加密新闻和价格分析:Pepe (PEPE)、Kaspa (KAS) 和以太坊 (ETH)

资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:61 评论:0
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加密新闻和价格分析:Pepe (PEPE)、Kaspa (KAS) 和以太坊 (ETH)

加密货币Pepe (PEPE)、Kaspa (KAS) 和以太坊 (ETH) 表现

Encrypted Currency Pepe (PEPE), Kaspa (KAS) and Ether (ETH) Performance


How's it going?


The following is an overview of current and future prices and an update on them.


Peppet price volatility: back to historical heights or to key support positions?

当比特币价格跌破 68,000 美元的关键支撑位时,模因币领域经历了大幅萎缩,该领域的主要加密货币价值大幅下跌。

When bitcoin prices fell by a key support position of $68,000, the membrane field experienced a significant contraction and the value of the major encrypted currencies in this area fell sharply.

在受影响最严重的代币中,PEPE 继续呈现明显的

PEPE continues to be visible among the most affected currencies.


Bear market trends, and

在过去 24 小时内出现回调。

In the last 24 hours, there's a callback.

随着看跌情绪占据市场主导地位,一个问题自然而然地出现了:Pepe 的价格能否重新测试其历史高点(ATH)还是会跌至关键支撑位

As falling sentiment dominates the market, a question naturally arises: whether Pepe's prices can re-test its historical heights (ATH) or fall to the key supporting position.

0.00000880 美元?

0.0000880 dollars?

在经历一周的疲软表现后,Pepe 成功恢复势头,录得令人印象深刻的 157.85% 的增长,随后在0.00001150 美元

After a week of weakness, Pepe succeeded in regaining momentum, recording an impressive increase of 157.85 per cent, followed by an impressive increase of US$ 0.0001150.


The resistance position has been echoed.

多头成功收复 0.00000880 美元的支撑位,这导致价格在接下来的八天内翻倍,最终在 5 月 27 日达到 0.00001718 美元的新高。

successfully recovered US$0.000000880 in support positions, which led to a doubling of prices over the next eight days, culminating in a new high of US$0.0001718 on May 27.


However, after reaching this historic high, Pepe experienced a sharp reversal of the bear city.


Since then, the price of the token has been strong.


Dissale pressure.


The transaction showed that the model had been negatively affected by the currency exchange in the crypto-currency market.

如果价格能够保持在 0.00001150 美元的支撑位上方,多头可能会重新获得动力,可能推动 PEPE 价格测试 0.00001410 美元的阻力位。

If prices can be kept above the support position of US$0.00011150, multiple ends may regain momentum and may drive the PEPE price test at US$0.0001410 resistance position.

此外,如果多头设法将价格维持在该水平,Pepe 可能准备在本月重新测试其之前的最高价。

In addition, if multiple attempts are made to keep prices at that level, Pepe may be prepared to re-test its pre-highest prices this month.

另一方面,如果空头占上风,Pepe 的价格可能会跌破支撑位 0.00001151 美元,并在未来几周内跌向关键支撑位 0.00000880 美元。

On the other hand, if the head is above the head, the price of Pepe may fall to a support position of US$ 0.00001151 and to a critical support position of US$0.0000880 in the coming weeks.

Kaspa 克服关键阻力,准备创下历史新高

Kaspa overcomes critical resistance and is ready to reach a new height in history. ]

工作量证明 (PoW) 加密货币 Kaspa

Workload Certificate (PoW) Encrypted Currency Kaspa

在突破长期阻力位 0.14 美元后,似乎准备收复其历史高点

seems ready to recover its historical heights after breaking the long-term resistance position of $0.14

0.18 美元。

USD 0.18.

4 月 12 日至 6 月 2 日期间,KAS 的价格在区间内波动,形成水平通道。通道的上半部分为阻力位,下半部分为支撑位。KAS 的阻力位为 0.14 美元,支撑位为 0.1 美元。

Between April 12 and June 2, KAS prices fluctuated within the zone to form a horizontal channel. The upper part of the channel is in a resistance position and the lower part is in a support position. KAS is in a resistance position of US$ 0.14 and in a support position of US$ 0.1.

自 6 月初以来,KAS 的交易量

KAS transactions since the beginning of June


Significant increase


. For example, based on

Santiment 的数据,6 月 3 日,该山寨币的日交易量达到 1.65 亿美元,创下 2023 年 11 月以来的最高水平。

Statistics from Santiago, on 3 June, the daily volume of transactions in the mountain currency reached $165 million, the highest level since November 2023.

交易活动的增加推动 KAS 的价格在 6 月 3 日突破其水平通道的上线,表明收盘价高于阻力位。

The increase in trading activity at

prompted KAS prices to break through the top of its horizontal route on 3 June, indicating that the collection price was higher than the resistance position.

日线图上价格走势分析表明,KAS 可能延续

Analysis of price trends on the

sun charts indicates that KAS may continue


Cow market trends.

该山寨币的相对强弱指数 (RSI) 和资金流量指数 (MFI) 分别为 79.91 和 70.44,证实需求有所增加。这些指标表明 KAS 的购买压力已超过抛售压力。

The relatively strong and weak index (RSI) and the MFI index (MFI) of the mountain currency and 70.44, respectively, confirm an increase in demand. These indicators indicate that KAS's purchasing pressure has exceeded sales pressure.

加密货币以太坊的价格与 PEPE 和 Kaspa 的比较

encrypt currency as compared to PEPE and Kaspa at Taicha's price



Recent data from


The Bear City phase of the Etherpayas was highlighted, and futures traders showed a strong propensity to dump.


The encrypt currency community is following these developments closely, especially as the Etherms try to keep them alive.

3,500 美元

USD 3,500


This has put further pressure on already unstable markets.

CryptoQuant 的数据提供了对以太坊当前市场状况的洞察,表明负面趋势可能会持续下去。分析重点关注“接受者买卖比率”,这是期货领域市场情绪的关键指标。

Data from CryptoQuant provide insight into the current market situation in Etheria, indicating that negative trends are likely to persist. The analysis focuses on “recipient sales ratio”, which is a key indicator of market sentiment in futures.

该指标衡量买卖活动之间的平衡:比率高于 1 表示买家占主导地位,反映出更大的购买压力,而比率低于 1 则表明卖家积极主动。

The indicator measures the balance between buying and selling: a ratio higher than 1 indicates that buyers dominate, reflecting greater purchasing pressure, while a ratio lower than 1 indicates that sellers are proactive.

不幸的是,对于投资者和以太坊爱好者来说,这一比例最近已跌破 1,表明卖家数量超过买家。

Unfortunately, for investors and Etheria fans, the proportion has recently fallen to 1, indicating that the number of vendors exceeds the number of buyers.


This downward trend is confirmed by the sharp decline in the recipient sales ratio of >, which indicates a clear trend. ]


The seller slanted.


radical dumping may be driven by traders who seek to exploit speculative gains or reduce risks in situations where markets are more volatile.


The continuation of this trend is a worrying sign for the short-term prospects of the Etherm, where stability is difficult to find.


Encrypted Currency Analyst

Shayan BTC

在 CryptoQuant 的 quicktake 平台上分享了此更新,他观察到:

This update was shared on CryptoQuant's Quicktake platform, where he observed:


“The dramatic decline in this indicator is a bear market signal indicating that if this trend continues, the current downward retreat may continue.”




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