最近差评君在边干饭,边刷手机的时候,被一个 2007 年的视频给吓尿了。
A 2007 video scared the shit out of him while he was cooking and brushing his cell phone.
片子里的年轻人操着台湾口音,在马云和史玉柱等大佬面前,介绍着一个名叫 web3.0 的项目。
The young people in the film played the Taiwanese accent and introduced a project called Web3.0 in front of big men like Ma Yun and Shiyuju.
“ web1.0 是单向的,由公司主导..... web2.0 是双向的,相当于 YouTube ,大家都能上传东西互动。 ”
“Web1.0 is one-way, corporate-led... web 2.0 is two-way, like YouTube, and everybody can upload something to interact.”
“ 而 web3.0 是虚拟世界和真实世界的结合,可以分析用户在虚拟世界里的行为,去引导现实的消费。 ”
“Web3.0 is a combination of the virtual world and the real world that analyses users’ behaviour in the virtual world to guide real consumption.”
“ 这样,web3.0 就能打破内容和广告的界限,让新的商业模式能产生实质经济效益,也为营运本身带来获利。 ”
“Web3.0 will thus break the boundaries between content and advertising, allowing the new business model to generate substantial economic benefits and benefits for the operation itself.”
虽然现在关于 web3.0 的定义,可能和他描述的有点不一样。
Although the current definition of web3.0 may be a little different from what he described.
But what he's talking about is not the popular `strong' meta-cosmos
In the era of the rise of the Internet over a decade ago, this preposterous statement directly swept Stead's column into the clouds, and Maun was also a look at the liars.
And now the bad judge just wants to kneel in front of his cell phone and wonder how he crossed time and space. Where did he get the Moonlight Box?
Unfortunately, Bojima's brother did not advance in the programme, and later, because of his father's cancer, he abandoned the Internet and took the path of Chinese medicine.
Of course, that's all for now.
On the other hand, Boshima's brother's participation in this television programme has also been successful in drawing the attention of bad judges.
不查不知道,一查吓一跳。。。在这个名叫《 赢在中国 》的商业真人秀里,像是宝岛老哥这样的 “ 时间刺客 ” 和 “ 大预言家 ” 其实不在少数。
I don't know, I'm surprised. In this business reality show called "Strong" Winning in China, it's like "time assassin" and "big prophet" in Bo Island.
而《 赢在中国 》节目本身呢,也像一位见证者,见证了不少企业的兴衰迭起,并亲历了时代的变迁。
And the Winning in China program itself, like a witness, has witnessed the growth and decline of many businesses and has lived through the changes of the times.
You know, at the dawn of the twenty-first century, innovation and entrepreneurship are the best words.
Jiang Namchun, the head of the mass media, said that he was a poet and that the girls would not like him, but that he was a businessman.
所以在2006年,央视的王利芬就推出了真人秀节目《 赢在中国 》,计划从从民间选拔出商业人才。
So, in 2006, Wang Lifan, who has a high-profile view, launched the reality show Winning in China, which plans to select business talent from the private sector.
用现在的话说,《赢在中国》就是那个年代的创业圈《青春有你》和《创造101 》。
In the words of the present, Winning in China was the business circle of that time, Youth with You and Creation 101.
The judges of the show are also the big ones, like Ma Yun, Yu Minhong, Shi Yu Jing, Willows, and so on.
In addition to knowing the big guys, the programme can provide up to $10 million in entrepreneurial financing.
There's no script for the reality show of that time, and the bad judges don't know it.
但可以肯定的是,在剧情上《 赢在中国 》比现在的一些尬综艺可是要精彩许多。
But what's certain is that Winning in China is a lot better than some of the art of the day.
其中印象最深的,还要属一个名叫张向东的穷小子,当着慧聪网 CEO 郭凡生的面,预测慧聪网必定干不过阿里巴巴。
One of the most impressive of these is the poor boy named Zhang, who, in the presence of CEO Guo Fansheng, predicts that the smartness net will not be able to make it to Ali Baba.
As the first e-commerce company in China, Hye-Seknet and Ali Baba could be described as one-north and one-south parallels.
面对一位无名之辈质疑,郭凡生马上还击到: “ 我已经这么成功了,你认为我还不行。是,我确实不行。但这话要让历史来说。 ”
Faced with a question from an unknown man, Kwok Vanshem immediately returned: “I've been so successful, you think I can't. Yes, I can't. But let history say that.”
As soon as the big man responded and the rest of the guests came together, there was joy at the moment.
And the rest of the story, it's not a bad story for you to tell.
At the same time that Alibaba has long held a trillion dollars in market value, Wieswig is gradually disappearing in the Internet world, leaving only HK$600 million in market value.
The blood drama between the former employees and the old Dong family's enemies also made it easier for them to watch.
一位名叫吴志祥的年轻人,就曾因为和马云意见不和,就被马云 “ 优化 ” 和 “ 毕业 ” 了。
A young man named Wu Zhixiang was “optimised” and “graduated” by Ma Yun because of his disagreement with him.
Wu Zhixiang, who founded the same trip and came personally to Winning in China, thanked the boss of the Ma for firing him.
While many investors have said that the future of the same journey is like a fly on a glass with light but no future.
But Wu Zhixiang was successful in his promotion by virtue of his strength, and won the fifth in Winning in China. >/strang >
In search of greater financing, following Wu Zhixiang's rejection of the programme group's $5 million funding, in 2015 the same-way tourism received $6 billion in investment from capital, such as tether.
The market is now more than 30 billion dollars.
Because the judges are the only ones with the money, except for the competition between the contestants and the judges, and sometimes the judges pick each other up, it's always the same thing.
像是一期节目里的辩论题便是 “ 汇源果汁是否应该在万荣建厂? ”
And it's like the debate on a show called "Is the Juice of Merrillion?"
After the debate over the words of the contestants, the founder of the juice from the sinks, Joo Xinli, and the capital of today, Xu Xin-Jin, rallied their mouths at the evaluation stage.
It says here that there is plenty of material, but it's poorer, where factories not only reduce costs, but also bring wealth to the local people in their home countries.
That said, the investment was not rational, and it was simply a matter of effort, and it would work better if hundreds of millions of dollars were spent on channels and brands.
Whoever misjudges who is wrong is not well judged, and the current state of the juice from the positive sink is quite stupendous.
因为在参加《 赢在中国 》当年,正值汇源果汁上市, IPO 集资24亿港元的汇源果汁,成了当年港交所最大的 IPO 项目。
Because in the year of Winning in China, IPO collected HK$2.4 billion in sink juice, which became the largest IPO project in Hong Kong during the year.
While today's sink juice is already in debt of $11.4 billion because of its poor operation, it also donated $1 million to Henan last year during the period of the restructuring of the bankruptcy.
"Strong" looks back on the show at the same time, and there's something wrong with it.
In a climate of popular entrepreneurship, even Wang Liffin, the founder of Winning in China, had created the Yominet by looking at it alone.
The biggest selling point of Yominet is the monopoly on Winning in China.
After the run-off, Wang Liffin continued to build the show Winning in the Blue Sky Water Room in China, Winning in China 2016, and so forth.
But instead of focusing on private entrepreneurs, these programmes bring in a bunch of entrepreneurs to play reality show games, more like a stage where the bosses show each other and promote themselves.
Finally, even " Winning in China ", the art itself, was washed away under the river of time.
Even the judges and the programme, and the vast majority of the winners of Winning in China, have long since sunk and no shadow has been found in the commercial sea.
The only one who is still active in front of you should be just about Wu Zhixiang, as mentioned earlier.
总得来说呢,《 赢在中国 》这节目诞生于那个时代,可能也只属于那个时代。
Anyway, Winning in China was born in that era, probably only in that era.
毕竟那时候,马云还没因为“996福报论 ” 而口碑急转直下,俞敏洪也还没去搞直播带货,新东方才刚刚上市。
After all, Ma Yun didn't turn his head off because of the "Focus 996," and Yu Min Hong didn't go to the live feed, and the new East just went to the market.
大伙们还在功能机上用着 QQ2007,而创业在大家的眼中是一件很酷的事情,互联网就像一篇还未开垦的土地,充满希望。
People are using QQ2007 on their servers, and it's cool in your eyes to start a business, and the Internet is like a land that hasn't been reclaimed, full of hope.
And looking at these entrepreneurs, bosses, who were talking about the future over a decade ago, there's a little bit of a misunderstanding.
大数据和个性化推荐早就无处不在、 web3.0 的概念又被重新炒作了起来;阿里巴巴最后一家独大、如今成为了一座大山等等。。。
Big data and recommendations for personalization have long been everywhere, the concept of web3.0 has been reactivated; Alibaba's last family is unique and now a big mountain, and so on.
These predictions, which seemed absurd at the time, and the real reality of the moment, so tactfully combined and joined together.
Maybe that's why these videos are getting hot lately.
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