
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:58 评论:0
美债收益率终于高位回调,美股三大股指齐涨,苹果特斯拉一共涨了4600亿。At last, the rate of return on the debt of the United States was high, the three sha...



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At last, the rate of return on the debt of the United States was high, the three shares of the stock of the United States were up, and Appletsla was up by 460 billion.


Even stronger than the stock market is the news that Biden is about to launch a $3 trillion capital plan this week (approximately RMB 19.5 trillion) that, despite the White House's urgent “blowing of rumours”, the market is still looking forward to it.


While the news of the “blowing” failed to boost Bitcoin, Powell, when the “throwing” of the encrypted currency, called back $4,000 late in the night, and the encrypt money market, which was full of 150,000 people, exploded, amounting to approximately $7.6 billion.


The fog core technology that opens the plate and drops is also running low and closing close to 48 per cent.


US debt returns fall back /strong> all three fingers rise by more than 100 points /strang >


On Monday, United States-East time, the rate of return on United States debt fell, and the three major shares of the United States stock rose.


As of the closing date, the index rose by 0.70 per cent to 3940.59 points; the NASDAQ index by 1.23 per cent to 13377.54 points; and the Dow Jones index by 0.32 per cent to 32731.20 points.


Driven by a drop in the rate of return on US debt, the share of science and technology rose, with a one-time increase of more than 1.8 per cent in the index.


Banks, aviation, oil, cruise ships, etc., have fallen back on procyclical plates, with Goldman Sachs down by 1.44 per cent, United States aviation by 4.57 per cent, Exxon Mobil by 0.97 per cent, Royal Caribbean by 2.01 per cent and AMC by 10.34 per cent.

高盛策略师David Kostin分析,“未来几个月内,投资者将继续紧张地关注利率问题。与美联储一样,我们的经济学家预测,今年春季核心PCE通胀将短暂上升,这一部分由于2020年通胀疲软等短期因素的影响。”

Goldman Sachs strategist David Kostin analyses that, “In the coming months, investors will continue to focus intensely on interest rates.” Like the Fed, our economists predict that core PCE inflation will rise briefly this spring, partly as a result of short-term factors such as weak inflation in 2020.”


The analyst also mentioned that “even though inflation is likely to fall to 2.0% in 2022, investors remain concerned that inflation above the target may persist and may lead to further interest rate increases. Our interest rate strategist predicts that the rate of return on United States national debt will reach 1.8% over the 10-year period by June”.


apples, Tesla up by 460 billion


On Monday, the share of technology rose, with apples rising by 2.83 per cent, and the market value rose by $57 billion, or approximately $37 billion.


Tesla also increased by more than 2 per cent and the market value rose by $14.4 billion, or about $93.7 billion.


The market value of the two major technological units, Apple and Tesla, rose sharply by about 463.7 billion yuan.

重仓特斯拉的“女巴菲特”Cathie Wood上周末还再发研报唱多特斯拉,预期特斯拉股价将在2025年达到3000美元。在研报中, Ark还预期特斯拉在2025年营收将在2340亿至3670亿美元之间,2020年该公司总共取得315亿美元营收,同比增长28%。

In the newspaper, Ark also expects Tesla to collect between $234 billion and $367 billion in 2025, with a total of $31.5 billion in 2020, an increase of 28 per cent.


With the exception of Apple and Tesla, other science and technology units generally performed well, with 1.17 per cent in Amazonia, 1.18 per cent in Facebook,


Intel, Cisco and Microsoft all rose by more than 2 per cent, by 2.34 per cent, AMD by 1.57 per cent and Naina by 2.13 per cent, but Google fell by 0.23 per cent.


> >. >. >. .


As a result of the regulatory policy, the opening of the central cloud core technology fell by more than 36 per cent, down by 47.84 per cent as of the closing, with a market value evaporating at approximately $14.5 billion a day, or about RMB 94.3 billion.


According to the note to the decision to amend the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Implementation of the Law on Tobacco Monuments (Application Draft), the Ministry of Information and Communications has publicly sought comments on the Decision. According to the note to the decision, a provision will be added to the Schedule to read as follows: “New tobacco products, such as electronic tobacco, are to be implemented by reference to the relevant provisions on rolling tobacco in this regulation.” This means that the retail end of electronic tobacco may be affected.


19 trillion capital projects coming? > > White House: coverage does not reflect White House ideas


On Monday, the external media quoted informed sources that US President Biden’s economic adviser was proposing $3 trillion (approximately RMB 1.95 billion) for a massive capital plan aimed at boosting the economy, reducing carbon emissions, and reducing economic inequality. The capital plan would be financed in part by increased taxes on businesses and the rich.


The source also indicated that the capital plan had been discussed internally for several months, and Biden was expected to present the relevant proposals as early as this week, either through separate legislation, rather than attempting to move Congress forward.


CNBC also reported that White House officials would meet with energy industry executives and that the White House was about to publish its climate and capital plans.


According to the White House of the United States, it was premature to report that United States President Biden was considering $3 trillion in new spending and did not reflect the White House's thinking.


At the time of the United States presidential election in 2020, Biden had indicated that the new government would invest $2 trillion in US infrastructure and clean energy. Earlier in March, White House press secretary Pusaky had revealed at the White House press briefing that the eventual announcement of the capital plan could be higher than $2 trillion.


The next round of the infrastructure program is expected to increase traditional and green infrastructure spending and tax incentives by at least $2 trillion. If Biden’s government extends the program to other policies, such as expanding childcare benefits and extending the child tax credit, the total amount could rise to around $4 trillion (approximately 26 trillion yuan).


Powell: Encrypted money is more like speculative assets >.


On Monday, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell stated at a meeting of the Bank for International Settlements that, unlike the dollar supported by the Fed’s value, private encrypted currency was not really useful as a value symbol or supported by value, more like an speculative asset that was essentially a substitute for gold rather than for the dollar, so it was not very often used in transactions.


With regard to the introduction of digital money in the United States, Powell said that the introduction of digital money was a very important step for the financial system, requiring careful preparation, and was not in a hurry. With regard to the regulation of digital money, he argued that laws related to digital money should preferably appear in the form of enabling laws, rather than in the form of legal interpretations.


With regard to the economic situation in the United States, Powell stated that the recovery was faster than expected, that it appeared to be gaining momentum, but that the recovery was far from complete, and that the support of the Federal Reserve would therefore continue.


Bitcoin returns $4,000 late at night 760,000 strong


In the early hours of the morning, when Powell was “throwing” the encrypted currency, Bitcoin quickly went down, falling by more than 54,000 dollars at a time, by more than 6 per cent.


By 7 a.m. this morning, in the last 24 hours, a total of 154.5 million people had exploded in storage, amounting to almost RMB 7.6 billion.

美东时间周一,加密货币交易所BTCC联合创始人兼前首席执行官鲍比·李(Bobby Lee)表示,根据其历史模式,比特币今年有望突破 10万美元,他表示,“比特币牛市每四年一次,这一次是大牛市,今年夏天可能真的会涨到10万美元以上。”

Monday, the Co-founder and former CEO of the Encrypted Currency Exchange BTCC, Bobby Lee, stated that, according to its historical pattern, Bitcoin was expected to make a breakthrough of $100,000 this year, saying, “The Bitcoin Cow City, once every four years, this time Big Cow, may actually rise to over $100,000 this summer.”


But he also warned that “investors should realize that the value of Bitcoin may fall from historical heights by as much as 80 to 90 per cent”.




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