金色Web3.0日报 | OpenSea在黑客事件后用户活动下降近20%

资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:59 评论:0
1.DeFi代币总市值:1069.79亿美元1. Total market value of DeFi: $10,697.9 million DeFi总市值 数据来源:coingeckoTotal mark...



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1. Total market value of DeFi: $10,697.9 million

DeFi总市值 数据来源:coingecko

Total market value of DeFi Data source: coingecko


2. Transactions to centralized exchanges over the past 24 hours: $4,197 million

?过去24小时去中心化交易所的交易量 数据来源:coingecko

♪ For the last 24 hours to go to the central exchange, data source: coingecko ♪


3. Locked assets in DeFi: 199930 million

DeFi项目锁定资产前十排名及锁仓量 数据来源:defillama

DeFi locks top ten asset rankings and locks. Data source: defillama


1. Total market value of NFT: $38,153 million

NFT总市值、市值排名前十项目 数据来源:coinmarketcap

Total market value of NFT, top ten items of market value Data source: coinmarketcap


224-hour NFT transactions: $7.9 billion


3.24 hours top NFT

24小时内销售涨幅前十的NFT 数据来源:NFTGO

NFT data source: NFTGO

1.Web 3浏览器Opera宣布集成DeFi交易平台DeversiFi

1. Web 3 browser Opera announces integration into DeFi trading platform DeversiFi

加密友好银行Signature Bank被列入摩根大通推荐产品名单:周二,总部位于纽约的加密友好银行Signature Bank被加入了摩根大通的推荐产品名单。摩根大通分析师Steven Alexopoulos称,该银行“已准备好迎接加密货币浪潮”。(Coindesk)[2021/2/9 19:21:22]

Signature Bank, an encrypted friendly bank, is on the Morgan Chase list of recommended products: Tuesday, the New York-based crypto-friendly bank Signature Bank was added to the Morgan Chase list of recommended products. Morgan Chase analyst Steven Alexopoulos said that the bank was “ready to prepare for an encrypted currency wave”. (Coindisk) [2021/2/9 19:21:22]


2. $3 million in financing for Marginfi under the DeFi bond agreement based on Solana

金色财经报道,Multicoin Capital 和 Pantera Capital 共同领投了 MarginFi 协议的 300 万美元融资,Sino Global Capital 和 Solana Ventures 也参与其中。资金将用于推动社区和生态系统的发展,将协议启动到开发网络 中,同时支持机构和合作伙伴的集成。 Marginfi 旨在为在 Solana 生态系统中互动的机构合作伙伴和交易公司带来“机构级”的保证金交易。

Gold money reports that Multicoin Capital and Pantera Capital co-financed $3 million of the MarginFi agreement, with the participation of Sino Global Capital and Solana Ventures. The funds will be used to promote the development of communities and ecosystems, to launch the agreement into development networks, and to support the integration of institutions and partners.

3.去中心化借贷协议Blizz Finance开通TUSD借贷市场

3. Opening of the TUSD lending market through the centralization loan agreement

据官方消息,稳定币TrueUSD上线去中心化借贷协议Blizz Finance,用户通过存入或借出TUSD可获得BLZZ奖励。Blizz Finance基于DeFi协议AAVE,是Avalanche上的借贷市场。 TrueUSD作为经独立机构验证、接受链上实时独立验证、锚定美元的数字资产,目前已上线Binance、Huobi等100多家交易平台,并在Ethereum、TRON、Avalanche、BSC、Fantom、Polygon等10大主流公链上进行多链部署, 总发行量已突破14亿枚。TrueUSD经美国会计公司Armanino实时审计,确保美元储备与其流通比达到1:1,实现100%储备,用户可随时通过官网获取公开审计结果。

According to official sources, BLZZ awards are available to users by depositing or lending TUSD. Blazz Finance is based on the DeFi agreement AAVE, which is the lending market on Avalanche. TrueUSD, as a digital asset certified by an independent agency and independently validated in real time on the chain, anchored in United States dollars, has now reached more than 100 trading platforms, such as Binance, Huobi and others, and has deployed multiple chains on 10 mainstream public chains such as Etherum, Tron, Avalanche, BSC, Fantom, Polygon, and others, with a total circulation of more than 1.4 billion. TrueUSD, through a real-time audit by Armanino, the United States accounting firm, ensures that the dollar reserves and its circulation reach 1:1 ratio, achieves 100 per cent of the stock, and users can obtain public audit results from the web.

4.DeSyn Protocol完成超500万美元二轮融资,Zonff Partners等参投

4. DeSyn Protocol completed two rounds of financing of over $5 million, participation of Zonff Partners, etc.

2月23日消息,DeSyn Protocol 已完成二轮融资,由 Zonff Partners, TPS Capital, OKX Blockdream Ventures等机构参投,个人投资者包括Jeff Pan(软银中国投资合伙人、阿里巴巴战略投资部创始成员),Joseph Eagan(Acme Crypto holding CEO&联合创始人,前Polychain Capital总裁)等。 据悉,DeSyn Protocol是一个DeFi协议,通过智能合约,允许用户创建和交易基于池的资产。目前DeSyn Protocol已经开启Beta 1.0版本内测。

On 23 February, DeSyn Protocol completed two rounds of financing, with the participation of such institutions as Zonff Partners, TPS Capital, OKX Blockdream Ventures, and individual investors as Jeff Pan (Soft Silver-China Investment Partner, Founding Member of the Strategic Investment Department of Ali Baba), Joseph Eagan (Co-founder of Acme Crypto Holding CEO &, former President of Polychain Capital). DeSyn Protocol is known to be a DeFi agreement that allows users to create and trade pool-based assets through smart contracts.


5. Poca's chain up to centralize the permanent contract Firefly will open the test.

2月23日消息,Polychain 投资的波卡链上去中心化永续合约 Firefly 宣布将开启最终测试,目前已开始测试报名,报名活动将持续 7 天。据了解,Firefly 将是第一个拥有移动端版本的交易类 DeFi,而本次测试将包含移动端和网页端两个版本。

On February 23, Polychain's investment Poca chain went up and announced that it would open the final test, which has now begun and will last for seven days. It is understood that Firefly will be the first transaction type to have a mobile version of DeFi, and this test will contain both mobile and web-end versions.


6. Go to central trading platform Hashflow to join the weight system

2月23日消息,去中心化交易平台Hashflow今日宣布,由于网络目前已多链运行,团队将在网络中加入权重系统。权重系数将使得各链的 LP 质押奖励和各 Token 的交易奖励有所不同。其中,以太坊和雪崩协议的权重系数为 0.25,Abitrum 为 0.2,Polygon 和 BNB Chain 为 0.15。公告中还提到,权重系数不固定,将会随时间调整。

On February 23, the decentralised trading platform Hashflow announced today that, as the network is now multi-chained, the team will add a weight system to the network. The weight factor will make the chain's LP pledge incentive and the Token trading reward different. The weight factor is 0.25, Abitrum 0.2, Polygon, and BNB Chain. The bulletin also states that the weight factor is variable and will be adjusted over time.

7.Flurry Finance被漏洞利用,相关合约已暂停

7. Fleury Finance was exploited by loopholes and the related contract was suspended

2月23日消息,DeFi 收益协议 Flurry Finance 官方发文称,Flurry Finance 出现漏洞,目前已知黑客仅利用了部署在 FinanceRabbit 策略上的资金,其他策略的资金仍然安全。目前已暂停了包括 BNB Chain(原 BSC)和 Polygon 上的所有 rhoTokens 智能合约、rebase 功能与 Flurry。

On February 23, DeFi’s Revenue Agreement’s Flurry Finance official wrote that there was a gap in the Flurry Finance, that hackers were known to use only the funds deployed on the FinanceRabit strategy, and that other strategies’ funds were still secure. All of the RhoToken smart contracts, rebase functions and Flurry’s contracts, including BNB Chain (formerly BSC) and Polygon, have been suspended.

?2月22日消息,基于Polkadot的衍生品交易所Firefly最终测试网现在已开启注册,测试网申请将开放7天。同时,Firefly将上线全网第一个Defi交易手机app。Firefly是一个去中心化基于订单簿系统的衍生品交易所。Firefly交易所使用无需信任的Layer 2区块链技术,做到媲美于中心化交易所的交易速度以及低成本,并兼顾去中心化交易所的安全性以及透明度。

♪ February 22, news that the Firefly final testing network of the Polkadot-based derivatives exchange has now been opened, and the test network application will be open for seven days. Meanwhile, Firefly will be the first Defi trading cell phone to be available online. Firefly is a decentralised order book-based derivative exchange. Firefly uses untrustworthy Layer 2 chain technology that is comparable to the speed and low cost of centralizing the exchange and takes into account the security and transparency of decentralizing the exchange.


1. OpenSea's user activity declined by almost 20 per cent after the hacker incident

金色财经报道,在三天前发生300万美元的NFT被盗事件之后,据 DappRadar 的数据显示,OpenSea上的用户活动迅速下降,平台上的用户活动至少下降了20%,近7天交易量下降了37%。 NFT社区介入后,大量用户表示要离开OpenSea,去中心化追踪服务正在确认这一点。在过去 7 天里,近 230,000 名用户离开了OpenSea。

After the $3 million theft of NFT three days ago, according to DappRadar data, user activity on OpenSea declined rapidly, by at least 20%, and transactions on the platform fell by 37% over the last seven days. Following the NFT community’s intervention, a large number of users said they were leaving OpenSea, which is being confirmed by the centralization service.


2. The OpenSea buyback portion of NFT market Mintable was stolen from NFT, claiming to return the property to its original owner

2月23日消息,NFT 市场 Mintable 宣布以每个 13.35ETH 的价格回购了此前在 OpenSea 上被盗的 Azuki #1178、#4176 和 #1180,并称将归还给被盗之前的持有者。Mintable 创始人兼 CEO Zach Burks 表示,OpenSea 上的 bug 导致了此次被盗事件,如果 OpenSea 不能纠正它,就会有人挺身而出。

On 23 February, the NFT Market Mintable announced that it would buy back the Azuki #1178, #4176 and #1180 that had previously been stolen on OpenSea at a price of 13.35 ETH and that it would be returned to the previous owner. Mintable founder and CEO Zach Burks said that the bug on OpenSea had led to the theft, and if OpenSea could not correct it, someone would stand up.

3.基于Immutable X的NFT交易平台将可自定义交易费率

3. The NFT trading platform based on Immutable X will be able to customise transaction rates

2月23日,NFT Layer2 解决方案 Immutable X 宣布一项更新:建立在 Immutable X 上的 NFT 交易平台可自定义交易费率。此项更新将改变之前 Immutable X 上的 NFT 交易平台交易费率同质化的问题,目前已有多家交易平台已经开始部署自定义费率。

On February 23, the NFT Layer2 solution Immutable X announced an update: the NFT trading platform on Immutable X can customize transaction rates. This update will change the issue of the homogenization of the NFT trading rates on Immutable X, with several trading platforms already deploying custom rates.

4.NFT铸造平台DROPP宣布Animoca Brands加入DROPP LAND

4. NFT casting platform DROPP announces that Animoca Brands joins DROPP Land

2月23日消息,NFT铸造平台DROPP宣布区块链游戏公司Animoca Brands加入DROPP LAND。据了解,DROPP是首个元宇宙GEO NFT铸造平台,将创造虚拟与现实世界之间的桥梁。DROPP LAND即将进土地开售,共有96100块,分为5个不同的等级,目前“Land Pioneer Program”白名单申请已结束。此前,DROPP获得了Animoca Brands、Three Arrows Capital等参投的800万美元融资。

On February 23, the NFT casting platform DROPP announced that Animoca Brands, a block chain game company, joined the DROPP Land. It is understood that the DROPP is the first meta-coastal GEO NFT casting platform that will create a bridge between virtual and real worlds. The DROPP Land is about to be sold on land for a total of 96,100 pieces, divided into five different grades, and the current “Land Pioneer Programme” white list has been closed.

5.SCRT Labs宣布推出NFT平台Legendao

5. SCRT Labs announced the launch of the NFT platform Legendao

金色财经报道,据官方消息,SCRT Labs宣布推出play-to-mint NFT平台Legendao,旨在为用户提供游戏化体验,并使他们能够获得独特的Secret NFT。顶级艺术家、品牌和创作者将能够通过该平台推出自己的NFT项目。 用户可以创建自己的头像、获得经验并购买“战利品箱”,其中包含来自创作者的新 NFT 和数字物品以及$LGND代币,它将作为Legendao宇宙中所有活动和购买的货币。 SCRT Labs 创始人兼首席执行官 Guy Zyskind表示,“SCRT Labs 很高兴为NFT铸造体验带来游戏化,” “有了 Legendao,任何人和每个人 —— 从整个 Cosmos生态系统到顶级艺术家、品牌,甚至是第一次NFT创作者 —— 都可以进入这个领域并使用Secret NFT技术构建一些特别的东西。

According to the official news, SCRT Labs announced the launch of Play-to-mint NFT platform Legendao, which is designed to provide users with a playable experience and to enable them to acquire a unique Secret NFT. Top artists, brands, and creators will be able to launch their own NFT projects through the platform. Users can create their own heads, gain experience, and buy “treat boxes,” with new NFTs and digital items from their creators, as well as $LGND, which will be the currency for all activities and purchases in the Legendao universe.

1.RSS3关于Genesis RSS3 Avatar NFT Minters的DAO治理活动将于2月26日开启投票

1. RSS3 DAO governance campaign on Genesis RSS3 Avatar NFT Winters will open on 26 February

2月23日消息,Web3 信息基础设施 RSS3 宣布其首个 DAO 治理投票活动将于北京时间 2 月 26 日 8 时开启,并持续 72 小时,参与投票的钱包地址需至少有 100 枚 RSS3 或持有一枚RSS3 Whitepaper NFT。 据悉,Genesis RSS3 Avatar NFT 系列包括 10,000 个独特头像 NFT,用于识别 RSS3 社区成员。RSS3 将在第一轮发布 1000 个头像,届时将有 1000 个地址有权铸币前 1000 个头像,单一地址仅允许铸币一次。本次投票旨在决定谁将有权获得前 1000 个 Genesis RSS3 Avatar NFT 的铸币资格。

On 23 February, Web3 Information Infrastructure RSS3 announced that its first DAO governance campaign would be opened on February 26th, 8th, Beijing time, and would last 72 hours, with at least 100 RSS3s or a RSS3 Whitepaper NFT. According to the information received, the Genesis RSS3 Avatar NFT series includes 10,000 unique NFTs to identify members of the RSS3 community. RSS3 will publish 1,000 images in the first round, at which time 1,000 addresses will have the right to form 1,000 heads in front of a coin, and only one single address will be allowed. The purpose of this vote is to determine who will be entitled to the original 1000 Genesis RSS3 Avatar NFT.

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