
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:53 评论:0
华夏时报(www.chinatimes.net.cn)记者 冉学东 王永菲 北京报道Washington Times (www.chinatimes.net.cn) journalist Wang...



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华夏时报(www.chinatimes.net.cn)记者 冉学东 王永菲 北京报道

Washington Times (www.chinatimes.net.cn) journalist Wang Yongfei, Beijing report


At about 3:00 a.m. on 8 January, Bitcoin broke the $40,000 mark, just two days before it broke $30,000 on 5 January, and by $41,000 on that date. In the week since 2021, Bitcoin has risen by more than 30%, reaching 100% in less than a month since it broke $20,000 in mid-December 2020.


According to the Chief Researcher, the advent of the epidemic has had a significant impact on the global economy, with financial-market indices stifling further chain reactions, affecting the price of bitcoins, but also giving investors a better chance. At the macro level, the continued deterioration of the epidemic has led to the global central bank’s madness of “water release,” which in 2020 was even known as an unprecedented year of global “water release,” just as it has allowed more people to understand the scarce properties of bitcoins, thereby accelerating the growth of bitcoins.


Encryption surges, followed by a strong city


Bitcoin is rising rapidly to $40,000, and many encryption analysts believe that it is linked to the US Congress building’s invasion and continued fermentation by pro-Trump demonstrators. US Secretary of Transport Zhao Xiaolan has announced his resignation, followed by a “roll-out” of Congress.


The block chain data platform, Glasnode, published data observations over the past week, show that the liquidity of bitcoins continues to be squeezed and less supplied as investors continue to hoard and hold bitcoins. In 2020, more and more bitcoins were being accumulated, while the supply of high liquidity was decreasing, causing demand to increase relative to supply, pushing prices up.

2020年12月31日,Glassnode首席技术官Rafael Schultze-Kraft曾发推文表示,比特币流动性萎缩,投资者囤积,可获得的比特币变得稀缺。今年已经有100万枚比特币变得缺乏流动性,即由实体持有,这些实体花费的比特币少于他们收到的比特币的25%。供购买的比特币已变得更少。

On December 31, 2020, the Chief Technical Officer of Glasnode, Rafael Schultze-Kraft, sent a tweet that bitcoins were shrinking, investors hoarding, and the amount of bitcoins available became scarce. This year, 1 million bitcoins became immobile, i.e. were held by entities that spent less than 25% of the bitcoins they received.


Glassnode data show that the number of non-empty addresses on the chain is more than 33 million, which means that more than 33 million encrypted players worldwide are already involved in the Bitcoin investment, while more than 1,000 Bitcoins have reached 2351.92, and the interest of both the sender and the agency in the Bitcoin continues to grow.



Several other data are of great interest. Coinmarketcap shows that the total market value of Bitcoin is currently $72,144 million, and the global market value list for listed enterprises shows that Tencent in eighth place is $72,669 million, Alibaba in ninth place is $640.9 billion, and the total market value of Bitcoin is in real-time global market value rankings, surpassing Alibaba in ninth place.



The total market value of the DeFi lock-down warehouse is also over $22 billion as events change; and the Chicago Business Exchanges (CME) has become the world's largest Bitcoin futures trading platform as agency participation continues to rise.


The chief researcher at the China Block Chain Research Institute analysed to this newspaper the overall reasons for the increase in encryption in the current round, arguing that the rise was mainly a direct result of the sharp increase in Bitcoin prices as a result of the continued buy-in and build-up of US institutional investors. Compared to the big cattle market in 2017, the bulk of the domestic diaspora, triggered by the ICO, pushed up prices in 2017, while this year’s performance was called “institutional bulls” – the majority of which came from traditional US financial institutions (pensions, management, insurance, businesses, family funds, etc.).


First, on 4 January, the United States Monetary Supervisory Authority (OCC) issued an open letter stating that the National Bank of the United States and the Federal Savings Association could settle with a public block chain and a stable currency, which marked the entry of a significant amount of dollars into the world of encryption; secondly, Federal Reserve Maester stated that the Fed was assessing the possible impact of digital currencies, indicating that mainstream agencies were concerned about the growing enthusiasm for Bitcoin; and thirdly, the relative goodwill of the United States' Biden team with Crypto, especially the good news of Facebook’s hardline Democratic Party. Once Facebook’s plan was implemented, Libra (Diem) would indeed be a huge catalyst for digital currency development.


The Greyscale Fund has a unique design for the Bitcoin Trust, in which the Bitcoin Trust can only be bought out and investors can only choose to sell it in the United States second-tier market, which is tantamount to shifting the stockholding to the United States, creating a situation in which the Greyface Fund “buys nothing” for the Bitcoin, which is undoubtedly a huge support for the Bitcoin price.


The US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the Central Bank of Japan, among other major global economic centres, rose sharply this year, boosting global assets. Inflation, caused by the continued growth of traditional French currency, contrasts strongly with the unique properties of bitcoin deflation, and claims for bitcoin’s rareness are increasing.


In addition to traditional exchange channels for the purchase of bitcoins, this year’s world-renowned payment tool Paypal announced that it would open up encryption money services, making it easier for outside users to invest in bitcoins; and, gradually, more compliant stock exchanges. Diversified investment channels make it easier for people to buy bitcoins.


Encryption excites the industry

比特币价格上涨,作为加密行业上游参与者,2021年的矿业迎来“疯狂”的开局。算力360 CEO张璐向本报记者分析当下矿业的发展情况,张璐表示,现在矿业处于极其缺现货机器的状态;大矿工现在买机器的基本态度是“有就买”,非常疯狂。

The price of bitcoin rose, and the mining industry, as an upstream participant in the encryption industry, began to “crazy” in 2021. Capability 360 CEO Jang reported to the journalist that the mining industry is now in a state of extreme shortage of live machines, and that the basic attitude of large miners now buying machines is “buy-as-you-go” and very crazy.


Could a portion of mining funds go to the encoded money spot market? Zhang Yik denied the situation, believing that more off-site funds were currently wanted into the ring, but that there was no spot problem, preventing many people from doing so.


She suggested that looking at the BTC moon is not very healthy, that it might come back and forth, and that investors are now at high risk of encrypting cash. But now it is a good opportunity to enter the encrypted mining market, but it is worth noting that capacity limits many possibilities.


With the new year’s boom in encryption, investors are confident that the industry will flourish. For 2021, the distribution capital partner, Huang Leibo, stated to reporters that the main directions in 2021 were the public chain ecology, the incremental market and the DeFi, the public chain ecology including Polkadot and Filecoin, which includes capital and asset increment, and the DeFi’s focus on innovation in financial agreements and combinations (including possible future cross-chain combinations).

责任编辑:孟俊莲 主编:冉学东

Responsible Editor: Mon Jun-Lian, Editor-in-Chief: Peng Xiaodong


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