
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:62 评论:0
全球新冠肺炎确诊病例累计达231万The cumulative number of new coronary pneumonia cases worldwide rea...



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The cumulative number of new coronary pneumonia cases worldwide reached 2.31 million


According to Johns & Middot, United States; New Crown Pneumonia Statistics at Hopkins University show that, as at around 0700 hours Beijing time on 19 April, there were more than 2.31 million confirmed cases of New Crown Pneumonia worldwide, with a total of 23,17759 cases and a cumulative death rate of nearly 160,000, with a total of 159510 cases.

淘宝天猫总裁蒋凡道歉 自请阿里调查

"Strong" Mr. Zhang Fan, President of the Bounty Cat, apologized for asking Ali to investigate.


Chiangfan posted an apology on Alinet, saying that he apologized for the very bad impact on the company caused by his family’s comments on Twitter and some false web rumours; he asked the company to open an investigation into himself. Alibaba’s Chief Talent Officer, Von Yuen, replied in Chiangfan’s post that the company would conduct a formal investigation into the online rumours.


See you next year! Worm announces that all private concerts in 2020 will be cancelled.

歌手“霉霉”泰勒·斯威夫特在个人社交媒体上发布消息称将取消2020年的巡回演唱会, 她说道:“我很难过,今年不能让你们看到我的演唱会,但我知道这是一个正确的决定,请注意安全和健康,我会尽快在舞台上与你们见面,但现在最重要的是为了我们所有人的利益,进行隔离。”

Singer & & ldquo; mold & rdquo; Taylor & Middot; Swift published a message in the personal social media that the 2020 tour would be cancelled, saying: & ldquo; I'm sorry that I can't let you see my concert this year, but I know it's the right decision, be safe and healthy, and I'll meet you on the stage as soon as possible, but the most important thing now is to isolate it for the benefit of all of us. & rdquao;



Toyota and Lexus recalled about 256,000 cars in China.


Toyota Motors (China) Investments Ltd., Tianjin I Toyota Motors Ltd., Sichuan I Toyota Motors Ltd., Sichuan I Air Toyota Motors Ltd., Chang Chun Fung Viet Co., and Hiroshima Toyota Motors Co. Ltd. filed a recall programme with the General Directorate of National Market Supervision to recall some imported and domestically produced cars involving Toyota and Lexus brands for a total of 256,644 vehicles.



During the evening of 18 April, Suning bought (002024.SZ) issued an annual performance report for 2019. The financial statements showed that Suning bought $26,92.29 million in operating income in 2019, an increase of 9.91 per cent over the same period. In terms of profits, Suning bought $9,843 million, a decrease of 26.15 per cent.



In recent days, Japan’s health has entered into a partnership with Beijing’s Golden Field Medical Laboratory to get online & ldquo; the new coronary virus & rdquo; and the online reservation service for nucleic acid testing, which is the country’s first online entry and appointment platform for nucleic acid testing services. Users search & ldquao; nucleic acid detection & rdquo; and can access relevant pages to purchase and book testing services.


for more than 1 billion yuan worth of mechanism-building projects. >/strong's


In April 16th, the first major industrialization project in Chengdu, in 2020, took place in Chengdu City Park. In this contract, China’s project to build its headquarters for the construction of China’s infrastructure in Chengdu, with a total investment of more than $1 billion, was the focus of attention in the country’s industrial sector.




In comparison with the 15 April assessment, the Hubei province's new coronary pneumonia control command issued an updated municipal risk level assessment, which reduced the total risk in the city of Wuhan to low-risk, medium-risk and high-risk city districts throughout the province.

北京资管协会正式挂牌 航母级“国家队”首任会长刘东海

Beijing Association of Investment Managers officially boarded up carrier & ldquao; National Team & rdquao; First President Liu Donghai


The conference elected the first board of directors and supervisory board of the association. Liu Donghai, President of the Bank of China, was elected President of the first session.


Beijing Internet cafes, cinemas, museums, etc., are still suspended from work in the city


At present, there is no pre-clearance for the resumption of work in the rest of the industry, except in Beijing, where the state and the city have announced a moratorium on the resumption of work based on the status of the disease.


Wilma CEO: car & ldquao; retaliatory consumption & rdquao; unrealistic


The founder, chairman and CEO of Wilma's car, Shenzhen, through his personal tweets, said that the automobile, as a bulk commodity, was characterized by low frequency, high unit prices and a long chain of decision-making, and that it would be difficult in the short term to meet the real meaning of &ldquao; retaliatory consumption & & & rdquao; he argued that & & & & & ldquao; that, after the epidemic, people's sense of saving and consumption would be more rational and pragmatic & rdquao; and that the supply chain of the auto industry would also play a key role in the gradual recovery of car manufacturing.



Google and Samsung announced the development of 5 nm chips


According to Foreign Media Axios, Google officially announces and Three Stars building self-research chips. Google's self-researched SOC has been created and is expected to be mounted on Pixel's mobile phone. The chip code name is “ Whitechapel&rdquao; it is equipped with eight nuclear CPUs, using the Tristar 5nm process.


The United Arab Emirates launched an application to track close contact with patients diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia


The Abu Dhabi health sector in the United Arab Emirates announced the development of an application called & ldquo; TradeCovid” which allows downloaders to track in real time cases of new coronary pneumonia diagnosis, which will help to curb the spread of the new coronary virus. According to the health department, the application can be used to identify persons who have been in close contact with new coronary pneumonia diagnosis and to contact those who may be infected to provide them with the necessary help and treatment in a timely manner.



According to the latest information available on the website of the Food and Drug Regulatory Authority of the United States (“ FDA”) the new coronary virus 2019-nCov nucleic acid test box (the Fluorescent PCR Act) was granted an emergency use authorization (EUA) by the FDA on 17 April. The nucleic acid test box was developed autonomously and developed by the re-starding medical unit subsidiary, which had previously obtained a certificate of registration of medical instruments issued by the China National Drug Surveillance Authority and was certified by the European Union CE.

韩国免税店行业或将面临崩溃 大量积压免税品将被销毁


According to South Korea’s regulations, unsold duty-free goods must be destroyed, including incinerated. As the epidemic continues, South Korea’s tax-free shop industry is expected to collapse in the absence of strong bailout measures.


&ldquao; Internet Queen & rdquao; issuing Epidemic Trends Report: &ldquao; go to the door & rdquao as required; get a permanent market

拥有“互联网女皇”之称的Bond Capital合伙人Mary Meeker发布最新一期《互联网趋势报告》。报告指出,线上杂货/食品的按需配送经历了需求暴涨的阶段,并为本地的杂货和餐饮店提供需求。这种提供个性化(到家)服务的需求在这段不寻常的时光中获得了永久的市场。与亚洲等地区不同,美国地区的此类服务一直处于被低估的状态。

With & ldquo; the Internet Queen & rdquo; the so-called Bond Capital partner, Mary Meeker, released the latest Internet Trends Report. The report states that on-line groceries/food distribution has undergone a surge in demand and provides demand for local groceries and restaurants. This demand for personalized (home-to-home) services has acquired a permanent market in these unusual times.


Netflix to raise $50 million for video workers


Netflix spokeswoman 17 U.S. Time said that the company had added $50 million (approximately RMB 350 million) to its coronary virus emergency rescue fund, and that now Netflix has set up a fund for film and television workers affected by the epidemic totalling $150 million (approximately RMB 1.06 billion). Prior to that, Netflix announced in March that a $100 million fund had been set up to provide relief to video workers.


Harvard University expert: The United States needs to triple the ability to detect new coronary viruses before restarting the economy


Many public health experts at Harvard University believe that, before restarting the economy, the United States will have to increase its current capacity to detect new coronary viruses by more than three times. The United States is currently testing about 150,000 new coronary viruses every day, with a positive rate of up to 20%.


USA & ldquao; dragon & rdquao; the first manned flight of the ship will take place at the end of May


NASA announced that on May 27, the first time a manned version of & ldquo; dragon & & rdquo; the spaceship would take two American astronauts to the International Space Station. If everything went well, it would be the first time since 2011 that a national rocket had been used by the United States to transport astronauts from home to the station.



DeFi loan agreementLendf.Me confirms that the attack team reminded users not to deposit at this stage

DeFi贷款协议Lendf.Me证实在北京时间8点45分、区块高度:9899681遭受攻击,目前技术团队已经定位问题,并在网页端建议所有用户停止往借贷协议存入资产。DeFi Pulse的数据显示,锁仓资产在几个小时内跌落57%。链上数据显示,攻击者已将资产转入Compound 和Aave这两个平台。

DeFi loan agreement Lendf.Me confirms that at 8:45 p.m. Beijing time, block height: 9899681 has been attacked, the technical team has identified problems and advised all users to stop depositing assets to the loan agreement on the web site. DeFi Pulse shows that lock-in assets fall 57% in a few hours. The chain shows that the attackers have transferred their assets to Comboud and Aave platforms.


Google deletes 49 malicious Chrome extensions that attempt to steal encrypted currency


Google deletes 49 malign Chrome extensions that attempt to disguise them as encrypted wallets that attempt to steal encrypted money from unsuspecting users. Most malware extensions copy the interfaces of popular and trusted encryption wallets, such as Ledger, Trexor, Jaxx, Electrum, MyEther Wallet, Metamask, Exodus and KeepKey.


TokenInsight: BTC's mining capacity has risen to its highest level ever


According to TokenInsight data, the TTI index, which reflects the overall performance of the block chain industry, was reported at 576.61 p.m. Beijing Time on 19/04, up 18.08 p.m. compared to the same period yesterday, an increase of 3.24 per cent. In addition, among the 10 major sectors closely monitored by TokenInsight, the highest increase in 24 hours was recorded in the lower public chain sector, with an increase of 7.45 per cent; and the highest decline in 24 hours was recorded in the governance agreement sector, with a decline of 6.19 per cent.


M30S++ and M30S+ were sold out on the day they were boarded.

矿机厂商比特微宣布北京时间10:30上架的神马矿机M30S++与M30S+分别在10:33与 12:00左右售罄。4月17日比特微正式发布神马 M3X 系列矿机M30S++与M30S+,M30S++单台算力112T、功耗比31J/T,现货价格每台29,209.6人民币;M30S+单台算力 100T、功耗比34J/T,现货价格每台20,530人民币。

M30S++ and M30S+ and M30S+ were sold out at around 10:33 and 1212, respectively, on Beijing time 10:30. On April 17, the M30S++ and M30S+ and M30S+, the M30S++ single-stage 112T, the power ratio 31J/T, the spot price 29,209.6 yuan, and the M30S+ single-platform 100T, the power ratio 34J/T, the spot price 20,530 yuan.


People's Bank Digital Monetary Institute: Web-based DC/EP information as test content


According to the Digital Monetary Institute of the People’s Bank, the current web distribution of DC/EP information as part of the testing process for technology development does not mean that the RMB is officially released. The current closing test of the RMB does not affect the business operations of listed institutions, nor does it affect the circulation system, financial markets, and socio-economic aspects of the RMB issued outside the environment.


1. Nvidia 69亿美元收购服务器芯片厂商 Mellanox。

1. Nvidia $6.9 billion to acquire server chip vendor Mellanox.

2. 首只雄安主题基金华融雄安建设发展三年定期开放债券获批。

2. A regular three-year open bond was granted for the development of the first thematic fund, Hwan Hwan Hyang.

3. Crypto Finance完成1450万美元B轮融资,领沨资本领投。

Crypto Finance completed $14.5 million in B-round financing with capital-led investments.


1. 因诺科技CEO赵勇:今年仍有融资计划,不排除上市可能。

1. InnoTech CEO Zhao Yong: Financing schemes are still available this year, not excluding the possibility of listing.

2. 证监会:2019年共核准或注册206家企业IPO融资2821.85亿元。

CVM: In 2019, IPO financing for 206 enterprises was approved or registered in the amount of $28,285 million.



Long March & rdquao; & ldquao & & ldquao & Narsung 1 & rdquao & satellite into space


On 19 April 2004, at the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre, China successfully launched China's first transmission-stereogramming small satellite - & ldquao; test satellite I - & rdquao; and on board, China's own development of the first nanosatellite - & ldquao; Natsung I & & rdquo; and scientific experimental small satellites into space, marking an important breakthrough in the development of Chinese small satellites.






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