百度区块链落地六大领域 百科、度宇宙、图腾等应用亮相

资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:52 评论:0



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Previously, the 100-degree block chain laboratory released the White Paper V1.0 on the 100-degree block chain, which highlighted the autonomous development of “superchain” network systems by block-chain laboratories, based on the super-chain application of products such as the 100-degree encyclopaedia, the dicosm and totem, detailing the location of the 100-degree block chain in six main areas: content copyright, information traceability, cultural entertainment, information security, individual information management and digital advertising.


The paper states that Xuper Chain, or Superlink, is a network of block chains that embraces all block chain technologies and that parallel chains can support the solution of the chain, as well as other open-source block network technical programs. Superchains are designed as a block chain solution at the 100-degree operating system level, with the aim of building a bottom ecosystem and creating business closures to enable the Dapp developers to fully embrace the chain.


Based on supermarket technology, 100 degrees have actively explored the application of block chains across industries. There are now 100-degree block-chain technical solutions in six areas: content copyright, information traceability, cultural entertainment, information security, individual information management, and digital advertising, which describe the direction of future applications.


In terms of content copyright, the Totem platform has taken the lead in building a new content copyright ecological platform (totem) in response to the pain of the copyright industry's “high power costs, widespread piracy, and inefficient trading”, combining the advantages of block chain technology, search techniques and traffic. The Totem platform has now completed the full-scale solution of the copyright section chain of the picture, providing copyright protection and full-stream support to the copyright industry. In the future, Toto plans to expand the platform's capacity from supporting pictures to supporting more types of copyright content manifestations, such as text, video, etc. In collaboration with the 100-degree cloud, digital assets are protected by copyright and generate copyright values.


In terms of information traceability, with regard to the credibility of the content industry, the encyclopedia will achieve the falsification of the word in the form of an information traceability. The greatest advantage of the encyclopedia of block-chain capability is that the modification of history can be reliably traced – through historical versions of records and block-chain information that can accurately and credibly identify each of the facts in the word and the editor described in each sentence. In the future, the encyclopedia also plans to connect to industry blocks, directly translating credible data in the block-chain into relevant phrases through AI technology, further safeguarding the authenticity and authority of encyclopedia information.


In the entertainment industry, in response to problems of safety, transparency, authenticity, and the difficulty faced by traditional recreational applications, such as low daily activity, single content, and asset-based recreational applications, the universe will gain a higher quality of entertainment experience by building a rich application landscape that allows users to recognize and experience the value and advantages of the chain of blocks. The universe, as the first primary application of the 100-degree superchain, is designed to be the largest global, truly user-valued recreational application ecological platform for building a single digital world of “block chains + large data + recreation + social consumption.” The universe will create more explosive models for users in the second half of 2018, enrich application scenes and increase product flows; and in 2019 it will complete its own foundation building, open platform interfaces, and create mechanisms for the creation of distributed, collaborative content-building, with the elites, of a protected city river for the ecology of the universe.


In addition, in the area of information security, 100 per cent introduced the anti-malignty software block chain solution (Hubert), in the area of personal information management, in the area of personal education information (100 per cent encyclopaedia), and in the area of digital advertising, in the area of universal search advertising (Bouch Box).


Finally, 100-degree projects are proposed for the future technological deployment of block chains, i.e. focusing on empowerment, supporting the use of block-chain technologies to address food security, commodity quality, new retailing, new manufacturing, supply chain finance, intellectual property protection and trade, travel, tourism, socialization and games, in response to the broad orientation and direction of the new model of shared economies in the country.




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