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What about those who bought bitcoin? Bitcoin can be purchased through the following exchanges: OIE App Register, Biconomy Exchange, LedgerX Trades APP, Candy Exchange APP, Coconut Exchange, Global Asset Transactions APP, Compoun Trades APP, MOEX Trading Platform, OpenEx Exchange and Hydax Trading Software, 10 transaction app downloads, secure virtual currency trading platforms, supporting multiple digital currency transactions and providing high-quality trading experiences.


OIE registered as a well-known trading platform focused on digital asset transactions, providing mainstream digital money trading services such as Bitcoin, Etheria, and Letco. The platform has secure and stable trading systems and professional risk management teams that provide easy and secure digital asset trading experiences for users. OIE registered as an asset-safe user, using multiple security protection mechanisms, and strictly following regulatory requirements to create an honest and transparent trading environment for users.


OIE application feature:


OIE applies registers multiple digital currency transactions, including hot currency such as Bitcoin, Etheria, etc.


The platform interface is simple and simple, and the transaction is easy to handle and suitable for rapid start-up by newcomers.


High security, multi-layer encryption techniques and cold wallet storage are used to secure user assets.


Support for multiple types of transactions, such as price limit orders, market orders, etc., to meet the transaction needs of different investors.


The transaction fees are low, the opening of accounts is easy, bills are fast and users have good experience.


Users are well served and provide on-line customer service and technical support to address problems encountered by users in transactions.



User comment:


One of the best exchanges I've ever been to.


2. The depth of the transaction is so rich that it can meet my diverse trade needs that I feel very good.


Three, I've been trading for months, and I feel very good, very good, and I hope to keep this level going!


4. The response to the customer service was very rapid and the problem was very effective.


5. I am very satisfied that the variety of transactions offered is very diverse and that I will soon be able to find the type of transactions I want.


The Biconomy Exchange is a trading platform that focuses on digital asset transactions, providing a one-stop digital asset transaction service to users. The platform uses advanced security techniques and sophisticated wind control systems to ensure user asset security and smooth transactions.


User comment:


1. The hospitality of the guests is very friendly, and I find it very sweet that they stand by to help us.


2. A truly excellent trading platform, simple to operate, fast to trade, safe and secure, gives me an excellent sense of business flow.



LedgerX Trades APP is a leading digital asset trading platform dedicated to providing safe, stable, and efficient trading services to global users. As a professional block chain asset exchange, LedgerX Trades APP has strong technical support and extensive trade experience, providing users with a full range of services, such as digital asset charging, cash withdrawal, and transactions.


User comment:


1. The user-to-user community is active, and many trade experts often share their trade experiences and learn very usefully.


2. Notices in the course of a transaction are also very timely, allowing me to quickly capture market dynamics and make better trading decisions.


The Candy Exchange APP is a platform for focusing on digital currency transactions. We are committed to providing a safe, efficient and easy trading environment that provides users with a full range of high-quality services. The Candy Exchange APP has a rich variety of transactions, covering the global mainstream digital currency, and offers a variety of trade options to meet the needs of different users. We have a stable and reliable trading system and a strong technical support team to ensure smooth transactions. At the Candy Exchange APP, users can benefit from rapid currency replenishment services, secure financial management, and round-the-clock customer support.


User comment:


1. The mobile phone APP is very easy for me to trade and access information whenever and wherever I want.


2. Support for a wide range of encrypted currency transactions provides me with a number of trading options.


APP of the Coconut Exchange is a secure, efficient, fair, and transparent digital money trading platform. We are committed to providing easy digital asset trading services to users worldwide, supporting the trading and storage of multiple digital assets, while safeguarding user account security and asset security.


User comment:


1. The hospitality is excellent and the speed with which the problem is solved makes me feel very comfortable.


2. The interfaces of the trading platform are simple, simple and easy to use, and the pace of the transaction is very fast. I am very satisfied with the professionalism of the trading platform.



The Global Asset Trading APP is a leading digital asset trading platform dedicated to providing safe, stable, and efficient trading services to global users. The Exchange has a wealth of digital asset resources, offering a variety of types of transactions, including popular digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Taicha.


User comment:


1. The transaction has been going on for months and has never encountered any problems, and everything is going well and reassuringly.


2. A trusted digital currency trading platform provides a secure, efficient and stable digital currency trading environment for a wide range of digital currency fans.


Compoun Trading APP is a well-known digital asset trading platform dedicated to providing global users with secure, stable and efficient block chain asset trading services. The platform has a professional team and advanced technical support to provide users with a variety of services, such as digital asset trading, contract trading, leverage trading, etc. Compount Trading APP uses multiple security protection mechanisms to secure user assets, while continuously optimizing trading experiences to meet different transaction needs of users.


1. The current process is very convenient, with a high rate of success and experience.


2. Various preferential activities have also been launched on a regular basis to provide users with a better trading experience.


The MOMOEX trading platform is a trading platform focused on digital asset transactions. We provide trading pairs of multiple digital currencies, including Bitcoin, Etheria, Leiteco. Through our simple and easy-to-use interface, users can easily buy, sell and operate. We are committed to safeguarding user transactions and protecting user funds with multiple protective measures. The MOEX trading platform is based on the principles of fairness and fairness, providing users with a trading environment with high mobility and low transaction costs. We have a professional technical team and high-quality customer services that are committed to providing users with a high-quality trading experience.


User comment:


Security measures are also in place and my assets are fully protected.


2. Platform security is high and private key storage is secure, allowing users to store digital money more securely.


OpenEx Exchange is a dedicated institution for financial transactions. We are committed to providing a safe, efficient, and easy trading environment for global traders. Through advanced technology platforms and professional teams, we offer trading and investment opportunities for a wide range of financial products, including stocks, foreign exchange, futures, etc. We provide individualized services to meet different needs, whether individual or institutional investors. OpenEx Exchange always adheres to the principles of fairness and transparency, ensuring the safety of transactions and the interests of participants.


User comment:


1. User experience is good, registration is simple and fast, and transactions are easy and fast.


2. The platform is easily operational and can be easily operated by new users.


Hydax is a leading platform that focuses on digital asset transactions and is dedicated to providing users with a safe, stable and efficient trading environment. Hydax trades have multi-layered protection systems and professional wind control teams to secure user assets. The platform supports multi-digit currency transactions and provides easy cash charges. Hydax deals are based on the principles of fairness, fairness and transparency, and provide users with a high-quality trading experience, which is your preferred platform for digital asset transactions.


User comment:


1. In any case, it's one of my favorite exchanges and one that I recommend to others.


2. The trade in mining activities is very cost-effective, and I have received a number of awards.



(1) Does USDT support payments by commercial agencies?

USDT, 或称为泰达币, 是一种依托区块链技术而发行的加密货币, 其价格相对稳定, 可以作为数字资产的存储和传输媒介。由于USDT的价格稳定和可靠性, 许多个人和机构都将其视为一种重要的支付方式。但是, 在商业机构的支付领域, USDT是否真的可以得到广泛的应用呢?

USDT, or Tedarco, is an encrypted currency issued under block chain technology, with a relatively stable price that can be used as a storage and transmission medium for digital assets. Because of the price stability and reliability of USDT, many individuals and institutions see it as an important way of paying. But, in the area of payments by commercial agencies, does it really have wide application?

事实上, USDT已经被越来越多的商业机构所接受, 包括在线商家、游戏开发商、电子商务平台等。例如, Bitpie钱包, OKEx交易所, 当当网等都已经开始接受USDT支付。随着加密货币的普及和应用场景的不断扩展, USDT的商业支付应用有望继续向更广泛的领域推广。

In fact, USDT has been accepted by a growing number of business institutions, including online traders, game developers, e-commerce platforms, and so on. For example, Bitpie wallets, OKEx exchanges, etc., are already receiving USDT payments.

总的来说, USDT在商业机构支付领域已经取得了一定的进展, 但也需要在去中心化、用户体验、安全等方面持续改进, 才能真正成为商业支付领域的主流选项。

In general, USDT has made some progress in the area of corporate payments, but it also needs continuous improvement in the areas of decentralisation, user experience, security, etc., if it is to be truly a mainstream option in the area of commercial payments.


(2) Does USDT support online education payments?


As a popular digital currency, the USDT has been widely used in a wide range of industries. But some question whether the USDT supports online education payments. In fact, the USDT has been accepted by many online education platforms as a way of paying fees.


(3) Who is the publisher of Tedarco?

泰达币的发行公司是Tether Limited。这家公司成立于2014年,旨在推出一种与美元汇率固定的数字货币。泰达币的发行主要是为了方便加密货币交易所进行交易,它的价值始终与美元保持1:1的固定比率。Tether限制了泰达币的流通量,每个泰达币都应该由等值的美元来支持。虽然泰达币并不是第一个稳定币,但由于其与美元的价值联系,使得它成为加密货币市场上最流行的数字稳定币之一。

The company was created in 2014 to introduce a digital currency with a fixed exchange rate with the United States dollar. The company was issued primarily to facilitate transactions with an encrypted currency exchange, with a value of 1:1 fixed with the United States dollar. Tether limited the circulation of the Thai currency, each of which should be supported by an equivalent dollar.


孙宇晨花费 9900 枚 ETH 买入ether.fi PT,价值 3769 万美元

据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,过去半小时,孙宇晨花费 9900 枚 ETH 买入 06.27 到期的ether.fi PT,价值 3769 万美元;截止目前孙宇晨投入 Pendle 的资金增长至 53,900 ETH,总价值 2.05 亿美元。

According to the chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa, Sun Woo spent the last half-hour on 9900 ETHs to buy each of the other.fi PTs due to 06.27, valued at $37.69 million; to date, Sun Woo's investment in Pendle has increased to 53,900 ETHs, with a total value of $205 million.

Binance Research:5月DeFi TVL上涨21.7%

binance Research: DeFi TVL up 21.7% in May

Binance研究报告表示,5月加密货币市场总市值上涨8.6%,DeFi TVL上涨21.7%,然而,NFT市场总销售量下降41%,降至6.3亿美元。

According to the Binance study, the total market value of the encrypted currency market rose by 8.6 per cent in May and that of the DeFi TVL by 21.7 per cent; however, the total sales volume of the NFT market fell by 41 per cent to $630 million.


A giant whale deposited 36,966 million PEPEs to Binance with a return on investment of 976%

据Lookonchain监测,某巨鲸刚刚向Binance存入3659.6亿枚PEPE(530万美元)以获取利润。 他于2023年12月13日和12月16日从MEXC中提取了3659.6亿枚PEPE(当时为49.4万美元)。他在不到6个月的时间内将49.4万美元变成了530万美元,利润达到482万美元,投资回报率高达976%。

According to Lokonchain, a giant whale has just deposited 36,966 million PEPEs (US$ 5.3 million) into Binance for profit. On 13 and 16 December 2023, he extracted 36,966 million PEPEs (at the time, US$ 494,000) from MEXC. In less than six months, he turned US$ 494,000 into US$ 5.3 million, with a profit of US$ 4.82 million and a return on investment of 976 per cent.




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