5 选项卡、高级列表和表单组件--汇率应用

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We're going to do the same thing as the previous class #xff0c; first we'll look at the basic application interface #xff1a;


After reading the diagram above xff0c; we have a basic understanding of the applications to be developed xff0c; below we enter the development process.

  5.1 配置应用项目

5.1 Configure applications


Let's create a new Ionic project & #xff0c manually; basic environment configuration & #xff0c; we've already spoken about xff0c in Section II; direct creation of xff1a below;

  打开终端,执行命令:$ ionic start exr

Open terminal & #xff0c; executory command & #xff1a; $ international start exr


Pending completion of implementation.

  进入exr文件夹:$ cd exr/

Enter exr foldersxff1a;$cd exr/

  执行启动应用服务的命令:$ ionic serve

Execute command to start application service #xff1a;$ionic service


The default configured interface can be seen as shown in figure #xff1a below;



  5.2 ionTabs:添加选项卡和导航

5.2 ionTabs: add tab and navigation


Opens the project folder & #xff0c with an editor; our first task is to add navigational elements & #xff1a; ionNavBar and ionNavView components. The ionNavBar automatically updates the title bar & #xff0c; ionNavView displays the tabs template based on the current tab.


Next we open the index.html file xff0c; make the following changes xff1a;

<!-- body元素关联了ngApp -->
<body ng-app="starter">
    <ion-nav-bar class="bar-positive">
        <!-- 添加了ionNavBackButton来显示或隐藏返回按钮 -->
        <ion-nav-back-button class="button-clear">
          <i class="ion-chevron-left"></i>Back
    <!-- 添加ionNavView组件 -->


So we can add components to the template & #xff0c; and use them to rewrite the path. Now let's state the first route and the template.


Open the app.js file & #xff0c; make the following changes & #xff1a;

// Ionic Starter App
angular.module('starter', ['ionic'])
.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
    .state('tabs', {
    url: '/tabs',
    templateUrl: 'views/tabs/tabs.html'


Then we add tab packagings and three tabs to the application. Ionic has a very powerful component & #xff0c; it is used to quickly create tabs & #xff0c; the number of specific tabs does not limit & #xff0c; but due to spatial limitations & #xff0c; usually only 2-5. We can use tabs & #xff0c; except for the Content command & #xff0c; because the use of anonTabs in the Concent will lead to CSS conflicts.


Ionic provides two tab components & #xff1a; ionTabs and ionTab. Here we add a label to the application template & #xff0c; create a new file www/views/tabs/tabs.html #xff1a;

<ion-tabs class="tabs-icon-top tabs-positive">
    <ion-tab title="实时汇率" icon-on="ion-social-bitcoin" icon-off="ion-social-bitcoin-outline">
    <ion-tab title="历史汇率" icon-on="ion-ios-analytics" icon-off="ion-ios-analytics-outline">
    <ion-tab title="资金管理" icon-on="ion-ios-cog" icon-off="ion-ios-cog-outline">


The statement on the tab is xff0c; very simple xff0c; xff0c for a single tab; xff0c for a title property only; now our tab is empty xff0c; the preview effect is purple ~


  5.3 给每个选项卡添加ionNavView

5.3 Add anonNavView to each tab


Next, we will add anonNavView component to each tab to load the component xff0c; each tab will need to maintain its own navigation history. We can use the returned button xff0c; not directly for application. This allows us to switch view xff0c before the tab; while each view can also retain its current browsing status xff0c; xff0c can be unaffected when the tab view is switched; return buttons can be controlled separately.


First xff0c; we need to add the ionNavView component xff0c to the tab; we need to create a name for each of these components xff0c; so we can quote them. In the Ionic application xff0c; there can only be an unnamed ionNaview, and it must be the default view. Each tab will also have a ui-sref attribute xff0c; used to convert the tab icon to a button xff0c; so you can switch between tabs.


We will now open the www/views/tabs/tabs.html file xff0c; update xff0c; set a separate view xff1a for each tab;

<ion-tabs class="tabs-icon-top tabs-positive">
    <!-- 添加ui-sref来基于选项卡选择改动视图 -->
    <ion-tab title="Rates" icon-on="ion-social-bitcoin" icon-off="ion-social-bitcoin-outline" ui-sref="tabs.rates">
        <!-- 给每个选项卡添加ionNavView组件并命名 -->
        <ion-nav-view name="rates-tab"></ion-nav-view>
    <ion-tab title="History" icon-on="ion-ios-analytics" icon-off="ion-ios-analytics-outline" ui-sref="tabs.history">
        <ion-nav-view name="history-tab"></ion-nav-view>
    <ion-tab title="Currencies" icon-on="ion-ios-cog" icon-off="ion-ios-cog-outline" ui-sref="tabs.currencies">
        <ion-nav-view name="currencies-tab"></ion-nav-view>


Next, we add a new view route to the app.js config() method. uiRouter has the feature of an embedded state & #xff0c; you can declare the state of the band hierarchy. Open the app.js file & #xff0c; update xff1a as follows;

// Ionic Starter App
angular.module('starter', ['ionic'])
    .config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
            .state('tabs', {
                url: '/tabs',
                abstract: true,
                templateUrl: 'views/tabs/tabs.html'
            .state('tabs.rates', {
                url: '/rates',
                views: {
                    'rates-tab': {
                        templateUrl: 'views/rates/rates.html'
            .state('tabs.history', {
                url: '/history',
                views: {
                    'history-tab': {
                        templateUrl: 'views/history/history.html'
            .state('tabs.currencies', {
                url: '/currencies',
                views: {
                    'currencies-tab': {
                        templateUrl: 'views/currencies/currencies.html'


Finally, we will add the default template for the three tabs; new document www/views/rates/rates.html:

<ion-view title="实时汇率">


New document www.views/history/history.html:

<ion-view title="历史汇率">


New document www.views/currences/currences.html & #xff1a;

<ion-view title="资金管理">


Now we're going to preview the application and we're going to see the respective titlebars when we switch the view.

  5.4 加载并显示当前的比特币汇率-->汇率视图选项卡

5.4 Load and show current bitcoin exchange rate -- > exchange rate view tab


The first tab we apply shows the exchange rate of the current bitcoin market price for different currencies. Here & #xff0c; we can load real-time data and show it to the tab. The tab shows the date of the last update and a list of currencies & #xff0c; contains the current prices and trends. To support the realization of the currency list & #xff0c; first to create a currences service. Opens the app.js file & #xff0c; adds the following code to the end of the file & #xff0c; remembers the semicolon at the end of the previous code to drop #xff1a;

    .factory('Currencies', function() {
        return [
            { code: 'AUD', text: 'Australian Dollar', selected: true },
            { code: 'BRL', text: 'Brazilian Real', selected: false },
            { code: 'CAD', text: 'Canadian Dollar', selected: true },
            { code: 'CHF', text: 'Swiss Franc', selected: false },
            { code: 'CNY', text: 'Chinese Yuan', selected: true },
            { code: 'EUR', text: 'Euro', selected: true },
            { code: 'GBP', text: 'British Pound Sterling', selected: true },
            { code: 'IDR', text: 'Indonesian Rupiah', selected: false },
            { code: 'ILS', text: 'Israeli New Sheqel', selected: false },
            { code: 'MXN', text: 'Mexican Peso', selected: true },
            { code: 'NOK', text: 'Norwegian Krone', selected: false },
            { code: 'NZD', text: 'New Zealand Dollar', selected: false },
            { code: 'PLN', text: 'Polish Zloty', selected: false },
            { code: 'RON', text: 'Romanian Leu', selected: false },
            { code: 'RUB', text: 'Russian Ruble', selected: true },
            { code: 'SEK', text: 'Swedish Krona', selected: false },
            { code: 'SGD', text: 'Singapore Dollar', selected: false },
            { code: 'USD', text: 'United States Dollar', selected: true },
            { code: 'ZAR', text: 'South African Rand', selected: false }


The Currencies service above is a array & #xff0c; contains a group of objects & #xff0c; the object is currency & #xff0c; code is currency & #xff0c; text is currency & #xff0c; slected properties are used to determine whether the corresponding currency is displayed in the list. Now we create and register the service xff0c; we can use it anywhere in the application.

  第一个要用到Currencies服务的地方是实时汇率视图的控制器。这个控制器会从BitcionAverage API加载当前的汇率数据,加载完毕后,它会把数据存到Currencies服务中,这些数据可以在作用域中使用。现在我们来创建汇率视图的控制器,创建文件www/views/rates/rates.js:

The first place to use the Currencies service is the real-time exchange rate view controller. This controller will load the current exchange rate data from the BitcionAverage API & #xff0c; after loading & #xff0c; it will store the data in the Currencies service & #xff0c; these data can be used in the field. Now we will create the exchange rate view controller & #xff0c; create the file www/views/rates/rates.js:

    .controller('RatesController', function($scope, $http, Currencies) {
        $scope.currencies = Currencies;
        $scope.load = function() {
                function(tickers) {
                    angular.forEach($scope.currencies, function(currency) {
                        currency.ticker = tickers[currency.code];
                        currency.ticker.timestamp = new Date(currency.ticker.timestamp);


This controller uses $http services to load data when the laad() method is called. Currence services are injected and stored in fields & #xff0c; this allows the exchange rate view to use it to display all data. You also store the current exchange rate in & #xff0c for Currence services; this allows easy access to its data object xff0c; it can be transferred elsewhere and used several times xff0c; this is one of the methods of sharing data.


Now xff0c; we can load the data xff0c; the next step is to get the data in the view. Open the rates.html file xff0c; let's change the template xff0c; let's go through the currency information and show the data xff1a loaded by the controller;

<ion-view title="实时汇率">
            <!-- ngRepeat遍历货币并过滤出没有激活的货币 -->
            <ion-item ng-repeat="currency in currencies | filter:{selected:true}">
                {{currency.code}} - {{currency.text}}
                <!-- 会在当前价格等于过去24小时平均价格的时候显示 -->
                <span class="price" ng-if="currency.ticker.last == currency.ticker['24h_avg']">
                    {{currency.ticker.last || '0.00'}}<br />0.00
                <!-- 会在当前价格小于过去24小时平均价格时候显示 -->
                <span class="price negative" ng-if="currency.ticker.last < currency.ticker['24h_avg']">{{currency.ticker.last}}<br /><span class="icon ion-arrow-down-b"></span>{{currency.ticker['24h_avg'] - currency.ticker.last | number:2}}
                <!-- 会在当前价格大于过去24小时平均价格的时候显示 -->
                <span class="price positive" ng-if="currency.ticker.last > currency.ticker['24h_avg']">{{currency.ticker.last}}<br /><span class="icon ion-arrow-up-b"></span>{{currency.ticker.last - currency.ticker['24h_avg'] | number:2}}
    <ion-footer-bar class="bar-dark">
        <!-- ionFooterBar会保留最后一次加载数据时的尾部 -->
        <h1 class="title">Updated {{currencies[0].ticker.timestamp | date:'mediumTime'}}</h1>


Let's understand the code above & #xff0c; here we use the list component & #xff0c; then ngRepeat creates a list element & #xff0c for each monetary element; there's a filter & #xff0c in ngRepeat; it filters down the value of the shell. Within each list element & #xff0c; we create three span tags & #xff0c; shows the comparative trend of the thousands and the 24-hour average & #xff0c; we use ngIf to determine how the condition should be displayed. Behind the package container #xff0c; we add an ionFooter Bar Component #xff0c; automatically position the end of the page to the tab.


Then we add some CSS styles to beautify the exchange rate view & #xff0c; open the www/css/styles.css file & #xff0c; add the following style & #xff1a;

.item .price { font-weight: bold; font-size: 13px; color: #fff; position: absolute; background: #666; right: 15px; height: 42px; top: 5px; width: 80px; text-align: center; padding: 6px; line-height: 1.2em; }
.item .price.positive { background: #66cc33; }
.item .price.negative { background: #ef4e3a; }


Opens the index.html file & #xff0c; introduces the rates.js file & #xff1a;

<script src="views/rates/rates.js"></script>


& #xff0c; add the control of the exchange rate view to the status of the app.js file & #xff1a;

            .state('tabs.rates', {
                url: '/rates',
                views: {
                    'rates-tab': {
                        templateUrl: 'views/rates/rates.html',


Opens the browser preview as xff1a;


  5.5 在同一个选项卡视图中显示货币细节信息-->汇率视图选项卡二级视图

5.5 Show currency details in the same tab view - > exchange rate view tab secondary view


In the exchange rate view & #xff0c; we got to see the current exchange rate list data contents & #xff0c; but we want to see its details & #xff0c for each currency; then we need to create a subview & #xff0c; let us navigate from the exchange rate view to the subview to the function of viewing the details & #xff0c; when we have read the details & #xff0c; we can also return to the exchange rate view via the BACK button.


First, we create a subview of the exchange rate view -- the controller of the detailed view & #xff0c; it does not need to request other data & #xff0c; direct use of the Currencies service is sufficient for the data already loaded. New file www/views/details/details.js:

    .controller('DetailsController', function($scope, $stateParams, $state, Currencies) {
        angular.forEach(Currencies, function(currency) {
            if (currency.code === $stateParams.currency) {
                $scope.currency = currency;
        if (angular.isUndefined($scope.currency.ticker)) {


When creating the DetailsController controller & #xff0c; the parameter & #xff0c needs to be passed on to Currence & xff0c; the value of this parameter xff08 is accessed using the stateParams service; it is actually code xff0c; xff0c is confused with this part of the parameter; they can be printed out xff0c; they can be understood xff09; xff0c; xff0c when parameters are obtained; xff0c; xff0c through currency information xff0c; matching code xff0c; and then the currency model is assigned to the $scope field.


We then create the template for the detailed view & #xff0c; create the file www/views/detail/detail.html #xff1a;

<ion-view view-title="{{currency.code}} 详情">
                现价:<span class="badge badge-stable">{{currency.ticker.last}}</span>
                估价:<span class="badge badge-stable">{{currency.ticker.ask}}</span>
                出价:<span class="badge badge-stable">{{currency.ticker.bid}}</span>
                24h均价:<span class="badge badge-stable">{{currency.ticker['24h_avg']}}</span>
                交易量:<span class="badge badge-stable icon ion-social-bitcoin">{{currency.ticker.total_vol | number:2}}</span>
            <ion-item ui-sref="tabs.history({currency:currency.code})" class="item-icon-right">
                历史信息:<span class="icon ion-arrow-right-b"></span>
    <ion-footer-bar class="bar-dark">
        <h1 class="title">Updated {{currency.ticker.timestamp | date:'mediumTime'}}</h1>


The above template displays data & #xff0c using lists and tags; i.e. the model xff0c that adds badge and badge-[color] to the elements; this is simple xff0c; historical information is used for ui-sref properties xff0c; is used to achieve page jumps.


& #xff0c after the template and controller for the details view has been constructed; we have come to add a route to the state of app.js to state the new state & #xff0c; open the app.js file & #xff1a;

            .state('tabs.detail', {
                url: '/detail/:currency',
                views: {
                    'rates-tab': {
                        templateUrl: 'views/detail/detail.html',


The status of the detailed view and the exchange rate view re-use the same view & #xff0c;: Currence parameters are set as a currency code & #xff0c; then enter status & #xff0c; this determines which currency & #xff0c is displayed; $stateParams is used in the control of the detailed view to access this value.


Last & #xff0c; modify exchange rate view template & #xff0c; achieve page jump to details view & #xff0c; open rates.html #xff1a;

<ion-view title="实时汇率" hide-back-button="true">
            <!-- ngRepeat遍历货币并过滤出没有激活的货币 -->
            <ion-item ng-repeat="currency in currencies | filter:{selected:true}" ui-sref="tabs.detail({currency: currency.code})">

  hide-back-button="true"的意思是让视图不要显示返回按钮,ui-sref="tabs.detail({currency: currency.code})"是链接到详情视图。

Hide-back-button= 34; true" meaning that the view does not show return buttons & #xff0c; ui-sref= 34; tabs.detail ({currence: crisis.code}) #34; is linked to the details view.


Now let's preview application & #xff0c; click on the list entry to see the following detailed view & #xff1a;

  5.6 刷新汇率视图并显示帮助信息

5.6 Update the exchange rate view and display help information


Now we can load the exchange rate and see details xff0c; but our exchange rate view can only look at one page of content xff0c; we cannot refresh the data. Next, we can achieve the function of updating the data. The most common method is to update the data by pulling off the screen of the IonRefresher component xff0c; the user pulls off the screen xfff0c; it triggers the data to refresh xff0c; it allows any IonConcent to have a hidden interface xff0c; it shows xff0c when the user pulls off the content area; if the user pulls down sufficiently long and looses xff0c; it calls a function to reload the data xff0c; when reloaded xff0c; it hides the components. Furthermore, xff0c; we also need to provide users with a quick help interface xff0c; inform the user of the screen content.


To use the unit Refresher & #xff0c; we need to update the exchange rate template and controller & #xff0c; open rates.html file & #xff1a;

<ion-view title="实时汇率" hide-back-button="true">
        <!-- ionRefresher组件必须是ionContent的第一个元素,它会调用load()方法 -->
        <ion-refresher on-refresh="load()" pulling-text="下拉刷新">


Then we change the control of the exchange-rate view & #xff0c; because the component itself does not know when the data will be loaded & #xff0c; it will not automatically hide & #xff0c; we need to add a broadcast event & #xff0c to the controller; to inform that the refresher data load will be loaded and hidden.


Open Rates.js file & #xff1a;

        $scope.load = function() {
                    function(tickers) {
                        angular.forEach($scope.currencies, function(currency) {
                            currency.ticker = tickers[currency.code];
                            currency.ticker.timestamp = new Date(currency.ticker.timestamp);
                .finally(function() {


Now #xff0c; we've got the refresher #xff0c; look at the preview effect ~


Now xff0c; we do the popup help information function. To use the $ionPopover component xff0c; this component usually displays a button on the front page xff0c; single-line button xff0c; it ejects a page. Creates a file www/views/rates/help-popover.html:

    <!-- 在弹出框中使用ionHeaderBar -->
        <h1 class="title">关于比特币</h1>
    <!-- 添加ionContent和描述内容 -->
        <div class="padding">
        <div class="padding">
            <a href="">bitcoin average</a>api


Opens the exchange rate view controller to declare the popup page. Opens the Rates.js file & #xff1a;

        $scope.currencies = Currencies;
        $ionicPopover.fromTemplateUrl('views/rates/help-popover.html', {
                scope: $scope,
            .then(function(popover) {
                $scope.popover = popover;
        $scope.openHelp = function($event) {
        $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {


Add a button to trigger the popup page & #xff0c; open rates.html #xff1a;

<ion-view title="实时汇率" hide-back-button="true">
    <!-- 使用ionNavButtons来声明顶部导航区域的按钮 -->
    <ion-nav-buttons side="primary">
        <!-- 添加一个按钮,使用ngClick来调用openHelp方法并传入$event -->
        <button class="button" ng-click="openHelp($event)">About</button>


Preview effectsxff1a;


?  5.7 历史视图绘制

? 5.7 History View Draw


If the user wants to see a change in a currency and a bitcoin exchange rate over the past month, we will use the Highcharts library and an Angular Highcharts to order highchats-ng.

  我们先来配置第三方库。先安装Bower,打开终端,执行命令:$ sudo npm install -g bower

We first go to configure the third-party library. Power, is installed; terminal & #xff0c is open; execution command & #xff1a;$sudo npm install-g power


These two libraries are then installed & #xff1a; Highcharts and Highcharts packaging library in Angular.


Execute the following command xff0c; Ionic automatically downloads and configures the two libraries xff1a;

  $ ionic add highcharts-release#4.0.4 highcharts-ng#0.0.7


Or download the third-party library xff0c; or copy it under the www/lib folder xff1a;

  http://www.highcharts.com/download -->highcharts绘图库

http://www.highcharts.com/download-> highcharts mapping library

  https://github.com/pablojim/highcharts-ng -->highcharts-ng


After downloading xff0c; introduce the two libraries to xff1a in index.html;

? <script src="lib/highcharts-release/adapters/standalone-framework.js"></script>
? <script src="lib/highcharts-release/highcharts.js"></script>
? <script src="lib/highcharts-ng/dist/highcharts-ng.js"></script>


The highcharts-ng module will then be declared project dependent & #xff0c; open the app.js file & #xff1a;

angular.module('starter', ['ionic', 'highcharts-ng'])


Open the historical exchange rate tab template created before xff0c; add a drop-down list component to switch the exchange rate xff0c; also need to configure the Highcharts component. Use an embedded list containing only one element to create the drop-down list container xff0c; open History.html file xff1a;

<ion-view title="历史汇率" hide-back-button="true">
        <!-- 使用嵌入列表来包含下拉列表 -->
        <div class="list list-inset">
            <label class="item item-input item-select">
                <div class="input-label">
                <!-- 使用ngChange和ngModel来跟踪值的变化 -->
                <select ng-change="changeCurrency()" ng-model="history.currency">
                    <!-- 给每个激活状态的货币建一个选项 -->
                    <option ng-repeat="currency in currencies | filter:{selected:true}" value="{{currency.code}}" ng-selected="history.currency == currency.code">
                        {{currency.code}} - {{currency.text}}
        <!-- highchart组件会接受一个config属性,这个属性是一个图表对象 -->
        <highchart config="chart"></highchart>


Here we will configure the control of the historical exchange rate tab & #xff0c; to load the data and configure the chart. New file www/views/history/history.js:

    .controller('HistoryController', function($scope, $http, $state, $stateParams, Currencies) {
        $scope.history = {
            currency: $stateParams.currency || 'USD'
        $scope.currencies = Currencies;
        $scope.changeCurrency = function() {
            $state.go('tabs.history', { currency: $scope.history.currency });
        $scope.chart = {
            options: {
                chart: {
                    type: 'line'
                legend: {
                    enabled: false
            title: {
                text: null
            yAzis: {
                title: null
            xAxis: {
                type: 'datetime'
            series: []
        $http.get('https://api.bitcoinaverage.com/history/' + $scope.history.currency + '/per_hour_monthly_sliding_window.csv')
            .success(function(prices) {
                prices = prices.split(/
                var series = {
                    data: []
                angular.forEach(prices, function(price, index) {
                    price = price.split(',');
                    var date = new Date(price[0].replace(' ', 'T')).getTime();
                    var value = parseFloat(price[3]);
                    if (date && value > 0) {
                        series.data.push([date, value]);
        $scope.$on('$ionicView.enter', function() {
            $scope.history = {
                currency: $stateParams.currency || 'USD'


Introduction of historical view controllers to index.html files & #xff1a;

    <script src="views/history/history.js"></script>


Update the state statement for the history viewxff0c; open the app.js filexff1a;

            .state('tabs.history', {
                url: '/history?currency',
                views: {
                    'history-tab': {
                        templateUrl: 'views/history/history.html',


Now let's look at the history view page #xff1a;

  5.8 货币管理选项卡:支持重新排序和开关功能

5.8 Currency management tab & #xff1a; supports reordering and switch functions


The currency management tab requires the reordering of the currency list and the switch function for the currency display.


First, we need to add a template to the currency management tab & #xff0c; then use the IonReorderButton to reorder the function. Reordering can only be used on the ionlist command & #xff0c; to use it & #xff0c; to set the status of reordering to True/false, to recalculate icons to display or hide xff0c based on this value; if activated xff0c; to drag elements to a new position #xff0c using an icon; then the controller will automatically update the model. Open the www/views/currence/currence.html file #xff1a;

<ion-view title="资金管理">
    <!-- 添加一个切换state.reordering值的按钮 -->
    <ion-nav-buttons side="primary">
        <button class="button" ng-click="state.reordering = !state.reordering">重排</button>
        <!-- 使用show-reorder来声明列表可以被重新排列,以及需要使用的模型 -->
        <ion-list show-reorder="state.reordering">
            <ion-item ng-repeat="currency in currencies">
                {{currency.code}} - {{currency.text}}
                <!-- ionReorderButton必须被包含进来,并且在元素被移动之后调用一个方法 -->
                <ion-reorder-button class="ion-navicon" on-reorder="move(currency, $fromIndex, $toIndex)"></ion-reorder-button>


Now we have created a list of currencies that can be reordered. The IonList component uses the show-reorder properties to determine whether or not to show the ionReorder Button, they use #xff0c; the buttons in the navigation bar are used to switch the state.reforming properties #xff0c; it triggers the re-allocation. The onon-reorder method is called xff0c at the end of the re-allocation; it transmits two special parameters xff0c; $fromIndex and $toIndex, this is the lower mark of the elements in the list xff0c; this determines the moving position of the elements.


Create a currency management view controller file at www/views/currences/currences.js:

    .controller('CurrenciesController', function($scope, Currencies) {
        $scope.currencies = Currencies;
        $scope.state = {
            reordering: false
        $scope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function() {
            $scope.state.reordering = false;
        $scope.move = function(currency, fromIndex, toIndex) {
            $scope.currencies.splice(fromIndex, 1);
            $scope.currencies.splice(toIndex, 0, currency);


We then add a switch to the list & #xff0c; open the Currences.html file with the following modifications & #xff1a;

<ion-view title="资金管理">
    <!-- 添加一个切换state.reordering值的按钮 -->
    <ion-nav-buttons side="primary">
        <button class="button" ng-click="state.reordering = !state.reordering">重排</button>
        <!-- 使用show-reorder来声明列表可以被重新排列,以及需要使用的模型 -->
        <ion-list show-reorder="state.reordering">
            <!-- 添加item-toggle类来应用开关样式 -->
            <ion-item class="item-toggle" ng-repeat="currency in currencies">
                {{currency.code}} - {{currency.text}}
                <!-- 声明一个标签,添加toggle类 -->
                <label class="toggle toggle-balanced">
                    <!-- 使用checkout输入框并给它的模型值为currency.selected -->
                    <input type="checkbox" ng-model="currency.selected">
                    <!-- 添加开关图标需要的元素 -->
                    <div class="track">
                        <div class="handle"></div>
                <!-- ionReorderButton必须被包含进来,并且在元素被移动之后调用一个方法 -->
                <ion-reorder-button class="ion-navicon" on-reorder="move(currency, $fromIndex, $toIndex)"></ion-reorder-button>


xff0c; we introduce the currency controller into the index.html file xff1a;

<script src="views/currencies/currencies.js"></script>


& #xff0c; we add the currency management view status to the app.js file & #xff1a;

            .state('tabs.currencies', {
                url: '/currencies',
                views: {
                    'currencies-tab': {
                        templateUrl: 'views/currencies/currencies.html',


Now let's look at the interface between currency management.



Now #xff0c; our currency application is complete.





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