
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:86 评论:0
近90%的涨幅用了短短不到两个月,这年头恐怕只有虚拟货币能够造出这种耸动的故事。Nearly 90 per cent of the increase took less than two months, and it is feared t...



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Nearly 90 per cent of the increase took less than two months, and it is feared that only virtual currency will produce such a sensational story.


The virtual currency, represented by Bitcoin, has recently reappeared as a “highlight moment”. On March 12, Bitcoin reached a maximum of $72890, or about RMB 523,000, or more than 5 per cent per day, and was re-innovated.


In fact, this wave has been rising for a while. From January 23, Bitcoin prices entered the upswing zone, from $38554 the same day to March 12, an increase of more than 86 per cent.


High prices tempt many investors to start acting stupidly again. Scratch the lives of those who seek to be rich overnight. On social platforms in recent days, a group of bloggers, “teaching you how to ‘coat’,’ have reappeared.


The surface is full of heat, and the risk of dark currents rushes at all times. Not only is price volatility like that of a mountain-rider that keeps the hearts and wallets of the vast majority of ordinary investors from eating; domestic counterfeiting of virtual money is not only illegal, but it is also a variety of “frogging” frauds that may have caused you to lose your blood, but it also touches the high line of law.




The surge in Bitcoin has been going on for almost two months. Coindisk statistics show that in less than two months, the price of Bitcoin rose from $38554 on 23 January to over $72,000 on 12 March, an increase of over 86 per cent.


The last “highlight moment” took place more than two years ago, and in November 2021, Bitcoin created a record of $689.99.99 per piece. Until the evening of March 5, bitcoin broke 69,000 dollars, and then went on to explore the festivals and find new heights.


On January 11, 2024, the US SEC formally approved 11 Bitcoin spot ETF applications, including by Belet. Prior to that, investors in the crypto-currency market were dominated by a “swat tour” in which the giants announced that the “regular army” was accelerating their entry into the market.

“正规军”入市后,为市场带来增量资金。Farside Investors数据显示,截至3月12日,比特币现货ETF自推出以来累计净流入101.003亿美元。

After the “regular army” entered the market, it generated incremental capital for the market. Farside Investors data show that, as at 12 March, the spot ETF in Bitcoin had accumulated a net inflows of $10,100.3 million since its launch.


II is a high point in the fermentation of good information, such as “50 by half.” On April 23, 2024, , Bitcoin will mark a four-year “50 by half” in which the amount of bitcoins that the “miners” will acquire from computer mining will be reduced, and block incentives are expected to fall from 6.25 (BTC) to 3.125 (BTC).

三是美联储年中降息预期也为比特币价格疯涨“添柴”。近日,美联储主席鲍威尔重申利率将在今年下降。多个海外机构预测美联储降息将至。据CME Group数据,市场交易6月降息25个基点的概率为57.4%。高盛在2月公布的报告显示,美联储将在2024年开始大幅度降息,至少降息四次,首次降息将在6月开始。业内人士认为,一旦美联储进入降息区间,风险资产将迎来利好,而数字货币也将受益于此。

According to CME Group, the probability of 25 basis points being reduced in June by market transactions is 57.4 per cent. According to a report released in February, the Fed will start with a significant reduction in interest rates, at least four times, and the first in June. Industry sources believe that, once the Fed enters the interest-reduction zone, the risk assets will benefit, and the digital currency will benefit from it.


Domestic Investors "stalk" coins


Asian investors were particularly active in the current round. According to TheBlock data, investors in Asian countries, such as Korea, accounted for about 70 per cent of Bitcoin transactions.


The “currency ring” is so hot that it also envied a lot of domestic investors. Journalists note that a number of investors on domestic social platforms share their strategy of buying bitcoins through offshore exchanges.


The number of new users of the Mainland in one hour is more than 100 in the official business community of an exchange in which journalists join.


"In the case of a slob, bitcoin is a simple way of earning money. Trading under the chain and trading on the chain." A coin-cooper, Coptic, introduces it on social platforms. Under the chain, transactions take place mainly on the exchange, first on the market, and then on the platform, they pay for USDT, and then on the platform, they pay for the sale of the bill, and it's possible to trade the encrypted currency like a stock exchange.


USDT is a virtual currency that pegs an encrypted currency to the dollar, and 1 USDT is equal to $1. The blogger says to reporters that the currency circle defaults to be traded with USDT because prices are less volatile.


Journalists also find in the physical (no purchase) process that some offshore exchanges are currently registered, registered and traded as hinterlands and do not need to change their location or purchase overseas IDs. In addition, there is an active category of “single teachers” in multiple communities, who claim to be able to direct the Bitcoin transaction process hand-in-hand and provide investment guidance, often in a designated exchange.


In September 2021, the People's Bank of China and other ministries jointly issued a circular on the further prevention and treatment of the risks involved in virtual currency transactions (hereinafter referred to as “notifications”), which clearly defines the nature of the virtual currency and related operations: the virtual currency does not have the same legal status as the legal currency, the virtual currency-related operations are illegal financial activities, and the offshore virtual currency exchange provides services to residents of the country via the Internet.


Beware of Risk > /strong


As a result of regulatory restrictions, the Bitcoin exchange has previously moved abroad.


Journalists have learned from multiple currency circles that most of these exchanges are currently “C2C” models, in which individual buyers are actually their competitors, do point-to-point transactions, and the platform does not have a pool of funds.


An expert in the currency circle explained that the underlying logic of this pattern of trading was similar to that of a “noose fish” (note: a second-hand trading platform under a treasure-hunting flag), that both parties could agree on a price, and that the platform acted as a watchdog.


“In this way, it is usually internal players and internal players who deal in encrypted currency with foreign players who are at greater risk, subject to internal control, and whose accounts are vulnerable to problems such as cash withdrawal difficulties or freezing cards.” The same currency circles explain that most of the transactions are conducted within the country for the purpose of illegal money-laundering, except in the case of the “easy model.”


While the risk of exchange involving money entry and exit is relatively small, there are currently multiple risks associated with “fibre money” in the country.


On the one hand, the virtual money market has been mixed up in recent years, with various types of “fraction-side” frauds. (For more details, see “A 512-fold increase in the purchase of virtual currency, a daily automatic recovery of revenues,” the Ponzi ploy “Investment in the Woncosmos,” is “inside to some of the mainstream virtual currencies that we are familiar with, most of the rest of the market lacks bottom support.”


“Even if investments are made in mainstream virtual currencies such as bitcoins, their prices are more volatile.” A senior businessman in the currency circle told journalists that “firing” is not a steady and profitable business, and requires higher investment risk.


On the other hand, under the circular, there is a legal risk of participating in virtual money investment transactions.


(Internally journalist Zou Jie also contributed to this paper)




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