
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:65 评论:0



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What is the consensus in the block chain that has recently been talking about the “block chain consensus” building “consensus mechanisms” in the circle of blocks, both in meetings and in the block chain project?


What's consensus? It's literally a common understanding.


People are different, not only in their size, appearance, abilities, culture, opinions, ideas, claims of interest, etc. and consensus here means that members of a group agree on a certain aspect.


A friend would ask, "Does the consensus exist because of the block chain?


No, consensus is only a matter of renewed concern because of the fire in the block chain, but consensus itself exists in every aspect of our lives, except that our traditional consensus is based on “centralization”.


For example, the way we're going to make payments, payment treasures, and micro-letters. First of all, they're all centralized, and second, why you can make transfers and make day-to-day consumer payments, most of all because of the consensus on payment treasures and micro-letters that they are safe enough to be available at any time.


The block chain consensus provided a completely new way of reaching consensus, and this new consensus mechanism allowed large-scale and efficient collaboration to be accomplished without relying on centralized authority.


We think that consensus is the goal, because there is consensus that we can keep transactions in different places open; but the traditional consensus is that authority is the way. While it seems to be a sound and efficient way, the greatest risk is that if the trading base is too large, the central system will not work or the central authority will collapse and the castle will collapse; and all the rules are set by the authority centre and users will only be able to obey, obey, obey and obey unconditionally!


If we find a mechanism of consensus that is different from that derived from authority, we may acquire a new form of organization. At this point, the block chain consensus is a “decentralized” consensus that is entirely different from the authoritative consensus; it is also called the “block chain consensus”.


Interpretation of the block chain consensus mechanism:


1, a distributed account book, is a transaction book that is carried out by multiple nodes located in different locations, and each node records a complete account, so that they can participate in monitoring the legitimacy of the transaction and can testify against it together.


Unlike traditional distributed storage, the uniqueness of the distributed storage of block chains can be found mainly in two aspects: first, that each node of the block chain stores complete data according to a block chain structure, while traditional distributed storage typically divides data into multiple parts according to certain rules.


The second is that each node of the block chain is stored independently and in the same position, relying on a consensus mechanism to ensure consistency in storage, while traditional distributed storage generally synchronizes data with other back-up nodes through a central node.


The biggest feature is that there is no single node to record book data separately, thus avoiding the possibility of a single account keeper being controlled or bribed to keep a false account. Also, because of the large number of nodes, the accounts are theoretically not lost unless all nodes are destroyed, thereby ensuring the security of account data.


2. The asymmetric encryption and authorization technology of


3. The block chain consensus mechanism,


4. Smart contracts are based on these credible and indeterminable data and allow for automated implementation of predefined rules and provisions. For example, if a rental contract is concluded between the landlord and the tenant through a smart contract, the landlord requires the tenant to pay the rent on the 8th of a month; if the rent is not paid before the 8th month, the smart contract is automatically enforced and the right to use the house is recovered.


Simplely speaking, the block chain is a public account, an open database, and a point-to-point collaboration network. The collaborators (nodes) maintain the data together, each node has a complete data backup, all nodes have to be identical in content, each node can search the transaction record locally, and each node can add a transaction locally.


Since there is no centre for command and coordination, the completion of this collaboration requires a consensus mechanism in the block chain, which must address two basic issues: 1. Who can account for it; and 2. How the data are synchronized.


The process of data writing (block addition) is as follows: each packaged transaction is called a block, and the block is added up, extending the block chain by placing the packaged transaction (block) on an established database (block chain) and broadcasting it to the whole network. The other nodes receive information and verify the block is correct.


A question about synchronizing data is how to agree on the order of transactions that take place over a certain period of time.


Since each node is automatically recorded or synchronized and there are high network delays when point-to-point communications take place, the order in which data are received at each node is inconsistent. Remember, I remember mine. How do you ensure that each node copy data is consistent?


The consensus mechanism for the to use the longest chain as the main chain, i.e., each node always chooses and attempts to extend the main chain, i.e. each node chooses to add and update the block itself to the chain with the largest number of blocks, so that multiple nodes can synchronize an authoritative public account book.


And the first question, who has the right to keep the books, we call them miners; the working principles of miners are currently threefold: Pow, POS, DPOS.

“遇见区块链,遇见更美好的未来”。 仁和联盟社区陪同大家一起学习了解最新区块链动向,相关问题可留言或加入社群一起交流探讨!

“See blocks chain, see a better future.” and the coalition community accompany us to learn about the latest developments in the blocks chain. Related issues can be left a message or join the community for discussion!




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