比特币中国将停止所有交易 虚拟货币日益成犯罪活动帮凶

资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:85 评论:0
  央广网北京9月15日消息(记者王一棚 柴华)据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,昨天(14日),国内一家较大的比特币交易平台——比特币中国宣布,9月30日起停止数字资产交易平台所有交易业务。消息一出,市场立刻做出剧烈反应。截止昨晚,火币网上的比...



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  央广网北京9月15日消息(记者王一棚 柴华)据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,昨天(14日),国内一家较大的比特币交易平台——比特币中国宣布,9月30日起停止数字资产交易平台所有交易业务。消息一出,市场立刻做出剧烈反应。截止昨晚,火币网上的比特币价格报21100元,跌幅为15%左右;比特币中国上的比特币价格报19100元,跌幅超过20%。那么,比特币中国为什么要关闭交易?其自身存在哪些风险?人们又该如何防范呢?

As soon as the news came out, the market reacted sharply. As of last night, the price of bitcoin on the currency network was 21,100 yuan, or about 15%; and the price of bitcoin in bitcoin in bitcoin was 19,100 dollars, or more than 20%. Then why did Bitcoin shut down the deal?


Bitcoin does not have a centralized issuer, but is generated by network node calculations, and anyone may be involved in the creation of bitcoin and can circulate around the world, and can be bought and sold on any computer with Internet access; wherever it is, anyone can dig, buy, sell or collect bitcoin, and in the course of the transaction those who have nothing to do with the transaction cannot identify the user. In 2009, Bitcoin was born free of control by the central bank and any financial institution.


In response, Li Yijun, President of the Institute of Internet Finance Law of the Chinese University of Politics and Law, stated that regardless of where and in which form Bitcoin is present, it is illegal to fix currency. “For the time being, in all parts of the world, the basic and legal nature of Bitcoin is divided into three categories: the first category, which is characterized as a virtual commodity or a digital asset.


Bitcoin trading platform has no legal basis in our country


The day before Bitcoin announced the cessation of all trading operations on the Digital Assets Trading Platform in China, on 13, Morgan Chase CEOJMI Dymón said at a meeting at Barclays Bank, “Bitcoins will eventually collapse. It is a fraud.” Dymonbitcoin has been harshly criticized and its rapid appreciation compared to the 17th century “Tulip bubble”, and he anticipates that investors in decentralized currencies will face the same tragic end.


On the same day, the Chinese Internet Finance Association issued a risk alert to so-called “virtual currency” such as Bitcoin. The reminder states that so-called “virtual currency” such as Bitcoin is increasingly used as a tool for criminal activities, such as money-laundering, drug trafficking, smuggling, and illegal collection of funds.


"The virtual currency has no value in itself and cannot be controlled


Li also said that, at the technical level, Bitcoin is also at risk, “as a network technology, Bitcoin is either interfered with or abused by hackers, viruses, and cyber robbers.” Most of the subjects with this virtual currency are traders who do not know IT technology, and even if they know IT technology, they may not be able to protect themselves from such security risks. The key issue is the risk of transactions, where Bitco is unsupervised, and where there is a risk of market manipulation, insider trading.”


In recent years, the price of Bitcoin has risen rapidly, attracting large numbers of people, and the participants have expanded rapidly from a “specialized crowd” to a “general public” with the argument that “shares and houses are less expensive than coins.” A large number of virtual money and windmills have risen. In 2017 alone, the price of Lightcoin rose by 476%, and the price of Rippoco by 54 times, and the price of Temas by 13 times.


The head of the Internet Finance Research Institute at Zhejiang University, Zhang Ruidong, said that the price increase was so large that the psychology of the chasers, the frenzy, and the side-faced risk of bitcoin was so high that “the main reason behind this was to make and trade bitcoin as a special commodity, as a financial derivative like stock. Since it was a special commodity, a financial derivative, problems in trading in the stock market would be encountered by bitcoin investors. It was just that the bitcoin deal had been a new thing in recent years.


Overseas bitcoin transactions are at high risk


Bitcoin's hazards and risks are so great that one asks: What are the ponds? Why are operations like the Bitcoin Chinese ponds not affected by them and continue to operate normally?


In response, Zhang Ruidong explained that “bitcoin is a global network, a global digital currency.” In other words, even if China’s trading platforms are shut down, as long as Internet connections are fluid and accessible, domestic transactions in bitcoin on foreign platforms cannot be handled unless the Internet is shut down as a whole.”


According to Zhang Ritón, while allowing Bitcoin to trade abroad, it is difficult and risky to “require more professional requirements, participation is more difficult, and the number of participants may be lower.” Investors are involved in US trading platforms, at least in English. Markets can still discuss Bitcoin, but do not want Bitcoin to be traded to induce and mislead investors whose level of domestic awareness is not particularly high.”


It should not be overlooked that, as the price of bitcoin soars, it is increasingly becoming a “collaborator” of various types of illegal criminal activity, harbouring enormous social risks. In various Internet-based financial risk management, a large number of illegal financial activities, such as “virtual currency” and under the guise of “virtual currency,” have been discovered.


Lee Ai-kun reminds a wide range of investors that the risks inherent in an unregulated trading market are great. Because investors don't know exactly who controls the subject matter of these transactions, for example, how the realtor manipulates and manipulates what he wants out of it, it's hard for everyone to see. Don't be lucky. To be correct, the risk is risk. An investor who doesn't know his profession, who doesn't see what's behind it, is likely to be cut off every hour like a cabbage.




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