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以太坊是一个平台,它上面提供各种模块让用户来搭建应用,如果将搭建应用比作造房子,那么以太坊就提供了墙面、屋顶、地板等模块,用户只需像搭积木一样把房子搭起来,因此在以太坊上建立应用的成本和速度都大大改善。具体来说,以太坊通过一套图灵完备的脚本语言(Ethereum Virtual Machinecode,简称EVM语言)来建立应用,它类似于汇编语言。我们知道,直接用汇编语言编程是非常痛苦的,但以太坊里的编程并不需要直接使用EVM语言,而是类似C语言、Python、Lisp等高级语言,再通过编译器转成EVM语言。

Etheria is a platform that provides a variety of modules for users to build applications, and if building applications is compared to building houses, then it provides modules like walls, roofs, floors, etc., so that users simply build houses like building blocks, so the costs and speed of building applications in Etheria are greatly improved. Specifically, Etherium builds applications in a fully fledged script language (Etherium Virtual Machinecode, or EVM language) that is similar to the compilation language. We know that direct programming in the compilation language is very painful, but programming in the ethom language does not require direct use of the EVM language, but more advanced languages like C, Python, Lip, etc., and is converted to the EVM language through a compiler.


The application on the platform described above is actually a contract, which is at the heart of the Etheria. The contract is an automatic agent living in the Etheraya system. He has his own e-mail address. When the user sends a transaction to the address of the contract, the contract is activated and, depending on the additional information in the transaction, the contract runs its own code and returns the result, which may be another transaction from the address of the contract.


The business that a contract can offer is almost endless, and its boundaries are your imagination, because the perfect language of Turing provides a full degree of freedom for users to build applications. The white paper gives a few examples, such as savings accounts, user-defined sub-currencys, etc.


2013年年末,以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin发布了以太坊初版白皮书,启动了项目。2014年7月24日起,以太坊进行了为期42天的以太币预售。2016年初,以太坊的技术得到市场认可,价格开始暴涨,吸引了大量开发者以外的人进入以太坊的世界。中国三大比特币交易所之二的火币网及OKCoin币行都于2017年5月31日正式上线以太坊。 [1] 

In late 2013, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Etheria, launched the project by issuing an initial version of his White Paper in Etheria. On July 24, 2014, a 42-day pre-sale in Etheria took place. In early 2016, prices began to soar as to attract a large number of non-producers into Ether’s world, thanks to the market recognition of Taipa’s technology.[1] & nbsp, China’s three major Bitcoin Exchanges, the two-point gunnet and the OKCoin line, were officially launched on May 31, 2017.[1] & nbsp;


Since entering 2016, those who have paid close attention to the digital money industry have been eager to observe the development of the second generation of encrypted money platforms in Taiyea.


As a relatively new development project using bitcoin technology, the Tails are committed to implementing a global decentralised and non-ownership digital technology computer to do point-to-point contracts. In short, Ether is a world computer that you cannot shut down. The innovative combination of encryption architecture with the integrity of Turing can facilitate the emergence of a large number of new industries.


The Bitcoin network is, in fact, a distributed database, and even more so, she can be seen as a distributed computer: the block chain is a computer's ROM, the contract is a program, and the miners in the district are responsible for calculating and assuming the role of CPU. The computer is not, and may not be, free of charge. Otherwise, anyone can store all kinds of garbage information in the past and perform all kinds of computing, using it to pay at least the calculation and storage fees and, of course, some other costs.


The most well-known are the ETMA Alliance, which was founded in early 2017 by more than 20 global top financial institutions and technology companies such as Morgan Chase, the Chicago Exchanges Group, the Melon Bank of New York, Townsend, Microsoft, Intel, and Essenzel. And the TT’s encoded currency has recently become the asset that has been pursued after Bitcoin.




There are a lot of potential applications for smart contracts. Bloomberg Business Week calls it & ldquao; software that everyone shares but cannot tamper with & rdquao; and more advanced software that could be used to create online shops in Taiku.


Block Chain Application


In May 2016, as reported by the New York Times, there were dozens of available applications. The intended applications included finance, material networking, farm-to-table, smart power grids, sports, spinach, etc. Decentralized self-government organizations had the potential to make many business models that were otherwise unwieldy or costly possible.

去中心化创业投资:The DAO用以太币资金创立,目标是为商企业和非营利机构创建新的去中心化营业模式、The Rudimental让独立艺术家在区块链上进行群众募资。

The DAO is used for the creation of TT funds with the aim of creating a new decentralised business model for business enterprises and non-profit institutions, and The Rudimental allows independent artists to raise public funds on the block chain.


Socio-economic platform: Backfeed.


To centralize forecast markets: Augur.


Material networking: The client of Ethcore (an Ethcorre) research, Chronicled (a block chain company), has published a platform for physical asset validation in the Taib block chain; chip companies, PIP creators and producers can verify it with implanted bluetooths or near-field communications. Slock.It develops smart locks that can be opened automatically after payment, allowing users to charge electric cars or open rental doors after payment.


Virtual Treasure Trading Platform: FreeMyVunk.

版权授权:Ujo Music平台让创作人用智能合约发布音乐,消费者可以直接付费给创作人。伊莫珍·希普用此平台发布了一首单曲。

Copyright: The Ujo Music platform allows creators to publish music in smart contracts, and consumers can pay the creator directly.

智能电网:TransActive Grid让用户可以和邻居买卖能源。

Smart grid: TransActive Grid allows users to buy and sell energy with their neighbors.


Go to the centralized options market: Etherpt.

钉住汇率的代币:DigixDAO提供与黄金挂钩的代币,在2016年四月正式营运。Decentralized Capital提供和各种货币挂钩的代币。

The currency that pegged the exchange rate: DigixDAO provides a currency linked to gold, which became operational in April 2016.


Mobile payments: Everex sends remittances from migrant workers home.


Client Software


The two main clients of the Etherm are Geth and Parity.


Enterprise software


Enterprise software companies are also testing the use of the taupulega as a variety of applications.


Deloitte and ConsenSys in 2016




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