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Abstract: At the block chain industry workshop, the head of the ants gold-coat judicially documented product, Chestnut, shared the theme of the discovery of the ant block chain in the field of judicial documentation. This is based on three important findings from the past, including the year, in the area of justice and the block chain, which are then shared in detail.

摘要:以“数字金融新原力(The New Force of Digital Finance)”为主题,蚂蚁金服ATEC城市峰会于2019年1月4日上海如期举办。在区块链行业研讨会上,蚂蚁金服司法存证产品负责人栗志果做了主题为《蚂蚁区块链在司法存证领域的探索》的精彩分享。

Summary : The ants' Golden Force City Summit was held in Shanghai on 4 January 2019, under the theme “The New Force of Digital Finance.” At a seminar on the sector of block chains, the head of the ants' gold jackets' judicially certified products, Cheumishuo, shared the theme “Explorations in the field of judicial documentation in the area of the ants' block chain.”


栗志果 蚂蚁金服司法存证产品负责人

In his presentation, Chestnut, as the head of the ants' gold jackets, shared with you three main aspects of the judicial exploration of the ants' block chain, namely its unique value, its unique capabilities and practical application, which showed the problems facing the current upgrading of the business model, and its capacity in the judicial field and its practical value by elaborating on the three findings in the area of block chains and the judicial field.


First, one predicts that in 2019, there is another greater opportunity for SMEs to upgrade traditional business models to trust business models than business opportunities in block chains. The key to such upgrading is a secret nuclear weapon, the judicial chain referred to in this paper. This is based on three important findings that were made before, including in 2018, in the area of justice and in the area of block chains, which are then shared in detail.


The first important finding of the unique value of the judicial chain of is that there is a very solid structural foundation behind the judicial chain and that it is in a period of historical development, known as the last kilometre of the Internet, where the key word in the Internet industry has been connected for the past 20 years. In the PC Internet age, when terminals have been connected through PC-connected means, companies that have found this trend have seized such huge business opportunities as portals, search engines, and, in 2013, into the mobile Internet age, many are less convinced that the key words of the mobile Internet era are still connected.


What is the difference between assets and information? There are three main points, the first of which is that the asset is the only one, and the information can be reproduced indefinitely. In the Internet age, the cost of transmitting information can be minimized by means of reproduction, but when the connection is made to the asset, there is a fatal injury that the asset cannot be transmitted by means of replication, and the asset can no longer be delivered to another person. The second point is that assets and information are more vulnerable or valuable than assets. The asset is money, which can easily be placed on the Internet in the process of digitizing information, but this is not feasible for the asset, because the asset is a real benefit, and the third point is that the asset and information are very demanding for security, and many problems have to be addressed, including black people, rival attacks, fraud, etc. These are the third difference in assets and information. That is the third difference in assets and information, where disputes are to be resolved, and in reality, it is difficult for the court to resolve them, but if it is in the Internet.



The three features of the assets described above are difficult to solve by means of the traditional Internet. At the same time, the development of the Internet has made it more and more lazy. If it were to be accepted 10 years ago, many people would have been able to accept asset connections for a longer time, but now it is difficult to accept, for example, that it would take two to three weeks for a contract to be signed, to be mailed, to pay for frequent cross-border access to many traditional institutions, at a high cost.


The two next steps in the judicial chain found that the requirements were very high when asset connections were made, and that in exploring the above model, the judicial chain had a very unique ability, which was actually an atomic-level trust connector. Imagine, in the simplest way, that if an island of value appeared, it needed to be connected in a variety of ways. There were four main ways to connect, the first was not to connect in a bank safe, the second was bad connections, which was to deprive the data asset of ownership by technology, inequality, hacking technology, and when there was no legal connection, the third was to appear to be a good connection, but it was actually fragile, and there were now many ways to connect, with a certain market in a better market situation and a bigger bubble, but once the real value had fallen, the fourth was to break in the judicial chain, and the fourth was to have a complete flow record, the entire chain of 15 words, which could be seen as credible, the whole of the chain.



The first is that the assets are fragile, so that the connection to the assets provides an essential feature of real security. Security, including privacy protection, is not a simple matter, since the first day of the existence of the payment treasure is the beginning of the secured transaction, the trueness of the transaction between the buyer and the seller at the time the issue is resolved, and then, based on the payment of the money, the sesame credit points are raised, and many people have sesame credit points, which, through previous credit records, provide users with great data, artificial intelligence references on their ability to perform, make real security even more important. The second is that the chain provides a very important capability, which makes trust a great step forward at the level of real security.




The third problem is that, in the context of the interconnection of assets, the cost of connectivity cannot be too high, and users have become a habit of obtaining numerous information by a little mouse, search buttons. Block chains have been burning for many years, but so far the real users are less than 20 million, and the reason for their very low daily life is that it is too difficult to use it. Therefore, the connection must be very simple, very easy to use and very low cost. Just as payment of the treasure is the first time that it can be authenticated, the cost of the connection is not too high, and the user of the link can be very high.




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