
资讯 2024-07-08 阅读:56 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 一笑奈何君,(https://xueqiu.com/9803210374/134753346)  10月25日晚,央视新闻联播播出就区块链技术发展现状和趋势进行第十八次集体学习,领导指出:把区块链作为核心技术自主创...



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来源:雪球App,作者: 一笑奈何君,(https://xueqiu.com/9803210374/134753346)


On the evening of 25 October, during the eighteenth collective study on the current state and trends of technological development of the block chain, the leader noted that the block chain was an important entry point for core technological ownership innovation, that the main thrust of the attack was defined, that the investment effort was intensified, and that efforts were being made to tackle a critical set of core technologies and to accelerate technological and industrial innovation in the block chain.


After the broadcast, the whole block chain market went through an insomniat night, where many people cried out!


Since the advent of block chain technology, there have been a number of disputes. In , the simple ease of issuing a pass on the district has made it possible for the project to issue a pass at a low cost. Adding to the widespread circulation of original certificates in the district makes it easy to finance the project by issuing a circular in the district to finance a virtual currency.

  这些币圈乱象也令很多真正埋头钻研核心技术的区块链从业人员叫苦不迭,甚至对亲朋好友不敢提及。即便如此,过去一年区块链世界的快速发展,如脸书libra的推出等等,也演示出区块链技术的巨大生命力和颠覆性,以及区块链的token 在其中体现出巨大的通证经济学的作用。

Even so, the rapid development of the block chain world over the past year, such as


Which of the films said: "The stigma of the heart is a mountain! It is terrible, and if it were to be what it really is, it would surely be the first thing to be done."

  今天,已经不是在讨论区块链是否有用的问题, 而是怎么用的问题。

Today, it's not about the usefulness of block chains, it's about how to use them.


As noted in the report, “exploring a safety and security system for the establishment of a technical mechanism to adapt to the block chain, to guide and facilitate the development of the block chain and to enhance industry self-regulation and the implementation of security responsibilities by platform operators” is particularly important.


Based on this, the MOAC team creatively proposed a linkage solution.


The first is how to solve the financing problem. The second is how to combine the application with the block chain.

  对于 ICO 来讲,是一个创新的手段,但是有两个主要问题:


  1、在项目初期就可以一次性获得大量的资金,对投资方,项目方的真实做项目的动力不足, 反而成为阻碍项目发展的因素。

1. Large amounts of money can be obtained once in the early stages of the project, and the lack of incentives for investors and project participants to actually do the project becomes an impediment to the development of the project.


2. The introduction of liquidity too early and too much liquidity has led to high levels of speculation before the project took shape, creating huge bubbles that have greatly undermined the normal advancement of the project.

  于此相对,MOAC提出链通的 ATO(asset-based token offering)采用持续的、市场导向的融资手段,让项目方分阶段的获得所需的融资。同时,提供一定的流通手段,使得早期的投资者在一定程度上获得流通性。在项目的初始阶段,不需要引用外接的交易所,降低成本,减少干扰。在项目真正成熟之 后,再实现在交易所的全流通。

In contrast, MOAC proposes that the linked ATO (asset-based token offering) use continuous, market-oriented financing instruments that allow the project party to obtain the required financing in a phased manner. At the same time, it provides a means of communication that allows early investors to gain some degree of liquidity. In the initial phase of the project, there is no need to quote out exchanges to reduce costs and disruptions.

  一个做法是项目方发布 ERC20 token,但不是一次 release,而是定期(比如每周)释放一部分,比如 1%,用户可以在此周期内订购。价格可以根据上个周期的供求关系,进行一定范围内的 变动,作为下一个释放周期的价格。这些逻辑都是以智能合约的方式公开公正。,同时,这个合约还可以提供一个市场交易模块,实现已有 token 一定程度上的流通。流通的价格 锚定当前释放周期内的价格。

One way is for the project party to release ERC20 token, but not once release, but periodically (e.g. a week) to release a part of it, for example 1%, that the user can order during the cycle. Prices can be subject to a range of changes, depending on the supply and demand of the previous cycle, as the price for the next release cycle. These logics are open and fair in the form of smart contracts.

  ATO 获得的融资 token 主要以 reserve 的方式存储在智能合约里面,一方面作为有限流通的价格基 准,另一方面定期释放一部分用于项目方的开发。 这样,在项目的开发阶段,项目的 token 有一定的 asset 来背书,项目的进展程度也能够抬高项目 的价值,也就会在 token 的价格上反应出来。

The financing token obtained by ATO is stored mainly in smart contracts as a price base for limited circulation, on the one hand, and on the other hand, on the other hand, on a regular basis, for the development of the project. Thus, during the project’s development phase, the project’s token has some kind of endorsement, and the project’s progress can raise the value of the project, and it is reflected in the price of the token.


The process is as follows:

  链通的解决方案( ATO + 一键发链)第二部分是基于区块链的落地方案。

The second part of the connected solution (ATO + one-key hair chain) is a land landing programme based on the block chain.


The MOAC public chain provides a platform for a secure, stable and robust commercial block chain:

  1、以应用链的方式实现分片合约的调用,使得底层支持~1000tps,上层支持5000-10000tps 或更高。

1. The application chain approach to the use of split contracts has led to bottom support ~1,000 tps, top support ~5,000 to 10,000 tps or more.

  2、实现一键发链的功能,使得DAPP 可以定制自己单独的区块链,包括共识方式选择和自定义,共识节点的选择,链上状态存储或者使用支持存储大量文件的去中心文件系统。

2. The functionality of a one-key hair chain enables DAPP to customise its own separate block chain, including consensus selection and customization, consensus node selection, chain status storage, or access to a central file system that supports the storage of large quantities of documents.


3. The project party does not need to maintain the operation of the application chain.


To this end, the MOAC's Linkage Programme is a perfect solution to the safety and security system of block-chain investors, promoting the orderly application of block-chain industry commercial projects and the healthy development of the real economy and ecological construction.

  MOAC(墨客) 区块链简介

MOAC (Ink) Block Chain Overview

  MOAC (墨客),是由井底望天、陈小虎领衔的硅谷专家开发的第三代区块链底层技术平台,其独创的分层架构和应用链技术极大增加了平台的扩展能力,支持 10000+DAPP 商用落地,突破异步合约调用、合约分片处理和全领域跨链等当前业界难题,是兼具去中心化、安全性、可扩展性的底层网络。2018年 4月30日MOAC (墨客)主网上线至今稳定运行,现已推出IPFS文件存储、链通模式(ATO+一键发链),是真正可部署商业应用的底层公链。

MOAC (ink) is a third generation of block chain bottom technology platform, developed by experts at the bottom of the well and led by Chen Xiaohu. Its original tiered architecture and application chain technology has significantly increased the platform's outreach capacity by supporting 10000 + DAPP commercial landings, breaking through the current industry dilemmas of off-the-road contract call, contract snippet processing and cross-linking across the field. It is a bottom network that combines decentralized, secure, and scalable applications. The main MOAC (ink) web line of 30 April 2018 has been operating steadily, and an IPFS file storage, chain-linking model (ATO+1 chain) has been introduced, which is a truly deployed bottom public chain for commercial applications.


More information can be found on the MOAC Foundation website:




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