资讯 2024-06-17 阅读:69 评论:0
由程序员 Vitalik Buterin 创建的按市值计算的第二大加密货币已成功通过所有市场测试。尽管如此,以太坊 (ETH) 的汇率动态已经不止一次急剧变化。今天,我们将回顾以太币价格变化的历史,并讨论其在加密货币网络中的局部峰值、低点...



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由程序员 Vitalik Buterin 创建的按市值计算的第二大加密货币已成功通过所有市场测试。尽管如此,以太坊 (ETH) 的汇率动态已经不止一次急剧变化。今天,我们将回顾以太币价格变化的历史,并讨论其在加密货币网络中的局部峰值、低点和其他重要事件。让我们开始吧!

The second largest encoded currency in market value, created by the programmer Vitalik Buterin, has successfully passed all market tests. Nevertheless, the exchange rate dynamics of Taiyo have changed dramatically more than once. Today, we will look back at the history of changing prices in too many currencies and discuss its local peaks, low points and other important events in an encrypted currency network. Let's begin!


以太坊是第二大最受欢迎的加密货币,也许是比特币的主要竞争对手。这些代币称为以太币,代表 ETH。

Ether is the second most popular encrypted currency, perhaps the main competitor of Bitcoin. These coins are called Ethers, representing ETH.

以太坊的历史始于 2013 年,当时 19 岁的比特币杂志联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 首次提出了他对下一代加密平台的愿景。

The history of Ethio began in 2013, when Vitalik Buterin, a 19-year-old co-founder of Bitcoin magazine, first presented his vision for the next generation of encryption platforms.


The main value of the Taiteng is not so much an intelligent contract. These are the programs on the block chain that can be transferred to their digital versions. In this case, the transactions are monitored by computers rather than by people.


As an example, coin creators cite the simplest draw: two network participants bet on the results of a football game. After completion, smart contracts will be implemented and prizes distributed automatically according to the specified algorithm.

该开发项目的筹款活动始于 2014 年。开发商总共吸引了近 31,550 个比特币的投资。之后,Vitalik Buterin 和团队开始了他们项目的开发。

The fund-raising for the development project began in 2014. The developers attracted nearly 31,550 bitcoins of investment.


ETH 价格动态图表

2015 年 7 月 30 日首次向公众公开发布——当天,分布式数字基础以太坊区块链启动。该协议排名第一,被命名为 Frontier。一直以来,Vitalik Buterin 不仅参与开发,还积极推广他的加密货币——因此,以太坊已经能够与包括微软在内的大公司建立合作伙伴关系。

On July 30, 2015, for the first time, the distributional digital base was released to the public — that day, the distributed digital base was activated by the Taiwan block chain. The agreement was ranked first, named Frontier. Vitalik Buterin has been involved not only in the development, but also actively promoting his encrypted currency — so Ether has been able to form partnerships with large companies, including Microsoft.

根据 Etherscan.io 网站,关于以太坊价值的第一个现存历史记录可以追溯到 8 月 7 日。这一天,ETH 被添加到 Kraken 加密货币交易所,每枚硬币的价值为 2.77 美元。在接下来的三天里,价格下跌四次至 0.68 美元,这很可能是由于早期投资者组织的快速销售。

According to the Ethercan.io website, the first existing historical record of Taiwan values dates back to August 7. On that date, ETH was added to the Kraken Encrypted Currency Exchange, valued at $2.77 per coin. In the next three days, prices fell four times to $0.68, probably as a result of rapid sales by early investor organizations.

然而,到 2015 年 8 月 13 日,投资者的兴趣将加密货币的汇率推高至前所未有的高度——1.8 美元,并且该硬币的汇率在这一水平上维持了三天。正如以太坊历史图表所示,下一个本地以太币峰值是在将近六个月后记录的。

However, by August 13, 2015, investors’ interest pushed the exchange rate of the encrypted currency up to an unprecedented level – 1.8 dollars, and the exchange rate of the coin was maintained at that level for three days. As the Taiyu historical chart shows, the next local tip is recorded almost six months later.

与此同时,加密货币网络的另一个重大事件发生在 8 月 18 日——那天,矿工成功开采了前 100,000 个区块。尽管如此,此时 ETH 汇率已降至 1 美元。然后,在两个月的时间里,以太坊的价格逐渐下跌。

At the same time, another major event of the encrypted monetary network took place on August 18 — the day the miners successfully mined the first 100,000 blocks. Nevertheless, the ETH exchange rate was reduced to $1. Then, over a period of two months, the price of the taupulega fell.

在此期间,越来越多的加密货币爱好者了解了以太币。这次会议为其在 Devcon-1 开发者中的普及做出了重要贡献,来自 IBM、Microsoft 和 UBS 的代表出席了会议。 

During this period, more and more encrypt money fans learned about the Ether. The conference made an important contribution to its outreach among Devcon-1 developers, attended by delegates from IBM, Microsoft, and UBS. & nbsp;

2016 年 3 月,协议发生了变化。第二个版本称为 Homestead,开发人员将此版本定位为稳定版本。值得注意的是,以太币的价格在 2016 年前 2.5 个月上涨了十多倍。到此时,该网络的总市值已达到 10 亿美元。该项目广受欢迎,但 ETH 汇率的历史却朝着意想不到的方向发展。

In March 2016, the agreement changed. The second version, known as Homestead, was positioned by developers as a stable version. It is worth noting that the price of the Tails rose more than tenfold in the 2.5 months prior to 2016. By that time, the total market value of the network had reached $1 billion. The project was widely welcomed, but the history of the ETH exchange rate has evolved in an unexpected direction.

硬分叉之后,货币汇率开始出现严重调整。结果,到 4 月底,以太币的价格已减半至 7.3 美元。

After the hard fork, the currency exchange rate began to undergo a serious adjustment. As a result, by the end of April, the price in the tusk had been halved to $7.3.

下一个将以太坊价格推高至全年最高值(21.25 美元)的事件是媒体对 DAO 项目成功的大量报道,作为代币销售的一部分,该项目筹集了超过 1200 万个 ETH(约合 1.5 亿美元)。

The next event, which would raise the price of the Taiyo to its highest value throughout the year ($21.25), was a significant media coverage of the success of the DAO project, which, as part of a token sale, raised more than 12 million ETHs (approximately $150 million).

但是,由于 DAO 包含诈骗者利用的危险漏洞,暂时的胜利变成了当地的灾难。2016 年 6 月 16 日,他们成功转移了其管理下的约 5000 万美元。到 6 月 18 日,ETH 汇率下跌超过 30%。

However, given that DAO contained dangerous loopholes exploited by fraudsters, temporary victory became a local disaster. On June 16, 2016, they succeeded in transferring about $50 million under their administration. By June 18, the ETH exchange rate had fallen by more than 30 per cent.

由 Vitalik Buterin 领导的以太坊基金会团队必须解决维持 ETH 汇率和生态系统稳定性的艰巨任务。

The Etheraya Foundation team, led by Vitalik Buterin, must address the daunting task of maintaining the ETH exchange rate and ecosystem stability.


Ultimately, everything led to a proposal for a new hard split and to the return of stolen funds to the Fund. However, these innovations were resisted by some of the encrypt currency communities.

结果,该基金的代表设法推进了他们的提议,并在 2016 年 7 月中旬发生了一次硬分叉,在此期间数据库得到了更正,被盗资金被归还。

As a result, representatives of the Fund managed to move forward with their proposals and, in mid-July 2016, a hard split took place, during which time the database was corrected and the stolen funds returned.


It's a historic moment. The part of the community that doesn't want to change the rules has created a new project — an Etherian classic. The network has developed independently, positioning itself as free from censorship, fraud and outside interference.

9 月中旬,在有关为 Ledger Nano S 硬件钱包增加以太坊支持的消息的背景下,ETH 汇率上涨至 15 美元。

In mid-September, the ETH exchange rate rose to $15 against the backdrop of news of increased support for the Ledger Nano S hardware wallet.

尽管如此,在 9 月 22 日,以太坊仍面临 DDoS 攻击,这大大降低了网络速度。这一消息推动了局部下跌趋势的开始,该下跌趋势持续了 2.5 个月并于 12 月 5 日结束。直到年底,汇率在 7-9 美元的价格范围内盘整。

Nevertheless, on September 22, Ether was faced with a DDoS attack, which significantly reduced the speed of the network. This news contributed to the beginning of a local downward trend, which lasted 2.5 months and ended on December 5. Until the end of the year, the exchange rate was rounded up at a price of $7 to $9.

起初,2017 年以太币汇率增长相当平稳,到 2 月 23 日达到每枚硬币 13 美元。该硬币被添加到交易者 eToro 社交平台后,上涨速度加快。

Initially, in 2017, the rate of exchange grew fairly flat in the Tails, reaching $13 per coin on February 23. The coin was added to the trader's eToro social platform, and the rate of increase accelerated.

同一天,比特币网络中未确认的交易数量达到了 10 万笔。越来越多认为比特币发展缓慢且过时的加密货币投资者正在寻找替代投资选择。他们中有相当一部分人将注意力转向了 Ether。

On the same day, the number of unconfirmed transactions in the Bitcoin network reached 100,000. Increasingly, encrypted currency investors who believe that bitcoin is developing slowly and out of date are looking for alternative investment options.

3 月份,以太坊涨至 40-50 美元,并维持在这个价格区间直到 4 月底。大约在同一时间,未确认的比特币交易数量超过 200,000。原因之一是许多矿工转向以太坊挖矿。

In March, it rose to $40-50 and remained in this price range until the end of April. At about the same time, the unrecognised amount of Bitcoin transactions exceeded 200,000.

这两个重要因素的结合导致代币价格上涨两倍——5 月 5 日,1 个 ETH 已经花费 95 美元。

The combination of these two important factors led to a doubling of the price of the tokens — on May 5, 1 ETH had already spent $95.

5 月,该币被加入 AVATRADE 交易平台,不到一个月价格翻了两番。六个月前购买以太坊的投资者能够以 50 倍的价格卖出。因此,以太坊汇率动态为他们带来了双重利润。

In May, the currency was added to the AVATRADE trading platform, with prices quadrupling in less than a month. Investors who bought the district were able to sell it at 50 times the price six months ago.

许多分析师将看涨趋势归因于代币在加密社区和 dApps 开发人员环境中的广泛流行。ICO 炒作也促进了对以太坊需求的增加——数以千计的项目选择 ETH 作为代币销售过程中接受支付的主要货币。

Many analysts attribute the upward trend to the widespread prevalence of tokens in the environment of encrypt communities and dapps developers. The ICO campaign has also contributed to an increase in demand for the Etherm - thousands of project choices ETH as the main currency to be paid for in the course of currency sales.

在如此快速的增长之后,随后出现了修正阶段,在 7 月底结束于 150 美元左右。直到 11 月中旬,以太坊的价格在 275-350 美元区间内盘整,定期测试新的支撑位。

This rapid growth was followed by a correction phase, which ended at the end of July at around $150. Until mid-November, at a cost of 275-350 US dollars, the district was rounded up and new support positions were regularly tested.

增长高峰发生在 12 月,当时 ETH 汇率达到 800 美元。此外,与市场上的大多数加密货币一样,以太币在比特币汇率下跌 80% 的同时进行了调整,暂时跌至 500-600 美元。

Growth peaked in December, when the ETH exchange rate reached $800. Moreover, as in most of the encrypted currencies on the market, it was adjusted to $500-600 while the bitcoin rate fell by 80 per cent.


It appears that the high rate of growth in 2018 will continue, with the highest rate of exchange fixed at $1,400 on 13 January.

到 2 月中旬,以太坊汇率已跌至 900 美元。但在开发人员宣布发布新的 Ethereum Go 客户端 Iceberg 后,它已经涨到 1000 美元。从那一刻到 9 月中旬,ETH 汇率一直不稳定,每枚硬币的价格从 380 美元到 830 美元不等。

By mid-February, it had fallen to US$ 900. But it had risen to US$ 1,000 since the developers announced the release of a new Etheeum Go client, Iceberg. From that moment to mid-September, the ETH exchange rate was unstable, ranging from US$ 380 to US$ 830 per coin.

2017年引发以太坊汇率高速增长的ICO时代已经落下帷幕。数以千计的 ICO 项目出售了他们在 ETH 中的储蓄,从而压低了其利率。

The era of ICO, which triggered a high rate of exchange growth in 2017, has come to an end. Thousands of ICO projects have sold their savings in ETH, pushing down their interest rates.

跌幅在 9 月初放缓至 180 美元左右,直到 11 月中旬,跌幅在 200 美元至 300 美元之间。然而,在 11 月,比特币达到 6,000 美元的水平,并在一个月内价格几乎减半。

The decline slowed to around $180 in early September, until mid-November, when it ranged between $200 and $300. However, in November, Bitcoin reached a level of $6,000 and almost halved its price in one month.

以太坊汇率跌至 85 美元,瑞波币 (XRP) 在加密货币排行榜上排名第二。以太坊的看跌年度以 140 美元的绝对低点结束,代币的价格下跌了十倍。

The rate dropped to $85, and the XRP ranked second on the list of encrypted currencies. The drop year ended at an absolute low of $140 and the price of the tokens fell tenfold.

1 月第一周,以太坊重回 CoinMarketCap 排行榜第二位,价值达到 160 美元。到这个时候,几乎所有山寨币的价格都与比特币的价格走势同步。这段时间的局部高点是 160 美元和 180 美元。

In the first week of January, Etheria returned to the second place on the CoinMarketCap list, valued at $160. By that time, almost all of the price of the mountain coins were synchronized with the price of the bitcoin. The local height of the period was $160 and $180.

4 月和 5 月,比特币汇率上涨了近 2,000 美元,但加密货币市场并未出现明显变化。在增长高峰期,以太坊的成本为 280-300 美元,但到年底回落至 145 美元的正常水平。

In April and May, the Bitcoin exchange rate rose by nearly $2,000, but the crypto-currency market did not change significantly. At the peak of growth, at a cost of $280-300, it fell back to the normal level of $145 at the end of the year.

以太坊持有者最期待的关键事件是以太坊 2.0 零阶段的启动。12 月,用户能够将他们的 ETH 存入以太坊 2.0 存款合约。在该合约上存储代币允许投资者获得抵押代币的被动奖励。

In December, users were able to deposit their ETH into the ETH deposit contract in Etheria 2.0. The deposit of the currency allowed investors to receive passive incentives for collateral money.

2020 年,以太坊价格上涨了 460%。因此,在年初,即 1 月 1 日,主要的山寨币价格为 130 美元。2 月,以太坊价格升至 290 美元,但随后与 BTC 一起开始下跌。3 月份,币价跌破 90 美元。此后,新的上升趋势开始,以太坊在年末突破 1,200 美元大关。

In 2020, the price of Etheria rose by 460%. So, at the beginning of the year, on 1 January, the price of the main mountain coins was $130. In February, it rose to $290, but then began to fall with BTC. In March, the currency fell by $90. Since then, the new upward trend has begun, with Taipan breaking the $1,200 threshold at the end of the year.

山寨币在 2021 年 1 月轻松打破了之前的价格记录。2 月,它接近 2,000 美元大关。4 月中旬,以太坊突破了 2,500 美元的重要心理里程碑。价格上涨的驱动因素是一次重要的网络更新——创建者进行了柏林硬分叉,这是向以太坊 2.0 过渡计划的一部分。新的绝对价格峰值出现在 5 月 12 日,当时 ETH 的价格超过 4,891 美元。

In January of 2021, the price record was easily broken. In February, it was close to US$ 2,000. In mid-April, a major psychological milestone of US$ 2,500 was broken in Ether. The price increase was driven by an important network renewal - the creator made a Berlin hard split as part of the transition plan to Ether 2.0. The new absolute price peak was on May 12, when the price of Ether was over US$ 4,891.

这是有史以来以太坊的最高价值。与此同时,以太坊的市值也创下了 5000 亿美元的新高,相当于整个加密货币市场的 20% 左右。

This is the highest value ever from the Etherm. At the same time, Etherm’s market value has reached a new high of $50 billion, equivalent to about 20 percent of the entire encrypt currency market.

今年年初,以太币的价值超过 3700 美元。然而,到 1 月 9 日,ETH 的价值已经跌至 3000 美元。然后加密货币市场对美国联邦储备系统(FRS)会议做出反应。在这次会议上,监管机构计划多次提高利率,并将该国央行的资产负债表缩减 8.3 万亿美元。

At the beginning of this year, it was worth over $37,000 in tautese currency. By January 9, however, the value of ETH had fallen to $3000.

仅几个月后,以太坊就逼近了 380 美元大关。ETH 的成本在 2022 年 4 月 4 日达到 3500 美元。在接下来的几个月里,以太币出现下跌。6月19日,以太币价格瞬间达到984美元,2022年8月4日,以太币价格回升至1681.4美元。

Only a few months later, Ether was close to the $380 mark. The cost of ETH reached $3,500 on April 4th, 2022. In the following months, the Ether currency fell. On June 19, it reached $984 instantaneously, and on August 4th, 2022, it rose back to $168,1.4.

自 2023 年初以来,以太币开始增长。因此,山寨币的成本从 1,000 美元上升到 1,895 美元。今天,2023 年 4 月 18 日,ETH 的价格为 2,099 美元;也就是说,该比率在过去一年中大约减半。

Since the beginning of 2023, it has been growing in taeco. Thus, the cost of bountiful coins has risen from $1,000 to $1,895. Today, April 18, 2023, the price of ETH is $2,099; that is to say, it has been about halved in the past year.

2023年情况会不会有明显变化?好吧,只有时间会证明一切。今天,我们回顾了 ETH 价格变化的历史。

Will there be a significant change in 2023? Well, only time will prove everything. Today, we review the history of the ETH price changes.


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    播报编辑《区块链:交易系统开发指南》使用通俗易懂的语言,从技术的角度详细介绍了区块链交易系统应有的功能架构及工作原理,让人们能够张开双臂轻松地拥抱区块链技术,享受区块链交易系统带来的惊喜与成就感。《区块链:交易系统开发指南》共分 7 章,第 1~2 章主要介绍区块链及数字货币的基本概念,以及各种公有链的 API 接口;第3~5 章主要介绍区块链交易系统的分类架构及功能; 6 章主要介绍区块链交易系统面临的问题及演进方向;第 7 章对全书做了总结。《区块链:交易系统开发指南》是...
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    今天,随着比特币(BTC)的价格突破62 000美元的门槛,顶级加密货币的价格反弹了。 此外,以铁大幅上涨,维持在2 900美元的水平。 此外,其他顶尖山硬币,如索拉纳(SOL )、XRP、卡达诺(ADA )也大幅上涨。    今天密钥加密货币价格 1. 比特币价格    在5月14日星期二撰写本文时,比特币价格上升了2.57%,达到62 487.50美元。 另一方面,在过去24小时内,交易量从65.26 % 急剧上升至277亿美元。 与此同时,加密货币的市场价值为...
  • OKEx回应用户质疑:合约交易非期货 平台无机器人

    OKEx回应用户质疑:合约交易非期货 平台无机器人
       热点点 自选股份 数据中心 数据中心 研究和资料中心 资金流动 模拟交易 客户客户 具体来说,OKEx回答用户的问题:合同交易不是期货,平台不是机器人。 金融同步化,3月22日。    昨天下午,OKEx公司就维护先前用户线下的权利问题对同步财务公司作出了回应,指出OKEx公司提供的合同交易不是期货交易,在旗下的业务中没有正式的机器人。 同时,OKEX称,它不会以非法为由对任何投资损失索赔作出答复。 答复全文如下: 同步你的财务! 近日来,...
  • 0.00006694个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

    0.00006694比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00006694比特币等于4.53424784美元/32.5436 16人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000066944.53424784【比特币密码】32.82795436 16比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:490408.64 CNY(1比特币=490408.64人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00006694USDT=0.0004846456 CNY)汇率更新时...