区块链早餐2.13:以太坊暴涨破270美元 FCoin发布系统维护最新进度

资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:64 评论:0
区块链大事早知道,美好的一天从信仰开始!The whole block chain thing would've known. The good day starts with faith!行业动态...



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The whole block chain thing would've known. The good day starts with faith!


Industrial Development

01 美国财政部长:FinCEN将发布与加密货币相关的新要求

01 United States Treasury Secretary: FinCEN will issue new requirements related to encrypted currency

美国财政部长Steven Mnuchin于2月12日对国会表示,美国金融犯罪执法网络(FinCEN)将发布与加密货币相关的新要求,但他没有提供具体的时间安排。Mnuchin指出,特别是在加密货币上,我们在机构间和与监管机构之间都花了很多时间。在听证会的晚些时候,Mnuchin表示,他们正在采取行动,以便执法部门能够看到资金的去向,确保资金没有被用于洗钱。他还特别提到了“稳定币”,他表示:“我们确实认为可以使用该技术来大大减少支付处理,特别是跨境小额美元支付。”

United States Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin stated to Congress on February 12 that the United States Financial Crime Enforcement Network (FINCEN) would issue new requirements relating to encrypted currency, but he did not provide a specific schedule. Mnuchin pointed out that, especially in encrypted currency, we spent a lot of time between agencies and regulators. Later in the hearing, Mnuchin stated that they were taking action so that law enforcement could see where the funds were going and ensure that they were not being used for money-laundering. He also made special reference to “stable currency”, saying: “We do believe that the technology could be used to significantly reduce payments processing, especially through small cross-border dollar payments.”

02 Coinbase Custody获得SOC 1和SOC 2认证

02Coinbasecustody was accredited to SOC 1 and SOC 2

据Coinbase Custody官方博客文章,Coinbase Custody与均富会计师事务所(Grant Thornton)合作,最近完成了SOC 1 Type 2和 SOC 2 Type 2测试,测试时间为2019年7月1日至2019年12月31日。Coinbase Custody表示,他们是首个同时发布SOC 1 Type 2和SOC 2 Type 2报告的加密货币托管机构。

According to Coinbase Custody's official blog article, Coinbasecustody, in collaboration with Grant Thornton, recently completed the SOC 1 Type 2 and SOC 2 Type 2 tests from 1 July 2019 to 31 December 2019. Coinbase Custody stated that they were the first encrypted money custodians to publish the SOC 1 Type 2 and SOC 2 Type 2 reports simultaneously.

03 微众银行区块链已研发出WeDPR隐私保护解决方案

03 microbanking blocks have developed WeDPR privacy protection solutions


According to the White Paper on WeDPR Privacy Protection, released on 12 February by the microbanking chain team, WeDPR privacy protection solutions have been developed autonomously by the microbanks chain team, based on distributed and credible smart booking techniques such as the block chain, integrating cutting-edge results in professional areas such as cryptographic algorithms, privacy protection algorithms, and security multi-counting, taking into account user experience and regulatory governance, providing a highly optimal technical programme for core applications of privacy protection while achieving publicly verifiable privacy protection effects. WeDPR has now provided targeted solutions by using hidden payments, anonymous voting, anonymous competitions, and selective disclosure as the first applications.

04 嘉楠内部信:仅做好芯片远远不够 必须打通从硅到算力之间的障碍

04 < strong > : It's not enough to do a chip. >. . >...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


On February 12, KARA President and CEO Nanjing released a “a letter to her classmates” that revealed the KAST business plan. The letter stated that, in the area of block chains, we need to improve numeracy and efficiency, improve product quality, stabilize hardware and software systems, improve product functionality, and reduce R & D and manufacturing costs. At the same time, we need to enhance the flexibility of product availability and system-level deployment to prepare for the subsequent expansion of the Internet attribute business to sales arithmetic; a chip is far from sufficient; the barriers between silicon and arithme need to be bridged; short panels in systems software, SaaS, large-scale deployment, wiring, customer services and care need to be filled; and the second generation of AI chip K510 will be promoted as soon as possible.

05 法国央行报告:欧洲央行推出CBDC的可能性取决于选定资产准则

05 reported by the Central Bank of France that the possibility of the ECB launching a CBDC depends on the selection of asset guidelines .

法国央行(Bank of France)最近发布的一份研究报告讨论了欧洲央行推出CBDC的可能性。研究显示,发行将取决于选定的资产准则,因为需要将其整合到现有规定中,以避免法律案文的重新修订。如果CBDC的发行超越“技术程序”,欧洲央行将有两个主要选择来促进实施。第一种选择是将CBDC等同于数字钞票的形式,这将允许CBDC充当和镜像钞票的功能,这种情况将极大地限制和限制CBDC的特性;第二种选择将允许代币化资产作为货币业务的抵押品而被接受。

If the issuance of the CBDC goes beyond “technical procedures,” the ECB will have two main options to facilitate its implementation. The first option is to equate the CBDC with digital banknotes, which would allow the CBDC to function as a mirror and mirror banknote, a situation that would greatly limit and limit the identity of the CBDC; and the second option would allow monetized assets to be accepted as collateral for currency operations.

06 BI预测2020年:Libra不会正式发布 中国将发布数字货币

06 bi-BI forecast 2020: Libra will not officially publish China's digital currency

美国商业研究机构Business Insider(BI) 在近期发布的《2020年度重要科技趋势预测报告》中预测,Libra将不会在2020年上市,但中国将发布数字货币,此举将推动其他国家的发行计划。BI表示,仍有信心发布Libra,但由于该项目一直饱受批评,我们认为它不会在2020年推出。与此同时,中国将在2020年推出自己的加密技术,并引领其他一些国家加快这方面进程。尽管Facebook的加密计划看起来很黯淡,但中国央行已经接近推出自己的加密方案:它在2018年开始研究这项业务,今年8月有报道称,加密技术“即将面世”。我们预计这将在2020年实现,因为已经有两个城市开始测试数字货币。这将促使其他国家的有关部门,特别是英国央行和欧盟各国央行(瑞典是当前的先行者)纷纷采取措施,避免落后于中国。

The US business research agency Business Insider (BI), in its recent publication of the Vital Science and Technology Trends Forecast Report 2020, predicts that Libra will not be listed in 2020, but that China will publish digital currency, which will boost other countries’ distribution plans. BI states that it remains confident that Libra will be released, but we believe that it will not be launched in 2020 because the project has been criticized.

07 日本加密媒体发布联合声明,反对FSA实施关于虚拟货币的资金清算法

07 Japanese encrypted media issued a joint statement opposing FSA's implementation of the Financial Liquidation Act on Virtual Currency

日本Cointelegraph Japan、COIN TOKYO、CoinChoice和CoinPost等四家公司发布联合声明,反对日本金融厅(FSA)关于虚拟货币的《修订后的资金清算法》。媒体表示,法案实施将极大影响日本加密行业的发展,并产生以下影响:1. 对加密资产交易收益的影响,国内加密货币交易所将面临更加艰难的商业环境;2. 加密资产衍生品缺乏创新,随着日本衍生品法规的增加,人们担心可能会错过加密资产市场的新潮流;3. 对海外投资者资产加速外流的担忧,政策会导致国内加密资产市场流动性下降。

Four companies, Cointegraph Japan, Coin Tokyo, CoinChhoe and CoinPost, in Japan, issued a joint statement opposing the Japan Financial Services Agency (FSA) Revised Money Liquidation Act on Virtual Currency. The media indicated that the implementation of the Act would have a significant impact on the development of the Japanese encryption industry and would have the following effects: 1. The impact on the proceeds of encrypted asset transactions would expose domestic encrypted currency exchanges to a more difficult business environment; 2. The lack of innovation in encrypted asset derivatives and concerns that, with the increase in Japanese derivative legislation, new trends in the cryptographic asset market might be missed; 3. Concerns about the accelerated outflow of overseas investor assets could lead to a decline in the liquidity of domestic encrypted asset markets.

08 Tether与加密数据分析公司Chainalysis合作,强化反洗钱工具

08 Teth works with the cryptographic data analysis company Chainalysis to strengthen anti-money-laundering tools


According to CoinDesk, on 12 February, Tether, the stabilization project, announced cooperation with the cryptographic data analysis company Chainalysis, to strengthen its anti-money-laundering tools. According to press releases, Tether will apply the Chain Analysis “Quick Understanding of Transactions” tool for money issuers, enabling the stability company to monitor activities and quickly understand the risk profile of the money holder.

09 Bithumb因泄露客户信息被罚款3000万韩元

09 Bittumba was fined 30 million won for leaking customer information


Bithumba's actual operator was sentenced to a fine for leaking a large amount of customer information, causing the leak of some 31,000 customer's personal information documents and the loss of an encrypted currency worth about 7 billion won (in violation of the Information and Communication Networks Act), which resulted in a fine of 30 million won. Earlier, it was reported that Bithimb had been stolen by hackers in April 2017, that hackers had attacked and sent to users an e-mail containing malicious procedures (at that time thanks). At the time, personal information documents stored on a user's PC had not been encrypted and that the PC had not installed safeguards to prevent malicious procedures. Between May and October of the same year, Bittumba had been subjected to cyberattacks and that an encrypted currency valued at 7 billion won held by 243 customers had been stolen. The prosecution considered that even if unusual connections (such as excessive connections to the same IP) continued, Bishop should have been stopped and that no measures had been taken by the client (even at the time of reporting a hacker's attack) to identify the reasons for notification or reporting damage, which had increased the damage.

10 稳定币聚合协议mStable公开 将于数月后上线

10 the SCUM mStable is open and will be available in a few months


James Simpson, co-founder of mStable, wrote about its new version of the Ether-based Consolidated Currency Agreement, mStable, which is a smart contract system that can be built to stabilize the currency (such as mUSD) by injecting other stable currencies (e.g., DAI, USDT, USDC), and that users can destroy mUSD to redeem other stable currencies and pay a portion of the recovery fee. The mStable Agreement also contains a governance currency, Meta, to which users can pledge, propose, vote, and recover the value of the asset foreclosure.

11 EIDOS及YAS持币排名发生异动,虎符王瑞锡或成新“首富”

11 EIDOS and YAS have changed their currency rankings, with Tiger King Rixie or a new "rich"

2月12日,bloks.io数据显示,此前大火的EIDOS及YAS持币排名发生异动。名称为wangruixiwww的账户出现在EIDOS的持币排名中,以4851764.9591的EIDOS持有量排名第六;而在YAS的持币排名中,wangruixiwww也出现并以4091092.8479的YAS持有量排名第四。链上数据显示,2月11日12:40左右,wangruixiwww账户分别收到备注为“Sell Ruixi”的两笔大额EIDOS及YAS转账,转账数据与目前账户持币数据吻合。据悉,wangruixiwww为虎符创始人王瑞锡的个人账户,两笔大额转账疑似王瑞锡在二级市场的购买行为。此前王瑞锡因持有仅次于B1的EOS RAM而被外界称作“首富”,而在EIDOS和YAS方面,排名前列的多为机构账户,作为个人账户,此次的购买行为或将使王瑞锡成为EIDOS/YAS新“首富”。

On February 12, bloks.io data show that the previous EIDOS and YAS currency rankings of the fire had changed. The account of the wangruixi site appeared in the EIDOS currency ranking, sixth in the 4851764.9591 EIDOS holdings; while in the YAS currency ranking, wangruixiwww also appeared and ranked fourth in the 409,109,287,79 YAS holdings. Data on the chain indicate that on February 11:40, Wangruixi's account received two large EIDOS and YAS transfers, respectively, which were noted as being “Sell Ruixi” next to B1, and that the transfer data correspond to the current account's currency holdings.

12 研究:借贷领域的加密货币过去一年的ROI中位数超过75%

12 study: the median ROI in the area of lending has exceeded 75 per cent in the past year

若查看过去 90 日及过去 1 年加密货币的投资回报率(ROI)中位数,脱颖而出的赢家是借贷领域。通过研究发现,借贷——这个只有 8 个项目发币的小规模领域,凭借其中 5 个币种过去 90 日及过去一年 ROI 中位数为正(按美元计算),成为了收益最高的领域。这 5 个币种分别是 Maker、Nexo、Ripio Credit Network、Aave 以及 Cred 。整体而言,借贷领域的加密货币过去一年的 ROI 中位数超过 75% ,过去 90 日超 15% 。不过值得注意的是,尽管 90 日的数据看起来差异化更大,但从年 ROI 中位数看,所有领域均未超过比特币同期 140% ROI,而超过以太坊同期 40% ROI 的也只有借贷和中心化交易所领域。

If you look at the median return on investment (ROI) for the past 90 days and the past 1 year, the winnings are in the area of lending. Research shows that lending – a small area in which only 8 projects have issued currency – is the area where the median ROI has been the most profitable, thanks to the fact that 5 of these currencies have been positive (in United States dollars) for the past 90 days and the past year. These 5 currencies are Maker, Nexio, Ripio Credit Network, Aave, and Cred. Overall, the median ROI for the lending area has been more than 75 per cent in the past year and 15 per cent in the past 90 days.

13 澳大利亚国家区块链路线图引起质疑

13 The road map to Australia's national block chain raises questions

澳大利亚公布国家区块链路线图并未引起国内一致好评,甚至引起一部分人的批评。合规与战略公司Gresham International的创始人Cal Evans表示,澳大利亚可以在许多行业中受益于区块链的部署。有许多行业可以由政府主导,包括医疗,运输和国防。但专注于葡萄酒行业,感觉更像是澳大利亚政府真的不确定区块链,也不希望在关键领域(例如运输或国防)进行测试。澳大利亚金融科技协会主席、联邦政府金融科技咨询小组成员Alan Tsen在接受采访时也表示,路线图“缺乏远见”,而所谓用例读起来就像咨询公司写的一样。此前2月7日消息,澳大利亚正式公布国家区块链路线图。澳州联邦政府文件显示,澳大利亚将在区块链投资和开发方面重点关注三个关键领域,包括:法规和标准;技能、能力和创新;国际投资与合作。

The Australian government documents show that Australia will focus on three key areas of regional chain investment and development, including: regulations and standards; skills, capabilities and innovation; international investment and cooperation.

14 华盛顿邮报:美国CIA通过秘密掌控加密通信公司Crypto AG监听对手国的情报

14 Washington Post: US CIA listens to enemy intelligence via secret control of the encrypted communications company Crypto AG

据华盛顿邮报报道,瑞士公司 Crypto AG 通过向 120 多个国家 / 地区出售加密设备产品赚取数百万美元,其客户包括伊朗、拉丁美洲军政府、核竞争对手印度和巴基斯坦,甚至梵蒂冈。Crypto AG 是由美国中央情报局(CIA)秘密拥有的,并且与德国联邦情报局 BND 保持高度机密的合作伙伴关系。这些间谍机构通过操控这家公司,从而轻松破解各对手国发送的加密邮件代码。华盛顿邮报详细介绍了 Crypto AG 出售给各个国家 / 地区的系统和解决方案,其中包括与 1979 年伊朗人质事件和福克兰群岛战争等事件相关的、无法估量的隐私数据。华盛顿邮报称,美国中央情报局(CIA)和 BND 一直保持通过 Crypto AG 维持其侦察行动,直到 20 世纪 90 年代初,BND 将自己的加密股份卖给了美国中央情报局。之后,美国中央情报局继续维持秘密的监控活动,直到 2018 年,科技的进步让这种努力变得没有必要。不过,美国目前仍在继续监听。加密破解技术一直与现代间谍活动密切相关,2013 年加密货币倡导者爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)曝光美国政府侵犯全球隐私的行为可以说明全球监控一直在进行,且无法被满足。

According to the Washington Post, the Swiss company Crypto AG earns millions of dollars by selling encrypted equipment products to various countries/areas, including Iran, the Latin American military government, the nuclear rival India and Pakistan, and even the Vatican. Crypto AG is privately owned by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and maintains a highly confidential partnership with the German Federal Intelligence Agency BND. By controlling the company, the agency easily deciphers encrypted mail codes sent by rival countries. After the Washington Post detailed the systems and solutions that Crypto AG sold to various countries/areas, including those associated with the 1979 Iranian hostage incident and the Falkland Islands war, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) continued its secret surveillance activities until 2018, when the progress of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and BND maintained its surveillance operations through Crypto AG, which, until the early 1990s, enabled BND to sell its encrypted shares to the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and continued its current surveillance activities, which did not warrant the US Treasury, which was used as a means of informing the United States.

15 以太坊扩展初创公司Optimism发布其虚拟机的Alpha版本

15 release of the Alpha version of its virtual machine by Optimism, an extension company based in Taiwon.

开发以太坊Layer2扩展解决方案Optimistic Rollup的初创公司Optimism发布了alpha版的Optimistic虚拟机(OVM)。OVM是嵌入在EVM中的以太坊虚拟机(EVM)的副本,允许开发人员在使用Optimistic Rollup时使用相同的开发人员工具集和智能合约语言。Optimism最近筹集了350万美元的种子资金,以帮助开发人员实施Optimistic Rollup。

A copy of the Optimistic Virtual Machine (OVM), which is embedded in the EVM, allows developers to use the same developers tool set and smart contract language when using the Optimistic Rollup. Optimism recently raised $3.5 million in seed money to help developers implement the Optimistic Rollup.

16 因监管限制EPayments暂停在线支付业务

16 suspended online payments due to regulatory restrictions on Epayments

根据英国金融行为监管局(FCA)的反洗钱(AML)程序,英国授权的电子货币机构EPayments Systems Ltd暂停了在线支付业务。EPayments发布声明称:”在与FCA进行讨论之后,ePayments同意暂停客户帐户的活动。FCA审查了ePayments反洗钱系统和控制措施后做出了此决定。”目前,客户将无法转移、交易、提取或存入资金,也无法使用其ePayments卡。

Under the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedure of the British Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FCA), the UK-authorized electronic currency agency, Epayments Systems Ltd. suspended online payments. The Epayments issued a statement stating: “After discussions with the FCA, ePayments agreed to suspend the activities of their client accounts. The decision was made after the FCA reviewed the ePayments anti-money laundering system and control measures.” At present, customers will not be able to transfer, trade, withdraw or deposit funds or use their ePayment cards.


Level 1 market

01 Circle正为其众筹子公司SeedInvest寻找买家

01 Circle is looking for buyers for its corporate subsidiary, SeedInvest

Circle正在为其众筹子公司SeedInvest寻找买家,这是该公司出售部分业务的最新举措。昨日消息,加拿大加密货币经纪商Voyager宣布收购Circle Invest零售数字资产业务。

Circle is looking for buyers for its corporate subsidiary, SeedInvest, the latest initiative of the company to sell part of its business. Yesterday, Voyager, an encrypted Canadian currency broker, announced the acquisition of the Civil Invest retail digital asset business.

02 加拿大加密货币经纪商Voyager宣布收购Circle Invest零售数字资产业务

02 Canada's encrypted money broker Voyager announced the acquisition of the Civil Invest retail digital asset business

据newswire报道,加拿大加密货币经纪商Voyager宣布从Circle Internet Financial收购Circle Invest零售数字资产业务。Voyager将把Circle新的稳定币平台服务功能集成到自己平台中,Circle Invest客户也可以从Voyager产品中访问加密资产。

According to newswire, Canada’s encrypted money broker, Voyager, announced the acquisition of the Circle Invest retail digital asset business from the Circle Internet Financial. Voyager will integrate the service function of the Circle new stable currency platform into its own platform, and the Circle Invest client will also have access to the encrypted asset from the Voyager product.


Secondary Market

01 BTC突破10400美元

01 BTC Breaks $10,400


In the afternoon of 12 February, BTC passed $10,400, up to $10,450.

02 ETH暴涨突破270美元

02 ETH skyrocketed by $270


In the morning of February 13, ETH continued to surge, breaking $270, up to $275.33. There are more volatile movements, and risk controls are in place.

03 Skew:加密衍生品市场正在升温

03 Skew: The market for encrypted derivatives is warming

根据最新的数据,与加密货币相关的衍生品市场正在升温。Skew的数据显示,Bakkt于2019年9月推出了比特币期货产品,该产品的交易量达到了3700万美元,创下了2020年的记录。其竞争对手芝加哥商品交易所集团(CME Group)的比特币期货未平仓头寸增至3.14亿美元,再创2020年纪录,交易额达到8.24亿美元。在一定程度上,它们是机构投资者重要的风险管理工具,该市场的增长或许是数字资产市场成熟的一个信号。此外,加密期权和期货交易所Deribit为其期权产品进行了价值超过2亿美元的交易,这是迄今为止2020年的最高数字。Skew创始人Emmanuel Goh表示:“市场的力量很强。大量迹象表明,乐观情绪正在复苏。”

According to the latest data, the derivatives market associated with crypto-currency is warming. Skeew's data show that Bakkt launched a Bitcoin futures product in September 2019, with a volume of transactions of over $37 million, a record number in 2020. Its competitor, the CME Group, increased its unsettled futures position to $314 million, a further record of $824 million in 2020. To some extent, they are important risk management tools for institutional investors, and the growth of the market may be a signal of the maturity of the digital asset market. In addition, the stake and futures exchange, Deribit, has traded its futures worth more than $200 million, the highest number ever.

04 Coinbase再次推出保证金交易


Coinbase于2月12日宣布再次推出保证金交易,允许某些客户以3倍杠杆进行交易。该服务将在23个州为Coinbase Pro用户提供,并且将向45个州的机构客户开放美元交易对。Coinbase计划在明年扩大对该服务的访问。据此前消息,由于以太坊价格暴跌,该公司于2017年暂停了该功能。

Coinbase announced a new bond deal on February 12, allowing some customers to trade with triple leverage. The service will be available in 23 states for Coinbase Pro users, and will open up dollar transactions to institutional clients in 45 states. Coinbase plans to expand access to the service next year.

05 FCoin:系统未遭黑客入侵,将开放邮件形式申请提现

05Fcoin: The system has not been hacked and the open mail form will be presented at . ]


FCoin has issued a bulletin on the latest progress in system maintenance and the opening of applications. The bulletin states that: First, the system has not been subject to external hacking, as verified. Second, it has not been able to recover on time, as planned, owing to the loss of key team members and the severe damage to some systems and data. FCoin is working on ways to rebuild the system and restore data, with subsequent recovery progress and projections based on future bulletins. Thirdly, given the current volatility, Fcoin is also working on possible options to reduce the risk of back-up of the web site and of contract users. Fourth, in order to meet some of the urgent needs of users, we are open to applying for current operations in the form of mail when the system is temporarily unable to restore.

06 Algorand发布透明度报告,新投入流通1.26亿枚Algo

06 Algorand issued transparency reports, releasing 126 million Algo in circulation

Algorand基金会2月12日发布了针对2019年11月2日至2020年2月10日的透明度报告。在该报告所述期间,Algorand基金会投入流通的Algo总数约为1.26亿,低于前一时期注入流通的4.5亿。其中1.01亿Algo用于奖励所有Algo持有者,也是迄今为止占通证分发总额最大比例的部分;二是市场分发,约1700万Algo,是用于为运营提供资金,建立生态系统和社区,支持研究和开发,以及加速通证流通和去中心化建设;三是节点奖励,740万Algo,2019年11月2日至12月31日为暂停解锁期;四是用于Algorand基金会董事会和咨询委员会成员的报酬共计12.5万Algo;五是用于推进大使项目和社区合作,共31.2万Algo。报告称,正如“Algo Dynamics”所述,Algorand基金会承诺在2020年将出售不超过1.5亿Algo。

On 12 February, the Algorand Foundation issued a transparency report for the period from 2 November 2019 to 10 February 2020. During the reporting period, the Algoran Foundation's total number of Algos in circulation was approximately 126 million, down from the 450 million injected in the previous period. Of this amount, 101 million Algo was used to reward all Algo holders and, to date, accounted for the largest proportion of pass distributions; second, market distribution, approximately 17 million Algo, was used to finance operations, build ecosystems and communities, support research and development, and accelerate the flow of passes and de-centreization; third, node incentives, 7.4 million Algo, from 2 November to 31 December 2019, was used to suspend locks; fourth, for members of the Algorand Foundation's Board of Trustees and Advisory Committee, for a total of 125,000 Algo; and five, for advancing Ambassador projects and community cooperation, for a total of 312,000 Algo.

07 “购买比特币”谷歌搜索量大幅上升,或表明有新资金涌入

07 "buy bitcoin" Google searches have increased significantly or indicate a new influx of funds into

据Beincrypto消息,“购买比特币(buy bitcoin)”一词在谷歌的搜索量出现大幅度上涨。有分析师表示,这表明会有新的资金进入市场,同时可能意味着BTC和山寨币的价格上涨。此外,“ 比特币Bitcoin”这一关键词的谷歌搜索量在上周上涨了33%。分析师称,前一个术语表明新的投资者和新资金正在进入这个领域,而后一个术语可能更表明已经投资的人们正在关注新闻的变化。

According to Beincrypto, the term “buy bitcoin” has risen significantly in Google search volume. According to analysts, this suggests that new funds will come into the market, possibly implying higher prices for BTC and mountain coins. Moreover, Google search for the key word “bitcoin” has increased by 33 per cent last week. According to analysts, the former term suggests that new investors and new funds are entering the field, while the latter term may even more indicate that people who have invested are concerned about changes in the news.

08 加密货币总市值已突破3000亿美元

The total market value of encrypted currencies has crossed $300 billion


According to the AICoin data, the total market value of the global encrypted currency is about $306.4 billion. The market for encrypted currency is ranked first by bitcoin, which is about $18.89 billion, with a current market value of 61.6 per cent; the market value is about $29.5 billion, with a market value of 9.6 per cent, and the market value is ranked third, with a total market value of approximately $13.4 billion and a market value of 4.3 per cent.

09 OKEx CEO:OKB和OKT完全不同价格也不会相互影响 OKB和USDK未来均会转至OKChain运行

09 OKEx CEO: OKB and OKT have very different prices that do not affect each other and both OKB and USDK will be transferred to OK Chain to run

2月11日,OKEx CEO Jay Hao发微博表示,OKT是OKChain的底层币,是DPOS共识的必要组成部分,发行机制为创世块和每年增发,每年增发1%-5%左右,其价值支撑是OKChain之上的应用DEX,DeFi等发展的情况。OKB是OKEx的平台币,其价值支撑是OKEx 平台的业绩和回购,发行机制为一次性发行和季度销毁,是绝对通缩的。两者完全不是一个东西,价格也没有互相影响。OKT的创世块发行会100%空投给okb的持有人,OKB、USDK未来都会从ERC20转到OKChain上运行。

On 11 February, OKEx CEO Jay Hao tweeted that OKT is the bottom currency of OKChain and is an essential part of the DOS consensus. The distribution mechanism is created and increased annually by about 1 to 5 per cent, and its value is supported by developments such as the application DEX, DeFi, above OKChain. OKB is the platform currency of OKEx, and its value is supported by the performance and buy-back of the OKEx platform, and the distribution mechanism is one-time and quarterly, absolutely deflationary.

10 监测:Usdc Treasury新增发1000万枚USDC

10 Monitor: Usdc Treasury sent 10 million new USDC

Whale Alert监测数据显示,北京时间2月12日08:08,Usdc Treasury在以太坊区块链上新增发1000万枚USDT,交易哈希值为:0x8fa36b55b00692a1f52894b76193fb1b9c7b0a2df701eadcb776f5ccfc73bfa4。

Whale Alert monitoring data show that on 12 February Beijing time 08:08, Usdc Treasury added 10 million USDTs to the Ethio block chain and traded Hashi values 0x8fa36b55b00692a1f52894b763fb1b9b7b0a2df701ecb776f5ccfc73bfa4.

11 数据:尽管多家竞争对手均推出期权产品,但Deribit仍能保住大部分市场份额

11 data: Deribit retains most of the market share despite the roll-out of options by various competitors


Although many market participants, including CME and Bakkt, have introduced their own bitcoin options over the past two months, Deribit retains most of its market share. According to Skew, as of 11 February, the company’s market share was 86%, and the market share of OKEx was 8.22% (the Bitcoins option was introduced in December 2019).




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