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One word about the OKLink browser:


The OKLink browser, multi-chain browser , currently supports 14 mainstream public chains, including 5 EVM public chains (ETH, OKC, BSC, ETC, Polygon), 5 UTXO-type public chains (BTC, BCH, BSV, LTC, DASH), as well as Avalanche, Solana, Tron, etc.



Data on the analytical chain first learns to use browsers, and OKLink, as a multi-chain browser, provides more than a query about the state of the transaction, and more hidden features. Next, the editor will show you the hidden features of OKLink, which most people do not know.


1. ETH 合并倒计时

1. ETH Combined Countdown


针对ETH 合并市场热点,OKLink多链浏览器也第一时间上线了以太坊合并倒计时专题页,根据以太坊上区块难度、实时算力计算网络情况,并结合TTD实时更新预测合并时间。同时,还可以查看当前ETH 信标链上PoS节点的质押、收益等相关数据。

For the ETH Merger Market Hotspots, the OKLink Multi-Link Browser is also the first time that is on line to calculate the network based on the difficulties, real-time arithmetic, and to update the forecast of the consolidation time in real time in conjunction with TTD. At the same time, it is also possible to look at the relevant data on the current ETH beacon chain, PoS nodes, returns, etc.


Direct link:

OKLink浏览器 以太坊合并倒计时页面

2. 强大标签库 + 私人标签

2. Strong label libraries + private labels



The OKLink browser labels addresses on the chain in different categories, including the entity label (reciprocal entity/agencies), the risk label (possibly linked to a risk event) and the `strong' attribute label

如输入钱包地址(0xAb5801a7D398351b8bE11C439e05C5B3259aeC9B),实体标签标记为V神(Vitalik Buterin)的地址,属性标签根据过往历史交易行为有NFT Holder、Professional User等。

If you enter the wallet address (0x Ab5801a7D398351b8bE11C439e05C5B3259aeC9B), the entity label is the address of V God (Vitalik Buterin) and the attribute label is based on past historical transactions such as NFT Holder, Financial User, etc.



In addition, OKLink supports the setting of 'private labels'


3. 同质化Token巨鲸地址

3. Address of the homogenized Token giant whale


OKLink多链浏览器是唯一一家将项目基础核心信息和Token持仓情况紧密结合的浏览器。用户查询相关同质化Token 时,页面中直接展示该项目中核心数据指标,除此之外,展示了该同质化Token中持币排名Top 10,000的分布情况、持仓数量、占比等,并展示持仓地址的24H持仓变化

The OKLink multi-chain browser is the only one that closely links project core information and Token holdings to . When users query relevant homogenizations, the core data indicators in the project are shown directly on the page. In addition, it shows the distribution of the homogenous Token currency ranking Top 10,000, the number of warehouses, the ratio, etc., and the 24H warehousing changes in the warehouse holding address .


For example, the following is a breakdown of the holdings of the MANA, showing 52.43 per cent of the MAA at the top ten addresses, while the addresses of the entity labels are displayed to users at the entity label address, which gives six contractual addresses, two exchange addresses and two general wallet addresses in the top ten addresses.



In addition, homogenized Token details pages support the addition of a key to a wallet (support for MetaMask and OKX wallets) and the inclusion of token information.

4. 非同质化Token详情页

4. Non-homogeneous Token Details Page



For the non-homogeneous Token detailed pages, in the OKLink multi-chain browser, in addition to the underlying warehouse details, transfer details, transaction data, ID lists, users can directly learn about the secondary market transactions of NFT, the number of active users, etc. after clicking on the non-homogenous Token detailed pages. At the same time, in the ID list also supports screening under different conditions, such as maximum turnover, recent transaction times, prices from high to low or from low to high, allowing users to dig for the highest value of NFT.

OKLink多链浏览器解析并集合了多家NFT Marketplace交易价格,包括Opensea、OKX NFT、X2Y2等主流NFT交易平台。

The OKLink multi-chain browser parsed and assembled several NFT Marketplace trading prices, including mainstream NFT trading platforms such as Opensea, OKX NFT, and X2Y2.

Eg. 我们可以从下图通过筛选价格由高到低可以得知截止目前,ENS交易额前三名分别是?

Eg. We can tell from the figure below that the top three ENS transactions are as high as low as they are at present?

第一名 paradigm.eth 成交额421.13ETH?

Number one. Paradigm.eth. 421.13 ETH?

第二名 porno.eth 成交额 184ETH?

Second place, porno.eth. Deal. 184 ETH?

第三名 03jul.eth 成交额 127ETH

Third place, 03jul.eth. Deal. 127 ETH.


5. OKC授权管理工具

5. OKC delegation of authority management tool



The OKLink multi-chain browser supports the contract authorization management of the OKC public chain by providing specific delegation management information, such as authorized contracts, authorizations and risk exposures. Click on the wallet of to link the network to see all the contracts that you have authorized on the OKC, or release them from this tool.


Direct links:



Tips: The OKC browser supports a key addition chain to MetaMask, which is easy and fast.

6. BTC 大额交易播报+自定义地址监控播报

6. BTC Big Transaction + Custom Address Monitor



Currency-circle users tend to be very concerned about the large number of changes in the BTC chain, especially when the OKLink multi-chain browser is equipped to broadcast and the large number of BTCs in the chain of surveillance. Exchanges can also be screened for short-term BTC inflows, with first-time knowledge of BTC drops.


Direct links:



In addition, OKLink supports self-defined monitoring addresses, which can be added to > >, which can define the conditions for monitoring, such as the range of amounts to be monitored, only transactions to be monitored and transactions to be made with the address of the exchange.





The following is the text message sent to the user's cell phone after setting the surveillance and triggering the monitoring conditions, which allows the user to know the movements of smart money at the first possible time.


7. ETH Gas 报价

7. ETH Gas quotations


OKLink多链浏览器除了提供实时ETH Gas价格,也可以查看过去一周Gas价格均值。通过查看实时的Gas价格,可以在Gas费低的时候,进行交互。

In addition to providing real-time ETH Gas prices, the OKLink multi-chain browser can also check the average price of Gas over the past week.

ETH Gas Price

8. DeFi Tracker


OKLink多链浏览器今年新推出的 DeFi Tracker 功能,支持多链查询(ETH、BNB Chain、OKC),覆盖三种主流 DeFi 类型(交易所、借贷、跨链桥)、十种交易行为,还支持多维度数据筛选。用户可通过时间维度、交易行为、链上资产、交易金额、项目以及跨链网络等条件选项,快速过滤无用信息和定位所需数据内容。

The new DeFi Tracker feature of the OKLink Multi-Link Browser this year supports multi-chain queries (ETH, BNB Chain, OKC), covering three main types of DeFi (exchange, loan, cross-linkage) , ten types of transactional behaviour, and also supports multi-dimensional data screening. Users can quickly filter the data content needed for useless information and positioning through such conditional options as time dimensions, transaction behaviour, chain assets, transaction amounts, projects, and cross-chain networks.

DeFi Tracker

9. 钱包资产看板

9. Wallet asset panels



Enter the wallet address, and click on the search to see the asset composition of the address. For example, the following chart is the Sun Woo's wallet address, where the asset composition can be seen. It can now be seen that Sun Woo's address is dominated by stable currency, and more data on the three different forms of ERC20, ERC721, and ERC 1155.


10. 异步下载CSV

10. Step-by-step download of CSV



The OKLink multi-chain browser also supports transaction log downloads, which, when data are larger, will be sent to the input mailbox within approximately three minutes.


11. 面向开发者的功能——合约认证

Developer-oriented functionality — contractual certification



OKLink supports the developer in submitting the smart contract code, and OKLink compiles the source code and compares the compiled results to the code stored on the block chain, which is verified. After that, OKLink publishes the contract code in the browser.





The OKLink multi-chain browser is much more than that, and more interesting and useful functions are welcome to explore.




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