
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:63 评论:0
  账号创建完成之后,账号余额是0,但是部署合约是需要消耗GAS的,因此需要获取一定的以太币才能够继续本次实现。在测试网中获取以太币可以通过挖矿的方式,在开发菜单中可以选择打开挖矿模式,但是这需要将Syn Mode模式修改为Fu...



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  账号创建完成之后,账号余额是0,但是部署合约是需要消耗GAS的,因此需要获取一定的以太币才能够继续本次实现。在测试网中获取以太币可以通过挖矿的方式,在开发菜单中可以选择打开挖矿模式,但是这需要将Syn Mode模式修改为Full,这意味着需要将测试网的全部区块数据同步下来才可以进行挖矿,这些数据非常大且同步缓慢,因此建议采用第2种方案:到以太坊基金会申请以太币,读者可以自行搜索“获取测试网以太坊币”,会有相关的网址获取以太币,一般需要输入读者自己的测试环境以太坊账号。

& nbsp; After the creation of the account, the account balance is zero, but the deployment contract is required to consume the GAS, and therefore a certain amount of TT will need to be obtained in order to continue the exercise. In the test network, it is possible to open the mining mode in the development menu by acquiring TT$ for mining, but this requires changing the SynMode model to Full, which means that mining can be done only by synchronizing all of the test network data, which is very large and slow, and it is therefore recommended that option 2: to apply for TT$ in the Etherm Foundation, readers can search for TT$ on their own initiative. There will be a relevant web site for TT$, which usually needs to be entered into the reader's own test environment for TT$.

(1)本节使用的代码案例需要2个以上的以太坊账号,请读者申请创建2个账号并分别申请测试用的ETH代币。成功创建账号并获取以太币之后,就可以开始部署智能合约的操作了,如图2.13所示,选择 COTRACT->DEPLOY NEW CONTRACT。

(1) The code case used in this section requires two or more eBay accounts. Readers are invited to apply for the creation of two accounts and for the testing of the ETH tokens separately. Once the account numbers have been successfully created and obtained, the operation of the smart contract can be started, as shown in Figure 2.13, selecting Contractor-> DEPLY NEW CONTRACT.


图2.13 智能合约tab页面

Figure 2.13 Smart Contract Tab Page


(2) Reproduces the Coin contract code used in the previous chapter to the area in figure 2.14, which indicates the account number used to deploy the contract, corresponding to the msg.sender part of the Coin construction function. Area 2 indicates the amount of money transferred to the current smart contract in the currency. 4 indicates a compilation error in the contract code that needs to be modified.



Figure 2.14 Smart contract code entry


(3) The code has been compiled with minor modifications. On the right side of the code, there is a drop-down option with a list of names for smart contracts, in which only Coin has a smart contract, and this contract has been selected with a GAS cost-adjusted slider and a DEPLOY button at the bottom of the code. As already mentioned above, the higher the cost of GAS, and the higher the probability of being packaged into blocks selected by the miners, as shown in figure 2.15, we select the default GAS number, and then click on the DEPLOY button.



Figure 2.15 Select the name of the smart contract and change the GAS cost


(4) After clicking on the deployment contract, the trade transfer password entered into the dialogue box is ejected with the Taiwan Wallet. The password is the crypto key, signed by entering the password, decrypted private keys to the cell wallet dynamics, and then broadcast to the Ethernet, where the transaction will be added to the trading pool and shown as pending status. The mining union selects the transaction and operates the smart contract to modify the state of the machine in the taupuleta. After the changes have been made, the new state and the information generated by the transaction receipt, permanent storage data, balances etc. will be written into Etheria, and all data will be packaged into a new block.

(5)正确输入密码并SEND TRASACTION之后,以太坊钱包会进入等待以太坊网络矿机打包的过程中,图2.16就是正在等待交易被打包,该交易是一个Create Contract的操作。交易被成功打包到新的区块之后,会生成关于该交易的很多索引信息,如图2.17所示。

(5) After correctly entering the password and SEND TRANSACTION, Ether’s wallet will enter the process of waiting for the Ethernet miner to pack, figure 2.16 is waiting for the transaction to be packaged, which is a Create Contracting operation. When the transaction is successfully packaged into a new block, much of the index information about the transaction will be generated, as shown in figure 2.17.



Figure 2.16 Enter the password and pay for the deployment of the smart contract



Figure 2.17 Conditional reminder for transactions awaiting packing


(6) Figure 2.18 shows the hash value of the transaction and clicks on the link to open the block chain browser for more detailed information about the transaction; 2 is the time when the block is packed; 3 indicates the transfer amount of the transaction design, which is only the creation of the contract and is not transferred in TT; 4 is the Ether account that initiated the transaction and clickes on the option to open the block chain browser for all transactions relating to the account, which is accessible to anyone and therefore transparent; 5 indicates the intended address of the transaction and the change of address when creating the smart contract is empty; 6, 7 and 8 indicate the amount of currency consumed by the transaction, the number of GAS and the price of the GAS, which are transaction fees, incentives for the miners in the area, of course, are currently used to test the network, which has no currency exchange value; 9 indicates that the exchange is located at the height of the block and that the link can be accessed into the row browser to view other information on the block.



Figure 2.18 Transaction information generated by the creation of smart contracts


(7) As shown in figure 2.19, a block-chain browser opened by the browser after clicking on the trade hash value allows readers to click on other information on their own. The browser is developed by a third party and is similar to the block-chain wallet. Any person and institution can develop wallets and browsers, in which there is no ownership, decentralized data, and anyone can develop software to access transaction data in the section chain, which is the open and transparent charm of the block chain. Also, because encryption applications, even if all data are available to everyone, codes and rules are open, cannot destroy the block-chain network by tampering with data, or by corrupting to obtain digital currency in the block-chain, which provides technical support for innovative application of the block-chain.


图2.19 以太坊区块链浏览器

Figure 2.19 Ether Block Chain Browser


(8) As shown in figure 2.20, when the transaction is packaged, then back below the CONTRACTS page, you can see that the intelligence contract that has just been created is displayed in the interface. Click on the smart contract, enter the next segment, debugging the smart contract.


图2.20 合约创建成功之后的界面

Figure 2.20 Interface after contract creation






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