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  他,是最早一批通过比特币创业的先锋之一,大学还没毕业就创立了自己的公司,22岁就成为了百万富翁,一度登上了福布斯、财富等杂志。但是,就在他25岁的那年,他锒铛入狱,失去了一切,人生跌入谷底。他,叫Charlie Shrem。

He was one of the first pioneers to start a business through Bitcoin, and the university started its own company before graduation, became a millionaire at 22, once in a magazine called Forbes, wealth, and so on. But, in his 25-year-old year, he went to jail, lost everything, and his life fell to the bottom. His name is Charlie Shrem.



Time goes back to Charlie's childhood, born in an Orthodox community in Brooklyn, New York, where his father is a jewel dealer and mother is a full-time housewife. Charlie, who grew up in an upper middle-class family like this, can be said to be rich and well fed from a small life. But his father always asked him, in monetary terms, to understand the value of every penny.

  每周,他们只会给Charlie 20美金的零花钱。要是花光了,就要自己想办法挣钱。当时,Charlie正在上高中,也正巧赶上了计算机、网络兴起的时候。Charlie就发现,很多人家里电脑、打印机、路由器坏了之后,完全不知道怎么修理。而Charlie恰好就精通这些,于是他开始在社区里做起了上门维修的小生意,一小时收费20美元。

Every week, they only give Charlie 20 dollars in pocket money. If he spends it all, he has to make his own money. At the time, Charlie was in high school, just in time for the computer, the network. Charlie found that many people had no idea how to fix it after their computers, printers, and routers were broken. Charlie was good at it, and he started doing small business in the community, at $20 an hour.


And slowly, Charlie's clients got a lot more, and he earns an average of $100 a week. That's not so much for Charlie, who was only 15 or 16 years old. He saved his first car and sold it without a penny from his parents. On the day he was 18, he received the first credit card in his life. That's not the most important one. That's $6,000.


It's not a big temptation for an 18-year-old child. Charlie started to spend a lot of time, asking friends to eat, buying things for friends, learning to fly a plane... Within a month, the card was brushed over and a debt of $10,000 was owed. His parents, however, were kept in the dark. It didn't happen until the bill was mailed to their families.


Charlie's father did not pay for his money, despite the fact that his family was in good hands. Instead, he closed his credit card and helped Charlie get the lowest interest rate and insisted that he manage to pay his debt every month. It took Charlie two years to pay off his debt. It also made Charlie afraid of credit cards and of debt. For a long time, he didn't apply for credit cards and bought things with cash, debit cards, and bitcoin. Now, he has a credit card, but he deliberately set them very low, at only $3,000.



It's not all bad for Charlie to pay off this debt. He started to start a business to pay off his credit card debt more quickly.

  有一天,他的表哥过来吃饭,问他说:“你是不是特别擅长电脑什么的?我们仓库里面有好多不要的旧相机,你要不要弄个网站,把它们都卖出去?挣的钱都归你。” 说做就做,Charlie抱着电脑到了仓库,就建了一个名为dailycheckout.com的网站。他把这些相机以5刀的价格出售,其中成本1刀,运费2刀,净赚2刀。很快,这个电商生意就走上了正轨。慢慢的,开始有别的仓库联系到他,希望Charlie帮他们卖东西。这种完全不用自己承担风险的生意,让Charlie每周都能有600美元的收入。凭借着这第一桶金,他还清了债务,实现了经济独立。

One day, his cousin came over for dinner and said, "Are you special about computers or something? We've got a lot of old cameras in the warehouse. Do you want to get a website and sell them out?" Charlie took the computer and went to the warehouse and built a website called Dailycheckout. He sold the cameras at a price of five dollars, with a cost of one cut, a freight charge of two dollars and a net profit of two dollars. Soon, the electric business was on the right track. Slowly, he started contacting another warehouse, hoping Charlie would help them sell their stuff. This business, which was completely free of risk, allowed Charlie to earn $600 a week. With this first barrel of gold, he also cleared his debt and achieved economic independence.


But that's not all he wanted. He wanted it first. Because parents were religious orthodox, Charlie's life was planned from an early age: where to go to school, and after graduation, his son took his father's career, and his parents bought him a house and arranged a marriage. Undeniably, it was a good life, even a lot of people dreamed of it. But it was not what Charlie wanted. But leaving parents meant turning away from their faith.




When Charlie left his own home and community, he found another home, a community, a Bitcoin. The former Orthodox community was very closed and ethnically focused. They felt that they were the best and that everyone else was inferior. That was one of the reasons Charlie decided to leave.


The Bitcoin community, however, was completely different: initially, although not many, it was a model of “equalness for all,” and their common goal was to bring innovation to the existing financial system. At that time, Charlie established a company, BitInstantant, which made it easier for people to buy and sell bitcoins.

  BitInstant给Charlie带来了巨大的成功,当时百分之30到35的比特币交易,都是在这个平台上进行的。当时年仅22岁的他,银行里就存了50万美元,除了运营公司,他还经营着一家夜店,自己就住在夜店楼上的公寓里。那段日子,就像是生活在梦里,Charlie觉得自己就是世界之王。很快,Charlie发现,一个用户在Biltnstant上买了比特币之后,会倒卖到丝绸之路“Silk Road”上。要知道,这个网站是暗网中的网络购物平台,只接受比特币支付。它因给枪支、毒品、洗钱等非法生意提供了躲避监管的渠道,而臭名昭著。

BitInstant made a great success for Charlie, who at that time had between 30 and 35% of the Bitcoin deal on this platform. He was 22 years old, and he kept $500,000 in the bank, operating a nightclub and living in his own apartment upstairs. It was like living in a dream that Charlie thought he was the king of the world. Very soon, Charlie found out that a user who bought bitcoin on Biltnstant would sell it on the Silk Road “Silk Road.” You know, the website was a Internet shopping platform in the dark, and was paid only by bitcoins. It was notorious for providing a way to avoid regulation for illegal businesses such as guns, drugs, money-laundering, etc.


Charlie, of course, knew that it was illegal, so he wrote an e-mail to this client. It was written in broad terms that you know that you'd better stop at selling bitcoin back to the Silk Road. However, the e-mail became a trigger, because it was equivalent to Charlie acknowledging that his platform facilitated the outlaws and that he himself knew it. His lawyer also warned him five times to shut down the company as soon as possible. However, young Charlie did not think it until the lawyer threatened that if you did not turn BitInstant off, we would not be able to provide any legal services.


On 3 July 2013, Charlie announced the closure of BitInstant. However, it was time to come. In January 2014, Charlie gave a speech in Amsterdam, from which he was arrested at JFK airport in New York. The reason for his arrest was “money-laundering and unlicensed money-transfer operations”.




While serving a prison sentence, it can be said to be isolated from the rest of the world. Charlie said that you had to forget about the outside world because there was no network or communication. Although he was in prison for only one year, he had his own habit of living in the Lewisburg federal prison, eating three meals a day and studying. In the middle of the year, Charlie told everyone not to tell him what the price of Bitcoin was. In the middle of the year, Charlie read 137 books.

  Charlie回忆说,因为他常常在读书,所以深夜也总是把牢房里的灯开着。有一天,一个彪形大汉“狱友”,走到他的牢房说:“听着Charlie,我们大家都要睡觉了,你的灯太亮了!” Charlie说自己吓的浑身颤抖,以为要被打了。然而,出乎意料的是,大汉递过来一盏台灯,说:“你可以先用我的,等你买了自己的,再还给我。”

Charlie recalled that because he used to read, he kept the lights on in his cell at night. One day, a big, big, big guy, he went to his cell and said, "Listen, Charlie, we're all going to sleep, and your lights are too lit!" Charlie said he was shaking and thought he was gonna get hit. Unsurprisingly, however, he handed me a lamp, and he said, "You can use mine, and when you buy yourself, you can give it back to me."


Charlie said that there were a lot of people in prison who made mistakes, but they were good people. In TV shows, we saw people who were serving sentences saying that they were innocent. In fact, everyone in prison knew that they were guilty. Charlie himself admitted that he was guilty. But he knew he had to look ahead.




Remembering the day he left prison, Charlie said it was a crazy day, because every day in prison was preparing for it; because on that day you were going back to the world outside the walls. The day he woke up, as usual, and the guards came and took his things and took him out of prison procedures. Then, together with the people who were about to leave prison that day, he waited in a large room for his family and friends to pick him up.

  可以说,那是他人生中经历的,最忐忑不安的等待。“女朋友是不是迟到了、是不是卡在高速公路上了、是不是出了别的事儿……” Charlie一度觉得,完了,自己出不去了、政府又要逮捕他了。甚至当他抱着自己的衣物,走出监狱高墙、坐上朋友的车的时候,Charlie还是觉得一切都是不真实的。他记得自己对朋友说,“赶快开车,不然他们变卦了!”

It can be said that that's what he's going through in his life, and that's what he's waiting for. "Was his girlfriend late, stuck on the freeway, or is something wrong?" Charlie once thought, "It's over, he can't get out, and the government's going to arrest him again. Even when he's holding his clothes, walking out of prison walls, riding in a friend's car, Charlie still thinks it's not true. He remembers saying to his friends, "Driving, or they're going to change their mind!"


It sounded like a joke, but it was only the moment the car drove away that Charlie was relieved.


Two months after his release, Charlie had no computer and no cell phone. He knew that there were thousands of emails waiting for him to answer, but he was not ready to tell everyone that he was coming back. In six months, he had a simple life of supervising his release, getting up in the morning, drinking coffee, and then going to the restaurant to do dishes. From a millionaire to a dishwasher who earned only 8 bucks an hour, a huge fall had wiped out Charlie's old edge. He said that serving his sentence and that experience had made him more humble and aware of the importance of responsibility.


the happy life of old General Bitcoin > /strang >

  2017年9月,Charlie和Courtney Warner结婚。他们早在2013年就相识,Courtney陪伴他走过了最不可一世的巅峰期和最潦倒不堪的低潮期。曾经是模特兼演员的Courtney,自己也炒币,还会跑到基于区块链的社交媒体平台Steemit发帖子。

Charlie and Courtney Warner were married in September 2017. They knew each other as early as 2013, and Courtney accompanied him through the most indispensible peaks and the worst low tides.

  同年,Charlie成立了一家关于比特币投资的公司。当然,他没有放弃炒币。而挣来的钱,他放到了房地产生意中。他说,他如今的收入,33% 来自法定货币, 33%来自比特币, 33%是房产。所以就算哪天比特币跌到了零,他和他的家人,也不会沦落到睡大街。今年,Charlie27岁,他的人生还在比特币的世界里,精彩的继续着。

In the same year, Charlie founded a company for Bitcoin investments. Of course, he did not give up on the coins. And the money he earned, he put in the real estate business. He said that he earned 33 per cent of his income today, 33 per cent from the legal currency, 33 per cent from bitcoin, and 33 per cent from real estate. So even if Bitcoin fell to zero, he and his family wouldn't fall into the street. This year, Charlie 27 years old, his life is still in Bitcoin, and it's going on.




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