
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:53 评论:0
数字货币市场的热闻比特币披萨日想必投资者们都有所耳闻,在2010年5月22日晚,一位名为程Laszlo Hanyecz序员使用1万个比特币购买了两块价值25美元的披萨,这时比特币被第一次定价为1BTC=0.0025美元,11年之后,比特币...



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数字货币市场的热闻比特币披萨日想必投资者们都有所耳闻,在2010年5月22日晚,一位名为程Laszlo Hanyecz序员使用1万个比特币购买了两块价值25美元的披萨,这时比特币被第一次定价为1BTC=0.0025美元,11年之后,比特币迎来了大牛市价格涨到68928.9美元,尽管当前比特币价格低于牛市价格很多,也让很多投资者都对比特币未来价格走势很看好,并且有分析师喊话如果比特币价格一直按照当下趋势发展,未来涨到100万美元不是梦,需要的只是时间问题,那再过20年,或者更长时间,比特币会涨到100万美元吗?下面币圈子小编就来为各位投资者分析一下这个问题。

In the evening of 22 May 2010, an orderly named Laszlo Hanyecz purchased two pieces of pizza worth $25 using 10,000 bitcoins, after which bitcoin was first priced at 1BTC = US$0.0025; after 11 years, bitcoin had risen to US$ 68,928.9, despite the fact that the price of bitcoin is now much lower than the price of cow, and had many investors compare the price of the coin with the price of the coin in the future, and there had been a call from analysts that it would not be a dream, it would only be a matter of time, it would be another 20 years, or more, it would be US$ 1 million.



In the short term, Bitcoin will not rise to $1 million, and a well-known cryptographic asset analyst PlanB suggests that bitcoin may rise in the next few years. By the next half of 2024, bitcoin prices will increase by dozens of times, and are expected to break by $100,000. PlanB applies the price model (formula) for precious metals (e.g. gold, silver) to bitcoin, and, if the model predicts correctly, bitcoin prices will rise by about 10 times, to $100,000, around and around 2024, compared to May 2020.


Many investors believe that Bitcoin can rise to $1 million, mainly because of a loss of confidence in the credit currency and a lack of trust in the banking system, which has led to the recognition of a consistent and transparent character for most people. The following reasons are summarized in the currency circles:


1 Total Bitcoin of 21 million, all data open and transparent


In terms of circulation, the total number of BTCs that have been excavated is currently 18.4 million, about 5 million bitcoins have been permanently lost, and about 80% of the remaining amount is hoarded by giant whales without access to circulation channels. The real amount that is now available is about 2.6 million, which, based on the current figure of $10,000 in bitcoin, would require $2.6 trillion to boost the price to $1 million.


2. Inefficiency of the existing monetary system, even in the case of electronic payments

我们以Paypal为例,2018年全年交易额是5786亿美元, 客户为此支付的成本就高达115亿美元。这还是更加高效的互联网支付,如果是银行呢?此外,在2017年,比特币的交易量比PayPal高5435.2亿美元。2018年比特币网络交易量达到了1.3万亿美元,同一时间段,PayPal的交易量为5786.5亿美元。这是比特币第二次在交易量上超越PayPal。虽然比特币有时候存在网络拥堵,但加密爱好者相信,所有的技术问题都不是问题。

In the case of Paypal, for example, transactions in 2018 amounted to $5,786 million, with clients paying up to $11.5 billion. This is still a more efficient Internet payment, if it is a bank. Moreover, in 2017, Bitcoin traded $5,435.2 billion more than PayPal. In 2018, Bitcoin traded $1.3 trillion, and in the same time period, PayPal traded $5,786.5 billion. This is the second time Bitcoin exceeded PayPal in the volume.


3. Misdirection of currencies, resulting in a lack of confidence in the French world


Any price in the world is valuable because of confidence – everyone believes that it is worth that much – and that it will be worth that much. For example, Van Gogh's painting, a Pavarotti signature record record, Tang Dynasty from the mud, etc. In 1948-1949, the National Party government issued a total of 1.3 trillionaire gold vouchers, which led to a price increase of 500 times in six months. But worldwide, sovereign credit currencies are not issued to a small number of economies, such as the United States, the European Union, the Japanese region, and so forth.



Bitcoin has a historic high price of $68,928.9 and was released on 31 October 2008, when it had an initial price of $0.0025 and reached its highest price on 10 November 2021. Bitcoin, as a virtual currency, has five main features, like the current currency, of means of payment, means of circulation, scales of value, world currency and storage.


Bitcoin's existence is similar to gold and can be understood as a general equivalent, although it does not have the same real value as gold as precious metals, but it does not affect the prospects for good bitcoin development. Goldman Sachs, in his recently released Bitcoin assessment, stated: “We are in the early stages of raw digital trading. Bitcoin may become a dominant standard, but it may also be challenged by other virtual currencies. Investment in companies that provide value-added services around bitcoin is a key way of participating in value creation at this stage.”


It is important to note that Bitcoin also faces challenges and constraints, such as price volatility, scalability, and energy consumption, and that most people have different attitudes towards the potential growth of bitcoin prices. Therefore, it is recommended that investors need to be careful in using and investing bitcoins, taking into account their risk tolerance and understanding the potential risks in the digital currency market.




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