
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:143 评论:0
作者:岳丽丽Author: Yeo Li Li 区块链热度不减,话题不断,但从区块链技术发展来看,目前仍处于底层技术时代,大量区块链企业难以盈利或利润很少,然而这并不影响区块链垂直媒体不断传来融资捷报。While the block...



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Author: Yeo Li Li


While the block chain remains unheated and subject-mattered, the technological development of the block chain is still at the bottom of the technological ladder, and a large number of block chain enterprises are difficult to make profit or have little profit, without prejudice to the continued financing of vertical block chain media.


At the same time, the multiplicity of block-chain trainings has been quite explosive, and it has been difficult to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the various types of information in the course of classes.


Professionals believe that the need for block-chain training is strong, that the future of block-chains has become a fundamental consensus, and that many institutions and even individuals are already active or ready to enter the field, and that the first issue that follows is the huge gap in the needs of the professionals involved. Thus, the market will welcome the professional training services associated with block-chains.


According to incomplete statistics, in-house sharing courses are conducted by a number of communities, public numbers, etc., as well as by a number of large companies, such as Internet-based technology, 100-degree experience, telecommunication classes, etc., public courses or short videos are also available. In addition, a number of IT training institutions have joined the series of courses related to the block chain, such as Black Horse Programmers, 51 CTO Colleges, Elite Push Colleges, Elite Gold Networks, among others, which has given rise to vertical platforms dedicated to block-link training, such as the Koone College.


The cloud-hunting network compares some of the courses:


Alloyed: online courses lasting 12 weeks with &ldquao; reverse fees & & & rdquao; registration for $100 and a $300 reserve fee, which can be refunded if the full course is completed.


Tuition sessions are given under the line of the middle-school classroom, with a four-day lecture series of $7,800 per person.




The first course, issued by the Block Chain Investment Institute (BIA), was held for three days and two nights at $88888 per person and will be gradually upgraded.




As can be seen, online courses have a long learning cycle, but they are relatively inexpensive and even free of charge, with three days and two-night training courses offered below, fees ranging from thousands to almost 100,000, and price differentials are evident, but the quality of the courses and the degree to which they match is not known at this time.


However, the heat of the fire can be imagined. It is reported that a public course in the block chain begins in 100 degrees and is filled in only half an hour.


Chen Xiaobau, Director of the Pedagogical Centre of the Giant Push College, also introduced the fact that hundreds of users had been posted at the Giant Block Chain College as soon as it was online.


The growth of the training market has been fuelled by a strong demand for talent. The data show that, as of February 2018, technical staff in the professional block chain accounted for only 0.15 per cent of the supply and demand ratio, which was seriously inadequate.


Now that it is a new technology, it is clear that the number of people in the conference is small, and that the number of people in the study is even smaller.


According to the Winning Education CEO, and the E-Commerce Research Center’s researcher Choi, the block chain is at an early stage of development, with a total of less than 10,000 people expected to be in the country today. As Shanghai’s founder, TMT industry analyst Jang Joon, argues, the core block chain in the country does not have more than 200 people in strict compliance with the standards of technology bottom development.


The scarcity of goods and the insufficient supply of demand have led to a relatively high average remuneration of 25.8 million yuan in the block chain industry.


A comparison of these courses shows, however, that these courses are currently priced at a price that is not matched by a high salary of an average of $30,000, and are in a state of disarray, ranging from free to tens, hundreds and even thousands and thousands & ldquao; everything & rdquao;


In fact, there are no relevant criteria for the pricing of block chain courses at this time, and the CEO Joo Xiao army, which had been trained at the higher end of IT, has been conducting free block chain training courses, indicating that the initial free courses were primarily intended to nurture the market and obtain market-based information to analyse specific demand directions before further grinding the product.


And there's a block chain lecturer who tells me that cloud hunting is now priced & & & & & & & & & shot the head & & & & &.


Secondly, in terms of content, there is also no standardized curriculum, most training institutions focus on visible material available on the Internet, with more training in general and less in technical subjects. Block-link communities & ldquo; Bit University & rdquo; sponsors indicate to cloud-hunting networks that most institutions are currently hot spots, and so-called & ldquo; & & rdquo; because the relevant technical standards for the block-chain industry are not being developed, the institutions or individuals behind the chain are currently largely not actually involved in the development of block-link projects, teaching research is fragmented, and there is no real professional teaching and research team.


In fact, the earliest training can now begin in 2015, with microblogging called & ldquo; wearing bellbell & rdquo; web-blogs indicating that they were & & & & & & & & & & & & & rdquo when there were few people to talk about the block chain in 2015; free & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; a dozen courses in the German sector, which were taught by foreign lecturers, but he said & & & & & & & & & & dquao; not much, to tell the truth. & & & & & & & dquao;


Cluster 1


There are also those who have taken classes saying to the cloud hunting network: &ldquao; every person who wants to learn the chain of blocks is trying to learn something he doesn't know, not some basic concepts that he can easily know. Some training institutions simply take out some basic concepts from the books for money, even if they train & rdquao.


Weibo's friend King Flyer said: What is the block chain? There may be very few people in the circle who really understand it, but this does not prevent you from simply buying study courses and paying for access to the various block chains.


Cluster 2


More online users say they don't want to do the product suddenly, it's too much trouble. Let's just train in advertising and marketing finance, and try to push the center with a professional noun, without going deep into landing projects and paying a bunch of friends to listen to it.


In fact, there is a great deal of difference from traditional IT training in block chains, and it is thought that general IT training will be limited to a smaller area, such as front-end development, back-end development, web game development, and hand-to-hand development, with relatively little knowledge involved. But block chains themselves are a combination of disciplines, involve more specialized groups, and are now the market’s most in need of full-time talent, so training will be more difficult, and, of course, block-chain technology and, in the future, will inevitably lead to more detailed professional cooperation, and future block-to-chain training may change accordingly.


Others say that, while training in block chains currently appears innovative in the market as a whole, it is no less helpful than training institutions that are specialized in training and upgrading in many simple subjects, especially long-term teaching experience, which makes the curriculum and training process more scientific and mature. By contrast, training in block chains, first of all, is less referencing, less referencing, less training is poorly conducted, especially since there is a lack of hierarchy in the understanding of block chains, and much of the knowledge is based on mathematics, computer science, etc. It is difficult to really understand and integrate.


The simple knowledge section of the market, or the short-lived so-called hands-on trainee, can absorb knowledge, even if it is the tip of the iceberg, and the so-called three-foot freeze is by no means a cold day, especially since the chain of blocks is a new, practice-based pool of technology that is not derived from textbooks, but rather from the practice of the project in question. It is ironic that there are still 300-minute training courses that claim to teach you to read through the chain of blocks, three-day-two-night, a & & ldquao; & & rdquao; & & ldquao; & & & ; 80 lecturers & & rdqua; and the absurd news.


The Xiao Xiao Jun told Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xing Xiao Xiao Xing Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao Xing Xiao Xiao Xiao Xing Xing Xiao Xiao Xiao Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing is Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X


What will the future shape of the block chain training market be? After an initial short period of confusion, there are likely to be several developments: first, the course will move towards systematization, specialization and refinement; second, the service provider will move towards institutionalization and branding; third, the teaching will move to the bottom line of — — the theoretical line of instruction and the practical line of instruction; and fourth, the block chain technology will become a permanent specialization for some universities in the country.


In fact, it is known that Qinghua University, Cambridge University, and world-renowned schools such as Stanford University, MIT, and the University of California, Berkeley, have started to offer block-link-related courses. In addition, many online courses and large open web courses offer training services.

例如在美国新泽西州Scotch Plains地区的一所高中(Union Catholic High School)已经将加密货币纳入学生选修课程。授课的教授Tim Breza表示:不止一名学生向我谈论起加密货币,因此我发现,需要在课程中覆盖这个话题。在课程中,Tim Breza关注的是加密货币的历史和区块链技术在现实生活中的应用,低年级和高年级学生均可选修该课。

For example, in a high school in Scottch Plains, New Jersey, the United Catholic High School, in the United States, has included encrypt currency in student selection courses. The lecturer Tim Breza said that more than one student talked to me about encrypting money, so I found it necessary to cover the subject in the course. In the course, Tim Breza focused on the practical application of encrypt currency history and block chain technology, which is available to both lower and higher-grade students.


While block chain technology has not been in China for long, there are few large educational platforms in the market for genuine training in block chain technology. In any case, too many people have approached their heads in the name of learning and community, while many more have actively or passively become the cut-off dish.


As others have said, the concept of block chains is easy, but the actual start of block chain technical courses still requires a technical threshold of iron-strikes, as well as a true professional training lecturer. The real block chain cattle have been recruited by major companies to work on project development, and there is so much time left to train everyone.


Source: Cloud Hunting Network


Original title:

最新更新时间:03/10 17:01




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