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(重定向自Media convergence) 媒介融合(Media Convergence) Media Integration 1 什麼是媒介融合[1] 2 媒介融...



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(重定向自Media convergence)

媒介融合(Media Convergence)

Media Integration

  媒介融合這一概念最早由美國馬薩諸塞州理工大學的伊契爾·索勒·普爾(Ithiel De SolaPool)教授提出的,其本意是指各種媒介呈現出多功能一體化的趨勢,主要指的是電視、報刊等傳統媒介融合在一起。

The concept of media integration was first proposed by Professor

  其概念應該包括狹義和廣義兩種,狹義的概念是指將不同的媒介形態“融合”在一起,會隨之產生“質變”,形成一種新的媒介形態,如電子雜誌博客新聞等等;而廣義的“媒介融合”則範圍廣闊,包括一切媒介及其有關要素的結合、匯聚甚至融合,不僅包括媒介形態的融合,還包括媒介功能傳播手段、所有權、組織結構等要素的融合。 也就是說,“媒體融合”是信息傳輸通道的多元化下的新作業模式,是把報紙、電視臺、電臺等傳統媒體,與互聯網手機、手持智能終端等新興媒體傳播通道有效結合起來,資源共用,集中處理,衍生出不同形式的信息產品,然後通過不同的平臺傳播給受眾。

The concept include two kinds of synthetic and broad-based concepts: >a new media formations such as

  美國新聞學會媒介研究中心主任Andrew Nachison將“融合媒介定義為“印刷的、音頻的、視頻的、互動數字媒體組織之間的戰略的、操作的、文化的聯盟”,他強調的“媒介融合”更多是指各個媒介之間的合作和聯盟。媒介技術的進步使傳統媒介之間的界限日漸模糊,新媒介形式層出不窮,媒介終端可實現的功能逐步強大,這是媒介融合發展的基礎。

The Director of the American Press Media Research Centre, Andrew Nachison, “ E/a2%Ehw_2%Ehw_2%Ew_2%Ew_2%Ew_2%Ew_2%Ew_2%Ew_2%Ew_2%Ew2Ew2%Ew2%Eb2%Eblink =2%Eb2%Eb2%Eb2%Eb2%Eb2%Ebl%Ebl%AEbl%Ebl%Eb2%Eb2%Eb2%Eb2%Eb2%Eb2%Ebl%Eb2%Ebl%Ebl%Ebl%Ebl%Ebl%EEEEEEEEEw_Eb2%Eb2%Ebl%Ew_Ew_Ev_Ew_Ew_E.


In terms of the development of media integration, the initial “media integration” is organizational integration, a combination that often relies on external forces, such as administrative forces, to bring the media together into a common set, such as many of China's press groups, which are often merely well-known, loosely organized, without creating a dynamic division of labour.


The `capital integration' of the second phase represents a significant improvement over the previous phase, as it enabled , ,


The third phase is the “broadcasting integration” phase, which, to a lesser extent, refers to the use of new technologies to transform traditional media; and, to a large extent, to the integration of the media of large media groups on a large platform where content is sold and shared among these media, using a full team of newspapers, radio, television, Internet, coordinated by a “multimedia editor” to use the material and news recovered in the various media under the umbrella of the group.


The highest stage of “media integration” is the integration of the media, the development of which is rapidly changing, with the potential to produce a new medium in the future that is completely different from today's one, which could combine the advantages of several, if not all, media.


In fact, the integration of the media, as a development of the news industry, is difficult to summarize in one or two words, and with the development of reality, any language that attempts to describe the state of affairs cannot provide a complete and accurate overview of the development of the media under an unpredictable impact, but it is foreseeable that the integration of the media will have a number of distinctive features:


Cooperation between the media, whether traditional or or between the new and the old media, cooperation will be an external element of integration, including full cooperation in technical and content cooperation.


The media and the audience are more interactive, and the media integration will bring to the fore the interaction between the transmitters, which, from the current operation of the media, has become indispensable, and it will become more evident in the media integration.


The media integration is supported by technology , which has been used to keep the level and layers of media integration up and up to date and whose futures are unlimited.


“Medical integration” in its form consists of two main types, the integration and acquisition of cross-domain competitions in the media industry and the formation of a large cross-media media group to build , which is a combination of media technology .



There is a natural link between media birth, development, and technological innovation. Every time creates a new media landscape, leading to a major revolution in media construction.



“The development of digital electro-technology is the reason why digital media have an inherent edge of .” Prior to the advent of digital technology, video, audio-information between the audio and the audio media have a potential 9% % % E/comb.


  數字技術為信息的內容共用提供了支撐,而網路技術則實現了一個多媒體平臺,文字、圖像、聲音、影像等各種形式的信息得以在這個平臺上匯聚。特別是 Web2.0 的發展催生了博客、播客等媒體形態的興盛,媒介融合形態進一步擴大。網路技術的發展促進各種媒介信息平臺包括固定電話網路、有線電視系統、區域網絡等圍繞網際網路趨於融合,從而建立了一個“網路社會”,受眾在無所不在的以網路技術為支撐的互聯網連接的各種終端上,獲取著傳統媒介時代無法想象的各項服務。

Digital technology provides support for the sharing of information, while Internet technology has created a multi-media platform in which information in all its forms, including text, images, voices, images, etc., is gathered. In particular, web2.0 , which has led to the growth of media styles such as blogs, podcasts and the expansion of media landscapes.



media competition directly drives the development of media integration. The new and old media competition calls for the integration of two types of media, while individual media enterprises necessarily seek efficiency gains through media integration.



Media integration is the need for common development on the basis of the competition between network media and traditional media with content advantages. While traditional media have the advantage of information content, they are becoming less responsive to the needs of the public due to their monoforming, the narrow distribution of information and the one-sided nature of the way in which it is disseminated.


The content of the new media, however, lacks information sources or the authenticity of the information sources, so that the new media can build good credibility and branding, necessarily through traditional media with content advantages.



The ultimate goal of any business activity is to maximize benefits, as does the media enterprise, which adds value by reducing and .


And since there is a tendency for businesses to keep the related business intact.


Media enterprises have increased their cooperation by increasing the ability of to increase the cost of integrating some media enterprises directly through to reduce the cost of trading directly through .



When the technical conditions have matured, deregulation and the need for


mass media influence and the scarcity of media resources necessarily leads to strict government control.


However, with the development of digital technology and Internet technology, the new media landscape has begun to weaken, with the formation of new media .


The government has relaxed its regulation of content production at , actively encouraging content production, and media information products are becoming multi-tempheated and personalized. In the same time, the government's regulation of the electricity and telecommunications industry has become more relaxed, and have become the development of the entire information industry worldwide.



“The medium is an extension of the human being.” Media activities are essentially at the heart of the media market /a>. People’s needs are the starting point, the point of departure for all media activities, or, in other words, the destination of all communication economic activities.



As a result of the acceleration of economic pressure and social life, the speed and content of the information needs of increased by the popular desire to have easy access to information at any time . This requires the sharing of media content in the formerly independent media, which allows the public to access any information needed through a medium. For example, mobile phones = https://wiki.balib.com/zh-w/%E4BA%92%E81%E7%D%91" Internet network >



The media are not merely demanding a full-scale movement from . The media are demanding more quality, enjoyment, and a full-scale sense move from 媒介產品的組合再分化


The production and consumption patterns of the modern-day mass have gradually faded, and the market has moved into a compartmentalized era in which the language of “fragmentation” has been transmitted. The era of “deficitization” has been overtaken by the powerful influence of a single medium. This has required that and the personal and psychological needs of each single user. This has required


The trend towards integration between the media is not caused by factors that are perceived by the media from the point of viewers, but by a combination of a variety of factors.



The newspaper is more culturally demanding because of the features of its unique text-carrying message. Television, likeness, and visuality have become a powerful and popular medium. Broadcasting is easy, and with the spread of private cars, traffic music stations are becoming more popular and professional.


web-based media have shown strong developments from the very beginning, but the inherent defects and immaturity of the technology in news broadcasting have made it difficult for them to unify today's media in a short time.


According to the current coexistence between the traditional media and and the new media, only the achievement of positive synergies between the media and their integration into the creation of a market can remedy the shortcomings of a single media.



For example, according to the press and publishing agency, since 2004, the press has been authorized to participate in the operation of other media, such as graphics, radio and television broadcasts, the Internet, and other forms of media. The press will now be able to break new ground in breaking the industry and regional walls, cross-media ; from the media itself, heated competition has made the deepening of reforms both a developmental and an integral requirement for the media to accelerate their own development.



From a historical point of view, the development of the media has been marked by a process that has taken place from a small population to a large audience, and has returned to a small audience. The development of cell phone messaging is now evidenced by the fact that people can receive all kinds of information they need at any time through computers and mobile phones, which are easy, private, cheap, etc., and quickly win users and open markets. This requires traditional media to adapt to new situations and changes as quickly as possible in terms of source of information, mode of transmission, and form of performance.



The natural connection between the birth, development and technological revolution of the current medium of transmission is that every revolution in technology has brought about a change in the medium of communication. Before that time, digital technology had matured, not only radio, television, Internet, , SMS .

  1. 1.0 1.1 岳泉,汪徽志,劉紅珠編著.新媒介概論.南京大學出版社,2010.12.
  2. 嚴三九;趙路平.網路傳播概論.化學工業出版社,2012.02.
  3. 3.0 3.1 王漱蔚.媒介融合:傳媒業發展的必然趨勢.《當代傳播》.2009年02期
  4. 何婭妮.媒介融合形成因素解析.《科教文匯(上旬刊)》2009年08期



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