Faced with such a hog-killing plate, the first time anyone was deceived into calling the police, not to believe the fraud's so-called risk money, the deposit, which would only cause you more loss.
The liars, too, were too stupid to kill the pigs, and there were stocks, lottery-type pigs, and finally, it was Bitcoin.
Since the advent of Bitcoin, some outlaws have seized on the lack of basic knowledge of “bitcoin” and used the concept of virtual currency to create all kinds of scams. A previous fraud involving over 420,000 dollars and 10 suspects has been uncovered by the Jiangsunan police on the basis of information on the full value of Bitcoin and the maintenance of accounts.
投资30000元 24小时赚了13倍变39万
30 grand in investment, 13 times 390,000 in 24 hours.
受害人杨某通过朋友丁姐发送的微信朋友圈了解到炒“数字货币”能获利,杨某心动了。他根据朋友丁姐的指点,下载了某App,加了一个“数据总监”的微信,“数据总监”让其注册Poloniex App账号,并让其下载好之后联系在线客服。第一次,杨某先投了3万元,24小时内赚了39.8320万元。13倍多的进账,一开始杨某就尝到了“甜头”,随后他也一步步落入了对方设好的局。
The victim became aware of the benefits of “digital money” as a result of his friend's sister's network of friends. He downloaded an app from his friend's sister. He added a “data director” to a “data director” who registered the Polonix App account and then made it available to contact the online customer service. For the first time, Yang first cast $30,000, and earned $3983.2 million in 24 hours. More than 13 times the entry, and Yang first tasted the “sweet head”, and then he fell into the right game.
再投39万无法提现 方知被骗报警求助
390,000 dollars won't be released, so we'll know we've been tricked into calling the police for help.
After 24 hours, when the client told the client that he did not want to play, the funds were not available, and the platform found that the assets were frozen. The client explained that Yang did not have the same information, and that 10 per cent of the money in the account, or $22,062 million in the amount of risk, was needed to change the wrong personal information.
警方多次出差抓10人 追赃10万多元
The police have been on several missions to arrest 10 people, and they've been chasing over 100,000.
At the end of July, the same group was convicted by the six police officers of Nanjing for operating in Camp East, Shandong Province. Five suspects were arrested in the city of Camp East, Shandong, in August, and two suspects were arrested in the city of Guangdong Shuyang in September. By continuing their work, the police targeted several suspects. At present, four of Zhang's ranks are authorized to be arrested on suspicion of fraud, four of Wang's ranks are remanded in custody and two are held in criminal custody in accordance with the law.
"Don't drop pies in the sky." When you meet a similar investment platform, the police recommend that:
One is not greedy, not impulsive, thinking calmly. All promises of high returns are made by liars, simple investments + high returns = high risks.
The second is that investment requires caution. To identify the nature and hazards of illegal platforms, especially those that link P2P to finance and futures equity investments, and to verify their legitimacy and formality through authoritative professional channels in a timely manner.
Thirdly, online chats do not communicate with strangers who bring themselves together to invest in their own money, let alone disclose personal privacy information.
The fourth is to preserve the relevant evidence and to report it to the police in a timely manner.
Faced with such a hog-killing plate, the first time anyone was deceived into calling the police, not to believe the fraud's so-called risk money, the deposit, which would only cause you more loss.
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