
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:56 评论:0
【比特币市值超万亿人民币】{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The price of bitcoin is more than trillion yuan.根据AIcoin数据显示,目前...



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{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The price of bitcoin is more than trillion yuan.


According to AIcoin data, the current global market value of encrypted currencies is RMB 27,87,113.3 million, of which the first is in Bitcoin, amounting to RMB 10,10.8 billion, or 36.27 per cent, and the second is in Taiku, amounting to RMB 47,8.9 billion, or 17.18 per cent.


75% of the world's average > >. >. >.

据cointelegraph消息,Dalia Research在5月9日发布了一份报告,揭示了全球自下而上采用数字货币的现状。该报告在全球最大的8个数字货币市场(美国、英国、德国、巴西、日本、韩国、中国和印度)中超过2.9万名互联网用户中进行调查中。

survey revealed that while 75 per cent of the global average knew digital money, only 50 per cent really understood it;
Korea and Japan had the highest digital monetary awareness and knowledge, compared to Korea (87 per cent), and Japan (83 per cent, 61 per cent);
averaged only 4 per cent of the world's eight largest digital currency markets (United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Brazil, Japan, South Korea, China and India) surveyed more than 29,000 Internet users.
showed that, while 75 per cent of the world's average knew digital money, only 50 per cent actually understood it;
Korea and Japan had the highest digital monetary awareness and knowledge, compared to Korea (87 per cent) and Japan (83 per cent, 61 per cent);
averaged only 4 per cent of the world's eight largest digital monetary markets, compared to 11 per cent of the world's average of those who wanted to buy digital money;
Japan had the highest digital monetary awareness and a global average of 7 per cent;
analysts noted that most of the early digital money holders had entered the board;
report also showed that the gender gap of 11 per cent of both the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom and Germany (with a low demand of higher education) and 7 per cent (of higher education; >.


纳斯达克总裁Adena Friedman今日做客CNN Money节目Boss Files时表示,数字货币感觉就像货币空间的下一步,因为全球化支付机制是跨境数字经济的自然选择。数字货币将如何演变,以及哪种数字货币最终会被接受现在还没有定论,但一个比现存支付体系更有效率的、更全球化的支付机制可允许资金跨境转移,也更能支撑互联网经济。

Adama Friedman, President of NASDAQ, today, speaking on CNN Money, Boss Files, said that digital money feels like the next step in the monetary space, because the payment mechanism of globalization is the natural choice for a cross-border digital economy. How digital money will evolve, and which digital money will eventually be accepted, is not yet certain, but a more efficient and global payment mechanism than the existing payment system would allow for cross-border transfers of funds and support the Internet economy.
In addition, Friedman said that block-chain technology would not change the financial system overnight, but that such changes would either occur gradually and appear first in less regulated or less efficient markets.


Founder of the social media giant Reddit: Bitcoin and digital currency are still expected to provide the impetus for a potential new Internet.

社交媒体巨头Reddit的创始人Alexis Ohanian说,尽管目前比特币和数字货币有很大的波动性,但仍有望为潜在的新互联网提供动力。Ohanian认为,数字货币的真正价值在于它能够跨国界保护和转移资产,特别是对那些经济不稳定的国家。

Alexis Ohanian, the founder of the social media giant Reddit, said that despite the current volatility of bitcoins and digital currencies, it was still promising to give impetus to the potential new Internet. Ohanian argued that the true value of digital money lay in its ability to protect and transfer assets across borders, especially in countries with unstable economies.


据Bitcoin.com消息,关于比特币的几部电影将在今年夏季之前推出。其中一部电影 “Superfly”是1972年犯罪剧“Super Fly”的重拍,内容改编为“数字货币交易”,定于7月15日上映。另一部俄罗斯的电影讲述了来自喀山市的两名年轻人追逐加密财富的故事。此外,俄罗斯城市雅罗斯拉夫尔的一家电影院现在正在接受数字货币支付。

According to Bitcoin.com, several films about Bitcoin will be launched by the end of the summer. One of the films, “Superfly,” is a replay of the 1972 criminal play, “Super Fly,” and is scheduled to appear on July 15.

【区块链技术国家标准将制定 预计2019年底完成】

. . . >2019. > > >. .


According to FAFI, we have embarked on the establishment of block chain national standards to facilitate the construction of block chain standards from top-level design, which are expected to be completed as soon as possible by the end of 2019. Experts indicate that block chain national standards include basic standards, operational and application standards, process and methodology standards, credible and interoperability standards, information security standards, etc., and will further expand their applicability.



According to the Beijing Chamber of Commerce, on 9 May, the Superintendence issued a circular on regulating the inter-provincial paper business of banking institutions, specifying that six months after the date of issuance of the circular, cross-provincial paper paper paper transactions would cease. The President of the 500 Gold Research Institute, Shaw, said that paperless paperlessness of the paper market would soon be achieved, and it was worth noting that Chinese electronic paper transactions used block chain technology.




According to local media reports in Japan, on May 12, a theme café called “Digital Money Café Coins” will be opened in Osaka, Japan, when the café will not only provide food, drinks, but will also support payments in seven currencies, such as BTC, ETH, etc. The shop’s intent is not just to create a consumer space to support digital monetary settlements, but to provide a space where like-minded people can exchange ideas.


[Co-founder of Reddit: Encrypted currency is a tool against hyperinflation]

Reddit联合创始人Alexis Ohanian在昨晚与斯蒂芬科尔伯特进行的晚间节目采访中表示,他认为加密货币可以成为防止恶性通货膨胀的有效工具,加密货币同时也是是潜在的新互联网的燃料,像比特币和加密货币这样的东西对我们来说是一个机会,让我们拥有一个不受单一国家控制的价值储备。Ohanian还表示,加密货币使人们有能力控制自己的资金,而不用担心政府的强有力干预,特别是在政治不稳定和处于经济困境的国家。尽管加密货币价值具有高度不稳定性,但比起那些正在陷入恶性通货膨胀的国家的法定货币,比特币等加密货币仍然可以提供更高的稳定性。

In a evening show interview with Stephen Colbert last night, Alexis Ohanian, a co-founder of Reddit, stated that he believed that encrypted currency could be an effective tool against hyperinflation, that encryption money was also a potential fuel for the new Internet, and that something like Bitcoin and cryptophone money was an opportunity for us to have a value reserve that was not controlled by a single country. Ohanian also said that encryption currency enabled people to control their own funds without fear of strong government intervention, particularly in countries with political instability and economic distress.


[Michael Owens introduces personal electronic currency] "OWN"]


According to the United Kingdom Sun, the former English football star Michael Owen, at a block chain summit in Dubai last Thursday, made public and promoted the personal encrypted currency “OWN” at a price of Pound7.5, which children could use to pay for training courses or buy directly from him.


>. >. . . >........................................................................................

据知名市场研究公司Autonomous Next调查发现,2017年年初,全球加密货币对冲基金数量只有37家;同年10月中旬,全球加密货币对冲基金数量增加到110家;在此后四个月里,全球加密货币对冲基金数量达到了226家。

According to a study by the leading market research company Autonomous Next, in early 2017 there were only 37 secure currency hedge funds worldwide; in mid-October of the same year, the number of secure currency hedge funds worldwide increased to 110; and in the following four months, the number of encrypted global hedge funds reached 226.


> > > > 3,000 > > /strong > > /strong >.


As of 10 May, the total number of Bitcoin ATMs worldwide was 3006, of which 1795 were in the United States, 454 in Canada, 165 in Australia, 127 in the United Kingdom and 46 in the Czech Republic. The proportion of Bitcoins ATMs in North America was 75.82 per cent, 20.89 per cent in Europe and 1.93 per cent in Asia.




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