
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:63 评论:0
来源:期货日报Source: Futures daily. 1.上海期货交易所为什么选择推出黄金期权?Why does the Shanghai Futures Exchange choose to offer gold opti...



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Source: Futures daily.


Why does the Shanghai Futures Exchange choose to offer gold options?


China’s gold enterprises and commercial banks have preferred hedging through the domestic futures market in recent years, as the country’s gold market has grown in its international reach. In particular, there has been an overall decline in the volatility of domestic and foreign gold prices in recent years, but in times of high short-term volatility, the use of premium funds is low and effective, making it easier for gold companies to use hedging strategies more flexibly, and many gold enterprises have a strong interest in the timely roll-out of gold options in the domestic market.


The timely listing of gold options, the performance of futures market functions, the promotion of sound pricing mechanisms in the gold sector, the enhancement of our pricing influence, and the provision of effective and flexible risk management tools for upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain are important for upgrading the gold industry and optimizing its structure.


2. What are the options'pricing methods, models?

计算期权权利金的方法、模型多种多样,较为经典的有蒙特卡洛模拟、二叉树模型、Black Scholes模型、Black模型等。针对不同的期权,可以选择相应的定价方法、模型。

There are a variety of methods and models for calculating options, including the Monte Carlo simulation, the two-fork tree model, the Black Scholes model, the Black model, and so on. For different options, the corresponding pricing methods, models, etc. can be selected.


Gold options are European futures options with a pricing model of the Black model.


3. What are the subject matter of the gold option?


The subject matter of the gold option is the gold futures contract, i.e. the gold futures contract obtained after the investor’s right to move (performance).


4. When can a right of option be exercised by a buyer? What are the ways in which a right of option may be exercised?


A buyer of a right of option may exercise the right for a period of time specified in the option contract. Different ways of doing the right correspond to different hours of the right, with the two classic ways of doing it being American and European. A buyer of a United States option may exercise the right on the date of expiry of the contract and on the day of any transaction prior to that date, and a buyer of a European option may exercise the right only on the date of expiry of the contract.


Gold options are euro-style options, and the buyer can only move on the due date.


5. What is the minimum change in the price of the gold options?


The minimum change in the value of the golden options is the minimum change in the price of the gold options contract unit.


6. What is the contract month in the gold option trading code?


The golden options contract month is the month of delivery of the futures contract, which is the subject of the option contract. The current months of delivery of the last gold futures contract are the last three consecutive months and the last two-month contracts within 13 months, and correspondingly, the gold options contract month is the last three consecutive months, as well as the last two-month contracts within 13 months.


7. How are the prices of the gold options designed?


The right price of the gold option covers the range of prices corresponding to the cut-off range of 1.5 times higher or lower on the previous day of the gold futures contract. The right price is 200 yuan/g with the right price range of 2 yuan/g; 200 yuan/g < the right price of 400 yuan/g; the right price range of 4 yuan/g; the right price > 400 yuan/g; and the right price gap of 8 yuan/g.


When can a gold option buyer apply for the right to move?


Gold options are Euro-style options, and the right-to-go buyer may file an application for waiver by 15:30 on the due date. It is worth noting that after the closing date of the due date, there is still 30 minutes left for investors to apply for a right-to-occupancy waiver.


What is the automatic right to move on the expiry date of the golden option?


At maturity, the exchange determines whether the option is a real option based on the price of the gold option contract, the price of which is the gold futures contract at which it is settled.


In order to meet the particular needs of investors, the exchange leaves an application channel for investors.


10. What are the channels through which investors can submit an application for a gold option and for waiver of the application?


Investors can apply for rights through their trading clients, for waivers, or they can contact their member units to apply for concessions and waivers through the Consort System.


In the event of settlement, in the case of an application by the buyer, the exchange deals with the buyer's options in the following order:


[nundue datedue datefirst step


Failure to submit an application for permission to move or forgo


Treatment of requests submitted in the form of instructions, waivers. Forward processing in the order of submission. Step 2 processing applications submitted in the service system (in bulk), waivers (in bulk). Forward processing in the order of submission. If the cumulative number of applications submitted exceeds the amount actually held, the settlement is handled in the order described above and in the quantity actually held. \Step 3 \Automated rights or waivers for the remaining holdings. \


11. Is there a market system for gold options?


Gold options are subject to a market-based system.


12. What is the response to the offer?


Members and customers of non-future companies may consult with the market and, upon receipt of the request, respond to the relevant option contracts within a specified time frame.


Gold options are marketed only in response to requests for quotations for even-numbered months.


Is it necessary to receive a response to an investor's request for quotations?


Not necessarily. According to the regulations, gold options are marketable only for even-numbered months, and therefore price requests for odd-numbered months may not be able to be responded to. At the same time, only a certain percentage of requests are required, which means that marketers may not respond to certain requests.


14. How can investors access trading rights in gold?


Investors apply for rights to trading in gold, and they can go to the futures company to assess whether they meet the right to open options.


15. What are the criteria of appropriateness that should be met by individual clients?


The criterion of the suitability of an individual client can be summarized briefly as “four by one”, including, inter alia, subject requirements, financial requirements, knowledge requirements, experience requirements, reputational requirements, etc.


Subject matter requirement: full civil capacity;


(b) Financial requirements: the balance of funds available in the five trading days guarantee accounts before the application for the opening of a transaction code or the opening of a transaction authority is no less than RMB 100,000;


Knowledge requirements: have basic knowledge of futures transactions and know the relevant business rules (currently futures company members know the level of customer knowledge through knowledge testing);


Empirical requirements: a futures contract or options contract with a cumulative total of not less than 10 trading days and 20 or more internal trading sites is entered into a transaction description; or a futures contract, options contract or other derivatives transaction transaction record with 10 or more internal trading sites in the last three years; or a futures contract, options contract or other derivatives transaction record with 10 or more foreign trading establishments under the supervision of the China Securities Supervisory Board (hereinafter referred to as the China CSRC) in the last three years (hereinafter referred to as the recognition of an offshore transaction record);


(b) Credibility requirements: there are no cases of gross bad faith records, persons who have been declared prohibited by the competent regulatory authority for a period of time on the goods market and laws, regulations, regulations, exchange rules or restrictions on futures transactions;


Other requirements: Other terms and conditions required by the transaction.


16. What are the criteria of appropriateness that should be met by clients in general units?


The standard of propriety for general unit clients can be summarized briefly as “four to one”, including, inter alia, financial requirements, knowledge requirements, experience requirements, compliance requirements, reputational requirements, etc.


Knowledge requirements: relevant business personnel have basic knowledge of futures transactions and knowledge of relevant business rules (currently futures company members have knowledge-tested knowledge of their clients);


Empirical requirements: a futures contract or options contract with a cumulative total of not less than 10 trading days and 20 or more in the country; or a futures contract, options contract or other derivatives transaction record with 10 or more in the country in the last three years; or an approved offshore transaction record with 10 or more in the last three years;


Compliance requirements: sound internal controls and systems for futures transaction management, including risk management;


What exemptions exist for investors, such as customers of special units, with respect to the determination of appropriateness?


In addition to the laws, administrative regulations and regulations and the provisions of the CSRC, futures company members who apply for the establishment of a transaction code or the opening of trading privileges for the following types of customers involved in the implementation of an appropriate system may no longer require the transaction record of funds, intellectual reserves, simulations or real transactions.

(一) 符合《证券期货投资者适当性管理办法》规定的专业投资者;

(i) Professional investors who meet the requirements of the Securities Futures Investor Suitability Management Scheme;

(二) 已开通实行适当性制度的某一品种交易权限,再通过其他期货公司会员开通该品种交易权限的客户;

(ii) Clients who have established trading rights for a certain variety of species with an appropriate regime and who have opened trading rights for that variety through members of other futures companies;

(三) 近一年内具有累计不少于50个交易日境内交易场所的期货合约、期权合约或者集中清算的其他衍生品交易成交记录或者认可境外成交记录的客户;

(iii) In the last year, a transaction record of futures contracts, options contracts or other derivatives with a cumulative amount of not less than 50 trading places in the territory of the transaction date, or acceptance of a customer with an offshore transaction record;

(四) 做市商、特殊单位客户等交易所认可的其他交易者。

(iv) Other trading agents accredited on an exchange such as market traders, customers of special units, etc.


18. Which agency organized the testing of options?


The futures knowledge test is organized by the China Futures Industry Association, and investors can participate in the testing through the Association's knowledge-testing platform.


Is it possible to open trading rights in gold directly to the same futures company through the assessment of the suitability of other types of listings on the domestic exchange and the opening of trading rights?


Customers who have made an assessment of the suitability of other listed varieties on the internal exchange and have opened trading rights, such as those who have opened options for trading options for the appropriate regime on the internal exchange, such as copper options, soybean options, white sugar options, 50ETF options, or those who have opened options for trading options for futures for the proper regime on the internal exchange, such as crude oil futures, iron ore futures, may automatically acquire trading rights for gold options in the same futures.


20. Is it possible to open trading rights in gold directly to other futures companies through the assessment of the suitability of other types of listings on the domestic exchange and the opening of trading privileges?


Clients who, through other types of listing in the internal exchange, have been assessed for appropriateness and have opened trading privileges may be exempted from basic knowledge requirements, trading history requirements, financial requirements, etc. when other futures companies apply for trading rights in gold, subject to a review of their violations.




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