
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:73 评论:0
在比特币现金减半当天晚上,莱比特矿池(BTC.TOP)创始人江卓尔对BCH的未来行情做出了判断,一起来看看。On the night of ˂a href="https:/...



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On the night of

主持人:BCH今天减半,BTC也将在35天左右减半。我们也看到BCH今天的价格波动较大。有的人认为减半导致供给减少,价格将上涨;也有人认为“利好出尽是利空”,减半的利好已经提前反映到价格里,也就是已经price in了,减半后价格将下跌。请问江总怎么看?

Moderator: BCH is cut by half today, and BTC is about to halve in 35 days. We also see BCH price volatility today. Some people think that halving has led to a reduction in supply and that prices will rise; others think that “profit is profit is profit”, and the benefits of halving are already reflected in the price, i.e., already price is in, and prices will fall.


Jiangchael: The question will be asked of each round by half. The last time in 2016, I said this: halving is not a good news, but a real, sustainable benefit.


What do you mean, "continuing good"? For example, an oil company discovers a new oil field, and the stock price of this oil company will rise or fall when the new oil field comes into operation?


The benefits of halving bitcoin are the same, and once halved, it is equivalent to a millionaire who buys 900 bitcoins per day in a fixed way and destroys them for a permanent period of time. Especially in the face of the current financial crisis, lack of money, and lack of confidence in buying, this “rich” buy-in is valuable, and will directly change the comparison between supply and demand in the market.


I therefore believe that halving it will lead to an increase in currency prices.

至于认为减半利好已经price in的观点,只要拿历史数据检验一下就可以了。

As for the view that the half-percent benefit is already in price, it is only possible to test it with historical data.

2016年减半时,币价涨了50倍,明显减半利好没有price in。为什么没有price in?因为比特币还在飞速的发展中,用户不断地增加,未来2年内大部分用户,现在都还不在。既然连人都不在市场中,那就更谈不上price in了。

By the time the price was halved in 2016, it was 50 times higher, apparently less than the price in. Why not the price in? Because Bitcoin is growing at a fast pace, and most users are not here in the next two years. Not to mention the fact that even people are not in the market.


Moderator: Will the BCH repeat the history of the sharp rise of the LTC before it was halved last year, its collapse after halving, and its fall near the pre-half position?


Jiangchael: The fact that LTC nearly halved back to its pre-50 status is because LTC has a time-to-half or a bear-market cycle, and we can see a very similar trend by halving LTC twice in 2015 and 2019. The year 2019 is almost the year of the 2015 reprint.


Since BTC accounts for more than 70% of the total market value, the cow market will have to be halved before it can open, and the LTC will not open, and then fall back after it rises. The BCH and BTC are nearly halved, so that the BCH will enjoy the same round by half, and the BCH will not fall back.


Moderator: Is it a good thing or a bad thing about the financial crisis, that asset prices such as the global stock market have fallen sharply as a result of the new coronary pneumonia?


Jiangchael: This is very good for bitcoin, not to look at it as a result of which Bitcoin fell sharply on March 12th, but the financial crisis will raise Bitcoin’s best price in the city.


Assuming that by the time this financial crisis did not occur, Bitcoin would have been worth $100,000 at the highest price in the city, which would have been $200,000, or even $300,000, in the wake of the financial crisis. Because the financial crisis would have caused the government to put money on the market, Bitcoin was born in 2008 in a subprime loan crisis to counter the government’s printing of money.


Moderator: What are the advantages of BCH in development for other currencies such as BTC?


Jiangchall: The main difference between the BCH and other currencies is what degree of decentralisation should be achieved.

BTC的开发团队Core认为必须达到非常高的去中心化,必须树莓派(Raspberry Pi)这种微型电脑也能运行比特币节点,因此他们坚持区块1M不扩容。

The BTC development team, Core, believed that it was necessary to reach a very high level of decentralisation and that microcomputers such as Raspberry Pi could also run bitcoin nodes, so they insisted that block 1M should not be expanded.


But too much is necessary, for example, to drink water, but if you drink too much water, it can also cause water poisoning. The size of the block is the same, as long as it does not exceed the average computer performance limit, which is currently about 100M. There is no centralization as long as the size of the block does not render the normal computer unwieldy.


BTC's insistence on too small a block and over-centralization will lead to a decline in the number of users that can accommodate, do not have enough users to compete with the BCH, and eventually centralize because of their smaller size.


The BSV made a similar mistake, and the BSV required too large, even an unlimited number of blocks, which would lead to excessive node performance requirements, too few nodes, and even a few large nodes, so that Bitcoin would be de-centralized and there would be nothing left.


Only the right ones are the best, and the BCH blocks are neither large nor small, but the best ones.




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