[VPN] 如何在華碩無線路由器設定VPN伺服器 - IPSec VPN
[VPN] How to set up the VPN server on the China Wireless Router - IPSec VPN
What's VPN?
VPN(Virtual Private Network) 虛擬私人網路可以為您的網路連線加密,確保安全傳輸重要資料,避免您的資訊被竊取。讓遠端使用者(VPN客戶端)可以透過安全的方式與VPN伺服器進行連線。
VPN Virtual Private Network allows virtual private networks to encrypt your network connections to ensure that important data are safely transferred and that your information is not stolen. Allows remote users (VPN clients) to connect to the VPN server in a secure manner.
VPN有多種連線方式,本篇以華碩路由器支援的IPSec VPN伺服器做設定相關介紹,另外還有支援其他VPN伺服器(PPTP VPN、OpenVPN、WireGuard)設定則可參考下列相關FAQ。建議用戶可以依據您的裝置支援的VPN類型選擇。
VPN has a number of ways to connect, and this article provides an introduction to the settings of an IPSec VPN server supported by a Chinese router, as well as other VPN servers (PPTP VPN, OpenVPN, 如何在華碩路由器設定VPN伺服器 - PPTP 更多有關VPN相關功的說明,請參考:[無線路由器] 如何在華碩路由器設定VPN伺服器/VPN用戶端和使用不同設備的連接方式 在開始設定前的注意事項: Pre-set Attention: 1) 華碩無線路由器因型號而搭載不同的功能,在使用此功能前請到華碩官網產品規格頁面確認您的路由器規格。 2) 要在華碩路由器上使用VPN伺服器功能,您的路由器需要具有來自網路服務電信商的實體 IP(WAN IP),才能讓網際網路上的設備通過實體IP 定位您的華碩路由器。 若如果您不確定您的實體 IP類型,請與您的網路服務電信商(ISP)詢問。 3) 建議更新您的華碩路由器韌體版本到最新版本,有關如何升級韌體的資訊,請參考FAQ [無線路由器] 如何更新華碩無線路由器的韌體 4) 請在智慧型手機裝置上安裝華碩路由器App,並確保您的華碩路由器App版本是最新的。 [無線路由器] 如何使用華碩路由器App設定路由器連上網路? (QIS快速設定) 目錄 1. 使用華碩路由器App來設定IPSec VPN伺服器 2. VPN部份功能會因韌體(firmware)版本介面會有所差異。(網頁WebGUI) 支援韌體 版本以後(含)的路由器,設定方式可參考這裡 支援韌體 版本以前的路由器,設定方式請參考這裡 4. 常見問答 1. 進入華碩路由器App,點擊[設定] > [VPN] > [VPN伺服器] > 啟用[IPSec VPN]功能(預設為關閉) 1. Entering Chinese router App, clicking on [Configurement] & gt; [VPN] & gt; [VPN Server] & gt; Enable [IPSec VPN] function (preset to close) & nbsp; 2. 輸入您自訂的[預先共用金鑰],此金鑰是提供給IPSec VPN用戶端進行連線使用。在畫面最下方[VPN用戶端(最多限制:8)] 點擊『+』新增帳號。 Enter your custom [pre-shared key], which is provided for connection to the IPSec VPN client. Click on the + account at the bottom of the screen [VPN client (maximum limit: 8)]. 3. 在用戶名稱和密碼輸入您自訂的[使用者名稱]和[密碼],輸入完成後點選[確定]。 提醒: [使用者名稱]和[密碼]設定完成後不能再修改。 3. Enter the [username] and [password] of your username and password and enter the post-completion point selection [as determined]. & nbsp; reminder: [username] and [password] settings cannot be modified after completion. 4. 在VPN用戶端會顯示已新增的帳號數量和已新增的使用者名稱。 最後點擊[套用目前所有設定],即可完成在路由器上的設定。 4. The VPN client will show the number of new accounts and new user names. The last click [apply all current settings] will complete the configuration on the router. 1. 首先將電腦與華碩路由器以網路線或WiFi連接,開啟瀏覽器,輸入您的路由器IP位址或路由器網址https://www.asusrouter.com 進入路由器登入介面。 First, connect the computer to a Chinese router on a network line or WiFi, open the browser and enter your router IP address at or router URL at https://www.asusrouter.com. 注意:若您不知道如何進入路由器設定頁面,可參考FAQ [無線路由器] 如何進入華碩無線路由器的管理介面 2. 輸入您的華碩路由器帳號和密碼後,點擊[登入]。 2. Click on [boarding] after entering your Chinese router account and password. 注意:若您忘記您設定的帳號密碼,需要將路由器恢復為出廠預設狀態後再重設密碼。 3. 點選[VPN] > [VPN伺服器] > 點選IPSec VPN按鈕 3. Click on [VPN] & gt; [VPN server] & gt; Click on IPSec VPN button 4. 在右下方[VPN用戶端(最多限制:8)] 點擊『+』新增帳號。 & nbsp; 4. Click on + to add a new account at the bottom right [VPN client (maximum limit: 8)]. 5. 在用戶名稱和密碼輸入您自訂的[使用者名稱]和[密碼],輸入完成後點選[確定]。 Enter your custom [usernames] and [passwords] in user names and passwords and enter the post-completion point selection [as determined]. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 提醒: [使用者名稱]和[密碼]設定完成後不能再修改。 & nbsp; & nbsp; Alarm: [Usename] and [password] settings cannot be modified after completion. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 6. 在右下方VPN用戶端會顯示已新增的帳號數量和已新增的使用者名稱,如下圖示。 The VPN client at the bottom right will show the number of new accounts and the new user names, as follows. & nbsp; 最後點擊[套用目前所有設定],即可完成在路由器上的設定。 & nbsp; & nbsp; last click [apply all current settings] to complete the router settings. 1. 首先將電腦與華碩路由器以網路線或WiFi連接,開啟瀏覽器,輸入您的路由器IP位址或路由器網址https://www.asusrouter.com 進入路由器登入介面。 First, connect the computer to a Chinese router on a network line or WiFi, open the browser and enter your router IP address at or router URL at https://www.asusrouter.com. 注意:若您不知道如何進入路由器設定頁面,可參考FAQ [無線路由器] 如何進入華碩無線路由器的管理介面 2. 輸入您的華碩路由器帳號和密碼後,點擊[登入]。 2. Click on [boarding] after entering your Chinese router account and password. 注意:若您忘記您設定的帳號密碼,需要將路由器恢復為出廠預設狀態後再重設密碼。 3. 進入設定頁面後,點選左側的[VPN] > [VPN伺服器] > [IPSec VPN] > [開啟IPSec VPN伺服器]點選為[ON]。 After entering the configuration page, click on the left side of [ 4. 建議使用預設的[一般設定],填入[預先共用金鑰],可為8字元以上的英數組合,此金鑰可提供給您要連接VPN的用戶端進行連線,增加安全性。 It is recommended that the default [ General Settings] be filled in [ with a pre-shared key], which may be a combination of English numbers above eight characters, which may provide a link to the client that you want to connect to VPN to increase security. 5. 在[用戶名稱與密碼]下方輸入[使用者名稱]及[密碼],最多可設定八組不同的用戶名稱及密碼給您的用戶端。 Enter [ username and [ password] under [`strong' username and password 注意:這邊設定的帳號密碼,每一組帳密只允許一個VPN用戶端做連線,並以最新建立連線的用戶端為主,前面重複連線的用戶端將被剔除。 Note: The account password set here allows only one VPN client to be connected to each set of accounts, and the user with the most recent connection will be removed. & nbsp; 6. 輸入完畢後,點選 6. After completion of the input, click on 接著再點選[套用本頁面設定] 即可完成IPSec VPN伺服器端的設定。 & nbsp; & nbsp; then click again [to apply this page settings] to complete the configuration of the IPSec VPN server. [無線路由器] 如何在華碩路由器設定VPN伺服器/VPN用戶端和使用不同設備的連接方式 注意:若您使用的VPN 用戶端系統為ios 或 MacOS 請在用戶端裝置(如iPhone或MacBook)上選擇「Cisco IPSec」;若VPN用戶端系統為Android, 請在用戶端裝置(如手機或平板)上選擇「IPSec / Xauth PSK」 Note: If the VPN client system you use is ios or MacOS, select Cisco IPSec on client devices (e.g. iPhone or MacBook) and if the VPN client system is Android, select "IPSec/Xauth PSK" on client devices (e.g. mobile phone or flatboard) 1. 如果設定完IPSec VPN 伺服器後,無法成功建立VPN連線,該怎麼做? 1. What if, after setting up the IPSec VPN server, the VPN connection cannot be successfully created? (1) 若您需要從遠端連接IPSec VPN伺服器,例如從公司透過手機連回家中路由器的VPN伺服器時。 & nbsp; & nbsp; (1) If you need to connect to an IPSec VPN server from a remote location, e.g. a VPN server that connects to a home router from a company's cell phone. 請先檢查您設定的路由器是否有取得實體IP (Public IP),若您不確定您的IP是否為實體IP,建議您先與您的網路供應商(ISP)確認。 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; First check if the router you have configured has access to the entity IP (Public IP), and if you are not sure if your IP is the entity IP, please confirm with your network provider (ISP). (2) 檢查您欲連線的IPSec VPN用戶端預先共用金鑰、帳號密碼是否輸入正確。 & nbsp; & nbsp; (2) Checks whether your IPSec VPN client that you want to connect is pre-shared with the key and the account password is entered correctly. (3) 路由器的韌體是否已經更新到最新版本。 & nbsp; & nbsp; (3) whether the router body has been updated to the latest version. 關於如何更新路由器韌體,請參考FAQ: [無線路由器] 如何更新華碩無線路由器的韌體? & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; See FAQ: ? 2. 設定IPSec VPN 伺服器後,VPN用戶端最多有幾組可以同時連線? 2. After setting up the IPSec VPN server, how many sets of VPN clients can be connected at most? 在VPN伺服器 - IPSec VPN設定頁面中,最多可設定8組不同的用戶名稱及密碼給您的用戶端。 & nbsp; & nbsp; In VPN server - IPSec VPN settings, a maximum of 8 usernames and passwords for can be set up for your client . 每一組帳密只允許一個VPN用戶端設備連接使用,(當有新的用戶端設備連接進來後,會將先前連接的用戶端設備斷開連接)。 & nbsp; & nbsp; Each set of accounts allows only one VPN client device to be connected (when new user devices are connected, the previous connected client will be disabled). 例如: 原先您使用手機透過帳號test和密碼1234與IPSec VPN 伺服器建立連線後,接著使用另一台電腦同樣透過帳號test和密碼1234與IPSec VPN 伺服器建立連線,則手機的VPN連線會被斷開連接。 & nbsp; & nbsp; e.g.: you used mobile phone via account test and password 1234 with IPSec VPN after the server has been connected, another computer has been used through account test and password 1234 with IPSec VPN the server established a connection with the server, and the VPN connection to the cell phone is disconnected. 3. 在設備(Windows / iOS / Android)上,幾秒鐘或幾分鐘不活動後,VPN會斷開連接? 3. & nbsp; on Windows / iOS / Android, after a few seconds or minutes of inactivity, VPN will disconnect? 當設備處於閒置或非活動狀態時,VPN 連線可能會由於設備未進行網路活動而斷開連線,目前路由器中無法做此設定進行調整,需要從設備上做設定。 & nbsp; & nbsp; The VPN connection may be disconnected when the device is in an idle or inactive state because it is not networked and cannot be adjusted in the current router and needs to be configured from the device. 以下為Android手機畫面,設定方式會依您的手機品版和系統版本不同而有所差異。 & nbsp; & nbsp; Below is a screen of Android's phone, which will vary according to your cellular and system versions. 如何取得(Utility / Firmware)? How do you get 您可以在華碩下載中心取得最新的軟體,手冊,驅動程式和韌體 . You can get the latest software, manual, driver and stubble at . & nbsp; 如果您需要有關華碩下載中心的更多訊息,請參考此連結 If you need more information about the
關於如何將路由器恢復為出廠預設狀態,請參考FAQ [無線路由器] 如何在華碩無線路由器上恢復原廠設定值 啟用功能(預設為關閉) > 輸入您自訂的[預先共用金鑰],此金鑰是提供給IPSec VPN用戶端進行連線使用。
關於如何將路由器恢復為出廠預設狀態,請參考FAQ [無線路由器] 如何在華碩無線路由器上恢復原廠設定值
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