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资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:60 评论:0



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The closure of the Bitcoin trading platform on September 30 is nearing completion. A reporter from the Beijing Business Journal noted that, as the various Bitcoin trading platforms were closed and retrenched, the Bitcoin finance platform was still operating unharmedly. In addition, a number of fraud companies in the guise of the digital asset trading platform were still operating violently, and some investors had been tricked. As of September 28, the domestic price of Bitcoin had rebounded to around $28,000, although analysts considered that Bitcoin prices were in the final stages of madness and that investors needed to be wary of risk.



trading platform:


On September 26, the currency viewing network announced that it would close its website at 24 p.m. on September 30th, App’s virtual digital assets, wallets, etc. The wallet service stopped its transfer to services at 2400 hours on September 30th, and continued to support the introduction of functions to safeguard the assets of users. According to some reports, more than 90% of the current Shanghai-related money finance (ICO) distribution platform has been substantially retired, and virtual money trading platforms such as the Bitcot have introduced exit programmes and initiated customer funds and asset clearance.


It is worth mentioning that, as one of the country’s three main bitcoin trading platforms, Bitcoin China closed digital assets three days ahead of schedule, as well as the renminbi-filling function. On September 27, Bitcoin China issued an announcement that digital assets and people’s platinum will be closed at 1200 hours on September 27, and that all transactions will be closed at 1200 hours on September 30.


Bitcoin Finance Platform: is still in operation


At the same time that the Bitcoin trading platform was closed, the Bitcoin platform was still operating unharmedly. A Beijing newspaper reporter found that he could still invest after a bitcoin finance platform was tried.


The financial platform is profitable by off-the-shelf or domestic or international processification. The so-called & ldquao; programatization & rdquao; and the API interface is used to profit from high and low prices.


In an attempt to invest in a registered account, a Beijing correspondent found that the platform referred to & ldquao in the investment risk alert; that you may suffer losses from changes in laws, regulations and related policies and rules in terms of policy regulation that prevent your transaction from being made possible; and that, in terms of expected returns, the agreement describes the company's property proceeds as expected, and there is a risk that the project will not be able to secure the expected returns and capital of the investment for specific reasons & & rdquao;


When a Beijing newspaper reporter asked if the platform would be restructured like a trading platform, its clients said: &ldquao; if it was, foreign projects would be opened, foreign websites would be ready, and we would be ready for follow-up; & & rdquao;


Senior researcher Xiao Xiao of Digital Currency said that the risk for Bitcoin money management was that investors were exposed to a wide range of uncertainties, that bitcoin prices were volatile, that there was no guarantee of financial security, and that pooled money fraud. At present, many Bitcoin platforms were still operating, which was a regulatory blind area, that many large platforms were directly accessible, but that more small platforms would be exposed to regulatory space and could not be effectively monitored, and that they might continue to do so unless they could quickly assume responsibility everywhere.


Investor : >.................................................................................................................................


It is worth mentioning that, along with the restructuring of the industry, a number of fraudulent companies dressed as digital asset trading platforms are still more violent and some investors have been tricked.


Mr. Wang has recently revealed to a reporter at the Beijing Business Journal that he has recently been conned. It is known that he was investing in a website called “ Hong Kong's Money-earning Network & rdquo; which sells various virtual currencies, including Leitco. Mr. Wang said that the platform could be charged but not to raise money, that small money could be cashed, that a large amount of money was blacked out, and that the platform's account number was deleted. & ldquo; I bought some coins at the platform's full value, but at the time I didn't pay, I went to the customer's clothes and found myself being blacked out. & Mr. Wang said. & & rdquao;


& & ldquo; off-site and overseas transactions are no longer secret in the currency circles and many investors are trying, but some investors do not know well themselves, which leads to fraud. & & rdquo; one insider says so.


Out-of-the-books and overseas transactions are still bogged down. In a number of Bitcoin exchanges, journalists from the Beijing Chamber of Commerce found that off-the-spot transactions were still active, with some investors leaving mobile phone numbers and addresses in search of traders because most of the off-site transactions were in face-to-face form. At the same time, “ an easy-to-register curriculum for the foreign exchange Coincheck Chinese station & rdquo; & & ldquo; overseas web sites B (bittrex) and P (poloniex) used tutorials & rdquao; etc.


An exchange legal expert and a partner in Dae-jung law firm, Shaw, suggested that investors in a closed virtual currency exchange could report currency deductions from an exchange to the local financial office, or that civil proceedings could be brought before the lower court in the place where the exchange was registered, with a view to obtaining legal redress and not to assert their rights in an irrational manner.


&ldquao; miner&rdquao; market: encounters low prices for sale


While the domestic Bitcoin trading platform was being restructured, the mining of &ldquao in Bitcoin; the miner & rdquao; and the bad luck of being sold were also encountered.


& & & ldquo; Transfer & Lsquo; S9 Miner 14 T’ 90% New, 12,000 yuan to contact & & rdquo; & & & & & & & & & & & & Quo; Purchase of ant S9; North River Priority & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & &


Although domestic trading platforms have suspended trading operations, “ miner & rdquo; business is still operating properly. According to the Bitcoin China Official Network announcement, operations such as Bitcoin China & & & & rdquo; etc. will continue to operate normally if they are not affected by the transaction. Xiao states that our laws recognize Bitcoin as & ldquo; selected virtual goods & rdquo; legal status is not illegal. Currently & & & & & rdquao; business is not restricted by law.


point of view: bitcoincan'tbea generally accepted


As the Bitcoin trading platform intensified its retreat and investors sought ways to invest abroad, the Bitcoin price also went to its final frenzy.


On September 28, Bitcoin’s Chinese deal showed that the price of Bitcoin was about 28,000 yuan per person, an increase of 2%, while the price of bitcoin on the currency network hovered around 24,000 yuan. But Bitcoin’s trade in China was small, with more than 500 bits in 24 hours.


Prior to that, the price of Bitcoin had fallen to 20,000 yuan after the first Bitcoin trading platform, China, announced the closure of the deal on 14 September.


At present, different bitcoin trading platforms in the country have a price differential of 4,000 multiple/s. & & ldquo; platform price differentials are not market behaviour per se; some platforms have stopped trading, prices are false, prices are small, and it is difficult to generate a valid price, which is not indicative. ” Shaw notes that investors should actually watch and not participate in the current closure of the Bitcoin exchange.


Lee Yicchi, Deputy Director of the Beijing West Side Financial Office, argued that & ldquo; Bitcoin did not solve the problem of the source of credit and could not be universally accepted, that it had no state credit support and did not have a monetary value base. Moreover, Bitcoin was not unique and could easily be replaced, and that any digital currency with similar technical characteristics could replace Bitcoin” in his view, neither now nor in the future could it become currency.


According to several experts, virtual currencies, such as bitcoin, are not monetary in nature, but are more purely speculative. Their trading platforms, which hide huge market risks, are increasingly becoming “ accomplices to & & rdquo; and a source of serious harm to real economic development. Thus, the closure of the trading platforms by management is an important initiative to protect the interests of our financial consumers, protect against financial risks, and safeguard our financial security and stability.




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