
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:88 评论:0
比特币(BitCoin)的概念最初由中本聪在2008年提出,根据中本聪的思路设计发布的开源软件以及建构其上的P2P网络。比特币是一种P2P形式的数字货币。点对点的传输意味着一个去中心化的支付系统。The concept of BitCoin...



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The concept of BitCoin was originally proposed by Nakamoto in 2008 to design the open source software to be released along with the P2P network on which it is based. Bitcoin is a digital currency in the form of P2P. Point-to-point transmission means a decentralised payment system.


Unlike most currencies, Bitcoins do not depend on specific monetary institutions for issuance, which are generated by a large number of calculations, using distributed databases consisting of numerous nodes in the entire p2p network to identify and record all transactions and using cryptography designs to ensure the security of all links in currency circulation.

p2p的去中心化特性与算法本身可以确保无法通过大量制造比特币来人为操控币值。基于密码学的设计可以使比特币只能被真实的拥有者转移或支付。这同样确保了货币所有权与流通交易的匿名性。比特币与其他虚拟货币最大的不同,是其总数量非常有限,具有极强的稀缺性。该货币系统曾在4年内只有不超过1050万个,之后的总数量将被永久限制在2100万个。 比特,是一种计算机专业术语,是信息量单位,是由英文BIT音译而来。二进制数的一位所包含的信息就是一比特,如二进制数0100就是4比特。那么,比特这个概念和货币联系到一起,不难看出,比特币非现实货币,而是一种计算机电子虚拟货币,存储在你的电脑上。

P2p's decentralised properties and algorithms can themselves ensure that the value of the currency cannot be artificially controlled by mass-manufacturing bitcoins. The cryptography-based design allows bitcoins to be transferred or paid only by their true owners. This also ensures the anonymity of currency ownership and circulation transactions. The biggest difference between bitcoins and other virtual currencies is their total number, which is very limited and extremely scarce. The monetary system was not more than 10.5 million in four years, and the total number thereafter would be permanently limited to 21 million.


At present, this brand-new virtual currency is not controlled by any government or any bank. It is therefore not legalized.

 如果你对它产生兴趣,那么非小号可以告诉您,你不仅可以在交易市场买到比特币,在很早期,比特币算力难度非常低时,还可以使用计算机依照算法进行大量的运算来“开采”比特币。 在用户“开采”比特币时,需要用电脑搜寻64位的数字就行,然后通过反 复解谜与其他淘金者相互竞争,为比特币网络提供所需的数字,如果用户的电脑成功地创造出一组数字,那么就将会获得区块所奖励的比特币。

& nbsp; if you have an interest in it, then the non-small can tell you that you can not only buy bitcoin in the trading market, but also use computers to “exploit” bitcoins in large numbers of algorithms when the bitcoins are very difficult to calculate at an early stage. & nbsp; when the user “exploits” bitcoins, you need computers to search for 64 figures, and then compete with other gold-diggers to provide the number needed for the bitcoins network through counter-recording puzzles, and if the user's computer succeeds in creating a set of numbers, then the bitcoins that the block rewards will be obtained.

但是由于比特币价值不断升高,目前比特币挖矿的用户数量非常庞大,有上百万的专业矿机在同时挖矿,而每10分钟产出的比特币又十分有限,形成了千万人抢1个区块的情况出现,所以,如果你用个人电脑单独挖矿,有可能一整年也抢不到一个区块,在这种情况下,人们就想出了一种组队挖矿的方法,于是矿池(mining pool)诞生了。

But , because of the rising value of Bitcoin, the current number of users of bitcoin digs is huge, with millions of specialized miners digging at the same time, while the output of bitcoins every 10 minutes is very limited, creating a situation in which millions of people rob a block, so if you dig alone with a personal computer, it is possible that there will not be a block for a whole year, in which case one can come up with a method of team mining, and the pit (mining pool) is born.


The pond is a server designed by specific algorithms, with all users connected to the pit server, a team is organized to dig, and although the performance of the PC is small, the overall performance of thousands of people in teams to dig for mining is very strong. In this case, the success rate of mining will increase considerably, and once the team in the pond succeeds in creating a block, the people in all teams will redecorate according to each individual's computer performance.

 比特币目前全网算力56.48 EH/s,全网难度7,409,399,249,090 - 7.41 T,每T收益1T * 24H=0.00003394 BTC(2019年6月20日数据)。

& nbsp; Bitcoin is currently full web capacity 56.48 EH/s, full web difficulty 7,409,399,249,090 - 7.41 T, 1 T * 24H = 0.000033994 BTC (data as of 20 June 2019).


By 2020-05, the production of bitcoin is expected to be halved, and by 2140, the cap in circulation will reach 21 million bitcoin. In other words, the bitcoin system is self-sufficient, resistant to inflation through codes, and prevents others from destroying them.


decentralised bitcoin is the first distributed virtual currency, with the entire network made up of users without a central bank. Decentralization is a guarantee of bitcoin security and freedom.


No matter where you are, anyone can dig, buy, sell or collect bitcoin.


has exclusive ownership of your Bitcoin, which needs your private key, which can be stored in isolation in any storage medium. No one but you can access it. low transaction costs can be transferred out of bitcoins free of charge, but will eventually charge about a bit of a transaction fee for each transaction to ensure faster execution. Details of the transaction fees are available.


has no hidden costs as a means of payment from A to B. Bitcoin has no onerous limits and formalities.


Cross Platform Excavation of bitcoin is the love of technocrats!

比特币是如何运作的?比特币使用了公开密钥系统。每一个钱币都包括了其拥有者的公开密匙。当钱币从用户A支付给用户B时, A将B的公开密匙添加到钱币中, 然后这个钱币又被A用私人密码匙来签封。B现在即拥有了这个钱币并且可以将来使用,而A就不可能再次使用这个钱币,因为以前的交易记录以被全体网络计算机收录维护。在每笔交易前,钱币的有效性都必须经过检验确认。 比特币值多少钱?在比特币刚诞生的时候,几乎一文不值,1美元平均能够买到1309.03个比特币,但比特币价格曾一度飙升至15000美元,感兴趣的朋友可以在非小号网站,了解比特币的实时行情。 比特币能否兑换现金?答案是肯定的。你只需与比特币交易机构取得联系即可完成兑换,其中火币网、币安(看到这里请给小号编编打广告费?),是目前最为流行的比特币交易平台。除此之外还有许多规模不等的交易所,都能够进行比特币兑换和交易。 比特币是匿名的吗?比特币不是匿名的,相反,严格来讲,比特币是完全公开而且可追踪的。与其说比特币是匿名,不如说是非实名的。举个例子,如果在非小号上,你不用真名注册,不填写个人信息,你的唯一代号是你的id,这叫非实名;你发帖选择匿名用户,这才叫匿名。在比特币世界里的地址的所有转账记录都可追踪,简单说,如果你从交易所转一笔钱到比特币,然后拿来黑市交易,不管你进行多少次交易,想查的话很快就能查到你钱的来路从而追踪到你。就如同你用同样的ID上非小号,只要你暴露过个人信息,总能人肉到你。所以比特币不是匿名的,而是非实名。

How does bitcoin function? bitcoin is now owned and can be used in the future, and A cannot use this coin again because the previous transaction records are not captured by the entire computer. Every transaction has to be checked for the validity of the coins. nbsp; strong's bitcoins are added to the coins. < is added to the coins. is signed by A with private passwords. B now has this coin and can be used in the future.


The real anonymous ones are Monroe (XMR), Big Zero (ZEC), DASH (DASH), etc. A total of 40 anonymous currencies, of which XMR, DASH, ZEC are produced earlier, have a greater market value, are more widely applied, and are known as three anonymous currencies.

比特币能做什么?智能合约、信息公开、投资避险、支付汇款、炒作标的、价值储存、货币发行与社会公平、洗钱、赌博等,哦对了,还有买披萨。非小号提醒投资者,比特币千万好,守法第一要。 为何要关注比特币?比特币代表了一种完全匿名而且无需成本的交易方式,比特币不属于任何国家,并且不受地域限制,是一种用户能够随时随地进行自由兑换的货币。对于这种新鲜且前景一片大好的货币形式,我们没有理由不去关注它。非小号发现,有些人总是看着看着我们的行情,就打开了交易所...请理智炒币! 比特币交易合法吗?2013 年 12 月,中国人民银行等五部委联合发布的《关于防范比特币风险的通知》中,禁止金融机构介入比特币,但同时认为:“比特币是一种特定的虚拟商品,不具有与货币等同的法律地位,不能且不应作为货币在市场上流通使用。但是,比特币交易作为一种互联网上的商品买卖行为,普通民众在自担风险的前提下拥有参与的自由。”根据国家相关法律法规,买卖比特币是属于合法的。据目前五部委的声明,比特币是商品,是交易合法的。非小号在这里补充一下,ICO是违法的,注意不要把ICO/传销与比特币交易弄混。

What does bitcoin do? smart contracts, information disclosure, investment avoidance, payment of remittances, subject-matter, value storage, currency distribution and social equity, money laundering, gambling, etc., etc.? There is no reason not to pay attention to this fresh and promising form of currency, which is a great deal of money. In a notice to protect against small currency, some people are always looking at our behavior, opening the exchange, asking for rational coins! & nbsp; bitcoin represents a completely anonymous and cost-free mode of trading, which does not belong to any country and is not subject to geographical restrictions.


The split bitcoin (also known as bitcoin) from the hard fork was created by changing the block chain agreement and sharing the records of the bitcoin transactions up to a certain date. Bitcoin’s first hard fork took place on 1 August 2017, leading to the emergence of bitcoin cash (BCH).

以下按日期/区块列出分裂比特币比较重要的3次硬分叉:比特币现金:分叉区块:478558,日期:2017年8月1日,客户每持有1个比特币可以得到1个比特币现金比特币黄金:分叉区块:491407,日期:2017年10月24日,客户每持有1个比特币可以得到1个比特币黄金比特币SV:分叉区块:556766,日期:2018年11月15日,客户每持有1个比特币现金可以得到1个比特币SV非小号通过收集整理发现,目前比特币可统计的分叉项目达到了105个。其中,有45个比特币分叉币仍可进行交易。 在这105个比特币分叉项目中,一些项目仅在比特币一词后加上了一些简单的词汇后缀,如比特币披萨(Bitcoin Pizza)、比特币男孩(Bitcoin Boy)、比特币热(Bitcoin Hot)等,非小号平台上一共收录了16个比特币的分叉币。 截至目前,大部分比特币分叉币的币价已接近归零。按市值计算,在BCH、BSV之外,排名最靠前的比特币分叉币,是比特现金(BCH)、比特币SV(BSV)和比特黄金(BTG)。

The following are listed by date/blocks: Bitcoin Cash: 478558, date: 1 August 2017, the customer will receive a bitcoin cash gold for every bitcoin held: 491407, date: 24 October 2017, the customer will receive a bitcoin SV for every bitcoin: 556766, date: 15 November 2018, the customer will receive a bitcoin SV for every bitcoin held by a bitcoin: 105 bitco coins for each bitcoin: 24 October 2017, the customer will receive a bitcoin: a bitcoin SV Money for every bitcoin held by a bitcoat, and a number of items will be added only to the bitconet: one bitconote, the currency of which is currently BBbit, the currency of which is BBIX, the currency of BBIX, the currency of which is not BITT, the currency of BIX, and the currency of BITE (the currency of which is currently BITT, the currency of BIX).





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