
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:118 评论:0
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There are two nodes in the Bitcoin system, one full node and the other light node.

  •     一直在线
  •     在本地硬盘上维护完整的区块链信息
  •     在内存中维护UTXO集合,以便快速检验交易的正确性
  •     监听比特币网络上的交易信息,验证每个交易的合法性
  •     监听别的矿工挖出的区块,验证其合法性:
  1.         区块中的每个交易都要合法(包括铸币交易及其出块奖励)
  2.         发布的区块是不是符合难度要求、难度目标阈值的设置是否正确、每两周调整的挖矿难度
  3.         区块是在延伸最长合法链
  •     挖矿:
  1.         决定沿着哪条链挖下去
  2.         决定哪些交易被打包进区块
  3.         决定当出现等长分叉时选择哪个分叉(缺省情况是选择最先接收到的区块的分叉)
  •     不是一直在线
  •     不用保存完整区块链,只要保存每个区块块头(这样和全节点的大小相差大约1000倍)
  •     不用保存全部交易,只需要保存和自己相关的交易
  •     没法验证大多数交易的合法性,只能检验与自己相关的交易的合法性
  •     无法检测比特币网络上发布的区块的正确性
  •     可以验证挖矿的难度(因为挖矿时候计算哈希值只用到了块头信息,而块头信息轻节点是保存了的)
  •     只能检测哪个是最长链,不知道哪个是最长合法链(因为无法检测这条链上所包含的交易都是合法的)



The light node of


那么这样是不是会因为之前的工作都白费了而很可惜?实际上不可惜,因为前面学过挖矿过程的无记忆性(memoryless,progress free),无论是在刚刚的区块上继续挖,还是新组装一个区块继续挖,成功的概率是一样的。


When a new block is discovered in the course of mining, it should be stopped, a series of legitimate deals should be removed from the UTXO and a candidate block should be removed from the newly released block. On the one hand, the trade in this block may be duplicated from the block that was just being dug, and the other is because the section of the `strung's candidate block has a Hashi needle . Because the latest block has changed, the Hashi needle will change.
>br> >br> ; nbsp ; nbsp ; nbsp ; Stweak security system , whether to continue digging in the area just now, or to build a new block >, and the probability of success is the same.


At the earliest, everyone used a common computer to dig, but it would be uneconomical to specialize in a computer to dig. Because most of the computer's memory is idle (only a small portion of it is used for mining), most CPU parts are idle (only a small part of the generic CPU's instructions are used for calculating Hashi values), and hard disks and many other resources are idle. As mining becomes more difficult, the CPU on a common computer will soon be unprofitable.


GPUs are mainly used for large-scale parallel calculations of general use, and there is a lot of waste in mining, and there is a lot of noise in GPU, many of which are wasted (e.g. for floating-point calculations). The price of GPUs has increased rapidly in recent years, not only because of the heat of the DL, but in fact many GPUs have been bought to dig. But the difficulty of mining has increased to some point in the GPU, and there will be no more GPUs to dig bitcoins.

ASIC即Application Specific Integrated Circuit(专用集成电路),这之中有专门为了挖矿而设计的芯片,没有多余的电路,干不了别的事,它的性价比是最高的,而且为某一种加密货币设计的ASIC芯片只能挖这一种加密货币的矿,除非两个货币用同一个mining puzzle。

    有些加密货币在刚启动的时候,为了吸引更多的人来挖矿,特意用一个和已有的其它加密货币一样的mining puzzle,这种情况叫merge mining。




ASIC chips designed for an encrypted currency can only dig a mine of this encrypted currency unless the two currencies use the same Mining Puzzle.

为了让通用计算机也能参与挖矿过程,抗ASIC芯片化,有些加密货币采用Alternative mining puzzle,以去对抗那些只为了解决特定mining puzzle而设计出来的ASIC矿机。

In order to allow general-purpose computers to participate in the mining process and to counter the fragmentation of ASIC, some encrypted currencies use the Alternative Mining Puzzle to counter those ASIC miners that have been designed solely to address specific Mining Puzzle.


矿池将很多矿工组织起来,一般的架构就是一个矿主(pool manager)全结点去驱动很多矿机,下属矿工只负责计算哈希值,全结点的其它职能只由矿主来承担。有了收益以后再大家一起分配。

The profits from individual miners are very volatile, with an average of 10 minutes for all miners in the Bitcoin system. A miner can dig out a mine with a mine machine for a long time and assumes full node responsibility in addition to mining.
br> the ponds organize many miners. The general structure of to drive many machines at the full node, the subordinate miners merely calculate the Hashi value, and the rest of the node is only for the mine owner.





每个矿工单打独斗之所以收入不稳定,是因为挖矿难度太大了(相比比特币系统的平均出块时间),所以可以考虑矿池将挖矿的难度降下来。比如本来要求前面有70个0,现在矿池只要求前面有60个0,这样挖到的是一个share(almost valid block),即这个区块差不多在一定程度上是符合难度要求的。矿工挖到这样的区块之后,将其提交给矿主,矿主拿到这些区块并没有什么用,仅仅是因为目标空间是这个问题的解空间的子集,并且求解两个问题的过程是一样的(都是计算哈希),因此这些区块可以作为证明矿工所做的工作量的证明。等到某个矿工真正挖到矿,获取出块奖励之后,再按照大家提交的share的多少来进行分配。

If the machines in the pond belong to the same institution, the distribution is only a question of how to distribute the wages within the company.
> >, if the machines come from different institutions, it is likely that the miners will spread around the world, but only join the pond. The miners and miners will contact him, and the miners will be assigned the task of calculating Hashi's value, and the miners will be given the results, and the miners will be given a bonus. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > the miners will be asked to pull the pieces up < < > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

是否会有这样的矿工:挖到share提交给矿主,挖到真正的矿自己发布出去以获取出块奖励?这是没法独吞出块奖励的,因为每个矿工的任务是由矿主来分配的,矿主负责组装好区块,然后交给矿工去不断尝试nonce和CoinBase transaction中的extra nonce,有可能就是讲它们划分一下,然后分配给不同的矿工去做,要注意铸币交易CoinBase transaction中的收款人地址是矿主的地址,不是任何一个矿工的地址

Is there a miner who digs into the share to the mine's owner, digs into the real mine and makes it out to get a reward? This is not possible because each miner's task is to be distributed by the miner and the miner is to assemble the blocks and then hand them over to the miner to keep trying the extra noce in nónce and CoinBase transport, probably to divide them and then assign them to the different miner, and If he changes the address of the coin transaction to himself, then digs the mine, so that the share mine owner that goes up there is not acceptable or useful.


There are rivals between the pits, and one way of doing it is to go to each other’s ponds, where some miners are sent to join each other’s ponds to dig for the mines, to send them to share, but to dig the real mine and toss it away deliberately. But if the counterparty’s pond still gets a reward, these miners can also be part of the bonus.



In the absence of a pond, the attacker would have incurred a huge hardware cost if it had not been for 51% of the attack. With the pond, the pool would have actually concentrated its calculations, and the attackers would not necessarily have had a lot of them, as long as they had attracted large numbers of people who did not know the truth to focus their calculations on their own.


The capacity of today's ponds is fairly dispersed and several are competing, but it is perfectly possible for a collective capacity to be scattered in different ponds and concentrate when attacked, and it is easy for miners to convert them.

    这有点类似云计算中ODC(on demand computing)的概念,平时不需要维护这些节点,需要计算时再召集起来。

andnbsp;   & nbsp; this is kind of like the concept of an ODC in cloud computing, which normally does not need to be maintained, but it needs to be counted again.


ponds are charged a management fee, some of which is a part of the incentive, or a trading fee that they earn.


Assuming that the pits occupy more than half of the calculus, the following attacks can be launched:
[1] fork attacks
because of the more than half of the calculus and because the miners' mining tasks are distributed in parallel, the chains out of which are growing rapidly and will eventually become the longest legal chain.


[2] Boycott[br] assumes that the attacker does not like an account A and does not allow all transactions related to A to be connected to it. When a block containing a transaction related to A is released, it can quickly issue a block that does not contain those transactions, then without waiting for six confirmed blocks, immediately post the longest legitimate chain of competition on the Bitcoin network.




& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; The reason why there is no need to wait is that a few confirmed blocks were waiting for the usual break-off attack just to make sure the payee thought they were clean, and that there were no such concerns.
. >br> > >br> learned from learning the consensus agreement earlier. Most nodes may fall in the hands of honest nodes.



strang>[3] No currency theft can take place
, no matter how powerful the calculation is, it is not possible to falsify the signature of another person's account (unless it has a private key), and therefore it is not possible to falsify the transaction to transfer BTC from another person's account. Even if, by their own means, they force illegal blocks to be placed on and continue along the chain, the honest nodes will not continue along this unlawful long chain.
br> >br >, summing up that the pits turn “a very small chance out of a small chance” into a “no small gain” for miners. There is a certain security threat to the entire bitcoin system.




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