
资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:62 评论:0



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xff0c, May 2024; a series of important events and changes in the block chain market xff0c; in particular, the initial application by the Etherpaya spot ETF to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission xff08; SEC) after approval xff0c; a significant boost in market performance. In addition, xff0c; the total market value of block chain coins has also reached a new high xff0c; although there has been an interesting shift in user participation. This report will provide a detailed analysis of the overall performance of the May 2024 block chain market xff0c; special attention will be paid to the movement of Bitcoins and the prices of the Taipan, the dynamics of the block chain market and the performance of the major public chains.


May 2024 & #xff0c; The Etherbank market was strong because the SEC approved the initial application for spot Ethno-EtF. This milestone not only contributed to the emergence of Ether in the wider market for encrypted currency & #xff0c; it also marked the support and transformation of regulatory attitudes to encrypted currency. The ETF approval opened the door for institutional investors to enter the market & #xff0c; thereby enhancing market confidence and liquidity.



In May 2024, xff0c; Bitcoin and Etheria showed a strong recovery. Bitcoin rebounded from the low point at the end of April xff0c; from $60,653 at the beginning of the month to $67,606 xff0c at the end of the month; the increase was 11.5%. xff0c; the price of Etheria rose from $3,011 to $3,778 xff0c; the increase was as high as 25.5%. This price movement reflects increased market confidence in encrypted money xff0c; especially as a result of good news such as ETF approvals.


政治局势同样对市场情绪产生了显著影响。特朗普竞选团队宣布将接受加密货币捐款,这一举动预示着未来的美国总统选举可能对加密货币市场产生深远影响。此外,Mt. Gox交易所破产案的持续解决过程对比特币价格产生了一定程度的抑制。尽管如此,整体市场仍表现出强劲的上升势头。

The political situation has also had a significant impact on market sentiment. The Trump campaign team announced that it would accept an encrypt currency contribution xff0c; this move augurs well for future US presidential elections that could have a far-reaching impact on the encrypt currency market.



xff0c in May; market value of block chain games for tokens has fluctuated xff0c; but at the end of the month it stabilized at $20.1 billion xff0c; it increased by 6.7 per cent over the previous period, but xff0c; despite market value growth xff0c; the average daily turnover of block chain games was 8 million xff0c; a decrease of 7.3 per cent compared to April.



Interestingly, xff0c; average daily active user of block chain games xff08; xff09; increase to 3.3 million xff0c; ring growth of 9.6% xff0c; and refreshing historical records. This suggests that, despite a decline in transactions xff0c; but user participation is on the rise. This trend may be driven by the rise of the “play-to-airdrop” strategy xff0c; more users are involved in games mainly to accomplish tasks rather than seek entertainment.



The growing prevalence of mini-plays and games bots is gradually changing the pattern of the game industry. Many developers choose some upper-chain games or mini-games & #xff0c; play games that balance seamless web3 integration and attraction. These games usually create user wallets on the chain or issue tokens xff0c; most of the activities take place outside the chain xff0c; thereby optimizing user experience and performance.

5月,跨多个区块链平台共有1,525款游戏保持活跃。其中,BNB Chain、Polygon和以太坊分别占据了23.3%、19.7%和15.7%的市场份额。Ronin、Polygon和NEAR继续在每日活跃用户中保持领先,Ronin占据约29.0%的市场份额,而NEAR和Flow的市场份额也有所增长。

xff0c in May; there are 1,525 games active across multiple block chains. Of these, xff0c; BNB Chain, Polygon and Etheria account for 23.3%, 19.7%, and 15.7% of the market share. Ronin, Polygon and NEAR continue to be leading among daily active users xff0c; Ronin accounts for about 29.0% of the market share xff0c; and NEAR and Flow have increased their market share.

各公链在5月采取了多项战略举措以提升游戏生态系统。例如,Arbitrum社区发起了2亿ARB游戏催化剂计划的投票,Starknet Foundation向链上元宇宙游戏Realms.World授予了200万STRK的资助,Oasys与Mint Town Co., Ltd.合作推出了经典足球游戏《足球小将》,TON获得了Pantera Capital的重大投资,进一步巩固了其在区块链游戏领域的地位。

Several strategic initiatives were taken by the public chains in May to upgrade the game ecosystem. For example, xff0c; the Arbitrum community launched the 200 million ARB catalyst program xff0c; Starknet Foundation awarded 2 million STRK funding xff0c to the Rivals Game; Oasis collaborated with Mint Town Co., Ltd. to launch the classic football game, Football Small General xff0c; Ton received significant investment from Pantera Capital xff0c; and further consolidated its position in the area of block-link games.


xff0c in May; the total number of block-chain games climbed to 3,153 xff0c; of these, 1,272 were active. Although the block-chain game industry has been very active in recent years xff0c; however, there is a lack of sufficient flagship games to truly highlight its potential. Many games are hard to reach more than 1,000 users of the monthly active chain xff0c; this stagnation is partly due to the prevalence of part-of-chain games.


Telegram游戏bots和移动迷你游戏的崛起,如Notcoin、Hamster Kombat和Tapswap,表明行业正在发生变化。这些平台更注重灵活性和快速部署,能够迅速行动,快速试错,可能比追求复杂但不易访问的游戏体验更有效地吸引和保持大量用户。

Telegram games bots and mobile mini games rise xff0c; for example, Notcoin, Hamster Kombat and Tapswap, shows that industry is changing. These platforms are more flexible and rapidly deployable xff0c; can act quickly xff0c; xff0c; may be more effective in attracting and sustaining a large number of users than in pursuing complex but not easily accessible game experiences.


xff0c in May; the block chain game industry successfully raised $44.95 million xff0c in 15 financing events; this figure was 42.9 per cent lower than in April; however, xff0c shows continued interest in and confidence in the block chain game market.


May 2024 & #xff0c; Block Chain Markets show remarkable growth and change in a number of ways. The ETF approval, the strong rebound of Bitcoin and ETA prices, the dynamic development of block chain games markets and the rise of mini games and games #xff0c show that block chain technologies and applications are evolving. Future xff0c; as more innovation and strategic initiatives are implemented xff0c; block chain markets will continue to attract more investment and users xff0c; and drive the digital economy.




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