貴方聯繫並就下一步的適當行動取得貴方的同意。貴方同意支付我方在轉遞、處理或運回該運輸貨物時產生的費用及我方進行第三次或更多次交付而產生的費用(如有)。如果我方第二次嘗試交付運輸貨物之後的合理時間內並未收到貴方或收貨人的指示,則貴方同意我方可以銷毀或出售運輸貨物的內容且無須對貴方承擔任何進一步責任。

13.31 We will follow our standard delivery process, which may include putting down the goods in the absence of a signature. If you need the goods signature service, please provide the appropriate special delivery instructions specified in 13.4. When our side is unable to complete delivery of the goods for any reason, we will leave a notice at the recipient's address that we have attempted to deliver the goods and inform the cargo where they are. If my second attempt to deliver is still incomplete or the recipient refuses to accept delivery, we will contact you and obtain your consent on the appropriate next step. You agree to pay for the costs that we incur when transferring, disposing of, or shipping back the goods, and for our third or more deliveries, if any. If my second attempt to deliver the goods is not followed by instructions from the other party, you will agree that we can destroy or sell the goods and have no responsibility for any further progress.



Special delivery instructions


13.4 貴方或者運輸貨物的接收方可(通過TNT網站或其他媒介)對我方給予特殊指示,將運輸貨物交付至另一個地址或個人(例如一個鄰居或一個鄰近地址),不簽收放下貨物或不簽收不放下貨物。或者接收方可表達其從經我方同意的其他場所接收運輸貨物的意願。如果貴方要求且我方同意提供該特殊交付指示服務,則適用如下規定:

13.4 The recipient of goods (through the TNT website or other media) may give us special instructions to deliver the goods to another address or to a person (e.g. a neighbor or a neighbor), not sign off on the goods or not sign off on the goods. The receiving party may express its wish to receive the goods from other sites with our consent. If you request and we agree to provide the special delivery instruction service, the following rules shall apply:


13.4.1 我方提供的明列替代接受人和/或接收地址的任何收據應構成運輸貨物交付完成的證據。如果我們在指定的送貨地址未獲得簽名或未派送到信件或儲物櫃的情況下放下貨物,則單方面通知貨物已送達應構成送達證明,從那時起我們將免除交付貨物的責任。

13.4.1 We provide evidence that any receipt that replaces the recipient's and/or receiving address will be delivered as shipping goods. If we drop the goods at the designated delivery address without a signature or delivery to the letter or locker, then we will be relieved of our responsibility to deliver the goods by notifying them that they have been delivered as delivery certificates.


13.4.2 我方對由執行貴方特殊交付指示的服務所導致的任何丟失或損害不承擔責任。

13.4.2 We shall not be responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the performance of services for which special delivery instructions have been given.



13.4.3 The State party should compensate us and exempt us from all claims, costs, liabilities and costs (including reasonable legal fees) arising from the loss or damage of goods shipped as a result of special delivery instructions. We also reserve the right to charge the State for special delivery instructions.


14. 除外規定

14. Exceptions


14.1 本公司不負責台端所遭受的收益損失、獲利損失、市場損失、商譽損失、客戶損失、使用損失、機會損失,即使本公司知道這類損失或損害可能發生,本公司亦不負責任何的間接、偶發、特別或後續損害、損失,包括但不限於,違約、疏失、蓄意行為或失職等原因所造成的這類損失與損害。

14.1 The company is not responsible for loss of profits, loss of profits, market losses, loss of reputation, loss of customers, loss of use, loss of opportunity. Even if the company knows that such loss or damage may occur, it is not responsible for any incidental, incidental, extraordinary or subsequent damage, loss or loss, including, but not limited to, such loss or damage caused by breach of contract, negligence, wilful conduct or neglect.


14.2 本公司如因為下列原因而未履行對台端的責任,則本公司不需要因此承擔任何責任:

14.2 The company is not required to assume any liability if it fails to fulfil its responsibilities to its clients for the following reasons:


14.2.1 非本公司可得控制之情況,諸如(但不限於):

14.2.1 Where control is not available to the company, such as (but not limited to):



(a) natural disasters, including earthquakes, hurricanes, storms, floods, fires, diseases, fogs, snow or frosts;


Force majeure, including (but not limited to) war, accident, enemy conduct, strike, stoppage, air strikes, local protests or internal disturbances;


(a) The breakdown of national or local air or ground transport networks and mechanical problems in the form of transport or mechanical devices;


The potential for loading the contents of the cargo is defective or inherent.


The crimes of a third person are like theft and arson.

14.2.2 台端或第三人之作為或不作為,諸如:

14.2.2 Acts or omissions on the stage or by a third person, as follows:



(a) The obligations of the parties under the terms of this treaty, in particular the guarantees set out in article 12, have been violated (and any other person has claimed a right to load goods as a result of the infringement of the obligations of the parties under this treaty);


Any customs, airline, airport or government official acts or omissions.

14.2.3 裝載貨物內容包含禁運品目,縱使本公司可能錯誤接受該裝載貨物。

14.2.3 The contents of the load contain prohibited items, even though it may be wrong to accept the load.


14.2.4 本公司拒绝代表台端非法支付款項。

14.2.4 The company refused to make unlawful payments on behalf of the station.


14.3 本公司並非一般運輸業者,不接受對台端負一般運輸業者之責任。

14.3 The company is not a general transporter and does not accept responsibility for the general transporter at the station.


15. 保證遞送時間的產品

15. Products for which delivery time is guaranteed


關於本公司可能提供、且台端選擇的保證遞送時間的產品,如果本公司無法在規定時間内交付台端運輸貨物,且本公司無法及時交付並非由14.2款中列出的任何事件所引起,且台端按照19條的規定通知本公司台端的權利主張,則本公司將向台端收取與台端所選服務屬同一產品類别的所提供的實際遞送服務(例如12:00 AM前)的費用,而非收取針對台端要求的服務本公司的報價(例如9:00 AM前)。

With regard to products that the company may provide and which it selects as the guaranteed delivery time, if it is unable to deliver on-board cargo within the scheduled time, if it is unable to deliver on time and not caused by any of the events listed in paragraph 14.2, and if it is informed of its rights on-site in accordance with the 19 regulations, the company will charge the station for the actual delivery of services (e.g., before 12 noon AM) provided by the same product as the services selected on-board, rather than for the price of the service provider requested by the station (e.g. before 9/AM).


16 貴重物品

16 Valuables



Valuable items such as stones, precious metals, jewellery, money, transferable books, unprotected furniture, glass or porcelain, art, antiques and important documents, including passports, statutory coins, shares and options, cannot be sent through the company’s network delivery system, which uses mechanical processing and automatic sub-engineering, as well as many transports up and down. If the company transports these goods, the risks should be borne by the station.


17. 全額理賠

17. Full compensation


17.1 您得於支付指定的費用後,在托運單上申報超過第 13 條規定之每一批貨物 25,000 歐元上限金額的貨物價值(非文件貨物)(「全額理賠通行證」)。為能順利完成申請,請務必填寫托運單上的相關欄位,並支付指定之費用,當您的貨物經證明發生損失或損壞,您得請求最高為上述申報價值總金額之理賠金。全額理賠通行證不適用於寶石、貴金屬、筆記型電腦、電漿和液晶螢幕、珠寶、金錢、玻璃、瓷器、藝術品、古董、文件(不包括下列第 17.2 條規定之重組費用)或任何影片、磁帶、磁片、記憶卡,或其他載有貨物之資料或影像。若是您欲寄送上述貨物,本公司建議您自行安排投保。

17.1 After you have paid the specified fee, you must report on the consignment order the value of each shipment (non-documentary) exceeding the maximum amount of Euro25,000 specified in regulation 13. In order to complete the application, you must fill in the relevant fields on the consignment order and pay the specified fee. If your goods are proven to have lost or damaged, you must ask for compensation up to the maximum amount of the general amount claimed.


17.2 您得填寫托運單上的相關欄位,並支付指定之費用,以選擇您的貨物之重整、重製、重新發行或重印費用(包括材料費用(例如,紙張)加上合理工本費)的全額理賠通行證。當您的貨物經證發生損失或損壞時,您得請求最高每一批貨物 500 歐元之理賠金,惟本全額理賠通行證選項僅適用於受理您的托運貨物之 TNT 子公司或關係企業或分公司之網站上列載之文件。

17.2 You will have to fill in the relevant fields on the consignment order and pay the specified fee to select the full amount of the certificate of access for your goods to be reassembled, recreated, reissued or reprinted, including the cost of materials (e.g., paper) plus the cost of reasonable work.


17.3 本第 17 條規定之全額理賠通行證選項:(i) 未規定結果性(請參閱上述第 13.1 條)或運送延遲之損失,或因您違反本合約條款義務而導致之損失的理賠金,(ii) 不適用於非運送服務,且 (iii) 不適用於受限之國家。若是您需要上述相關國家的清單及/或欲取得有關全額理賠通行證條件之其他詳細說明時,請聯絡本公司之客戶服務中心,或造訪受理您的託運貨物之 TNT 子公司或關係企業或分公司之網站。

17.3 The full amount of the pass under this section 17 is not appropriate for non-transport services and (iii) for restricted countries. If you need a list of the countries concerned and/or other details of the full pass requirements, contact your client service centre or visit the website of the company's TNT subsidiary or company or sub-company that receives your shipment.


18. 第三人提出索賠

The third person filed a claim.



Taiwan assured the company that, even if it may have failed or failed to fulfil its contract at the time of shipment, it should not allow any other person entitled to load goods to claim or file a complaint against it for the circumstances of the shipment, and that, in the event of a claim or prosecution, it would pay for the damage suffered by the company as a result of the claim or complaint, as well as for the costs and expenses incurred as a result of the defence of the claim or complaint.


19. 索賠程序

19. Claims procedure



If the platform is exposed to loss of load, damage or delay in claiming compensation, the station must comply with any relevant contract, or if none of the contracts is suitable for the station, the station should follow the following procedures, or the company retains the right to reject the claim:


19.1 台端必須在(i)貨物運送後21日內、或(ii)在貨物應被運送的21日內、或在其他有關服務後的21日內,(iii)如涉及其他服務的索賠,以書面通知本公司相關損失、損壞或延遲。

19.1 A claim involving other services must be made within 21 days of the shipment of (i) goods, or (ii) within 21 days of the shipment, or (iii) within 21 days of the delivery of the goods, if the claim relates to other services, to inform the company in writing of the associated loss, damage or delay.


19.2 台端必須在並在書面通知後的21日內台端應將所有貨物遭受損失、損壞或延遲的所有相關證據與資訊送達給本公司以為索償。

19.2 The station must send all relevant evidence and information regarding the loss, damage or delay of all goods to our company for compensation within 21 days of being informed in writing.


19.3 若台端並未支付運費用,本公司將不回應任何索償行為,且台端無權從運費中扣除索償金額。

19.3 If the station has not paid for its operation, the company will not respond to any of the claims and it will not have the right to deduct the claim from its costs.


19.4 除非收貨人於接受裝載貨物時已於本公司遞送紀錄上告知有任何損害,本公司將假設所遞送之裝載貨物之狀況良好。為便於本公司就損害之索賠加以考量,必須提供台端裝載貨物之內容以及原始包裝供本公司檢查;

19.4 Unless the recipient at the time of acceptance of the load has informed the company of any damage, the company will assume that the shipment is in good condition. In order to take account of the claim for damage, the company must provide the contents of the load on the desktop and the original package for inspection by the company;


19.5 除非法律另有規定,否則在貨物送達、或貨物應運送、或運送終止日起算的一年內,台端如未向法院提告而要求本公司賠償,則台端索償權將於前述一年期滿時消滅,這包括台端對本公司其他服務的求償,亦應在台端獲悉損失、損害或延遲後一年內向法院提告。

19.5 Unless otherwise provided by law, the claim will be extinguished at the end of the preceding one-year period if, within a year from the date of delivery of the goods, or the date on which the goods are to be delivered, or the date on which they are to be delivered, or the date on which they are to be delivered, the claim will be brought before the court within one year after the date of failure to file a complaint to the court. This will include compensation for other services rendered by the company and will be reported to the court within one year after the date of loss, damage or delay.


19.6 本公司如接受台端求償的全部或一部,台端必須擔保台端的保險公司或其他第三當事人拋棄他們在代位或其他權利上所具有的各項權益、救濟或補救權。

19.6 In the event that the company accepts all or part of the compensation sought by the client, the company or other third party on board is required to guarantee that the insurance company or other party forsake their rights to subrogation or other rights, to deliver or to supplement their rights.


19.7 貨物必須在台端通知本公司貨物未送達後,經至少30 天,才能視貨物遺失。本公司得書面同意台端縮短30天的期限。

19.7 The cargo must take at least 30 days to view its cargo loss after it has been notified that it has not been delivered.


20. 費率與款項支付

20. Fees and payments


20.1 台端同意自本公司開立發票日起7天內,支付在發貨單/運輸契約所列地點之間運送裝載貨物之本公司費用或本公司提供其他服務的費用(包括適用的附加費)以及任何加值稅,不得拒付、扣除、反索賠或要求抵銷。

20.1 The station agreed to pay its own fees (including appropriate surcharges) for the transportation of loads or other services provided by the company within seven days of the date on which the company issued the invoice, as well as any value-added tax, without withholding, deducting, counterclaiming or seeking a set-off.


20.2 如台端在收到發票後7日内未提出異議,則視為台端放棄提出異議的權利。

20.2 If no disagreement is raised within seven days of the receipt of the ticket, the right to raise disagreement shall be deemed to have been waived.


20.3 本公司收取的運輸費用係按照本公司現行費率卡或相關合約中適用於台端運輸貨物的費率進行計算。本公司的現行費率卡可向本公司在運輸貨物發票地國家的任何辦事處索取。TNT 保留隨時不經通知逕行修改 TNT 費率卡上所記載費用的權利。

20.3 The transportation costs charged by the company are calculated on the basis of the company’s current rate card or related rates appropriate for the transportation of goods on the platform. The company’s current rate card can be obtained from any of its offices in the country where the consignment is issued. TNT reserves the right to use the fees reported on the TNT rate card without notice to the bank.


20.4 本公司運輸費用係依據本公司現行費率卡上所列適合台端裝載貨物之相關費率計算之。如本公司發現台端申報重量與/或數量與裝載貨物之重量與/或數量有所差異,本公司可能核對台端裝載貨物之重量與/或數量,則台端同意,依本公司認定之重量與/或數量計算費率。如本公司對台端申報的重量和/或體積/或物品數量有異議,本公司可以對重量和/或體積/或物品數量進行重新測量,台端同意以本公司重新測量的重量和/或體積/或物品數量作為計價的依據。

20.4 The company’s transportation costs are calculated on the basis of the rates associated with the fitting loading of goods on the platform listed in its current rates card. If the company finds that there is a difference in the weight and/or number of claims and loads, the company may approve the weight and/or quantity of loads on the table, and the station agrees to calculate the rate according to the weight and/or quantity that the company determines. If the company disagrees with the weight and/or volume/or quantity of items reported on the desk, the company may recalculate the weight and/or volume/or quantity of goods, and the station agrees to calculate the price using the weight and/or volume/or quantity of items that the company recalculates.


20.5 當然,收貨人應於本公司遞送裝載貨物時,支付貨物之所有進口關稅與加值稅以及目的地國家就裝載貨物課徵之所有其他費用予本公司,且如收貨人拒絕支付時,台端同意於本公司通知台端收貨人尚未支付之情事7日內全額支付該等款項予本公司。

20.5 The recipient shall, of course, pay the company all import and value-added taxes on the goods when it delivers the goods and all other charges from the country of destination for loading the goods, and, if the recipient refuses to pay, the station agrees to pay the company the full amount within seven days of the receipt of the goods that has not yet been paid.


20.6 台端茲同意,本公司得按歐洲中央銀行基本利率加上6%之利率,就所有未於發票開立之日起7天內付款之發票收取利息。台端茲同意支付本公司為收取未於發票開立之日起7天內付款之發票款項而支出之合理與適當費用。

20.6 Taiwan agrees that it will be required to charge interest on all tickets that have not been paid within seven days of the date on which they were issued, at the European Central Bank's basic interest rate plus 6 per cent. It agrees to pay its fair and appropriate fee for the payment of invoices that have not been paid within seven days of the date on which they were issued.


20.7 本公司現行費率卡所列戶對戶訴訟費率包括提供簡單海關通關正式手續在內,且當本公司為將台端裝載貨物遞送予收貨人而必須從事耗費時間的額外海關通關工作時,本公司保留收取額外行政費用之權利。因此可能對於某些國家之複雜通關工作,收取額外費用,這些工作包括但不限於,裝載貨物:

20.7 The rates listed in the company's current rates card include the provision of simple customs clearances, and the company retains the right to charge extra administrative charges when extra customs clearances are required to take the time it takes to deliver the goods on board to the recipient. It may therefore charge extra charges for complex customs operations in some countries, including, but not limited to, loading:


20.7.1 有三件以上之不同商品必須正式海關報關。

20.7.1 More than three different commodities are subject to formal customs clearance.


20.7.2 須有海關保證金或需有一種海關保證金方得遞送貨物。

20.7.2 Goods may be delivered only if there is a customs guarantee or if there is a customs guarantee.


20.7.3 須有暫時性進口設施。

20.7.3 Temporary import and export facilities shall be required.


20.7.4 通關時涉及海關以外之政府部門

20.7.4 Government departments other than Customs are involved in customs clearance



The company may pay import taxes, taxes, fines or be required to insure liability on behalf of the importer in some countries, and when providing this extra service, it will charge the recipient local administrative fees, which will be paid to the company if the recipient fails to pay.


20.8 台端得向本公司提出特殊之開立發票指示,或者與裝載貨物之收貨人或其他第三人達成合意由收貨人或該第三人支付本公司之費用與/或本公司因該裝載貨物而被課徵或承擔之任何關稅、賦稅、罰款、保證金、查定額、支出、額外費用與罰金。如收貨人或該第三人拒絕支付本公司運輸費用或償還本公司任何上述費用,台端同意於本公司將拒絕付款之情事通知台端之日起7天內支付該等款項。

20.8 The station may issue to the company a special issuance instruction, or agree with the recipient of the load or other third person to pay the company’s fees and/or any taxes, taxes, penalties, bonds, checks, expenditures, extra-charges and penalties that the receiving party or the third person may charge or pay the company for the load. If the recipient or the third person refuses to pay the company’s shipping costs or to reimburse the company for any of the costs, the station agrees to pay the fee within seven days of the date on which the company will notify the counter that it will refuse to pay.


20.9 本公司的發票並未涵括遞送證明(POD)。台端同意遞送證明的取得或提供可透過數位或電子或其他文件的形式。

20.9 The certificate of delivery (POD) is not included in the company’s invoice. The station agreed to obtain or provide a certificate of delivery in the form of a digital or electron or other document.


20.10 如果法律允許,本公司提供的標準發票為電子發票。如果台端要求或本公司被要求提供纸本發票,則本公司保留就提供該項服務向台端收取管理費的權利。

20.10 If the law allows, the standard ticket provided by the company is an electronic invoice. If the station requires or the company is requested to issue a paper invoice, the company reserves the right to charge the station for the management fee for the provision of the service.


20.11 本公司之發票必須以該發票上所述之貨幣支付之,或者按本公司提供之匯率計算後以當地貨幣支付之。

20.11 The invoice issued by the company must be paid in the currency stated in the invoice or in the local currency at the rate provided by the company.


20.12 本公司對本公司持有之所有台端裝載貨物具有一般質權,俾本公司有權出售裝載貨物之內容,並保留銷售收入用於清償台端因先前運輸或遞送之裝載貨物而積欠本公司之任何款項。

20.12 The company has general rights with respect to all of its station loadings, which entitles it to sell the contents of the loadings, and reserves the proceeds of the sale for any sums owed to it by the commissioning of goods previously shipped or delivered.


20.13 台端必須負責完納有關政府單位對貨物運輸、其他服務與托運文件所課徵的任何關稅、課稅與規費,包括印花稅 。

20.13 The station must be responsible for the completion of any taxes, taxes and charges, including stamp taxes, charged by the relevant government units for the transport of goods, other services and consignment documents.


21. 台端就受雇人員方面所應承擔之損害賠償責任

21. Tails are liable for damages incurred by employees.


21.1 台端同意保証賠償本公司並使本公司免除所有直接或間接產生於以下雇員被裁减後選擇性的重新雇用或調動的費用、索賠、責任和任何性質的要求:

21.1 The station agreed to guarantee compensation to its own company and to exempt it from all requirements of direct or indirect re-employment or transfer of fees, claims, liability and any nature arising from the downsizing of the following employees:


21.1.1 由本公司指派或者專門從事由本公司向台端提供的服務的本公司雇員

21.1.1 Employees of our own company assigned or specialized in the services provided to the station by our company


21.1.2 台端任何雇員、或台端以前的雇員

21.1.2 Any employee on, or former employee on, a platform


21.1.3 台端任何供應方或以前供應方的雇員

21.1.3 Employees of any supply side or former supply side at the station


21.1.4 任何第三人雇員

21.1.4 Any third person employed


對於可能因本公司與台端之商業關係而直接或間接造成台端或台端任何供應商或前任供應商或任何第三人之任何受雇人員或前任受雇人員之裁員或選擇性再雇用或轉調而造成任何性質之一切費用、索賠、責任與要求,包括但不限於依歐洲共同體取得權利指令 (77/187/EEC,2001/23/EC指令修正之) 或國家施行法規或依任何其他相關就業立法所產生之責任,台端茲同意賠償本公司之損害並使本公司免於受損。

For all costs, claims, liabilities and requirements of a sexual nature, including but not limited to the acquisition of rights under the European Community Directive (amended by Directive 77/187/EEC, 2001/23/EC) or the imposition of national laws or obligations under any other related legislation, as a result of the dismissal or selective re-employment of any supplier or former supplier or former employee of the company or former employee of any third person, either directly or indirectly as a result of its business relationship with the company, or of any other employee of the company.


22. 準據法與管轄地

22. Law and jurisdiction


22.1 如有任合約款被宣布為無效或無法執行,該項決定將不影響本運輸契約之其他條款,其他條款仍具效力。

22.1 If the contract is declared invalid or unenforceable, the decision shall have no effect on the other provisions of this contract, which shall remain in force.


22.2 除非有關法律另有規定,否則本貨運合約如產生有任何關於台端欠付本公司款項的爭議,一律遵從為台端提供貨物付運服務的TNT分公司或附屬公司所屬國家

22.2 Unless otherwise provided by the relevant law, this contract of carriage shall be subject to the State of the TNT branch or affiliate that provides cargo delivery services to the station, if any dispute arises over the payment of the company's funds due from the station. ]




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