
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:58 评论:0
历经多次推迟清算及数场官司,Mt. Gox被盗事件总算进入赔付阶段,其债权人有望在今年3月(更新:时间调整至4月)获得首批还款。而在过去九年时间里,比特币价格的飙涨也让Mt. Gox债权人在多年“被动锁仓”后,强制获得一笔不小的“意外收入”...



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历经多次推迟清算及数场官司,Mt. Gox被盗事件总算进入赔付阶段,其债权人有望在今年3月(更新:时间调整至4月)获得首批还款。而在过去九年时间里,比特币价格的飙涨也让Mt. Gox债权人在多年“被动锁仓”后,强制获得一笔不小的“意外收入”。

After many delays in liquidation and several court cases, Mt. Gox’s thefts have finally entered the payment phase, and its creditors are expected to receive the first payments in March this year (update: time adjustment to April). Over the past nine years, the surge in Bitcoin prices has also forced Mt. Gox’s creditors to obtain a significant “unforeseen income” after years of “passive lock-in.”


But what is now more important to creditors is the real financial position of Mt. Gox. How will it be paid? When will it be paid? And, if the nearly 140,000 bitcoins used to repay creditors are released, will the market be at risk of being smashed?


The theft of Mt. Gox's “door ditch”, which took nine years, was finally “final”, from the application for liquidation to the determination of the payment scheme and the eventual preparation of the repayment.

根据2019年Mt.Gox的资产负债表显示,其债务人持有约14.2万枚比特币(BTC)、14.3万枚比特币现金(BCH)及690亿日元(约5.1亿美元)。有债权人透露,此后的Mt.Gox资产负债表并没有出现太大变化。而Token Unlocks截至3月6日最新数据显示,Mt.Gox持有超13.7万枚比特币,价值共30.8亿美元。

According to the 2019 balance sheet of Mt. Gox, its debtors held approximately 142,000 bitcoins (BTCs), 143,000 bitcoins of cash (BCHs) and 69 billion yen (approximately $510 million). Creditors revealed that the Mt. Gox balance sheet had not changed significantly since then. The latest data from Token Unlocks as at 6 March showed that Mt. Gox held more than 137,000 bitcoins with a total value of $3.08 billion.

根据Mt.Gox官网公告,债权人要想获得赔偿,需在2023年3月10日(更新:时间调整至2023年4月6日)前登记并选择还款方式,首批赔付的最后期限为2023年9月30日(更新:时间调整至2023年10月31日)。如果未能在截止时间内完成登记和注册,这部分债权人将无法获得提前一次性还款,且失去部分加密货币恢复索赔、银行汇款支付或通过资金转账服务提供商汇款的权利。此外,他们还需要携带所需的文件前往MTGOX Co., Ltd. 总部,仅能以日元的现金形式接受还款。

According to Mt. Gox, if creditors are to be compensated, . If registration and registration are not completed within the deadline, these creditors will not be able to obtain early one-time repayments and lose part of the right to restore claims in encrypted currency, bank remittance payments or remittances through the money transfer service provider.


Mt. Gox, on the other hand, provides creditors with the most recent payment options, including

例如,Mt.Gox最大债权人Bitcoinica和MGIF(Mt Gox Investment Fund)就选择了一次性支付方案,且选择主要以比特币而非法定货币的形式来获得其破产追偿,这也大大降低了市场对Mt.Gox大量抛售比特币来支付法币赔付款的担忧,要知道这两大债权人所需的索赔金额约占全部的五分之一。

For example, Bitcoinica and MGIF, the largest creditors of Mt.Gox, opted for a one-time payment scheme and for recovery in the form of Bitcoin rather than statutory currency, which also significantly reduced the market's concern that Mt.Gox had to sell a large amount of bitcoin in order to pay for the French currency, knowing that those two large creditors needed approximately one fifth of the total amount claimed.


“Middle-term and final repayments” are higher than in the previous pattern, but and some creditors may continue to await the outcome of the proceedings, which means that they will have to wait longer to receive payment, and MGIF stated in a memorandum in 2022 that the process of


It is worth noting that since creditors are required to register and designate an exchange to receive funds on their behalf and each exchange gives a different schedule for the processing of payments, the time for them to receive compensation varies, for example, BitGo will be making payments within 20 days, Kraken’s payment process may take 90 days, etc.


In 2014, Mt. Gox, the world's largest exchange accounting for 70 per cent of Bitcoins, was exposed to hacking, with 100,000 bitcoins and 750,000 bitcoins stolen from users (and later recovered 200,000 bitcoins and resold some 60,000), and Mt. Gox applied for bankruptcy three days later. Recalling this “door gullet incident”, it still left many investors at risk.

而彼时,比特币的价格大概为800美元,而多年后其价格已直线飞涨,最高曾涨至超5万美元,即便是当前1.7万美元的价格,也较2014年翻了超21.8倍。如此高的回报率之下,难保有不少债权人选择抛售提现,而目前Mt. Gox可用的比特币数量占当前比特币日交易量(63.2万枚)的21.6% ,那么如此体量的比特币是否对市场产生冲击?

At this high rate of return, it is difficult to retain a large number of creditors who choose to sell the cash, while the number of bitcoins available to Mt. Gox currently accounts for 21.6% of the current Bitcoin volume (632,000), which has risen sharply over the years, up to a maximum of 50,000 dollars, even if the current price of $17,000 is 21.8 times higher than in 2014. Does the amount of bitcoins have an impact on the market?

对此,瑞银策略师Ivan Kachkovski表示,即将到来的Mt. Gox破产还款可能不会引起人们对比特币价格的担忧。Mt. Gox为债权人提供了多种还款方式和时间选择,且大多数债权人仍是加密货币信徒,因此不太可能抛售比特币。但Mt. Gox采用法定还款的早期一次性付款选项将导致交易所出售比特币以筹集必要的现金,并可能让“长期以来担心Mt.Gox赎回会损害比特币价格”成为现实。

In response, Swiss silver strategist Ivan Kachkovski said that the forthcoming Mt. Gox bankruptcy repayment might not raise concerns about Bitcoin prices. Mt. Gox provided creditors with a variety of options for repayment and timing, and most creditors were still followers of encrypted currencies, making it unlikely that Bitcoins would be sold.

虽然首次赔偿的债权人及比特币数量尚未可知,但Mt. Gox完成所有的数据统计预计还需要一定时间,且债权人的偿还方式有着多种形式及是多阶段的,甚至部分为获得更多赔偿还需耗费几年时间,这意味着这部分比特币的释放量或将不会非常集中,并不会造成非常集中的市场冲击。

Although the number of creditors and the number of bitcoins for first-time compensation is not known, Mt. Gox’s completion of all the statistics is expected to take some time, and the creditor’s repayment is in many forms and multi-phased and even partly takes several years to obtain more compensation, which means that the release of this bitcoins will not be very concentrated and will not result in a very concentrated market shock.




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