
资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:72 评论:0
曾经以为,拥有是不容易的,后来明白,舍弃才是更难的。所有让你佩服的人,只是你的羡慕给平凡的他镀了金身,金融市场,不少人能看穿你的逞强,但没几个人像我一样愿意保护你的脆弱,时间游走,岁月搁浅,K线的影子映着千言万语。It was tho...



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It was thought that possession was not easy, and then it became clear that it was harder to abandon. All those who admired you were your envy for the gold plating of the ordinary, the financial markets, many people could see through your strength, but few were as willing as I was to protect your weakness, time, time, years, and the shadow of Klines.


9.7 BTC profile analysis:

MakerDAO已通过并执行提高DAI储蓄率、提高Spark Protocol债务上限等的执行提案:8月7日消息,据MakerDAO治理页面显示,北京时间8月5日,MakerDAO社区投票通过增强DSA激活、SparkProtocol债务上限提高、RWA金库更新、2023年第二季度AVC会员补偿、Monetails Clydesdale的DAO决议、启动项目资金、Spark Proxy Spell执行的执行提案。该提案已于北京时间8月7日执行。

MakerDAO has adopted and implemented implementation proposals to increase the DAI savings rate and increase the Spark Protocol debt ceiling. On 7 August, according to information on the MakerDAO governance page, on 5 August Beijing time, the MakerDAO community voted to boost the DSA activation, the SparkProtocol debt cap increase, the RWA Treasury update, AVC membership compensation in the second quarter of 2023, the Montetails Clydesdale DAO resolution, start-up project funding, and the implementation proposal implemented by Spark Proxy Spell, which was implemented on 7 August Beijing time.

除了将DAI存款利率上调至8%外,其他协议主要变化包括:Spark Protocol直接存款模块最大债务上限从2000万枚DAI增加至2亿枚DAI;RWA004-A债务上限从700万枚DAI降至0DAI、RWA002-A协议实施更新;134.1枚MKR分配给AVC会员;Spark Protocol更新DAI利率策略,并将DAI市场贷款价值比(LTV)从74%降至0.01%,DAI清算门槛从76%降至0.01%,WETH市场准备金率从15%降至5%,WETH的variableRateSlope1从3.8%降至3%。[2023/8/7 21:28:45]

In addition to raising the DAI deposit rate to 8 per cent, the main changes in other agreements include: an increase in the maximum debt ceiling of the Spark Protocol direct deposit module from 20 million DAI to 200 million DAI; a reduction in the debt ceiling of RWA004-A from 7 million DAI to 0DAI and an update of the RWA002-A agreement; the distribution of 134.1 MKR to AVC members; an update of the DAI interest rate strategy by Spark Protocol and a reduction in the DAI market loan value from 74 per cent to 0.01 per cent, the DAI liquidation threshold from 76 per cent to 0.01 per cent, the WETH market reserve rate from 15 per cent to 5 per cent, and the WETH market reserve rate from variableRateSlope1 from 3.8 per cent to 3 per cent [20/8/7 21:45].


Four hours to watch the boolean tunnel run, the price of the big cakes touch the middle track several times and try to break through. The price is currently on a shock break in the vicinity of 10223, the indicator MACD gold fork red power is continuously released, the KDJ three lines are running up, and today the white plate bounces back. One hour to watch the price of the big cake is suppressed on the upper track, the price of the big fork is starting to fall back on the middle track, the technology MACD indicator gold fork red fork is clearly shrunk, the KDJ indicator is condensed on the third line, and the mood is expected to step back, and the operational advice is expected to step back. Operational recommendation: more than 10160-10210, the target is looking around 10300-10350, the breach continues to look 10400.

VERTU发布支持GhatGPT应用的最新旗舰METAVERTU 1TB Web3手机:金色财经报道,奢侈手机品牌VERTU发布最新旗舰METAVERTU 1TB Web3手机,这款Web3手机拥有高达1TB的本地存储和10TB的去中心化分布式存储内存,并且配备18GB内存,保证更快的读取速度和更稳定的传输体验,在使用需要大量数据(例如文档、照片和程序数据)的 ChatGPT 应用程序时尤其有用。(prnewswire)[2023/4/24 14:24:14]

VERTU publishes the latest flagship vessel, METAVERTU 1TB Web3, which supports the GhatGPT application: Gold Finance Report. The luxury mobile phone brand, VERTU, publishes the latest flagship, METAVERTU 1TB Web3, which has local storage of up to 1 TB and decentralised distribution memory of 10 TB, and is equipped with 18GB memory to ensure faster reading speed and more stable transmission experiences, particularly useful in the use of the ChatGPT application, which requires a large amount of data (e.g., documents, photographs and procedural data). (prnewswire) [204/24:24:144]


9.7ETH Line Analysis:

Crypto.com向一女子误转1050万美元,半年后发现并提起诉讼:8月30日消息,据外媒报道, 向一女子误转 1050 万美元,半年后发现并提起诉讼。去年 5 月,澳大利亚墨尔本一女子在向 申请 100 美元退款时,误被转入 1050 万美元,随后该资金被用于购入一处房产。7 个月后, 在最高法院对其提起诉讼以追回这笔资金。目前,法官下令该女子出售房产,并返还剩余款项。[2022/8/30 12:57:59] misdirected $10.5 million to a woman, discovered and filed a lawsuit six months later: on 30 August, according to a foreign media report, mistransferred $10.5 million to a woman, discovered and filed a lawsuit six months later. Last May, a woman in Melbourne, Australia, was mistakenly transferred $10.5 million when she applied to for a refund of $100, which was then used to purchase a property. Seven months later, filed a lawsuit against her in the Supreme Court to recover the money. At present, the judge ordered the woman to sell the property and return the balance. [2022/8/30 12:57:59]


The four-hour attempt to hit the mid-track line on a continuous basis at the same price as the other four hours, the short-term upswing of the stronger price, the beginning of the release of the MASD indicator, the formation of red kinetic energy by the gold fork, the running of the KDJ three-line perfume, the high trend of the white plate, and the expected continuation of the mid-orbit break-up. One hour of the operation of the boolean corridor, the price impact on the track, the start of pressure on the middle-track support, the continued contraction of the MASD for the red fork, the signs of bonding of the slow line, the running of KDJ downwards and the recommended more day-to-day operation:


More in the vicinity of 345-347, the objective is to look at the long-term technical analysis of this column in the vicinity of 355-358; it is objective, rational, well-thought-out and precise point-pointed.


Author's public number: time decoupling

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