
资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:62 评论:0
  来源/ 区块链Truth 作者 / 贝尔 编辑 / 阿伦   导语:“曝光台”是一个针对“问题币”、“传销币”的揭露栏目。区块链Truth希望通过扎实的采访和调查,刺破打着数字货币和区块链概念行骗的各种谎言,激浊扬清、净化行业。...



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  来源/ 区块链Truth 作者 / 贝尔 编辑 / 阿伦


The introduction: "Find stand" is an exposure field for "the currency of the problem" and "the currency of the sale". Truth wants to punctuate and cleanse the industry through solid interviews and investigations, punctuating all kinds of lies that conjure up the concept of digital money and block chains.


At the end of June this year, an online friend named “Poetry and Remote °C” posted a job at the //span> /span>.


In the post, the online friend called himself a couple of PMD friends, a car buyer, a Mercedes BMW Porsche, a house buyer, a house with more than 3 million people, paying for it. "A man who used to be in the same state of life, today has changed so much. I think it's too profitable for me to get to know the project."


His so-called PMD, according to the propaganda, has two ways of earning a profit: buying a miner to dig up a coin and earning a recommended reward by pulling heads.


In July, the PMD went online on the FCoin exchange, and the return on mining began to fall sharply. After that, in September, it experienced a continued sharp fall, with currency prices shrinking by 90 per cent.

  随着进一步了解,区块链Truth发现,PMD的运营模式与此前报道过的传销币M链如出一辙(原文:《M链大起底:投18万赚63万背后,不是挖矿是传销 | 曝光台NO.1》),同样是通过花上万元购买“虚拟”矿机挖矿赚收益,通过拉人头方式发展用户并抽成,并且PMD项目团队成员履历造假,代币无实际用途,项目由臭名昭著的传销项目DLC币改名而来……甚至有业内人士分析,其基于PoSt(存储证明)的共识机制根本无法实现正常意义上的“挖矿”。

With a better understanding, Truth of the block chain found that the PMD business model was identical to the previously reported chain of currency transfer M (original: the M chain at the bottom of the chain: 180,000 dollars, and not mine mining as distribution & nbsp; Discovery No. 1), also through the purchase of tens of thousands of dollars for “virtual” mine digging, the development and extraction of users by pulling heads, and the forgery of PMD team members, the non-practical use of tokens, and the renaming of the project by the infamous distribution project DLC currency... Even in-house analysis, based on the consensus mechanism of Post (repossession certificate), it was impossible to achieve “mining” in the normal sense of the term.


The developers of a block-linking mining system have unbundled truth into the block chain: when some notorious distribution projects have been exposed, they re-created a fancy team and technical application by copying white papers, then seek out out-sourced teams for technological development, at a cost of less than $100,000, for a month, to develop a coin system on Etheria ERC 20, and then claim to have a miner and, in practice, to charge a high fee for the mine, such as a “pre-determinate mine”, a “crowd mine”, a mine-host lease”, and then to distribute a so-called “in-kind currency” to the user account on a regular basis, even if the team uses a private chain to comb the public chain and the back desk to manipulate the “mining” calculation and the distribution of the money, thus disappearing the roll once it succeeds.



Data from the digital currency analysis software “non-small” dated 24 September show that the market value of PMD tokens in circulation is 124 million yuan, with a circulation volume of 200 million yuan and a RMB price of approximately 0.6219 yuan.


However, at the end of June, three months ago, the price of the PMD was $11 at the time of its birth. In the name of “10-fold” and “100-fold,” the crowds attracted the attention of a number of investors. Some say that less than three months after their birth, PMD investors have approached 9,000, and that the project has so far gathered at least nearly billions of dollars in its operations, calculated on the basis of its minimum investment of $110,000 in buying a mine machine.


What's the point of gathering so many investors in a short time and falling 90% of PMD in a short time?


The block chain, Truth (ID:chaintruth), approached an investor in a PMD group, who sent me a PMD White Paper and a profile.

  PMD背后的项目为Pyramid(金字塔),其目标是建立一个分布式的IaaS服务平台,帮助开发者发布软件并赚钱,改变现有存储任务的组织和执行方式。PMD(Pyramid Coin)则是该项目运行的代币,早期通过云矿机的计算能力来处理交易并获得PMD作为奖励。

The project behind PMD is Pyramid (Pyramid), whose goal is to create a distributed Iaas service platform that helps developers publish software and earn money, and changes the way existing storage tasks are organized and executed. PMD (Pyramid Coin) is the currency in which the project operates, dealing with transactions at an early stage through the computing capacity of cloud machines and receiving a PMD as an incentive.


According to the White Paper, the total circulation of PMD is 1 billion, of which 45%, or 450 million PMDs, are placed in the user’s market through a mining mechanism and distributed under an ERC20 smart contract, with 35% of the project fund being used as a reserve for operations and the rest for team and development. Three exchanges, ZZEX, Fcoin, and ZBG, are now online.


It claims that the operating entity is the Singapore Ka Gaewo Foundation, which is now in the regional block chain of PC+, which was launched on the Internet at the end of September, and in the 2021 online cloud storage; and the development of the main chain at the end of 2018, which is expected to be completed within two years.


Of course, with these descriptions alone, it is difficult to attract white users. For this reason, PMD constantly claims that the project has investment potential and calls it the next "ten times" or "100 times".


In a “PMD rental investment return and risk hint” map issued by the investor to Truth of the block chain, Xuejiu lists three types of investment returns for the coin mine: Type II miner, which is leased for a one-year period of $5,000 (US$1.1 per dollar) and is expected to produce $153.45 per year; Type III miner, which is leased for a one-year period of US$ 10,000 and is expected to produce $35211.5 per year; and Type IV miner, which is leased for a one-year period of US$ 100,000 and is expected to produce US$ 401,500 per year.



According to the presentation, their annual return on investment is also at least more than 200%, and the highest is close to 300%. Such a high rate of return naturally attracts the attention of public investors.


The question is: What kind of project party can support such a high return on investment?



Investor Xuewei claims to be a senior player in the PMD project, “The first day started playing.” And he is now a PMD miner, managing a mine machine of 400 or 500 users.


The block chain, Truth, claims to be interested in the PMD project and wishes to learn more about the investment process. Xue has stated that the way to invest in PMD is to buy a miner in PMD, either a contract miner or a real miner. There are two types of investment, one for 6,000 yen per year, or about 50 yen per year, and one for 8,000 yen per year and 70 yen per year.


“Contracting machines are a method of pre-mining, and in the case of a miner or a concept, pre-mining.” Xue Wierre claims that investment in both types requires that the mine machine be entrusted to the home (i.e. the mine site) and that the user simply buys the money from the house and then buys the mine machine and holds it at the house.


The real miner, on the other hand, is the purchase of the PC+ miner produced by the project party, which digs the mine with a daily yield of 80-100 yuan.


“Mine machines need to be powered and open on a 24-hour basis, and it is not recommended to buy a real mine machine, preferably to be hosted.” Xuewei adds.


In response to these inconsistencies, Xue reported that the hosting machine was a cloud mine and that the amount of the mine was different because of the different machine type. A block-chain technology developer analysed the fact that the so-called cloud-mining mine was actually a cloud-server mining, which could not be mined if there were no real miner; and that the currency issued by the ERC20 was not based on Pow workload proof and therefore did not have the concept of “mining”.


Taken together, its “contracting mine” is more like a front.

  此外,区块链Truth还发现该项目的团队成员信息造假。其白皮书显示,团队成员中“Steven Roussanov”的履历与领英上一同名者几乎一致,然而领英上“Steven Roussanov”的职务是“Global Parcel Network Foundation”(全球包裹网络基金会)的CMO,过往经历也未参与PMD项目。

In addition, Truth found false information on the team members of the project. The White Paper showed that the curriculum vitae of Steven Roussanov among the team members was almost identical to that of his British counterpart, but that the position of “Steven Roussanov” in the English leadership was that of the CMO of the Global Parkel Network Foundation, which had not been involved in the PMD project in the past.


  另一名成员“Lyobomir Katzarov”在领英无法搜寻到其信息,但其宣称拥有“埃因霍芬理工大学计算机科学与工程学士学位”,区块链Truth查询埃因霍芬理工大学发现,该学校没有“计算机科学与工程”的专业。

Another member, Lyobomir Katzarov, who was unable to find his information in the lead English, claimed to have a “bachelor's degree in computer science and engineering from the Einhoven University of Technology”, and Truth consulted the Einhoven University of Technology and found that the school did not have a specialization in computer science and engineering.

  另一名创始成员“LAZAR Georgiev”在领英的同名同履历档案显示,其目前就职单位为“TS International - Blockchain”的软件工程师,与嘉禾基金会、PMD等毫无关联。

Another founding member, “LAZAR Georgiev”, in a biographical file with the same name as the British leader, showed that his current position as a software engineer in the “TS International - Blockchain” had nothing to do with Kasu Foundation, PMD, etc.


In addition, the Singapore Ka Gaewo Foundation, the operator of the project's campaign, was unable to access the relevant information during the Google search and could not be verified.



As a result, PMD issues such as physical mining, team information forgery, etc., have surfaced.


However, further investigation of the block chain, Truth, revealed that PMD's predecessor was the notorious DLC (Doranco) on suspicion of passing currency.


DLC was born early in April, along with the PMD as Singapore’s Kasu Foundation. White paper information shows that DLC is a completely new payment system and a fully digitized currency, also benefiting from mining through investment contract machines, with a return of about 300%.


It uses multi-level distribution, with DLC incentives obtained through “pull heads” investment machines. Its management incentive segregation chart shows a total of nine levels of incentives, with a percentage of each level of development. The so-called “downline” of development is the purchase and hosting of mining machines by bringing together new investors.



In a DLC propaganda soft language, Doraco is currently without its own main network and public chain, and claims that Doraco is a mountain currency. DLC is then referred to as a currency transfer and has been repeatedly sued by investors /a.



On 19 June, DLC changed its name to PMD and promoted the project into a distributed IaaS service platform, declaring that it would be profitable to invest in cloud mining, and that cloud miners would produce 87.7 mines per day for four months. At the beginning of July, PMD was successfully placed on the FCoin Exchange. The PMD suddenly announced that it would yield only 51 currency per day and 41 per cent less, which would make it difficult for investors to return by increasing the amount of incentives by “pugging heads”.


In July of this year, an online “taking stock of those passing coins in the first half of 2018” was circulated, with PMD entering the top ten new selling coins. According to an analysis, PMD is a complete copy of the MCC (M chain) distribution suite, which, after carefully packaged, is a virtual cloud miner for fraud and multi-level distribution.



During an online search for the DLC, Truth found that a team claimed that it could develop a block chain system and a mining finance system. It stated that it could customize the development of currency and trading platforms for the various block chains, including DLC Doraco, AGT Angel Chain, OLC Starter, Star Drilling Base, /span>.


Also on this information page, four models are detailed: P2P players trading autonomously, market recycling, international trading platforms selling autonomously, and commercial city consumption. These four models correspond to PMD’s home-to-house, exchange-to-coin, and money-to-money buying machines.



In addition, the page lists the 7 Generations of the Leadership Award, the "down line" for the development of the 7 grades, with seven different forms of reward, with the top G generation receiving its downlines a, b, c, d, e, f, g-7. It also states that “there are plenty of dishes on the market that we are responsible for developing and maintaining, so that the customer's privacy is protected, everyone understands!”


The block chain Truth contacted the company, and a staff member said that the DLC Doraco on the web site knew that they could do it, "What you want to do, we can do it for you as long as you provide the system. If you want to ask whether we did this, we'll only know it. And the system you're doing on our side, we can't do it with it, it's risky."


He said that if the user provides a white paper file, "We can do it with you, but we can do it with you, mainly by providing a system, how you want to play it, you give me a system, we make the system. We're only responsible for maintenance and not running later."


The whole cost of the system was calculated, and the development price was around 40,000. When Truth further asked how the miner was custom-made, the other side was surprised, “It's two concepts, we can't have it.” The virtual thing couldn't have a real mine, and if you wanted to make a real coin, it would cost millions.”


Another staff member who was also working on the development of the system revealed that many of the white papers on the project were copied: “Take someone else's to fix it, we can do it for thousands of dollars; the public chain is about 100,000 dollars, for the Taiyuan intellectual contract, and we are a full-fledged service.”


He claims that in the public chain, the so-called mining is only a concept, because there is no real miner and only the concept of a cloud mining can be virtualized, and the proceeds from the mine can be distributed through the lower line, creating the illusion of mining.



There's also customers who like to develop private chains, and "promotion can be called a public chain, but people don't check it. The private chain can handle it. The development cycle takes 15 days to develop, and the development cost half the public chain is $50,000."


"The private chain doesn't last long, because the control system is about a year old. The public chain is about the same, because it's also the control system," he says.


In this way, can those mining projects, which generate 300 per cent of annual returns, win this life cycle?




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