揭秘瘋狂的比特幣:每個800元 新的龐氏騙局?

资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:89 评论:0
  一、I.  最近,一種名為“比特幣”的網絡虛擬貨幣逐漸走進大眾視野,而來自國內媒體的一條最新消息更是進一步拉近了中國老百姓與這個特殊貨幣的距離。根據媒體報道,就在四川蘆山4·20地震后,比特幣被當做捐款匯入了壹基金的賬戶。那麼這個比特幣...



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Recently, an online virtual currency called “bitcoin” has gradually moved into public view, and a recent news from the national media has brought Chinese citizens closer to this special currency. According to media reports, after the 4-20 earthquake in Sichuan Hill, Bitcoin was imported into a fund account as a contribution. So what is this bitcoin? Where does it come from? What can it do?


Today, as usual, the first thing that happened to him after he went to work was to open his computer and log on a web site that digs bitcoins. The Bitcoin player Xiangwenje said, "It was just 8484, up to 8518. The number that's beating every minute is an incentive for himself, and I'm making money. I'm making money." It looks like he's running a computer and nothing, but for a few hours, his machine has reached 0.85 bits. He's opened the country's largest Bitcoin trading website, and today it's 800 dollars a year. That means that he's already made $700 a few hours of kung fu.

  孫敏杰也是個比特幣的愛好者,他和同事們常常討論比特幣的行情,隻要機會合適,他們就會購進一些。這個讓玩家們如痴如醉的比特幣誕生於4年前。2008 年,一個化名叫中本聰的黑客在一個隱秘的密碼學討論組上貼出了一篇研究報告,勾畫出了對比特幣的構想。2009 年,他又為這個系統建立了一個開放源代碼項目,正式宣告了比特幣的誕生。

Sun Minjie is also a fan of bitcoins, and he and his colleagues often talk about bitcoins, and they buy them just for a chance. This makes players like drunk bitcoins born four years ago. In 2008, a hacker named Nakamoto posted a study on a secret cipher discussion group, drawing up ideas about bitcoins. In 2009, he created an open source code for the system that officially announced the birth of bitcoins.


Bitcoins do not rely on specific central development agencies, but rather use distributed databases throughout the point-to-point network nodes to record currency transactions and use cryptographic designs to ensure the safety of currency circulations. Users can “open” bitcoins by using computer algorithms in accordance with the prescribed algorithms. In “openings”, 64 numbers need to be searched by computers, and by reverse decrypting and competing with other gold-sealers to provide the data needed for Bitcoins. If a computer succeeds in creating a set of numbers, it will be rewarded with 25 bitcoins. With decentralized programming in the Bitcoat system, 25 bitcoins are now available in every 10 minutes.


The engine room is the "mining of mines" by Zhowenjie. These are the machines that Zhowenji himself has adapted to dig bitcoins. Eight cards are round-the-clock calculations, and the temperature in the room is clearly higher than outside. He says, "It's a total of 12 mining machines, and on the side, because it has too much heat, and you can cook eggs by your hand. It's about 60 bucks a day." Sun Minji's "mining" machine is almost non-stop. Sun Minjie says, "It's a very sophisticated method of decryptation and dispersibility, and then it is distributed equally to all those connected to mining on the Internet, so who gives more money, and who gets more."


On April 23, a fund announced that it had received an intention to donate 50 bits of money. This was the first time that bitcoin had become a donation in China. In the far-off small European country of Cyprus, bitcoin was a hit. This year, the Cyprus government taxed bank deposits of depositors.


Although there is no common understanding of the debate about bitcoins, everyone sees that there is no currency in the world that is more exciting than the virtual currency’s growth trajectory. In 2011, there were reports that the highest increase in the past year was the Australian dollar, which rose 27 per cent to the dollar; in the same year, however, Bitcoins increased from US$ 0.5 to US$ 13, rising by 2,600 per cent. And Bitcoins did not relax, and in April this year’s bitcoins hit a bit more than a bit of the dollar for US$ 266.


On the world's largest bitcoin-digging website, there's an account code 67717, which is the first in a row in the number of mines. He says, "The country's superplayers, this man is a company, corporate diggers, they're a baked cat, Shenzhen's company. You look at its ID, the whole network, and the world's number one." According to published computing power, this company, with only four individuals, digs the amount of bitcoins' wealth every day. He says, "It's 7549 G, which produces 357 a day. Now 357, based on 800 dollars (per bit) per day, is 286,000 a day."


It's not just a miner, it's also a billionaire. The machine is modified by a doctor named pumpkin Chang, who uses it to dig bitcoins faster than the usual card miner. He says, "This year he made a lot of money, he sold 600 units, and it was a simple 40,000 yuan, which was 24 million dollars, and the first batch of its research cost came back."


Not only that, but the country's largest Bitcoin trading website is also a Japanese gold. He says, "It's worth 0.3%, three-thousand cents. Like the 8,400 (bitcoins) deal now, it makes 24 cents, and now we're 20,000 yuan, it's just a trade, it's a buyer, and it earns 48,000."


So he spent 840 bits and ordered 12 diggers from pumpkins. If the current market price of 800 dollars for a bit, the mine was worth nearly $700,000. The new machine would be ten times more efficient than the machine used to dig the mine now, and the new machine would be able to dig 24 bits a day and recover all the costs a month.


He and his colleagues, however, bought five mining machines from the United States. However, Bitcoin's “gold mines” are not inexhaustible. According to the original designs, there are only 21 million bitcoins, and now Bitcoins produce 25 new bitcoins every 10 minutes. But every four years, Bitcoins produce half as much as they reach the upper limit.


So, for the miners, time is a lot of money. He says, next month, when his new miner arrives, he's planning to get them a new home and even a nanny.




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