
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:59 评论:0
比特币是如何产生的?How did the bitcoin come from ?当矿工发现新区块并将其添加到区块链时,比特币网络会自动向他们释放新铸造的比特币。比特币的总供应量有 2100 万枚硬币的上限,这意味着一旦流通的硬币数量达到...



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How did the bitcoin come from ?

当矿工发现新区块并将其添加到区块链时,比特币网络会自动向他们释放新铸造的比特币。比特币的总供应量有 2100 万枚硬币的上限,这意味着一旦流通的硬币数量达到 2100 万枚,该协议将停止铸造新硬币。在某种程度上,比特币挖矿兼作交易验证和比特币发行过程(直到所有硬币都被挖掘出来,它才会起到交易验证过程的作用。)

When the miners discover new blocks and add them to the chain of blocks, the Bitcoin network automatically releases them newly forged bitcoins. The total supply of bitcoins is capped by 21 million coins, which means that once the amount of coins in circulation reaches 21 million, the agreement will stop casting new coins. To some extent, bitcoins dig for both trade certification and bitcoin distribution (it will not function as a transaction validation process until all coins are excavated).


Importantly, increasing the computing capacity devoted to bitcoin mining does not mean that more bitcoins will be mined. Miners with more computing power will only increase their chances of receiving a next block incentive, so the number of bitcoins mined will remain relatively stable over time.


The Bitcoin network uses a currency allocation strategy called “bitcoins by half” to ensure that the amount of bitcoins allocated to miners decreases over time. By gradually reducing the supply of new bitcoins into circulation, the idea is that it will help support the price of assets (based on basic principles of supply and demand).

比特币减半(有时称为“减半”)每 210,000 个区块或大约四年发生一次。当比特币协议于 2009 年首次推出时,每个成功的矿工都会收到 50 个比特币 (BTC) 作为区块奖励。快进到 2021 :块的奖励现在 6.25 BTC ,一个减少12.5BTC之前的2020年5月的比特币减半。

When the Bitcoin deal was first launched in 2009, each successful miner received 50 bitcoins (BTCs) as block incentives. The fast-tracking to 2021: block incentives now amount to 6.25 BTCs, and a reduction of 12.5 BTCs by half of the bitcoins in May 2020.

下一次减半预计将在 2024 年的某个时候发生,并且区块奖励将再次下降至 3.125 BTC 。这个过程将一直持续到最终没有更多的硬币可供开采。

The next half is expected to take place sometime in 2024, and block incentives will fall again to 3.125 BTC. This process will continue until eventually no more coins are available for mining.

今天,有超过 1870 万个比特币在流通,这意味着只剩下 225 万个比特币可以进入流通。但是,考虑到减半原理和其他网络因素,例如挖矿难度,估计最后一个比特币将在 2140 年左右的某个时间被挖出。

Today, there are more than 18.7 million bitcoins in circulation, which means that only 2.25 million bitcoins remain in circulation. But, given the principle of halving half and other cyber-related factors, such as the difficulty of mining, it is estimated that the last bitcoins will be excavated at some point around 2140.


What's a bitcoin wallet?


Bitcoin wallets are software programs that run on computers or special devices that protect, send, and receive bitcoins. Contrary to intuition, bitcoins themselves are not stored in wallets. Conversely, wallets protect encryption keys, which are essentially a very professional password to prove the ownership of certain amounts of bitcoins on the Bitcoins network.


Whenever a Bitcoin transaction is carried out, the ownership of Bitcoin is transferred from the sender to the recipient, and the network designates the recipient's key as a new “cipher” to access Bitcoin.

比特币使用一种称为公钥密码学 (PKC) 的系统来保持其区块链的完整性。PKC 最初用于加密和解密消息,现在通常用于区块链以保护交易。该系统只允许拥有正确密钥集的个人访问特定的硬币。

Bitcoin uses a system called Public Key cryptography (PKC) to maintain the integrity of its block chain. PKC is originally used to encrypt and declassify messages and is now usually used to protect transactions. The system allows only individuals with the right key set to access specific coins.

拥有和执行比特币交易需要两种类型的密钥:私钥和公钥。两个密钥都是随机生成的字母数字字符串,用于加密和解密交易。在比特币网络上,PKC 实现了单向数学函数,这些函数很容易用一种方法解决,几乎不可能逆转。

Two types of keys are needed to own and execute a bitcoin transaction: private and public. Both keys are randomly generated alphanumeric strings used to encrypt and declassify transactions. On the Bitcoin network, PKC achieves one-way mathematical functions that are easily solved by one method and are almost impossible to reverse.


Block chains use a one-way mathematical algorithm to create a public key from a private key. With this, it is practically impossible to regenerate a private key from a public key, which means it is best not to lose your key (or forget to access their passwords). In addition, a public address will be received, which is only an hash or shorter form of your public key.

该地址的功能类似于房屋地址,并共享以接收比特币。另一方面,必须将私钥隐藏起来以免被窥探,hao86就像借记卡的 PIN 码仅供您查看一样。

The address is similar to the home address and shared to receive bitcoin. On the other hand, you must hide the private key to avoid detection, like the PIN code for the debit card.


In order to execute a transaction, you need to encrypt and sign your Bitcoin transaction using private and public keys. In addition, you must include the public address of the recipient.


Is Bitcoin legal?


Bitcoin is a virtual currency with no legal status and application. The authorities have shown that bitcoin cannot be used as an intermediary for currency circulation and payment. Therefore, bitcoin cannot be considered a legal currency in our country.


Given Bitcoin’s leading position in the market and its integration into the global entrepreneurial ecosystem, few countries have declared bitcoin illegal because it would affect all encrypted currencies, especially bitcoin. However, this does not mean that bitcoin is “ statutory currency & rdquo; so far, bitcoin has been authorized to be named Bitcoin only in Japan. While bitcoin is characterized as something rather than as a legal currency, it does not mean that it cannot be paid, but rather that, because of a lack of centralized credit endorsement, its use as a payment is entirely free of fluctuations.

不同司法管辖区都在考虑采取何种措施,方法也各有不同:一些较小的国家,如津巴布韦,只是发表了一些很草率的声明,这会让人对比特币的合法性产生怀疑。欧盟委员会(European Commission)等规模较大的机构则认识到对话和审议的必要性,而欧洲央行(ECB)认为,加密货币还不够成熟,不足以进行监管(尽管比特币已有近10年的历史,我们不禁要问,什么时候我们才能意识它其实已经足够成熟)。

Different jurisdictions are considering what to do and how to do it differently: smaller countries, such as Zimbabwe, have simply made some hasty statements, which would call into question the legitimacy of the Tetco. Larger institutions, such as the European Commission, recognize the need for dialogue and deliberation, while the European Central Bank (ECB) believes that encrypted currencies are not mature enough to regulate (though bitcoin is almost 10 years old, we wonder when we will realize that it is actually mature enough).


is Bitcoin a fraud?


Bitcoin is not a scam.


It's been more than a decade since Bitcoin was born. To this day, we can still see articles like "bitcoin is a scam," and we can tell you that bitcoin is not a fraud:


1, so-called poncho swindle


Ponzi's scheme is to fill the financial gap in the front stage with later funds, pretending to have a high return on investment, thereby enticing more people to participate. But bitcoin is more like a high-transit security, and bitcoins are code-level gold, which can be used as hard currency in the virtual world, as well as in the trading market.


2. Bitcoin has not promised high returns.


Since China’s invention of Bitcoin in 2008, after two years, its core developer has been a group of top programmers from around the world who maintain codes and improve the bitcoin system, rather than fool ordinary people into buying bitcoin. After learning the true mechanisms and values of Bitcoin, you will understand the difference between bitcoin and &ldquao; the Ponzi fraud & rdquao; and the difference in nature.


Bitcoin is not a scam, but there are others who use bitcoin to steal money from everyone. So it's important to protect personal assets from people who use bitcoin for Z fraud.


In the encryption industry, you have to have a good circle to catch the next bovine, so people can warm up, keep their eyes open. If you're alone, you're out of your mind, you're out of your mind, and you don't have one, and it's hard to stay in this business.




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