比特币价格突破2万美元背后: 散户大量涌入 多家交易平台陷入卡顿或宕机

资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:58 评论:0
  本报记者 邢 萌   “比特币价格(以下称比特币)破2万美元,创历史新高!”12月16日晚,这一突发行情令币圈沸腾。“The Bitcoin price (hereinafter “bitcoin”) broke 20,000 doll...



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  本报记者 邢 萌


“The Bitcoin price (hereinafter “bitcoin”) broke 20,000 dollars to an all-time high!” On the evening of 16 December, this sudden move bred the currency.


The block chain media produced well-prepared posters or articles, swipeing the circle of friends. In their eyes, $20,000 was an unexpected price, and was ready to meet this moment as early as last month when Bitcoin was $19,000.


At the other end of the spectrum, 20 million dollars in Bitcoin stimulated a massive influx of private investors into the encrypted digital currency market. Journalists learned that a number of encrypted digital currency trading platforms have led to the phenomenon of katton or crashes.


Bitcoin prices have been innovative and high, reflecting market fanaticism. After a breakthrough of $20,000, Bitcoins prices surged on December 17 and stood at $230 million, with a total Bitcoins worth over $400 billion.


There's a 30-fold increase in trading platform traffic


For the currency ring, 16 December was a day worth remembering.


In the evening of that day, Bitcoin made its first breakthrough of $200, the highest price in history. According to the encrypted digital currency site CoinMarketCap, on December 16, Beijing time, at 21.50 p.m., Bitcoin passed the $20,000 mark, setting the highest price in the 11 years since Bitcoin was born.


From an initial fair price of US$ 0.0025 to US$ 20,000 on 22 May 2010, the price of Bitcoin increased by 8 million times over a 10-year period.


It is precisely because of the “riching” effect that Bitcoin has been pursued by a large number of investors. One of the main drivers of this rise is institutional capital.

  OKEx Research首席研究员对《证券日报》记者表示:“最新的数据显示,灰度基金的GBTC产品的总持仓量已经接近57万个比特币,相较于6月初的36万个持仓量,不到半年的时间增长了58%。这表明在今年下半年,大量的机构资金开始涌入比特币领域。”

The principal researcher, OKEx Research, said to the Daily Securities Journal journalist: “The latest data show that the combined holdings of the Greyscale Fund's GBTC products are close to 570,000 bitcoins, an increase of 58 per cent in less than half a year, compared with 360,000 at the beginning of June. This suggests that in the second half of this year, significant institutional funds began to flow into the Bitcoin area.”


According to the presentation, the first-level market requisition for GBTC products was for qualified investors only, and according to their third quarter financial statements, 80 per cent of clients were institutional investors (mainly hedge funds), an indicator of financial access for observation agencies.


Journalists were informed that, on the night of 16 December, when the price of Bitcoin had broken through the $20,000 mark, a large number of private investors had begun to flood into the encrypted digital currency market, causing, at one point, the occurrence of Katon or the crashing of several encrypted digital currency trading platforms, such as currency security, and currency coins.


It is understood that in the evening of the same day, the well-known trading platform, CEO Zhao Chang Peng, tweeped on Twitter, said that the platform had increased its traffic 30 times, encountered some expansion problems and delays, that it had been repaired and that additional servers would need to be added in the future.


In response, the above-mentioned chief researcher argued that this suggests a possible structural shift in the investment backbone of the market from institutional investors to individual investors. The market’s exuberance is further magnified, which could lead to large fluctuations in bitcoin prices and hope that market investors will remain rational and not leverage.


Policy environment improvement facilitates currency price increases


In addition to the entry of institutional funds, improvements in the regulatory policy environment in various countries have been an incentive to boost Bitcoin.


Tanxi, the founder of RSR, analysed the Daily Securities Journal journalists and stated that recently, Singapore and Hong Kong, China, respectively, approved business services for compliant encrypted digital currency and that institutional investors and high-net customers in both regions were able to participate in Bitcoin transactions in a legal manner.


In the US market, CME plans to launch futures trading based on Ether next year, and PayPal has started to provide its users with bitcoin sales services. These factors have led the market to expect large amounts of money to flow into the bitcoin trading market, thus pushing bitcoin to an all-time high.


Domestically, Bitcoin transactions are strictly regulated. On 17 January 2018, the Central Bank’s Department of Business Management issued a circular on the conduct of self-rectification operations for payment services for illegal virtual currency transactions, stating that “the provision of services for virtual currency transactions is strictly prohibited and effective measures are taken to prevent payment channels from being used for virtual currency transactions.” Since 2018, 173 of the country’s encrypted digital currency transactions and money distribution financing platforms have been completely risk-free, with significant corrective effects.


At the legal level, Bitcoin is recognized as a virtual property of the Internet and is protected by law.


The director of the criminal department of Luning's law firm in Beijing, Ding Fei Peng, told journalists that a recent case of damages for property in Bitcoin was typical of the national court system in 2020, where the judgement held that Bitcoin had the attributes of virtual property, virtual merchandise, and should be protected by the law. The determination of the property properties of Bitcoin, judicial remedies in the case of Witco, etc. in this case, was recognized at the level of the Supreme People's Court, and that its typical and guiding nature would also have a far-reaching impact on the future trial practice of the country's court system in the case of Bitcoin.


However, the price of bitcoin is highly volatile and not suitable for investment by ordinary people.


Ding Feipen explains: “By comparison with ordinary goods, Bitcoin has its own characteristics, such as not being issued by a central bank or any financial institution, being used extensively by speculators, relatively little use in retail and commercial markets, uninterrupted trading on a day-to-day basis, with no upward and downward restrictions, price volatility that are easily influenced by the policies of dealers and Governments, and prudent investment as an ordinary investor based on its own risk tolerance.”




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